MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2374 Changing person

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Chapter 2374 Changing the Old Man

On Hong Kong Island, someone wants to see her?

Cloud painting can't think of who the other party is.

After all, in this world, there are not many people who know her and her.

"The safety here should be no problem, I am waiting for you outside with the children." Bo Siqing said.

Cloud painting also nodded.

After all, anything will be more secure on the bright side. She doesn't know who the other person is. No matter who she is, at least she meets and understands the other's intentions.

Hong Kong Island in this era, gangs are very safe.

Cloud paintings are not in a hurry, and the family eats dinner as usual.

Eat Western food.

She and Bo Siqing are not particularly fond of Western food, but can eat anything, mainly with children to try different food culture and expand their horizons.

After all, only if you have eaten, you are qualified to say that you are not good, and you don’t like to eat. People who haven’t eaten say they don’t like it. How to look is a bit sour.

Just as many people say that it is useless to go to college, people who have never been to college are not qualified to say such things.

"The basic table manners are like this."

Cloud painting said with a smile, "It is a kind of education to observe proper etiquette in public. Of course, if you eat steak at home, you can use chopsticks to hold it, provided that we are only family members, no outsiders. ""

After eating the dinner, the desserts of the cloud paintings were also delivered.

This is the first time I have toot and go for a real ice cream.

"Mom, this is better than ice cream." He whispered.

Cloud painted and laughed. "If you want to eat, you will have a refrigerator in the future. Mom can do it for you."

Dudu thinks the pudding is better.

The cloud draws several desserts and tastes for the two little ones.

Anyway, the problem of money, she can completely rely on thin Siqing.

After eating almost, the cloud painting picked up the napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. He said to Bo Siqing: "You sit for a while, I will go see the situation."

Bo Siqing stood up and said, "I will send you in the past."

"Alright." Cloud paintings look back and whisper and don't run around, waiting for Dad here.

The two went along with the waiters and went to the box upstairs.

Bo Siqing looked at the clouds and went in and turned to go downstairs.

The box is large, there is only red wine on the table, no dishes.

No one else, only a woman wearing a cheongsam standing in front of the window, the body is exquisite, the hair comb is the most popular kind of this era.

From the back, the cloud painting did not recognize who this person was.

“Hello?” Cloud painting took the lead.

The person standing at the window turned and looked at her.

At the moment when I saw the opposite aspect, the cloud painting could not help but blink.

It took her a few seconds to recognize each other.

"Yao Jiajia?"

Cloud painting is really a bit surprising.

The woman painted a delicate makeup, holding a cigar in her hand, and she was full of charm.

I didn’t think of the cloud painting. The person who wanted to see her was actually Yao Jiajia.

Yao Jiajia, a female educated youth who once married in the village of Xiaheshu, who was married to her family and was abused by her husband's family violence, is now completely changed.

Hair makeup looks like clothes, even shoes and bags, no one is not refined.

At first glance, I don’t dare to recognize it.

If it is not the memory of the cloud painting, she is really unrecognizable.

"It's me." Yao Jiajia laughed.

Cloud painting also smiled. "You have changed a lot, and the current state looks good."

Yao Jiajia walked over with a smile, asked the cloud to sit down, and personally poured a glass of red wine on the cloud painting. She poured a cup and gently shook it in her hand: "I didn't expect it, just a year, life will be I can think about it. Now I think about it when I was in Xiaheshu Village... I really didn’t dare to recall it."

Cloud painting smiles. "In any case, it’s good to have a good life."

Yao Jiajia nodded. "I have a good time. When you borrowed money from me, I left and fled all the way, fled to the south, and sneaked over... I thought that as long as I could barely live, I wouldn’t have it. Think of it, you can live a personal sample."

Cloud painting is just a smile, no more to say.

“You remarried with your child?” Yao Jiajia asked. “Your gentleman is a businessman, Hong Kong Island?”

Cloud painting raised an eyebrow, "No."

“Hmm?” Yao Jiajia had some doubts.

Cloud painted and laughed, "My husband is still Tang Jianqing, but he changed his name. He is now called Bo Siqing. He survived the accident when he was out of the car team. He came back to look for us after raising a wound. He is not a Tang family, it is a Tang family. The old lady of the old man came, so he changed his name."

Yao Jiajia is a bit embarrassed. "I didn't expect so many things happened. However, I really don't dare to admit it. I thought you were married to a rich husband."

Cloud painting is just a smile, no words.

Yao Jiajia added: "His change is too big. But how can you come to Hong Kong Island?"

This problem is probably her most doubtful.

Even if Tang Jianqing didn't die, he survived, but in any case, the money is hard to earn.

How do they have the money to bring Hong Kong Island with two children?

"I went to the university in Beicheng with him. Now it is summer vacation. We are coming to the end of the holiday, taking two children out to travel and seeing the world." Cloud painting said faintly.

Yao Jiajia is very surprised that he can't help himself.

Are you admitted to college?


Lin Yunhua's situation she knows, the academic performance is not bad, just resumed the college entrance examination last year, the topic is not difficult, Lin Yun painting if you review it well, it is possible to go to college.

But Tang Jianqing, a person who has not finished in junior high school, how can he be admitted to college?

In this era, colleges are also called universities, and the difficulty of getting into colleges can be compared to the difficulty of taking a common book in later generations.

How can Yao Jiajia not understand how Tang Jianqing can get to college?

Also, even if they can get to college, where do they come to bring their children to travel? This is not only a matter of money, but also a lot of formalities to come to Hong Kong Island.

"It seems that we have all the gains this year." Yao Jiajia laughed.

Cloud painting nodded, "Yes."

Yao Jiajia thought for a moment and said: "The money that you lent me at the beginning was really a charity in the snow. I am very grateful. I have been thinking about your kindness. I think when I have the opportunity, I will definitely repay it. But now it seems You probably don't need this money either."

Cloud painting smiled slightly: "If you want to return, just return it, I only need the principal."

"That can't be done."

Yao Jiajia laughed. "This way, my husband is doing foreign trade, the network is very wide, and I will not pay you back. If you and Tang Jianqing want to do something, it will be useful. I can match you."

Cloud painting slightly raised eyebrows, and all of them said this, it seems that Yao Jiajia really wants to repay.

Then she was disrespectful.

(End of this chapter)