MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2394 No one hurt me

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Chapter 2394: No One Has Hurt Me

This fish is quite big.

This year, no one will buy the fish for you to kill. They are all in one piece, with a string tied in their mouth and carried in their hands.

The rope is a straw rope with a fishy smell.

The little boy was obviously a bit disgusted, but still reached for it.

The fish was heavy. The little boy was not tall. When he was carrying the fish, his tail was swept to the ground, and he quickly lifted the fish up again.

Cloud painting looked pouting.

After returning home, Cloud Painting began to prepare the ingredients for the cake.

"Can you beat me the egg white? This is very tired, hey, every time I let me ... my lover hit me." Yun Hua asked the little boy, "Do you know what your lover means?"

She actually wanted to talk about my husband, but later felt that this title was ill-suited in this era. Say my husband, even more ugly. My husband seemed too formal, so he chose the most popular title.

I love people.

I don't know who coined the term. It's so appropriate. Lovers ... when speaking, it's gentle.

Yun Hua couldn't help laughing.

The little boy looked at her with curiosity.

Yunhua touched his head: "If you do n’t understand, remember to ask me, if the egg whites are not beaten well and the cream is not beaten, our cake will not taste good. Have you ever eaten a cake? Is it Beicheng The kind of restaurant, the fragrant cake. "

The little boy nodded and couldn't help looking at her, with doubts in his eyes, like asking her if she could make that kind of cake.

Yun Hua laughed: "Relax, you can definitely make the same cake! The premise is that your egg whites must be beaten."

Little boy Zheng Jianzheng head.

The middle-aged woman looked on the side and quickly asked, "Sister, can I help you with something? Or should I kill the fish?"

Yunhua knew that he wouldn't let the other party do something. The other party would be embarrassed, so he smiled, "Well, you can help me kill the fish."

Here, the little boy didn't know how to beat egg white.

Thinking about what Yun Hua said just now, if the egg whites are broken, the cake will not be made. The thought of this makes the little boy even more nervous and afraid to do anything.

Yun Hua ignored him.

This boy didn't say a word, either life or death, and it shouldn't be dumb to look at it, probably because of psychological reasons, if he didn't speak, just hold him and hold on to himself.

But the little boy was so shy that he didn't speak for a long time.

Cloud painting added fire: "Hey, are you egg whites ready? I will use the cream after the cake embryo is finished."

The little boy flushed his face.

In the end, he still spoke, his voice so hard to hear: "I don't know how to fight."

He has a very, very low voice, which would hardly be audible unless he listened carefully to the cloud painting.

She smiled, but did not care about the small voice of the boy, and said directly at normal volume, "Just like this, beating clockwise, beating all the time like beating eggs. Do n’t counterclockwise, don't beat. It just works. It's filled with milk, beat it for a while, add sugar, beat it and add it ... repeatedly until the cream comes out. "

She also gave a demonstration to the little boy.

The little boy stared with wide eyes and looked very seriously.

Yun Hua laughed in his heart and said, "Hey, your name is Kang Kang? What kind of Kang?"

"Chen Kang," said the little boy.

Yunhua nodded, "Oh, Chen Kang, hello, I'm glad to meet you. By the way, do you need some medicine on the wound in your neck?"

Chen Kang looked blankly at Yun Hua, reaching out to touch his neck.

Yunhua said, "Don't move, I'll take a look. The wound is small ... it's already crusted. It can be done without medicine. Does it hurt?"

Chen Kang shook his head.

"It hurts. Then go get some medicine. What can I use to bandage you?"

"No pain," Chen Kang said.

Yun Hua said, "If it doesn't hurt, it won't matter, man. It's not a small injury, right, Chen Kang. You are brave today."

The two said without a word, and at the back, Chen Kang would answer almost every question.

Yun Hua was relaxed a bit. It seems that the hijacking just now should not leave too much psychological shadow on Chen Kang. This is just fine.

Creaming is a very strenuous task, and she can't really let Chen Kang do it for a little child. After a while, she assigns Chen Kang to let Chen Kang help to heat the fire. She will cream it herself.

Chen Kang pursed his lips and looked at Yun Hua with unhappy eyes.

Yun Hua knew what he was thinking just by looking at it, and she smiled, "It's not that you can't fight well, it's too tired to live, but you have to fight for too long. You are still young and not strong enough. I'll come. You help I set fire. "

Chen Kang nodded, and used to burn.

The older sister who followed Chen Kang had already killed the fish, brought it, and asked Yun Hua with a smile, what else could I do to help.

After Yun Hua thought about it, he asked the elder sister to cream it.

Whipped cream is a mechanical job, and it is not very skillful. It just keeps hitting with a clever energy.

The middle-aged elder sister responded with a smile, took the cloud painting and asked Bo Siqing to make an eggbeater to whipped cream.

She goes to fish.

The fish has to pump the gluten on the back so that the fish is not too fishy. Then put the fish with a flower knife, pickle a bit of salt, and cut a little ginger.

After the fish has been processed, the cake embryos in the pan have been steamed.

Take the cake out and let it cool.

The cream hasn't been beaten yet.

Yunhua cut the potatoes again and prepared for french fries ...

Middle-aged elder sister saw Yun Hua's posture and couldn't help but say, "Sister, what day is it today, you make such good dishes."

Yun Hua laughed, "It's nothing, just that I haven't cooked decent meals for my family for a long time. I just have time today."

The middle-aged elder sister said, "But big sister, I think it's too expensive for you to cook."

Yun Hua laughed, "It's a bit expensive, but it's delicious."

The middle-aged elder sister sighed: "That is now, life is better and better. If it is six or more years, even the leaders ca n’t eat so much oil. Even now, how many people in the country eat oil drop by drop Hehe. "

Yunhua nodded, "Yes."

The middle-aged sister asked again, "Big sister, what do you do for work? Where is your family?"

"He's still in school, me, I'm a college student, and I haven't officially joined the work yet." Yun Hua didn't hide it.

College Students?

The middle-aged elder sister was shocked and admired. "Big sister, you are so good. Those who can be admitted to college this year are talented! Which university do you attend?"

"Northtown Medical College."

"Oh!" The middle-aged sister admired, "That's the best medical university in our country!"

"Um." Yun Hua laughed.

"Then ... why didn't you go to school today?"

"I'm intern at the hospital. Today ... early morning." Yun Hua laughed.

She didn't want to say too much.

But the middle-aged sister was too curious and admired by her.

"Big sister, thanks to you today," said the middle-aged sister.

Yun Hua gave her a wink. The middle-aged elder sister immediately noticed that she was afraid to mention Chen Kang's abduction and abduction.

Bo Siqing returned with Dududou.

As soon as I entered the door, I quickly took off my schoolbag, ran to the kitchen, and yelled loudly as I ran, "Wow, mom and mother, are you making cakes again? So fragrant ... who are you?"

I saw Chen Kang.

Chen Kang immediately became nervous.

Dudu and Bo Siqing also came over. The rules of their family are like this. If there is someone in the family, they must say hello to their parents when they go home.

"I'm back. Why is it so early today?" Bo Siqing said as he walked over, seeing someone else in the kitchen, he raised an eyebrow.

The middle-aged elder sister was shocked by the value of the family.

The big sister who saved Kangkang is so beautiful that she can't let go of her eyes. I did not expect that the man and son of this big sister are better!

Yun Hua introduced with a smile: "This is Chen Kang, this is Chen Kang's aunt Liu. Chen Kang, Sister Liu, this is my lover Bo Siqing, this is my eldest son going around, my youngest son tooting."

Sister Liu hurriedly greeted.

I took a look at Chen Kang and asked, "You are Chen Kang, how do you know my mother?"

Dudu approached Yunhua calmly and hugged him, "Mom got off work early today."

Yun Hua felt an inexplicable pain in her heart. She really hadn't prepared the food for the children for a long time.

She bowed her head and kissed, "Well, will my mother cook for you every day?"

Stand up immediately, "Mom, wouldn't you lie to us? I will cook it every day in the future? But where do you come for so much time?"

Yun Hua laughed, "Relax, my mother said that there is time for time."

Dudu could not help frowning, glanced at the cloud painting worriedly.

Cheering in excitement: "Great!"

Bo Siqing also took a look at Yun Hua, and the two exchanged a look, but said nothing.

After a while, we can start cooking.

Bo Siqing helped move the table out, tooting and rubbing the table and setting the tableware to find candles.

Soon, the cake was served.

I inserted a small heart-shaped candle on the cake and said to Chen Kang clearly: "This is my own candle. To eat a cake, I need to insert a candle and make a wish!"

Chen Kang was dragged around and wished, and a smile appeared on his face.

After eating, Duoduo and Dudu took Chen Kang to play the military banner.

Sister Liu helped Yunhua clean up the kitchen. She thanked Yunhua several times and was grateful.

Yun Hua smiled, "It's all people with children. I'm worried that Kangkang will leave a psychological shadow. It looks good now, but it's hard to say at night. You should pay more attention to sleeping at night.

Sister Liu thanked again.

After a while, Sister Liu couldn't help asking: "Sister, don't you wonder about Kangkang's life?"

Yunhua said: "It has nothing to do with me. What is his life history? In the end, he is just a child."

Sister Liu admired endlessly.

When Chen Kang left in the evening, Yi Yi reluctantly, but still obediently led away by Sister Liu.

Cloud painting made Dudu and Dou quickly wash and sleep.

Bo Siqing whispered to her, "Is something wrong?"

Yun Hua glanced at him, "I have something to tell you too. What's wrong with the school?"

When she said that, Bo Siqing knew she knew everything.

He smiled, "It's okay, I can fix it."

Yunhua nodded, "I know you can fix it, I don't worry about it."

"Who told you about my school?" Bo Siqing asked.

He also knows how busy Yun Hua is. She is writing at home, either going to school or going to the hospital. She is too busy to run around and talk to people. How does she know what he is doing at school? Someone must have told her.

But who told her?

Yunhua was silent, she sighed, and said it again: "It's Shu Ling. She went to the hospital to find me and wanted me to quit. I didn't agree, and she threatened me again. But it's fine, you don't have to worry about it As long as you can handle it over there. "

Bo Siqing's face became ugly.

He held her hand and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry to me?" Yun Hua looked at him and reached out and pinched his ear. "Sorry for me? You are too good to be beaten by other women? No, I will only be proud, why are you so Excellent! Such a good man is mine! "

Yun Hua said with a smile.

Bo Siqing laughed, couldn't help but reached out and hugged her, his jaw pinched above her head.

"Rest assured, I will fix things over Shu Ling. However, you have to be careful. Now law and order is not so good." Bo Siqing whispered.

This is also a problem of this age.

Just over the past ten years, people have been suppressed too hard and released madly. During this time, various crime cases have surged, and the number of thieves can be counted.

This situation will continue, just because it is too serious, it will usher in a severe blow from the Thunder means above.

But it's not yet that time.

Yunhua said, "No one can hurt me with my skill. Just toot and go around ..."

"I will pick them up from school in the future." Bo Siqing said.

Yunhua said, "Let's pick up and drop off. I won't go to the internship side of the hospital. I have more time. You are busy with your business."

Bo Siqing knew without her saying that it must be what Shu Ling had done, and that made Yun Hua unable to continue her internship in the hospital.

He wanted to apologize again, but he couldn't hold back.

They are husband and wife and don't need to apologize so deliberately.

"Have you been contacted by country M again?" Bo Siqing pulled her to sit down in the courtyard. The two snuggled together, he whispered.

Yunhua said: "Wang Miao called me and said that he had been contacted many times over there. I ca n’t worry. I have almost finished the second part of the" Convictions ", but this time, it is the seller's market. To a more appropriate price. "

Bo Siqing nodded and suddenly asked, "Which world do you write novels in?"

"Um." Yunhua laughed. "Are you curious about the world?"

"Um." He didn't deny it, frankly.

Yun Hua thought for a while, "Let me tell you slowly, our first encounter, and later ..."

(End of this chapter)