MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 62

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"When will I wake up!"

Zhang Fangyuan looked into the house again and again, and Xu He was still asleep every time he entered the house. Fortunately, his body no longer had abnormal fever, but he was still awake. No wonder he was anxious, Xu He rarely stayed in bed, even the person who stayed in bed woke up, this sleep was like passing out, if he hadn't seen a doctor, he would have jumped.

It rained all night yesterday, and the dark clouds did not disperse until near noon, and there was a gust of rain outside. The river swelled a lot yesterday, submerging two crops near the river. A lot of big water ants appeared in the flooded river, their transparent wings were wet by the water, and they couldn't fly, they were everywhere.

The strong wind and heavy rain caused damage to many huts in the village, either the back eaves collapsed, or the roof leaked, and the house was watery like a water curtain hole.

In short, the whole village was in a hurry in the early morning, either busy repairing the house, or hurriedly going out with the bamboo hat to check the rice fields and crops. Zhang Fangyuan also rushed to the city on a horse early in the morning, and the folks passing by the village thought his family had also suffered disaster.

He was supposed to go to his uncle's house to see if anyone was affected by the disaster, but his heart was tied to Xu He, and he didn't want to go anywhere.

Let alone go out by himself, even if someone calls, he will not move.

"Don't worry, the doctor said it's all right, you should wake up slowly."

Xu He faintly heard voices outside the house, his throat was so dry that it seemed to be about to smoke, he subconsciously opened his mouth, thinking that exhaling two breaths into his mouth would make him feel better, but he never thought of the same discomfort. Still unable to open his eyes, he folded his eyebrows and called for water.

He finally opened his eyes after hearing the sound of ceramic bowls colliding together. At a glance, he saw a tall figure sitting beside him, his chest was still rising and falling rapidly, as if he had just jumped in from outside the house.

At this time, he was holding a bowl of soup and medicine in a spoon and was about to feed it. He seemed to hear his appeal again, and hurried to the bedside table to change the porridge water, but Ying was too anxious and almost spilled the two bowls.

In a hurry, I quickly cleaned up. It took a while to reach out with a spoon, and then realized that the person was still lying down and could not feed, so he hurriedly put down the bowl, carefully protected Xu He's waist, and sat up and leaned on him.

Xu He laughed: "Why are you so stupid?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized that his voice was hoarse.

Seeing that everyone was able to talk, Zhang Fangyuan heaved a sigh of relief. This time, he put the bowls together again and filled a spoonful of porridge with little soup and porridge: "Open your mouth and eat, you have been asleep for most of the night."

Xu He took a mouthful of porridge and rice first, then raised his eyebrows: "How could this be?"

Zhang Fangyuan suddenly had an uncontrollable smile on the corner of his mouth, his head bulged under the corner of his eyes, he looked more like a silly fool.

"I got up this morning to go out of the stall. Seeing that your face was flushed and your whole body was very hot, I hurriedly invited the doctor."

Xu He then said that he felt groggy. It turned out that he was really sick and had a fever. Now his body was as if he had fallen into the water and was picked up last night.

Seeing Zhang Fangyuan like this, his voice was a little muffled, as if he was sick because he was disobedient and greedy for coolness: "I'm already like this, and you still laugh."

Zhang Fangyuan didn't just want to laugh, he also wanted to lean in and kiss Xu He: "The doctor came to see the pulse. You have a fever and are sick, and you are pregnant."

Xu He was stunned for a moment, stopped even eating the porridge, and asked again in disbelief: "What did the doctor say?"

"Say you're pregnant! It's been more than a month!"

Zhang Fangyuan showed his white canine teeth, and said it again patiently, with a wide smile on his face.

"How could it be? Is it a wrong diagnosis?"

"I invited the doctor from the Shencaotang. They can't even see the happy veins. It's because you have been too busy and worrying these days, and you haven't paid much attention to your body, so you fell ill."

Zhang Shiyue came into the room and took a look at Xu He, with a smile in his eyes: "Yes. It's not easy for a brother to see that he is pregnant like a woman. Your reaction is not big. I guess you didn't think about it .”

Xu He felt his flat stomach belatedly, and a small circle of flesh grew. Because he was growing flesh compared to before, not only on his stomach, but also on his face and body, so he didn't lose weight. Think more. But in detail, there are still some symptoms, always chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Zhang Fangyuan looked at the person looking down at his stomach, his eyes rolled back and forth, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He put down his rice bowl and brought the medicine: "You have to drink it, the doctor prescribed it today. You can rest well." Get well in two days."

"But at the end of the tea shed..." He watched Zhang Shiyue come back.

"The health and the children are more important than the business. There is nothing wrong with the tea shed. The village is in a mess. The other end should be closed for a day." Zhang Fangyuan made arrangements, and his whole heart was tied to his wife and children.

Xu He thought about it for a while. He is a little weak now, and the fetus has not sat firmly in the first three months.

He felt miraculous, obviously yesterday he was not feeling well and went to bed early, and when he woke up, there was good news. I couldn't react in my heart, and I was still wandering in my mind when I was supported by Zhang Fangyuan and lay down again.

Zhang Fangyuan carefully covered Xu He with a thin quilt, it was still a bit cold after the rain.

"When you woke up, my heart sank. It rained heavily yesterday and repairs were being made everywhere. I have to go to Sibo's place to have a look. You should just rest in the house."

Xu He nodded obediently.

When Zhang Fangyuan went out, he saw the messy scene after the torrential rain, but he felt a little comfortable, and felt that the air after the rain was particularly cool.

Looking at the golden osmanthus plant in the yard that had been subjected to a night of wind and rain, the flowers were knocked down a lot, but the leaves did not fall. He squatted down to fill some loose soil, and took two egg shells beaten from the stove to cover the ground: "It's so good to grow, when my cub can run, I just hang and shake the sweet-scented osmanthus."

"How about your end? Has anyone been blown and leaked?"

When Zhang Fangyuan arrived at Zhang Shiyuan's house, he saw his fourth uncle climbed onto the roof from a long distance away. The tree branches that were cut off by lightning yesterday were scraped on the roof, and two holes were poked on the roof of the thatched shed. It's leaking.

First, I used a basin to continue. The rain was heavy, and it was full of water in a while, and it was replaced with a bucket. It was not until dawn.

In fact, not only Zhang Shicheng's family, but also many families in the village are like this. Zhang Fangyuan's house is also safe in the bedroom. When he first repaired the bedroom, he repaired the bedroom carefully, otherwise he would not be able to sleep well. There was a water leak in the central hall and side rooms, but it wasn't serious, and he cleaned it up in the morning.

Zhang Fangyuan shook his head with his hands behind his back.

"Why are you so silly? Do you know how much the crops in the field have been ruined? I even saw that I ran past several houses crying. When you are like this, someone will say that you are gloating that you didn't grow crops."

"Is it that obvious?" Zhang Fangyuan touched his face, and said, "Although the family didn't grow any crops, they also grew vegetables. The second aunt went to see it in the morning, and all the well-grown green onions were killed Scraped down."

"That's nothing to you."

Zhang Fangyuan climbed up to the roof to help his fourth uncle with a worried face, and couldn't help but said: "There is a happy event at home."

"What joy can there be?"

Zhang Fangyuan didn't answer, just smiled. Zhang Shicheng stopped his hand, looked at the second idiot for a while and pointed at Zhang Fangyuan with his index finger: "Yes!"


"Okay, okay, it's really a good thing!" Zhang Shicheng reacted, and immediately became happy: "Gaiminger...not waiting for tomorrow, I will go to your parents' grave to put incense on later this afternoon. Your parents are here Tianyouling should also rest assured."

Everyone in the village looked like corn that had been soaked in rain and hadn't been dried. Zhang Fangyuan was the only one who was cheerful.

I don't go to the city to set up a stall to do business. Instead, I carry a wooden barrel fishing net to catch fish by the river that swelled after the heavy rain.

It is easy to catch fish in the swollen river. If it is not for the heavy rain that destroys the crops and houses, there will be many people fishing by the river. This morning, Zhang Fangyuan is an idler who is cheap, carrying buckets of fish to his home.

That's all, I'm still looking for old chickens in the village and throwing them in the yard. Every time I pass by the door of the house at meal time, there is a smell of meat. Today is fresh bone soup, and tomorrow is tofu and crucian carp...

The people in the village couldn't figure out what kind of windfall this family had made, but the discerning wife and husband figured it out all at once. This meant that the family was about to have a child.

Xu He was kept in the house for three or two days, and he recovered from his illness without a trace. He ate and drank every day, and he felt like he was about to swell.

He was in good health that day, and he drove Zhang Fangyuan to look for and buy livestock before he finally went out, but his mother came to the door as if she was in a hurry.

"Hey, look at so many old hens in this yard. They must have cost a lot of money to buy them. They can't lay eggs. This man just can't choose when he buys things."

When Liu Xianglan entered the door, she was attracted by the crowing chickens in the yard. She pouted and teased for a while, and then threw a hen in her hand into the yard: "You used to be in the house. I raised it when I was young, but now I leave it to your side to raise it, and when the child is born, it will be almost enough to eat during confinement."

Plus, there's a basket of eggs.

Xu He's eyebrows moved slightly, and the iron **** also plucked its hair. It's really unprecedented, it seems that his mother really listened to what Aunt Xianshi said.

"You can send this basket of eggs to Second Sister. I saw that she lost a lot of weight a while ago." He kept the chicken.

Liu Xianglan sat with her feet up in Zhang's house, and it was the first time she came here after Xu He got married: "Well, Fei's family was rewarded by the court, and they were looking at those few acres of good land to produce grain, but it was called this rainstorm." Most of it was destroyed."

"Well, if your second sister had put one in her stomach earlier like you, she wouldn't be so tired. It's a pity that Fei Lian only came back three or two times a month, and..." The frail scholar, at first glance, is not a particularly capable person. of.

After speaking, he sighed again.

Xu He can't say much, this kind of thing depends on fate, and he can't be in a hurry.

Liu Xianglan babbled a lot, first she told him to call Zhang Fangyuan to be more economical, to buy so many things when she was pregnant with a child, and be careful to raise the cub too big to be born; after a while she said let him just call Zhang Shiyue To do things, if you live and eat for free at home, you should do more work.

Xu He heard the noise in his ears: "I will eat fish at noon, I am going to cook, the butcher should be back, mother, do you want to go back after eating?"

Liu Xianglan was quite moved when she heard that Zhang Fangyuan was coming back, so she said, "Forget it, I have to go back and cook for your father. There is a lot of work at home. Didn't the butcher catch a lot of fish? I'll bring one back to your father to eat."

Read The Duke's Passion