MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 5

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"what are you doing!"

I heard that this butcher is not a good person, but I didn't know that he would bully a little brother. Even if the thief was late and stole his things and didn't catch anyone, then he shouldn't take the resentment on him!

Xu He clenched the corners of his clothes tightly, even though the fear in his heart was too far from Zhang Fangyuan's strength to get any good fruit, he still didn't show a cowardly expression.

He stepped on the small wild haystacks that were soaked by the rain, aggressively chasing the man one step at a time when he took two steps, and stretched out his hands to grab the back basket back.

Zhang Fangyuan ignored Xu He's moaning, and stooped to stuff the chopped firewood into the back pan, just wanting to fill the back pan and go down the mountain quickly, but he heard the noisy people behind him.

He paused and turned his head. He was stunned for a moment, and Xu He threw himself flat on the ground.

"Why are you so anxious, I won't eat your back basket."

He hurriedly put down the things in his hands, and wanted to go over to help him up, but Xu He gritted his teeth and got up first, staggering a few steps, the two of them saw at the same time that the ball of trousers at the knee was scratched, and a wooden branch was torn through. A large piece of flesh, blood oozing out with mud.

Xu He frowned, and limped to sit down on the side stone pier. Regardless of the fact that the stone had already been wet by the rain, he quickly pulled a piece of cloth from the hem of his jacket, and simply wiped it. The wound didn't even groan, and both hands wrapped the knees like zongzi.

Zhang Fangyuan on the side was surprised by his quick movements, but he looked like a bear.

Han Xiong looked at the pair of thin-soled cloth shoes that had been patched on the little brother's feet. The main culprit for the half of the fall was the out-of-season shoes, and the half was because he took the other's back basket.

"Can you still go?"

Xu He was covered in filth, and he glanced at Zhang Fangyuan slightly. He knew that he was not only embarrassed but also embarrassed, but he didn't feel embarrassed when he thought that he was not the second sister who needed to maintain a perfect image in front of men.

He didn't want to reply to Zhang Fangyuan's words, so he got up and wanted to bring back the basket and pack less firewood. He never thought about the sharp pain in his knees, let alone carrying firewood. On a rainy day, he might even go down the mountain. difficult thing.

"I'm still thinking about firewood. If I don't have this kind of firewood at home, I won't be able to cook tonight."

Zhang Fangyuan also saw the embarrassment under the stubborn surface, he pushed the back basket: "I will carry you down the mountain."

Xu He was obviously frightened by Zhang Fangyuan's words, and his legs and feet became even more difficult for a while.

It took him a long time to remember two words: "No need."

"Then I'll go down the mountain to find your father to pick you up?"

Xu He silently didn't answer, his father was busy with other things, so he didn't have time to take care of him.

Zhang Fangyuan didn't intend to really leave the person on the mountain and go down to the Xu family to find someone. Let alone the Xu family, it's raining heavily.

He knew what people were worrying about, and he emptied all the firewood that had just been put into the pannier: "Don't be stubborn, come into the pannier and go down the mountain."

Seeing that the butcher was about to carry him in a basket, Xu He said, "Then your firewood and the basket..."

Zhang Fangyuan glanced at Xu He: "Is firewood more important than people?"

Xu He's ears twitched when he heard this, he said something that was ambiguous.

Xu He squatted in the back basket, his knees were bent and felt a little painful. Following the man's pace, he also wobbled, which was a little funny. It is easy to think of the scene of buying piglets from someone who has given birth to a sow and carrying them back.

He just went to recite it, and now he seems to be that little pig.

Little Pig hugged Zhang Fangyuan's precious iron bumps, and looked down at the man walking steadily on the muddy path. Perhaps his feet were big, and every step was solid. Although he was curled up in the back basket, he was not comfortable, but he was steady. It's more reassuring than walking by yourself.

He wondered how strong this man was, and he didn't even frown when he was carrying him behind his back, as if he was punching empty-handed.

"Wrong way!"

Xu He suddenly came back to his senses, and noticed with sharp eyes that the butcher was going down another path. Although it was also the path down the mountain, it was a long way around and full of weeds. No one had walked it for a long time.

Zhang Fangyuan said in a deep voice: "It's easy to meet people on the right road, but this road is a bit off, but no one walks."

Xu He was startled, then closed his mouth.

Didn't it mean that Zhang Fangyuan was a promiscuous and promiscuous person, drinking flower wine in the city? How can you be so considerate for others?

On the contrary, this made him feel a little uneasy, so don't try to lure him to the city to sell him... However, with his appearance, he shouldn't be able to sell him.

As soon as he was thinking wildly, he was carried to the place at the foot of the mountain where it meets the main road without realizing it.

Zhang Fangyuan stopped walking: "It will only take a quarter of an hour to get to your house. It's okay if I take you to the door, but if someone bumps into you, or your parents don't want to see you..."

Xu He hurriedly said, "I'll go back by myself."

Hearing the sound, the man put the back basket down. He had been bent in the back bag for too long, his legs were sore and painful, he gritted his teeth and stood up, but he couldn't get out of the back bag. He was a little embarrassed. The person standing beside him He raised his bent arm toward him.

Xu He glanced at the man, lowered his eyes slightly, grabbed his elbow, and used his strength to get out of the basket.

"go home."

Although the rain at the foot of the mountain was less than that on the mountain, the two of them were still mostly wet.

Xu He didn't stay long, hung his pannier on his back, returned all the butcher's iron bumps, and limped towards his home.

When Zhang Fangyuan saw that the black and thin figure was about to merge with the rain, he turned around and was about to go back. He heard a thank you in the sound of the drizzle. When he turned back again, Xu He only looked at it briefly. He glanced at it and turned away again.

He touched his nose, and this thank you made him even more embarrassed.

On the way to his small courtyard, Zhang Fangyuan arrived home in less than a quarter of an hour.

He didn't lock the courtyard door when he went out. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw a seven or eight-year-old brother walking under the eaves of his house, and said cautiously: "Cousin Ayuan, you are back."

Zhang Fangyuan put down the iron lump he brought back: "Xiaomao, why are you here?"

"I'll bring some food to my cousin."

Seeing that his cousin was still talking today, Zhang Xiaomao was not so scared, and showed Zhang Fangyuan the big basket he brought over.

There are some seasonal vegetables in it, such as radish, cabbage and pepper. It is common for every household in the village to have them, but he always ran to the city at first, and he hasn’t dug the land since spring plowing. The land at home has been abandoned. , There is no food at all.

"Your father sent it here?"

Xiaomao nodded: "Father said that if my cousin has no food to eat, he can go to the field to pick it by himself."

Zhang Fangyuan frowned and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. When his parents were alive, his fourth uncle's family was the best for him.

When he went out to wander around, the fourth uncle came to grab his ears and scold him, but unfortunately he didn't listen, and even had a fight with the National People's Congress, which made the fourth uncle angry. After that, he stayed away from home all day in the city. I couldn't find him either, and when he returned to the village one year, he found out that his fourth uncle hurt his foot when he went up the mountain, and the tetanus was gone.

His fourth aunt hated him and kept seeing him behind closed doors. Xiaomao later married and went elsewhere.

These things have always been the most regrettable in his heart.

Looking up at the young brother, his eyes were soft, he touched his head, and said with a smile: "Your father is not angry with me anymore?"

Not long ago, he ran to the city, and before leaving, he also had a quarrel with his fourth uncle, and now he asked Xiaomao to bring food, and it seemed that his anger had subsided.

Xiaomao pursed his lips. His father didn't scold his cousin less at home, but how could he really hate this person? If he really hated him, he wouldn't often say: "Father loves Tang the most." Brother, how could I be angry with you?"

Zhang Fangyuan laughed: "You are getting better at talking. What are you having at home tonight?"

Xiaomao thought for a while: "Mother said that it's raining today and I have nothing to do, so I want pancakes."

"It's so good, I'll go over and eat some pancakes too." Zhang Fangyuan called Xiaomao into the room, looked up at the only half-smoked pig's head hanging on the stove, he put a stool and took it down: "Also I don’t know if this pig’s head meat is broken, I’ll take it to your house to have a look.”

Zhang Fangyuan put on a bamboo hat, carried the pig's head, and went with Xiaomao to his fourth uncle Zhang Shicheng's house.

"Leave it far away!"

Mrs. He was washing radishes under the eaves. When she looked up, she saw one big and one small walking towards the yard. She wiped her hands quickly, and got up to meet them with a smile.

Zhang Fangyuan called out: "Si auntie."

He handed the pig's head to the woman, looked up and looked into the room: "My fourth uncle is not at home?"

"It's in the house." Mrs. He didn't say much to Zhang Fangyuan, and directly put down the pig's head, with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "I made a stew with you two, and it's just a rainy night for dinner."

The voice was not loud, and the people inside seemed to be seriously eavesdropping on the conversation outside the wall: "Give him some wine, if you haven't had enough in the city, come home to drink!"

The two looked into the room together, and after Zhang Fangyuan exchanged glances with his fourth aunt, he raised his legs and entered the room.

Sitting on a cushioned chair in the nave was a middle-aged man with a yellow complexion, probably because he was often anxious in life, and there was already a deep gully between his brows. Zhang Fangyuan's fourth uncle is not very old, only in his early thirties, but the farmer looks old, he already looks in his forties.

The man has a bluffing face, and his figure is not as strong and tall as Zhang Fangyuan, but he has experienced decades of wind, frost, rain and snow, and his aura is very overwhelming.

"Uncle Si."

"You still know that when I come back, I will die drunk in the city, and I will not leave home during the Chinese New Year."

Zhang Shicheng hasn't seen Zhang Fangyuan for more than half a month. Ever since his parents passed away, this kid has become very eccentric. He was messing around in the city, not to mention coming to his house, and he didn't spend much time in the village.

After finally seeing someone come over on his own initiative today, he also wanted to speak softly, but when he didn't want to speak, he choked on people.

Zhang Fangyuan didn't get angry either, and sat down on the side with a cheeky face. The hero didn't mention the bravery back then, and didn't answer his fourth uncle's angry words. He picked what the elders liked to hear and said: "Yesterday, I asked Aunt Gan I say matchmaker."

"I heard what your aunt said." Zhang Shicheng didn't know that he had returned to the village until he heard this, and asked Xiaomao to deliver something today: "Your aunt was sheltering from the rain at Hu's house, and happened to meet Matchmaker Gan Every family says kiss."

When a man gets married at an old age, it becomes a pimple in the hearts of the elders. Zhang Fangyuan went to ask a matchmaker, which is a sign of stability. Zhang Shicheng was very happy when he heard the news.

Zhang Fangyuan also became interested: "Aunt Gan is talking about the Hu family under the big locust tree at the east end of the village?"

Seeing the light in his nephew's eyes, Zhang Shicheng sighed in his heart. Today, the matchmaker came to Hu's house to talk about marriage. It was not mentioned that Zhang Fangyuan was very enthusiastic and willing to talk to each other when he asked for marriage. When the matchmaker revealed who was asking for marriage, she immediately refused to meet each other, and even said yes in front of Mrs. He A harsh word came.

"The daughter of our old Hu's family is not worried about marrying a second-rate son as a daughter-in-law and husband. Is Zhang Fangyuan someone who can get along with him?"

"There are no parents to take care of you at the top, and the one below is useless. Matchmaker Gan, you treat our Hu family as a fool? Our Hu family has never treated you badly. How much does this kind of relationship despise our Hu family?"

"If you want me to say that anyone's baby will be unlucky to marry in the past, how much benefit did this Fang Yuan give you to come to our house to say kiss?"

He listened, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he came back drenched in the rain without hiding.

Naturally, Zhang Shicheng would not tell his nephew these ugly words, he said it very tactfully, fearing that it would hurt Zhang Fangyuan's hard-won serious thoughts: "It's not just about the Hu family, anyone who is of marriageable age should go and talk about it." See, both sides have to have that intention."

Looking at his fourth uncle's dignified expression, Zhang Fangyuan knew that the conversation was not very pleasant, and he had a certain understanding of his own market situation.

Talking about marriage is simple and simple, just like the scholar Fei's family, as long as their family informs the matchmaker, and the safekeeping is that the girl and brother entrust the matchmaker to come to their house to ask, and the scholar's family agrees to the marriage. But it's hard to say, just like him, he has to find out who is willing to go to the matchmaker's family. It's a trivial matter to be ridiculed by people, and what's more, he is even afraid of being kicked out.

"Don't worry, your second aunt found out about this and brought a basket of eggs to beg Matchmaker Gan. She will definitely be able to tell you a suitable and appropriate one. The trouble may be more troublesome than other families, but you are also weak. When you are old, don’t blame the folks for speaking badly if you are fooling around, in life, you have to be responsible for what you have done.”

Zhang Fangyuan nodded: "I know."

Seeing that people are being sincere today, Zhang Shicheng softened his tone and said: "If he is kind, it's okay to give more gifts. You know that Sibo doesn't have a son, so you don't have to worry about dowry gifts. If money is tight, Sibo will find a way for you." If you really can't find it in the village, it doesn't matter if you go to another village to find it. This wife and husband can't find it casually. It's a matter of a lifetime. As long as you get down-to-earth in the future, you will be no worse than any man in the village."

Zhang Fangyuan felt hot in his heart, took a long breath slowly, and responded.

After dinner, Mrs. He packed the remaining pork head meat for Zhang Fangyuan and let him take it home to eat. How could Zhang Fangyuan have the nerve to take it over and over? Forget it, come to eat again in two days."

Zhang Fangyuan responded with a smile.

Two days later, Zhang Fangyuan was burning charcoal in the yard when matchmaker Gan came to the door.

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