MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2405 Please behave

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Chapter 2405 Please Respect Yourself

Meet at the Beicheng Hotel?

The dean was more curious.

You know, Beicheng Hotel is now the most upscale hotel in Beicheng. Generally, it only accepts foreign guests here. People in China want to go to Beicheng Hotel for consumption, but it is very difficult.

Of course, few people in China can afford to spend in Beicheng Hotel.

Cloud painting returned to work, there is still much to do.

But colleagues' curiosity is almost breaking through the sky.

In this era, it is not good to have this, that is, there is no privacy, and almost everything is spread out and exposed to the sun for everyone to spy on.

Only two foreigners came to find Yunhua, and the news was known almost instantly.

In the hospital, from doctors to nurses, to some well-informed patients, all of them stretched their necks, and all looked at Lin Yunhua curiously, wanting to know, those foreigners who came to Lin Yunhua, what is the problem.

Others asked directly, "Doctor Lin, do you have foreign relations? Then you are really terrific. At this time, if you have foreign relations, you can go abroad."

"That ’s Dr. Lin. The relationship between our country and country M has eased a lot. I heard that diplomatic relations will soon be established. By then, your foreign relations will come in handy. What is a truly developed country? It's so enviable to see people's lives. "

There are too many people coming to chat.

The cloud painting is really unbearable.

There is really no way out. Yunhua can only tell the director: "Sorry director, I have a little stomach discomfort. I want to go home and rest."

Upset stomach?

This is the most common illness among doctors. Who dares to say that the stomach is upset and go home to rest? Just a little sick, you have to go home and rest. Why is there no spirit of hard work?

Everyone would say so.

The director is unlikely to approve such leave. , Will be considered lazy, intentional!

But just now, Yunhua blurted out the excuse. She didn't check for a moment, and forgot to find a more suitable excuse.

I thought the director would definitely not agree.

But the fact is that the director had almost no hesitation, and directly agreed to Yunhua's leave, and he took the initiative to tell her: "You will go to the Beicheng Hotel tomorrow to see two foreign guests. I will give you a vacation today and go back to take a good rest When you see foreign guests tomorrow, be sure to show them the charm of our country in front of them! "

Cloud painting: "..."

She was helpless in her heart, but there was nothing she could do but smile and nodded, "Thank you, Director."

So, under the envious eyes of everyone, Yun Hua left the hospital and went home in various whispering discussions.

Ready to meet tomorrow?

Oh, she doesn't need it.

No one knows that she was the leader when she talked with two foreigners, and the two foreigners came to ask her, so they couldn't afford to stand in front of her!

Of course, no one will believe anyone who says this.

Cloud painting is too lazy to care so much.

She is really tired now and wants to go home and rest.


Yun Hua just went out of the hospital and didn't go far. Someone called her behind.

"Cloud painting."

She looked back and frowned. "Vice President Zhou Sheng, is there anything wrong? I have taken leave from work with the director now. If there is anything, wait until I return to the hospital to talk about it."

Zhou Shengbei Qian smiled, walked over, blinked, and looked at her: "Are you hiding from me?"

The cloud picture is very pale. "Yes."

Zhou Sheng Beiqian said lightly, "You're welcome, Ms. Laila."

Yun Hua's expression did not change too much.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Shengbei Qian wanted to tease her.

He blinked and said with a slight smile, "Excuse Dr. Lin, who is Ms. Laila?"

Yun Hua: "I don't know."

Zhou Shengbei Qian glanced at her and snorted: "Doctor Lin, you really don't make a draft when you tell a lie."

Yun Hua was too lazy to pay attention to him, "You can think whatever Vice President Zhou Sheng thinks."

Zhou Shengbei squinted his eyes at once: "Whatever I think ... I think ... you, okay?"

Yun Hua's indifferent eyes suddenly turned over, staring at Zhou Shengbei Qian: "Vice President Zhou Sheng, please take care of yourself!"

"Self-respect? It's important to have you." Zhou Shengbei smiled slowly.


Yun Hua suddenly raised his hand and gave Zhou Sheng Beiqian a mouthful.

She moved very fast, barely giving Zhou Sheng Beiqian any reaction time, and slapped her directly.

Zhou Sheng Beiqian didn't hide either, just stood like this, slap in the face.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the cloud painting.

Yun Hua's slap was so fierce that he bleed directly from the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Sheng Beiqian didn't rub it, swiping his tongue over his lips, swallowing the blood on his lips, he just stared at the cloud painting.

"It hurts a bit," he said.

Yunhua looked at him coldly: "Did you learn to speak?"

Zhou Shengbei smiled humbly, "If you don't talk to people, you will be beaten, then I won't talk to people."

Yun Hua stared at him for a few seconds.

She found out that the man was a lunatic.

Zhou Shengbeiqian of the last life, anyway, and disguise, disguised as a gentle and gentle psychologist, but this life, he has disdain disguise.

Yunhua turned and left.

This time, Zhou Shengbei Qian did not follow up.

The next day, there was no need to take care of the children who had been sent to Hong Kong Island. Yun Hua slept asleep. After getting up, the breakfast was already placed on the table, a white-boiled egg, and baked steamed buns. A thin slice of shredded radish.

Yun Hua likes to eat raw shredded radish, but she is particularly impatient. Do n’t look at her scalpel's use well, but her kitchen knife is really unsatisfactory. Everything will be cut fortunately. Fortunately, children Did not abandon her.

Looking at the pile of crystal clear radish shreds on the table, Yun Hua's mouth could not help but bend.

Very simple breakfast, but she was very satisfied.

After eating breakfast, she was not in a hurry to clean up the house, but there was nothing to clean up. She was busy at the hospital, and Bo Siqing was also busy with her own affairs, but every time she came back from the hospital, she was too tired to just sleep, and Bo Siqing still has time to clean up the house, so there are not many places for her to clean up.

She took out all the quilts and washed them out to dry.

This is a big project.

By the time it's finished, it's nine thirty.

Yun Hua simply washed it, put on a light makeup, and wore a white shirt and black pants bought from Hong Kong Island. The whole person looked bright and cheerful.

Yun Hua intends to set out.

(End of this chapter)