MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2397 Uncovered

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Chapter 2397: Exposed

Is it impossible?

Yun Hua looked at the teacher.

"Teacher, if you don't do this, I'll buy a big loudspeaker, and when I send Tudu and Goto to school every day, I will broadcast it at the school gate until everyone knows that Tudou and Godou are wronged. "


The teacher was so angry.

But she sees Lin Yun's paintings as if they can do that kind of thing.

The teacher had no choice but to say, "Okay, I will clarify to the classmates."

Cloud painting is satisfied.

The two little guys Dudu and Doudou were shocked. Although they didn't say a word, they had already blossomed.

Later, the two little guys told Yunhua that the kids in the class could envy them.

Because their mother will help them in their early life, they will believe in them, and they will even resist the teacher for them.

Parents of other children, when confronted by the teacher, did not care what their children said, they would give a meal first, even if they were right, but if the teacher said they were wrong, they would be wrong.

Dudu and Godo are very happy.

Yun Hua did not destroy their enthusiasm, but just told them: "Mom believes you, and wants the teacher to give you justice, because the mother does not want to make you feel helpless. But have you considered the consequences? There must be something in the mind of this teacher in the future Alas, she will definitely treat you differently. Maybe she wo n’t do anything on the surface, but secretly, I do n’t know. Humanity ca n’t stand the test, and I do n’t want to guess. What do you think about in school in the future? Have you ever? "

Tooting and babbling for a moment.

Yunhua said, "If you want to transfer to another class or school, I can think of a way."

Dudu and Dudou look very bad.

Toot said, "Mom, we don't transfer. We can take care of ourselves!"

Yunhua nodded: "It is impossible to ask your mother to help you every time. You must learn to deal with it. If it is not handled well, rest assured, there are parents behind you, you are still young and you can make more mistakes."

Dudu and Dudou glanced, nodding together.

When Zhou Sheng Beiqian was hospitalized for ten days, Chen Kang's father, Chen, came to Yunhua.

"Hello, Kang Kang always talks about you at home." Father Chen smiled and shook hands with Yun Hua.

Yunhua: "Hello, come in."

After Leader Chen entered the room, Yun Hua poured him tea.

"You have expressed your gratitude many times, you really don't have to make a special trip to the door," Yunhua said.

Leader Chen smiled: "It's not a special trip. I've heard about you. Zhou Sheng said that you are a good doctor. It's too wasteful for a person like you to stay at home, and it's a loss to the hospital."

Yun Hua's eyes were faint. "I was too busy before, and it's good to have time to take care of my family now."

Leader Chen smiled: "Don't you feel wronged?"


Leader Chen glanced at her in surprise, and said, "You don't feel wronged, I feel sorry for the hospital and let such an excellent doctor go. I ’m here to ask you not only to thank you at the door but also to you Back to the hospital for work. "

Yunhua smiled: "I don't need it. I can't take this kind of relationship. Moreover, whether to go to the hospital or not doesn't really affect me much."

"This is not human relations, but I asked you to work as a doctor for the hospital." Leader Chen said, "In fact, I am making up for our mistakes. Do you know what kind of leader I am?"

Cloud painting shook his head.

"I am in charge of medical and health." Leader Chen sighed. "You also know that the country is in a state of waste and there are many things to be dealt with. The rapid development of society is bound to bring many problems ... like you encountered There are only a lot of things in this society, and I can't even guarantee that you will never encounter them later. But if you encounter a problem, you will solve it. Blindly escaping, there is no benefit. Are you saying this?

Yun Hua looked at the leader Chen with surprise.

The leader Chen did not evade the problems in the society, but said that when problems arise, the problems are solved, and he does not support evasion. Of course, cloud painting is not escape, she just doesn't care.

"it is good."

Yun Hua promised to go back only for this attitude led by Chen.

"Thank you so much." Leader Chen immediately reached out and shook hands with Yunhua.

Before leaving, leader Chen asked again, "Which lover is Bo Siqing?"

"Yes, do you know?" Yun Hua raised an eyebrow.

Leader Chen nodded. "This comrade is very famous at Beicheng University. You are two extremes. The two of you are unwilling to work in hardships. They all say he has no dedication. And you, because of me I changed my mind in a few words and went back to the hospital ... I'm a little curious, can you usually talk? "

That being said, Yun Hua frowned slightly.

She looked at Leader Chen and said, "Leader, I agree with the three views of my lover very much. He does not want to work hard in the Northwest, not because he is afraid of suffering. You never know what he can do for this country. He doesn't go because he has a better direction. In that direction, he can do more and contribute more. "

Yun Hua said very seriously.

Leader Chen froze for a moment, then nodded, "I hope you're right."

When Yun Chen was sent away, Yun Hua always felt a little strange.

After Bo Siqing returned, Yunhua couldn't help but ask him, "How is your preparation over there?"

Bo Siqing said, "It's almost there. What's wrong, suddenly asking this? Someone is putting pressure on you?"

Yunhua shook his head: "It's just weird."

Yun Hua told the story of Chen Kang's father who came to her today, especially Chen Kang's father mentioned Bo Siqing at the end, which made Yun Hua's heart a little vigilant.

You know, in this era, some people want to build, some people want to destroy, some people love this land, and some people hate it.

Bo Siqing thought for a while and shook his head and said, "No matter what, soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil. Also, you must pay attention to safety during this time."

"What's wrong?" Yun Hua was startled, afraid that something would happen to Bo Siqing.

Bo Siqing said, "I'm just worried. I'm going to move Shu's house, for fear that their dogs jump over the wall. You need to be more vigilant."

Yunhua hesitated, "What are you going to do? The Shu family is also a big family, so deep-rooted, you don't mess around, there is no need, we just ignore them."

Bo Siqing shook his head: "You and Zhou Sheng Beiqian were involved in a car accident. I suspect it has something to do with the Shu family. At present, I have found some evidence that is not conclusive. Then let the Shu family tell me if they hit you. ! "

Yunhua was surprised: "The Shu family hit me? This ... I think about it, everything that day was my temporary reminder. The Shu family had to arrange it, but it couldn't be arranged so well."

"Not necessarily." Bo Siqing said, "I'm sure I can't get in touch with the Shu family anyway. The Shu family recognizes me so much and wants me to be their son-in-law. I can't let them down.

His voice was indifferent.

Yunhua blinked his eyes and shook his hand. "You have a sense."

Bo Siqing couldn't help but hold her waist and kissed her on the forehead: "Relax."

Yun Hua returned to the hospital for work.

She went to see Zhou Sheng Beiqian.

Zhou Sheng Beiqian recovered quickly, was able to get out of bed, and could be discharged in another week.

"You are here." Zhou Shengbei Qian smiled.

Yunhua nodded, "I'll see how you recover."

Zhou Sheng Beiqian poured water on her, "Sit."

Yunhua shook his head. "No, I have no work to do yet. This is to take a look at you while I'm resting."

Zhou Sheng Beiqian said helplessly: "When you are tired, come and check me out, only if it is a break."

Yun Hua smiled and said nothing.

She was busy for a week.

In fact, if she is too busy, she will adjust her time very much. She should help, and she should not be so kind.

This will save more time and go home early.

She also remembered Bo Siqing's words, so be careful during this time.

That night, there was a delay in the operation. By the time the operation was finished, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. Yun Hua changed his clothes and was going to leave.

But as soon as he came out of the office, he saw Zhou Qianbei Qian.

"Don't Dean Chow Sang return so late?" Yun Hua said, "Just after being discharged, you should pay more attention to rest."

Zhou Shengbei Qian said, "I should have rested a lot, but I called you several times and you didn't go there. I thought you were hiding from me."

Yunhua was surprised, "Hide you, why hide you?"

Zhou Sheng Beiqian smiled: "I don't know, I will ask you this, Dr. Lin, why do you hide from me?"

Yun Hua frowned. "Dean Chow Sang, if nothing is wrong, I will go first."

"I see you off."

"No need," Yunhua said. "It's not good to be seen by my lover. It's not so good to be with a man at this late hour."

Zhou Sheng Beiqian was silent for a moment, "Aren't you afraid that someone will be in danger?"

Yun Hua: "Not afraid."

Zhou Sheng Beiqian laughed softly: "You would rather walk alone at night than let me send you away, for fear of having too much contact with me ... and say you don't hide from me?"

Yun Hua was helpless, "Dean Chow, it's really late, I have to go first. My lover must be in a hurry."

She said, she no longer cares about Zhou Shengbei Qian, bypassed him directly, and left.

But when she had missed him, he suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Yun Hua frowned slightly, and her expression became cold. She shook her hand but did not shake it off.

Regarding that he had just been discharged from the hospital, the injuries on her body were not completely good, she was not too hard, but depending on his appearance, it was not intended to let go.

"Director Zhou Sheng, let me go," Yunhua said, "I don't want to hurt you."

"You have hurt me." Zhou Sheng Beiqian said.

Yun Hua's eyes were cold: "Dean Zhou Sheng, if you do this again, you are playing tricks."

Zhou Shengbei Qian: "Doctor Lin, I just want you to see your heart clearly, you don't hate me. Then why hide from me? I am attractive to you, aren't I?"

Yun Hua smiled, "Are you attractive to me? Dean Chow Sang, you are really overestimating yourself. In this life, no, plus the last life, only those who are attractive to me are my lover, Bo Si Qing. Dean Chow Sang, don't blame yourself. "

She opened his hands one by one, her eyes indifferent, "Dean Chow Sang, don't let me regret saving you."

She left the sentence and left.

Zhou Sheng Beiqian stood in place, clenching his fists, he squeezed his fingers, which was the finger that she just held and was opened by her ...

The temperature at her fingertips still seemed to belong to her.

Zhou Shengbei Qian put his hand on his lips and kissed gently.

"I don't know who you are, but the moment I saw you, I knew you were the missing piece in my heart."

His voice was very light.

Yun Hua left the hospital with an ugly face.

She didn't know what Zhou Shengbei was suddenly mad.

He clearly has no memories.

Yes, Yunhua has long been able to determine that this Zhou Shengbei Qian is different from her and Bo Siqing. He has no previous memories at all, he is the person of this world, otherwise she would never approach him.

But now, even without the memory of that world, Zhou Qianbei of this world is also a lunatic by nature.

He had been polite to her before, but after she noticed a little of his emotions from his eyes, she began to alienate him, and even began to avoid him, trying not to interfere with him.

She thought he wouldn't find it, but didn't expect that his emotions were as sensitive as the previous life. He easily found that she was alienating him ...

This kind of Zhou Sheng Bei Qian is scary.

Yun Hua was thinking in chaos in his mind, and his feet went home quickly.

At this time, there were few people on the street outside.

Occasionally, there are several people, all of whom are rampant. Hooligans, very few women like her.

Across the street in front, we are home.

Cloud painting suddenly felt wrong.

She stopped.

After a few seconds of pause, she turned decisively, trying to get around the road.

But obviously, the other party is already prepared, even if she finds out in advance, the other party will not give up the plan!

A group of 5 people, holding guns and knives in their hands, rushed towards Yunhua.

Cloud painting's face changed slightly.

Fortunately, these people were not practising their family, and Yun Hua was one enemy and five, and only suffered a few skin injuries. But she also failed to catch those 5 people!

Is this someone from the Shu family?

Cloud draws lips.

She covered her wound with one hand and speeded home.

It's too late, and Dudu and Todou must have slept normally.

Yun Hua quietly entered the room and saw the toot and toss already asleep, she was relieved, and the children were fine.

Bo Siqing came in from the outside, and his face changed when he saw her.

"Meet someone?" Bo Siqing hurriedly passed her and gave her medicine to clean her wounds. "Are there any other injuries?"

Yunhua shook his head. "It's okay. I'm just ... a little scared. What if they do something toot and go about it?"

Bo Siqing's face became cold. "Draw, I want to send Dudu and go to Hong Kong Island to study."

Clouds painted for a moment.

Bo Siqing said, "The level of education in the country is secondary, and the main problem is security. I don't want to let them do anything."

(End of this chapter)