MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 49

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Xu He woke up late the next day, and Zhang Fangyuan had already left the door when he woke up. The butcher knew that he would not go to the city to set up a stall today, so he had an excuse to be even more unrestrained, and tossed and tossed for a long time.

That person woke up according to the usual time this morning, and he was still alive and well. Xu He, who thought he was in good shape, was slightly discouraged. How could there be such a big gap between people.

Thinking that Zhang Fangyuan had already gone out, it would be fine for him to wake up early and late, so he stayed on the bed for a while before getting up, his whole body was sore.

Perhaps what Zhang Fangyuan said was right, the two of them hadn't done it for a while, and they became a little jerky again, which was not as smooth as before. Although he also felt this way, he couldn't follow Zhang Fangyuan's agreement, otherwise he could take advantage of this and become more indulgent.

If you don't have a good rest at night, it's fine to delay things the next day. The important thing is that the things you make are so precious, how can you afford to spend them every day?

Not only will you not lose a piece of meat if you toss less, it will even be beneficial and harmless.

Thinking this way, Xu He rubbed his waist, walked to the cabinet, opened the drawer where the things were stored, and took away the extra bottles, leaving only the bottle opened last night, and the other He found a place to hide the things and made sure Zhang Fangyuan couldn't find them, so he was satisfied and went out to work.

The days passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was midsummer, and the hot water in which the frogs were boiling turned into boiling water before I knew it. The surrounding mountains and forests are luxuriant, with cicadas chirping in the morning and frogs singing at night, it is extremely noisy.

When Xu He was free, he went to the back mountain with his husband from the Chen Si family next door to cut a large basket of wormwood and came back. The big dustpan that was dumped in the yard did not need to be picked up evenly for a day, and the sun was shining in May and June. It can be burnt directly.

In the hot summer season, the air seems to be boiled, and Zhang Fangyuan loves to come and go shirtless at home, even during the day, and at night, the mosquitoes scream like they want to eat people. Zhang Fangyuan looked at the rough-skinned and thick-skinned man and seemed to be attracting mosquitoes, so he just listened to him crackling and beating mosquitoes on his body all night.

When he didn't go to the city, he rushed back to cut the flowering old wormwood, dried it, twisted it into a rope, and threw it in the brazier at night to burn it. The smoke is not strong and it can repel mosquitoes.

At this time, mosquito repellent matchsticks made of wormwood mixed with wormwood were already sold in the city.

Xu He can also rub it. He knows that the reason why the matchlocks sold in the city are better than those made by ordinary people is that some realgar is mixed in it. It is also good to add ingredients by himself. He planned to make some and sell it himself. , but thinking about using it at home, I am afraid that what I made is not enough for my own home, so I have to give up.

To prepare the mosquito repellent fire rope, he hung the mosquito net in the house early, and closed the windows shortly after noon, otherwise the mosquitoes that took the opportunity to fly into the house would stay in the house and keep biting people at night.

After a few trips inside and outside the house, he was already sweating profusely. Fortunately, the door of the central hall was open to cool off. Zhang Fangyuan went out to look at the animals in the morning. He said that he had traveled far and would not come back for lunch.

Xu He ate simply, and his appetite was poor in the hot summer, so he picked a handful of water spinach in the field and ate it.

The young leaves are used for salad dressing, cut off the old and hard vegetable stems, leave the crisp and tender ones and cut them into small cylinders, put two green peppers, soak the cowpeas and chop them up and fry them together. It is the most appetizing and delicious.

Xu He often serves porridge.

Today he only uses the leaves for cold dressing, put a spoonful of pickle water, it is sour and delicious, there is no need to put vinegar, and the taste is even better than cold dishes mixed with vinegar.

When the sun was the hottest outside after dinner, he didn't go to take a nap, and used thin bamboo strips to weave chicken coops in the middle hall with the cool breeze blowing. At the end of the day, all the vegetables in the field were rolled up in the sun, that is, when the lush old trees were not energetic, Zhang Fangyuan came back with a bamboo hat and a bucket.


Zhang Fangyuan took off his bamboo hat and put it behind the door. His whole body was steaming. Xu He could feel it from an elbow's distance away. He poured someone a bowl of herbal tea to relieve the heat.

"The pig is good, it's okay. I met two people who wanted to sell sheep, but I didn't agree." Zhang Fangyuan drank his tea in one sip: "The weather is hot, and it's even worse to eat mutton. Although mutton is cheaper in this season than in winter , but it’s not easy to sell. And I can’t keep it for two days, so I just don’t want it.”

Xu He nodded. The weather is so hot now that the pork will have to be sold out in two days, otherwise the taste will change and the business will not be as easy as before. There are tens of pieces of bacon hanging on the stove in their house, which was cured by themselves for fear of changing the taste if they couldn't sell them all. If there is more mutton, it is easy to lose money.

"It's better to sell your stewed cold dishes. The hotter the weather, the more people will eat them."

Xu He sighed slightly, and sat back to continue weaving chicken coops: "It sold well before, but now that it's summer, the business is not as good as before."

People who do business in the city are not fools. Seeing that his every other stall selling cold dishes and lo-mei has such a good business, he set up a stall selling the same thing within two months. Xu He is also witty and brave enough to add some new tricks, marinated courgettes, bean skins, cowpeas, and lotus root slices, and the business is still stable, and the old customers recognize the taste of his cooking.

But those street vendors have learned one thing, and within two days they have these on their stalls, and what's more, they sell braised chicken and duck feet, chicken feet and duck feet, and chicken and duck. They also learned from him and made two flavors. Chili oil and pepper oil are mixed, although the taste is not good, but people can't resist buying it.

Not to mention being a customer, even if he was squatting in front of the stall, bored and hungry, he wanted to buy two to eat. Naturally, he was not willing to give up the few pennies.

Zhang Fangyuan said: "It's the same with setting up a stall. If you have a gold-lettered signboard, you won't be afraid of others selling the same thing to steal the business, but there are several gold-lettered signs in the world."

Xu He knew that it was not that easy to make money. In the first two months, he had already made some money by selling fresh food, which was not bad. Setting up a small stall is inherently unstable, so how could he be able to make a lot of money from it? For this reason, he didn't put all his thoughts on selling lo mei. No, he made chicken coops again, although It can't be sold for a few dollars.

"I know, let's sell it again, if it really can't be sold, let's see it again."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "I think so too, you see, why don't I bring you some good things back here?"

Xu He only noticed the bucket he put at the door after Zhang Fangyuan's signal. He thought it was an empty bucket and came back, but when he went over, it turned out to be a bucket full of crucian carp.

"Where do so many crucian carp come from? Why?"

Zhang Fangyuan picked up one, and the crucian carp with a green back and white belly weighed about half a catty: "I bought it from the fisherman on the way back. It cost five yuan a piece, and twenty pieces gave me eighty yuan."

He slightly raised his thick eyebrows: "How, you know how to bargain?"

Xu He laughed: "It's a good deal, but how can you buy so many to make a big pot? Buy two and try it."

"I only eat the four that were given away for free, and I'll sell the rest for you." Zhang Fangyuan said: "In summer, I ate cold crucian carp in a restaurant in the city. Is it time for He Xin to eat? Wouldn't it be appropriate to take the crucian carp?"

Suddenly, Xu He's eyes lit up: "Yes, first steam the crucian carp and let it cool down, and pour the sauce on it when it's out of the stall. It's also a seasonal cold dish. I'll cook the four for you tonight. .”

Zhang Fangyuan said yes, this trip was not in vain.

The crucian carp is cold and refreshing, the soup is delicious, and the stew with shallots is even more delicious. However, in order to ensure that the crucian carp at the stall tomorrow will taste good, Xu He will make cold salad first tonight, and try the poison first with a greedy mouth.

The crucian carp is descaled and its belly is removed, its internal organs are taken out and washed. For large fish, two cuts are made on both sides of the carp to facilitate the taste, and it is not necessary to open the small fish. Cut some thick yellow **** slices, knot the shallots and stuff them into the belly of the fish, and steam them in a pot. Do not steam for too long, otherwise the meat will easily fall off the bones and become rotten, which will not look good.

Whether the salad tastes good or not depends on the sauce. He makes too many summer sauces. In order to look better, he uses two kinds of red pepper and green pepper, and mix them together to see more. It looks good, and the indispensable minced green onion, **** and garlic, sautéed, soy sauce, black bean vinegar, toppings from the crucian carp belly, and a plate of cold crucian carp with a complete color, flavor and taste is ready.

Rapeseed oil must be used for frying the ingredients until fragrant, otherwise it will be greasy in summer and the lard will not taste good.

At night, Zhang Fangyuan specially opened a pot of wine to serve with food. He ate three crucian carp by himself, and Xu He ate one. Crucian carp meat is delicious, and the cold salad is more sweet, but the fish has a lot of small bones, so it needs to be chewed slowly, but it makes people calm down to taste the taste.

Xu He was satisfied with the crucian carp, and kept the rest in a cool water tank, waiting for Zhang Fangyuan to butcher the pig, marinate the boiled water, and take it to the city to sell.

In summer, the dawn is early, and everyone gets up earlier. It is only when the sky is about to dawn and the sun is not out of the mountain that you can feel a bit cooler.

Xu He looked at the things that were going to be put on the stall today, and he was full of ambitions, thinking about selling them again.

After entering the city, the two split into two groups. Xu He went straight to the place where he used to set up a stall with his back on his back, but he was a little dumbfounded when he arrived at a familiar place.

The small stall at the location he used to use was rented out by someone else today, that's all, what annoyed him the most was that the stall owner actually sold the same thing as himself, which was also stewed meat and cold dishes.

He felt quite uncomfortable, and when he found the stall manager, he couldn't help asking: "Is the stall I use often rented today?"

"Common use? Which one do you often use? Brother, don't you go out to the stall every few days? I can't leave the stall empty for you all the time."

"That's not what I meant." Seeing that the stall manager had a bad temper, Xu He said flatly, paid for today's stall, and found another stall to put down his things.

He rents the stall for a day, and of course he can rent the stall to others when he is away, but he is not a fool, so it is fine to rent the stall to others, why did he just rent it to a stewed meat seller, And the renter just happened to know that he is not a monthly renter.

If he could come here to sell braised pork, he didn't believe that he hadn't come to see the market before, otherwise he would have come here if it was hot, and he would use his stall, which had the best business in the past.

Eighty percent of them are old acquaintances with Tanguan.

With a stall in his hands, Xu He couldn't help but sigh, these people are too thieves. After all, it is the loss of not having a fixed booth and no shop.

After opening the stall, the flow of people gradually increased, and the new stall owner took advantage of him, and the old customers went straight to the place.

Xu He was suffocated.

"Hey, why does your stall taste exactly the same as the one across the street?" A man who saw cold crucian carp for sale came to Xu He's stall. He liked the taste of Xu He's stall the most. The first time I saw someone at a stall, I bought some. Today, I saw crucian carp that was not available in other places, so I temporarily gave up the old taste.

I couldn't wait to sit down at the side table and ordered a cup of tea and fish, but I was surprised to find that it tasted the same as the stall I often bought.

Xu He sighed: "Brother, I was the original stall owner over there, I'm late today so I can only stay here."

The man smiled awkwardly and scratched his head: "I saw that the other side is also a little brother, and you are not from the Sunrise stall. Now that you have changed people, I didn't recognize it for a while. But the taste of this dish is so delicious that I can feel it immediately." Something is wrong!"

Xu He picked up a few sour and sour chili lotus root slices and gave them to the man: "It makes sense."

The man thanked him, and ordered two more crucian carp with cold salad, saying that he would pack them and send them to his friends.

Xu He felt a little relieved. Today, with the east wind of cold crucian carp, it has attracted customers. Otherwise, those who change stalls and lands will have to work hard to attract customers.

But after all, it was cheaper to go to the opposite side, who sold out his things at noon, and gave him a provocative look when he left to collect his things.

Xu He was full of anger, but he didn't plan to go to Zhang Fangyuan to complain. He was afraid that he would come over with a pig-killing knife and scold others. Then people would see him as domineering. Maybe the stall would be saved, but the customers would not dare to come I bought food.

After several times of weighing and pondering, he suddenly slid down from the stool, stood still and inspected the four or five lo-mei stalls that had popped up one after another these days, especially the one opposite, which was really unbearable.

Decided! After selling this stubble, he will sell noodles to the shop!

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