MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 121

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The biggest official that Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He had met in Siyang was nothing more than a sixth-grade fellow acquaintance from his ancestral family, and they had never seen any higher-level officials.

Although the county government has deliberately reduced the number of cases filed in court over the past few years, it is not that it does not accept cases all the year round. It will still open to accept complaints from the people on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year. It's like finally catching the county government to accept a case.

Seeing that the magistrates and fellow magistrates, who were so powerful in all directions before, nodded and bowed their heads to salute, the father and son of the Qin family, who stared straight, naturally also went to say hello, and Zhang Fangyuan and his wife also kept their duties well-behaved.

The county magistrate said sincerely and frightened: "It's really rude to judge how big the adults are, and the small officials are too far away to welcome them."

The judge had a smile on his face, Bizeng Tongzhi had two faces when he came in, and he looked very approachable: "It doesn't matter, I just pass by Siyang. In the past two years, the population of Siyang has increased, the tax revenue has been stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. I don’t know if the state government praised it once or twice, so I stopped by to have a look.”

The two officials hurriedly invited people to be seated. Zeng Tongzhi, who was honored at first, could only stand by the side and listen to his boss's words. Hearing the words of praise, both of them had smiles on their faces. , the fear just now dissipated a lot.

The judge sat down safely, and then said: "Passing by the gate of the county government office, I saw a lot of people gathered outside, and the gate of the county government office was closed again. I don't know what happened. After reading the notice and asking again, I found out it was The case is being accepted."

The judge turned his head and glanced at the county magistrate: "It's been a long time since I saw a closed-door case, but is there an official or some special case that needs to be closed to the public?"

After saying that, the judge seemed to have thought of something, and he was slightly surprised: "Could it be that this case is a lawsuit against a fellow judge?"

Tongzhi quickly said: "It's not a dismissal! This case is just an ordinary civil and commercial disturbance."

"Oh?" The judge didn't understand, so he said, "Then what is Master Tongzhi doing here?"

"The lower officials are also here to hear the trial."

"So that's the case, that's right. Not long after Tongzhi was transferred to Siyang, there is a case that he personally listened to. It is really an act of love for the people." How can the case not be accepted by the outside world, the common people want to hear about it outside.”

Upon seeing this, Zhang Fangyuan hurriedly reported back: "Master Tongju, Caomin submitted an application for open acceptance, but he did not get the application."

"Is there such a thing?" Tong San glanced at the county magistrate again.

The county magistrate's back felt cold, and he couldn't help but glared at Zhang Fangyuan.

Zhang Fangyuan is not afraid, even though he is a county magistrate, he doesn't care about malicious false accusations due to his old feelings, and he doesn't want to show him a good look in front of his boss.

"It's not a special case for the common people to apply, so they have to be approved." The judge asked, "Is there really something special about it?"

The county magistrate repeatedly said: "That's absolutely not the case, absolutely not. It's just that the nature of this case is bad. Both the plaintiff and the defendant are big merchants in Siyang. If the common people see it, the impact will be bad. This is why the lower officials made such a bad plan. "

"The county magistrate is thoughtful, but if the person involved doesn't care, then there is no need to accept the case behind closed doors." The judge waved his hand: "Go and open the door, let the people listen in."

The county magistrate gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to open his mouth even if he was dissatisfied.

During the gap, he and his colleague looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

"Where did the case go?"

The county magistrate was about to answer, but the judge waved his hand and interrupted: "Forget it, since everyone has come here, and the previous ones haven't heard of it, why don't we start over again."


"The magistrate feels that it is inconvenient, or is he tired of trying the case?"

How dare the county magistrate say that he is tired? If he said that he was tired, he might have to go back to his hometown and rest: "This will be a new trial."

The people outside who came to watch the excitement pointed and pointed, and the gavel sounded, and then it became quiet.

The case went through the whole process from the beginning again.

"My lord, relying on the size of his family business, the martial arts shop run by his family occupies half of the country in Siyang. He has never lacked capable manpower when he travels. He has used this to bully the people all the year round."

"When I met beautiful women, my brothers all spoke frivolously and flirtatiously. This incident happened because Qin Shang flirted first. Due to the power of the Qin family, no one dared to testify in court. one of its victims."

Qin Hongde couldn't help sophistrying: "My lord, Zhang Fangyuan's accusation is purely false. This woman has no witnesses, and her words are unfounded. It is clear that she came out to testify after being bribed by the Zhang family. I hope your lord can learn from her!"

As soon as the words were finished, there was a bang, and suddenly a vegetable head hung on Qin Hongde's head, and then many chopped vegetable leaves flew to Qin Hongde's shoulders and back, the father and son were startled.

I saw the people onlookers saying indignantly: "Shang Qin used his power to bully people a lot. He molested married women in the street. If someone blocked his way in the street, he would just ask someone to overturn his stall."

"My lord, it is clear that Cao Min's foot was crippled by people from Qin Shang!"

The people onlookers made a fuss and complained one after another. Usually, they dare not go to court alone to sue or argue theoretically. Today is the right time, place and people. If there are too many, everyone will not be afraid if they are twisted into a rope.

As the saying goes, Taoism does not blame the public, and it is really unfair not to spit out a bad breath this time.

Seeing that there was a lot of noise outside, the women in the hall were crying too much when they were wronged first, the father and son of the Qin family ran away with their heads in their arms, the magistrate's face was as dark as freshly ground ink, Zeng Tongzhi also felt quite unlucky.

The general judge did not speak, and the magistrate did not dare to order the officers and soldiers to detain the troublemakers at will. The scene was ugly for a while.

The common people were quite sensible, they didn't pour dirty water or smash eggs in, they only threw cabbage leaves, and only threw them on the Qin family father and son, which didn't affect others at all.

After a long while, the judge said: "Quiet! Everyone calm down, the county government will definitely give you justice."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the magistrate: "Are you right, magistrate?"

"Yes, yes, what the judge said is very true."

The county magistrate slapped the gavel: "The plaintiff, Qin Hongde, Qin Shang, has not been recruited quickly, how to deceive the upper and lower, Yurou Township!"

The father and son of the Qin family saw Zhixian's face changed, knowing that the backing had collapsed, they knelt down and shouted for injustice.

How could the county magistrate try his best to protect the Qin family at this time, and coldly reprimanded the Qin family for their faults: "There is still suspicion of one person's testimony, and these many people are also bribed if they respond to their injustice?"

"The Qin family has such a huge list, but they actually deceived the official, the wicked will sue first, and disrupt the order of the county government! How can I allow you, a wicked person like you, to continue to work for tigers in Siyang!"

"This case is closed. Qin Shang insulted an innocent woman and beat her husband. He will pay Shen's one hundred taels and fight for twenty; falsely accuse Zhang's family and pay him two hundred taels!"

Before the decree was dropped, the general judge said: "This case is a malicious business competition. Since it is so, the Qin family has repeatedly used their strength to bully the people because of opening the martial arts hall. It is not appropriate to continue to operate the martial arts hall."

The magistrate's chest heaved slightly, and he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only add another sentence according to the sentence: "After the case is closed, the plaintiffs, Qin Hongde and Qin Shang, are not allowed to continue operating the martial arts gym in Siyang, and those who violate it will be expelled!"

After several twists and turns, the decree that was picked up and put down finally fell to the ground. The people outside the court cheered, and the hearts of Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He also fell.

Compensation for some money is just a mild punishment for the merchants, and the breaking of the business route is the root of the injury. Forgot about the common people outside. At first, they were scruples about being in the county hall, and the common people were a little scruples. Now the father and son came to the street, and the rotten eggs came one after another.

Although the people hid in, the dirt was splashed and smashed on the carriage. The coachman raised his whip, only regretting why he came out for this trip today, it was really shabby.

Shen wiped away her tears. Originally, she thought that her husband's beating could only be borne by the husband and wife. After suffering this dark loss, she did not expect a turnaround. This time she came to identify her and not only helped the Zhang family win the lawsuit, but also brought her and her husband together. She was also compensated, and with this money, her husband's injury can be treated with peace of mind, and she was also reimbursed for the delay and unworked work these days. She was very grateful to Zhang Fangyuan in her heart.

She dragged Xu He to the gate of the county government office to express her gratitude, and she just knelt down and kowtowed.

Zhang Fangyuan watched Tong San come out, he patted Xu He on the back, and gave him a gesture.

Xu He appeased Shen Shi and asked her to go to the medical clinic to buy some supplements for her husband to take care of his body with the compensation, and then sent her away, and the couple went up to thank the judge together.

If it hadn't been for Tongsan coming this time, the couple would have to admit defeat in their lawsuit this time.

"You two don't need to be polite, not to mention that this is originally the official's duty. If something is unfair, the people have resentment in their hearts, and it is their duty to govern impartially."

Tong San is very amiable and amiable, he doesn't see official airs, on the contrary, he is chatting among relatives and friends: "Furthermore, your son is Lord Luo's favorite student. Although the relationship between teachers and students is not long, they have also benefited a lot from the adults' teaching."

"Now that something like this has happened in the Siyang area, it is the fault of this official that I have failed to restrain my subordinates by writing a letter to Mr. Luo. I hope that little brother Zhang will speak kindly in front of Mr. Luo."

A few words shocked Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He. The two of them were already full of turmoil, but they still had polite faces on their faces, as if they had already understood the matter: "Your Majesty, you are polite. .In any case, it is really the luck of the grassroots that you have come here to do justice this time."

"Don't say these kind words." Tong Juan said: "This time I have to take the county magistrate and Tongzhi adults to inspect carefully, so I won't say much. If we have time some other day, we can still get together."

Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He bowed respectfully and sent the judge off.

Zeng Tongzhi saw the two people chatting happily from a distance, and felt very uncomfortable: "No wonder this kid refuses to bow down and admit that he is small. It turns out that he has climbed the big tree of Tongpan, and there are already people behind him."

"Master Zhang is a merchant, how can he get to know Lord Shangtong?"

"The old man also wants to know the orifice." Zeng Tongzhi looked at Tongpan who came over, and collected his mind. He still can't care about Zhang Fangyuan's affairs at the moment, and he has to deal with this big Buddha first, which is also unlucky. Zhang Fangyuan upholds justice, but he will not be involved in this matter, and now he has to be unlucky with the county magistrate.

He has always acted cautiously until today, but when he came to Siyang, he almost stumbled. Whoever can feel at ease in his heart will inevitably blame the county magistrate for anything wrong.

"My lord? Even the judge is called Mr. Luo, what kind of character is he?"

Xu He got into his family's carriage, and then expressed his doubts to Zhang Fangyuan.

At the beginning when the couple visited the Luo family together, they felt that Luo Yan was extraordinary. Later, they said that it was Juzi, but they never asked more questions. These years have been in constant communication, and they also vaguely felt that the Luo family was not simple, but they had never harmed their family. Naturally, they would not be so annoying to inquire about people's family background.

After going round and round, unexpectedly, the clues were revealed under this lawsuit.

"The Zeng family is known from the sixth rank, and the prefectural judge is the sixth rank, which happens to be one level higher. Since the general judge is called Mr. Luo, the official rank must be above this, and it is said that Mr. Luo was an official in the court. Working in the Imperial College..."

The Guozijian is the highest institution in the country, and it focuses on education, but most of the officials in the Guozijian are not high-ranking officials. Only those who can make the judge respectfully call him a master, presumably: "It should be the highest one in the Guozijian, Master Jijiu."

From the ranks of officials of the fourth rank, although the official ranks are not very high, they are not powerful officials, but today's world attaches great importance to scholars, and the masters of wine offerings are full of peaches and plums, and most of the people who teach are nobles in Kyoto. Who can not accept a teacher? Well, it can be said to be a real civil servant, the leader of the network.

The couple sighed, Siyang was really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Although Luo Yan's identity is probably guessed, there are still many things that are still unclear.

Luo Yan was not very old back then, so it was a bit early to resign and return to his hometown. This is one, why did he bring Luo Yuxing with him, and the child never stayed in the capital with his parents?

Today, although there is a saying that the fallen leaves return to their roots, it means that the officials of the imperial court will all return their original nationality when they reach the age of retirement. Mrs. Luo is probably from Siyang. Is it to comfort loneliness?

Full of doubts, the couple went back to the house.

"Daddy is back!"

Ruijin and Ruili wandered around the gate of the house several times, and seeing that the family's carriage came back around noon, they all ran up happily.

Brother Xiaoli is impatient: "How about the lawsuit, did you win?"

"Okay, it's all right."

Brother Xiao Li jumped up happily: "I told you that nothing will happen, the master's action is really reliable."

"You two know that it was Master who helped?"

Brother Xiao Li quickly covered his mouth when he heard the words, and looked back at his brother.

Seeing that the matter had calmed down, Ruijin's father was bound to go to Luo's house to thank him, and he should tell the family: "It's the master who heard about the family's affairs and was afraid that brother Xiaoli and I would be distracted from our studies, so he said to help .”

"The master knew that the great-grandfather wanted to **** my brother as a student, and he couldn't bear to let him go!"

Ruijin patted Brother Li on the head: "I just know nonsense."

Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He laughed: "Master Luo loves you so much, this time the family has been spoiled by both of you. You should study harder in the future!"

"Know it!"

Xu He patted the heads of the two children: "Okay, let's go to the house first. It's hot this morning, and I'm tired of sweating. I went in and changed clothes. The master has done such a big favor for the family, and I still have to Go to Haosheng to thank you."

"it is good."

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