MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 102

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After the beginning of spring, the heavy snow began to fall, and the gray winter sky finally opened up to some warm sunshine.

The snow melted, and the water column on the roof eaves could not stop sliding down. The whole wilderness was filled with the sound of rushing water, which was louder than the rainy weather in summer.

At this time, the wind was covered with snow-covered icy cold, blowing on people was colder than snowy weather, the roads in the countryside were muddy everywhere, and the broken ice and snow were very slippery.

Even though the road was cold and difficult to walk, all the common people who had been hiding for a whole winter came out of their houses. Taking advantage of the sunny weather, those who repaired the houses that were crushed by the snow during the winter were busy. Go to the ground to loosen the loose soil.

Spring started late this year, and it was still like this in February, when the heavy snow melted. I dare not plant the crops in a hurry, for fear that the seeds will be killed by the cold.

The village is busy. Last year's autumn harvest was not good, and there were two disasters. Many people had no food, and they had to go to the city to buy food seeds. No matter how hard it was, there was no way out. A tragic scene is simply a vicious circle.

In the past few days, some people have gone to Zhang's house to borrow grain and seeds. Xu He is very tired from dealing with it every day.

Zhang Fangyuan put on a pair of boots early in the morning: "Today I'm going to the city to take down the house. When the weather clears up, maybe the price will increase. Buy it now." Maybe it’s a lot of money.”

Xu He took a cloak and tied it to Zhang Fangyuan. It is cold in spring, and it is even more freezing when the snow melts. Zhang Fangyuan has never liked to wear too much bulky clothes. If he does not prepare clothes for others, He doesn't wear them, sometimes just like Brother Li.

"Have you really decided to go to the second house in Qingshan Lane?"

Zhang Fangyuan nodded: "Ruijin is still young, so I don't necessarily want to send him to the academy. Doesn't Qingshan Lane also have a master living there? Maybe I can directly ask for an enlightenment teacher there, and send the child to the academy when he is older. , and I can feel more at ease when I go to and from school.”

Xu He replied, he had a good idea, but he didn't know if it would go so smoothly, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, the house is in the city, no matter where it is finally bought, it is better than going to the city from the village. It's much closer.

"Ruijin and Ruili have lived in the village since they were young, and they may not be used to living in a noisy place. Qingshan Lane has a quiet environment, which is not bad."

"Then I'll pay the money today, and then I'll go to the county government to go through the formalities, and I'll get the key back soon."

"Okay." Xu He **** his cloak: "I'll go and see the child. It's cold outside today, so the two guys are not allowed to go out. I sneaked out the other day and fell down on my knees, and now my knees are still bruised. .”

Zhang Fangyuan laughed: "It's enough to rub it with medicinal wine, and children in the countryside can't be coquettish."

Xu He hummed, and the couple left the bedroom together.

Zhang Fangyuan rode Xiao Hei out of the door. He didn't drive the carriage this morning. Although it was cold outside, it was much more comfortable to ride in a carriage, but the road was muddy, not to mention the carriage was slow, and it was easy to slip.

He was walking on the village road with his horse's belly between his legs. It was lively outside. Everyone was inspecting their own land and greeting him when they saw him.

Because of the charcoal fire, everyone is very convinced of him. A while ago, the village chief’s house was going to expand the backyard, and he came to ask him what day to choose and what direction to go. Instead of asking Fengshui Mr. It's Feng Shui.

He dragged his horse slowly onto the official road, the road was several times wider than the village road, but all the way through the forest, there was much more snow than in the open space, and there was the sound of crackling snow falling on the ground all the way, Zhang Fangyuan pulled the bolt The bamboo hat around Xiao Hei's neck covered his head, avoiding the attack of snow.

The mud on the official road is thicker than that in the village, and it is watery everywhere. If you slip, you can fall several meters away.

"Push harder! How can you go up with this little strength?"

"Master, I'm afraid it won't work, why don't you send someone to the city to buy a new horse and bring someone over to help?"

Zhang Fangyuan was riding a horse and pestle high, and from a long distance, he saw a carriage parked at the turn of the official road ahead, and a few people were talking beside it, and the man who looked like the master was older, at this moment He was holding a child in his arms, urging two servants to push the carriage away.

He stopped Xiao Hei at the side, turned over and jumped down: "The mud has blocked the wheel, the mud must be cleaned first before it can be pushed."

Zhang Fangyuan couldn't be more familiar with running on this road, even if he walked with his eyes closed, he knew where there was a tree.

He found a stick from the side of the road and scraped off the mud from the wheels of the car. Perhaps after traveling a lot, there was a thick layer of mud on the wheels of the car. So thick.

Seeing Zhang Fangyuan's movements, the two servants quickly followed suit to help. They quickly cleaned up the muddy mud. When Zhang Fangyuan exerted his strength, the veins swelled up, and the carriage that fell into the puddle immediately disappeared. Rolling towards the front, it was out of the pit in a flash.

"Thank you, the strong man, for your help." The middle-aged man saw that the carriage could be used again, and a smile appeared on his face.

Zhang Fangyuan waved his hand: "It's been snowing for a season, and the roads everywhere are difficult to drive. People come and go, and everyone helps each other to travel. It's a trivial matter."

On this road, you can often meet city people stuck in the wheels. Zhang Fangyuan saw that the middle-aged man was a little strange, and he thought he had never been a guest at the tea shed, otherwise the hatchback might be familiar.

Zhang Fangyuan glanced at the little milk baby in the middle-aged man's arms. He looked like a little brother. He should be about the same age as the two children in their family. It is much fairer, and the soft skin seems to be cut open by the cold winter wind.

Maybe there are children in his own family, Zhang Fangyuan loves the children outside especially, it is freezing cold, such a small child has to go on the road with the adults at home, it is pitiful to watch, Zhang Fangyuan is very pitiful from the body I took out a few wrapped candies.

Seeing Zhang Fangyuan's ferocious face, the little brother seemed a little scared, and timidly hid from his adult.

"Brother Xing, don't be rude."

When the middle-aged man spoke, the child moved his black eyes, and after receiving the signal, he carefully opened his hand to pick up Zhang Fangyuan's candy: "Thank you, Uncle."

Zhang Fangyuan smiled: "Let's go."

After saying that, he turned back to Xiao Hei, got on his horse and went.

"Master, let's go too, it's still cold in Siyang, and we're going to be able to enter the city soon, so if we enter the city earlier, we should be careful not to freeze young master."

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Fang's tall back, looked back at the candy held by the child in his arms, and said, "Although it is cold in Siyang, people's hearts are warm."

The servant said: "Such a strong and strong man, unexpectedly he still carries these things with him."

The middle-aged man didn't speak any more, and got into the carriage again with the child in his arms.

When Zhang Fangyuan arrived in the city, the city was also very busy. There were many people sweeping the snow and streets in the market. The small stalls that hadn’t been opened for a long time were also opened today. There were farmers selling vegetables at the gate of the city, and there were some people in Siyang. angry.

He ate a bowl of noodles nearby before going to the introducer to take down the house.

At first, the house said it would cost 1,000 taels, so the couple found the original owner to negotiate the price, and finally settled on the auspicious number of 880 taels as the transaction price.

Zhang Fangyuan took out a stack of banknotes and exchanged a bunch of keys, without stopping, he immediately went to the county government to settle the formalities, and he donated a lot of charcoal at the beginning of the year, the county government remembers favors, so it didn't make any trouble, The formalities will be completed soon.

After coming out of the county government office, the sun is even brighter. There are many people in the city, but the efficiency is fast. In the morning, there was still a whole roof of snow. Sun dry.

Zhang Fangyuan untied the cloak on his body, and was going to go back to the new house first, to see what other utensils were missing inside. By then, everything should be ready, and he could move in at any time.

"Go to another place, it's better to see where it is without opening your dog's eyes!"

"Walk, walk, nothing, nothing!"

Zhang Fangyuan saw that there was a lot of noise at the side of the county government office, so he leaned over to take a look, he didn't know when some refugees in ragged clothes came, they were begging for food from the government officials, and they were driven away by the government officials.

"Where did these refugees come from? Didn't they just raise money and food for disaster relief last month?"

The yamen servant saw him talking and knew that he had just gone to the yamen to do something, so he was quite polite to him: "It's not our refugees from Siyang. After the fundraising a while ago, the refugees in this county have been resettled. These are from other counties. Yes, Mr. Lang hasn't been in the city for a while? Right now our city is full of refugees."

Zhang Fangyuan frowned slightly: "But it's from the Ningjiang mansion?"

The yamen servant nodded: "There is someone who came from that end. After the heavy snowfall, the epidemic disease was cured. It's just that the poor people have not survived several famines. Many people have sold their land and have no place to stay. Wandering around. Not only came to our county, but also a lot of refugees from other counties."

Talking about the yamen servant, he was also helpless: "The higher-ups have issued a notice to prohibit the expulsion of disaster-affected people from all over the country, and they need to be resettled as much as possible."

Zhang Fangyuan suddenly understood when he heard the words, no wonder the yamen was in a hurry again, it turned out that they were anxious about this matter.

Siyang is also among the victims of the disaster this time. Although it is not as serious as the disaster at the other end of Ningjiang Mansion, there were many refugees before. The county government has raised donations once to help the victims. If the old trick is repeated, presumably the merchants I won't buy it, and I'm afraid it will make the local big households dissatisfied.

If these refugees are left alone, begging and starving to death along the street will affect the appearance of the city. If there are too many people, they will talk. Don't even think about getting promoted.

Zhang Fangyuan walked towards Qingshan Lane while observing the refugees in the market, there were a lot of them. One by one, they floated up and down the street like wandering spirits, with unkempt hair and unkempt faces, their faces were gray and lost their original flesh color, their eye sockets were sunken, their mouths were cracked and white, and the thin ones had to rely on bamboo sticks to support their bodies.

It is normal for such a scene to appear after a catastrophe, just like a plague of locusts is likely after a severe drought. These people who were able to beg in other places were considered lucky, because many people lost their lives during natural disasters.

Zhang Fangyuan thought about it for a while, and originally planned to go back to the new house first, but he came up with a plan, went straight to the stable to tease Xiao Hei, and rode back to the village first.

"Our family's 100 mu of land has been settled!"

Xu He was making lunch, and the two cubs followed behind him like ducklings. They had to follow him to pour some water, and to get some vegetables. They simply left the job of cleaning vegetables to licorice and astragalus. Do it, and leave the kitchen with the two cubs.

It was a coincidence that they saw their father come back.

Xu He saw that Zhang Fangyuan was in high spirits, and he didn't talk about the house first when he came back, but he talked about the fields at home first, so he couldn't help asking: "What do you say?"

"Everyone is busy working on their own land in the beginning of spring these days. If you want to hire people to cultivate land, it may be difficult to find."

In fact, it is easy to hire people as long as the money is in place, but who is willing to spend more money to hire people to do things? Zhang Fangyuan was worried about his 100-acre field before. people joke.

He dragged Xu He into the house, followed by the two henchmen. While handing over the key he brought back from the city to Xu He, he said, "I'm going to the city today to go through the formalities, and I saw you coming." A lot of refugees are begging along the street, they are all from other counties, and the county magistrate is worried about how to resettle them.”

"Our land needs someone to take care of the farming. I originally wanted to find a farmer. Aren't these refugees ready-made?"

Xu He immediately understood Zhang Fangyuan's meaning: "You want to take over the refugees and give them the land to cultivate?"

Zhang Fangyuan responded: "A family in the village has less than ten acres of land. Our one hundred acres of land can be distributed to ten families, but most of these refugees are undocumented, so we can accept more. Refugees. The farm laborers are not servants of the master, and the master does not need to pay them taxes. When the autumn harvest comes, a part of the grain will be paid to the imperial court, and the remaining 90% of the grain will be shared."

Xu He thought for a while, the life of a farmer is not easy, it is much more difficult than that of ordinary ordinary people, the grain cultivated in a year must first be paid to the imperial court, and then paid to the owner, and the remaining grain production is usually only enough for a family People can barely eat enough, this is still meeting a kind boss, if you meet a stingy one, it is commonplace to not have enough to eat.

That is to say, farm laborers completely borrow the land of the landlord and help the landlord to work for a living. They are a group between free ordinary people and those who lose their title and become slaves.

If it weren't for desperation, many people would not be willing to be farm laborers.

Xu He was not sure if he could recruit these refugees to work as farm laborers, but if he could, he would be able to kill two birds with one stone.

"Well, let's do it as soon as possible. The weather will warm up when the snow stops in spring. Our land is a new land for wasteland. The harvest is definitely not as good as the land cultivated by the villagers. For this reason, we need to fertilize a lot. We can't delay it for a long time. gone."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "I came back to discuss with you when I had this idea, and I'll settle the land issue first, then find a suitable Mr. Kaimeng for Ruijin and Brother Xiaoli."

Read The Duke's Passion