MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 82

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"Boss Song, the goods are all ready this time, please take a closer look."

"Boss Zhang, I'm at ease in doing things. If there are new products in the future, let me know as soon as possible, and I will come to pick up the goods at that time."

Zhang Fangyuan smiled: "Okay."

Song Yong beckoned, and the man brought down several large bundles of cloth from the carriage: "These are all new items in Suzhou, Boss Zhang chooses to see."

"I don't know much about cloth materials, and I can't even see the latest patterns and embroidery patterns, so I should take it off and take it home for home selection." Zhang Fangyuan lifted a corner of the tied cloth, twitched his fingers, and compared Ordinary materials are silky and smooth. He only cares about the quality, and doesn't care much about the design and color. Since it is Suzhou Shixin, it can't be broken.

The family hasn't made much clothes in the past two years, and the whole family is frugal, but Zhang Fangyuan thought that since life is better than before, he must keep up with food, clothing, housing and transportation. Come and make yourself more comfortable.

"Dafu, Dunzi, you two take the cloth to the warehouse."

Originally, Zhang Fangyuan had only invited one clerk named Dafu. Their shop is not big, in fact, one clerk is more than enough to keep the shop, but he still has to go to the hall to order tooth powder, press the goods to the store, etc., the clerk in the shop left. No, Zhang Fangyuan weighed it and hired another one, mainly responsible for loading and delivering goods, so the manpower was quite enough.

He is also much lighter, and hardly has to come to the shop. Of course, occasionally there are big orders or people come to discuss business, and Zhang Fangyuan will come to the city to deal with the staff in the village.

Song Yong didn't leave in a hurry after picking up the goods, but asked his staff to deliver the goods to the place where he stayed. After leaving Siyang this time, he didn't know when he would come back again, even if it was soon, it would have to be this autumn They just came here to deliver the cloth, and the two of them were business friends who came here for a chat, so they went to the tea shop to have a drink together.

"Suzhou has a large population, drums and music, hustle and bustle, and merchants crowded shoulder to shoulder. It is the most popular place for businessmen." The two sat on the railing: "Boss Zhang's things are the things that the precious people love, why not go there?" Going to Suzhou to do business? It’s not my advocacy, it’s not an exaggeration to say that Suzhou City is full of gold.”

Zhang Fangyuan took a sip of tea after hearing the words: "Boss Song said that I am really fascinated, but my business seems to be passable, but after all, I started as a farmer, and my foundation is a bit weak, so it is not suitable for running business in other places."

Although it is not very far from Suzhou, it still takes three to two days for half the journey, six or seven days to go back and forth, and business is delayed, how can we get back without three or two months. There is a young son in the family, how can he be willing to travel far away.

Song Yong didn't force it, it was just a small talk. He also knew in his heart that Zhang Fangyuan probably wouldn't go there to do business, so it was a good thing for him.

It seems that he can make some money by being a merchant, but only those who have experienced it can understand the bitterness behind him. If it weren’t for his ancestors who started the merchant business, they would have opened many doors to many major provinces and capitals in the world, and made many connections. Today, where will he be well-known in various places, and the business is so smooth.

Although you can take the local specialties to eat cloth, rare birds and animals, and rare treasures, you can sell them to another place after you change hands. If you can sell them while walking, you can just sell what you have here that you don’t have elsewhere. An extremely high price is simply asking for money.

It seems so to a layman, but in fact, if you take your things to various counties and provinces, you have to pay a high business tax.

Some merchants deliberately take a detour in order to save some customs duties. If they are lucky, it will take a few more days to reach the destination. Little life is at stake.

The Song family has been in business for many years, but they have a clear understanding of the connections in various places. The predecessors have stepped on one pit after another to complete the foundation of today. For this reason, he can invite anyone to do business with his mouth, and there are only a handful of people who can succeed. .

However, Zhang Fangyuan is obviously a person with a plan and a plan, and it is impossible to be fooled: "Boss Zhang's words are true, but Siyang is also a prosperous and prosperous place among many counties. There are also businesses.”

Zhang Fangyuan smiled and said: "We short-sighted people have no choice but to stick to the small land."

"No way, Boss Zhang is a very discerning person."

The two laughed loudly together, and Zhang Fangyuan said: "I would like to ask Boss Song to find out the starting price of these products in Suzhou. I want to buy some expensive new products, but I am worried that people in the city will not give up. Spend the money."

"If it's a good thing, you don't have to worry about it. There are many people in Suzhou who are looking for it."

Zhang Fangyuan heard the words and said: "If it is true, then in autumn, when Boss Song comes to Siyang, please take care of the business."

"It would be great if it's new." Song Yongdao: "There are many rich merchants in Suzhou City, so it's a precious thing in an ordinary place. Suzhou is also an excellent place to sell." What's more, he still has a lot of ways.

Zhang Fangyuan felt at ease when he had a solid foundation in his heart. The shop had not yet put on toothbrush chips. Because of the complicated production and expensive materials, the cost was huge, and the selling price would naturally be extremely high. , I'm afraid no one will buy it and it will fall on their hands.

The two left after making an agreement.

Zhang Fangyuan came out of the tea shop and did not rush to go back, but went to Yaxing.

Last night, the couple had a discussion during their break. Now that their family has a big family business in the village, they still want two more people to help run the house. head.

The village has built a huge and spacious mansion, which is supposed to live in and enjoy happiness. It would not be appropriate for Zhang Shiyue and Xiao'e to rest there every day in order to guard the tea shed

It was not appropriate for a woman to live there with a child before, but life was bad at that time, and there were too many things that farmers could not consider in order to make a living. Now that life has improved so much, there is no need to live there again. So take the risk.

Another thing is that the tea shed has been open for a long time, and there have been many people in the village recently, because they are afraid that there will be evil intentions mixed up, and because people will find out who is keeping watch at night and will be restless.

The county government had already collected the poll tax for the first half of the year in their village. Song Yong took a large amount of goods and pocketed a large sum of money, which happened to be enough to buy two servants and go back.

In fact, he had mentioned Ruijin and Ruili after they were born, and Xu Hedeng didn't immediately agree, but it was indeed inconvenient for the latter to be alone with the child.

Although the two children are not as noisy as ordinary children, and the aunt is helping him, but after all, they are two. When the boy is good, he can do other things in his spare time. When the boy is noisy, it is not good to be alone. coax two.

Xu He also agreed to this matter, but the couple agreed to wait a little longer.

After all, if you can avoid the poll tax for a year, it counts as a year. After the time for paying taxes, you have the cheek to go through the formalities. The poll tax for servants is twice as high as that of ordinary people.

There haven't been any major disasters in the past few years. Although there were some rain disasters last year, it was not a series of disasters after all. It wouldn't make ordinary people sell their children and daughters, and the business of the child bank would not be very easy.

"Brother, do you want to buy local people or people from other places? We have them all in our baby shop."

"There are no taboos for people from other places and locals, as long as they are in good health and at a moderate age."

Yazi immediately brought two slaves to Zhang Fangyuan, a man and a younger brother. The older man looked about seventeen or eighteen, and the younger brother was fifteen or sixteen.

"They are all healthy and healthy." Yazi let the servant open his mouth by himself: "Look, brother, the appearance of the teeth is fine."

The people in the shop were all thin, so Zhang Fangyuan pointed to his physique and saw that the man was tall and broad-framed. He looked honest and honest, and the younger brother also looked very clever, so he said: "What's the matter?" price?"

Hearing the words, Yazi knew that he was a little fancy, waved his hand to let the servants go down first, and said to Zhang Fangyuan: "Slaves are not cheap these days, if the eldest brother wants both, then I can give you a sincere price, fifteen taels that is."

Zhang Fangyuan frowned: "There's no such price for a horse."

"Hey, big brother, in this peaceful and prosperous age, it's hard to buy servants, and it's hard to do business in our little shop. Let's do it, let me give you a couple."

Zhang Fangyuan was indifferent, and said in one go: "Ten taels, if you can sell it, I will buy it, if you can't, I will give up."

"Hey, there is no big brother like you who is so cheap, how can you sell at this price."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "If you have difficulties, I also have them. Let's discuss the price. We don't buy or sell by force. If we can't negotiate, I can go elsewhere."

"Don't, don't." Yazi hastily kept people away: "You two, come here to see the master of the host, and you will have a place to go in the future."

The two slaves came over again and respectfully called the master.

Yazi led Zhang Fangyuan to go through the formalities, and said: "Brother really knows how to go around the price, which is really rare. I also sincerely make friends with my brother, otherwise I really can't bear to take this price. Look at that Both of them are top-notch goods, if someone else I can bid them up to sixteen or seventy taels."

Blow, keep blowing.

Zhang Fangyuan turned a deaf ear to it, these guys in the city were all eloquent.

After paying the money, Zhang Fangyuan led the people back to the shop first, and asked the two people to stay here first. He picked up some small things, and waited for the paperwork given by Yazi to go to the yamen to go through the formalities.

People in the yamen are the most snobbish. If they don't bring some gifts, they will always try to make things difficult, but they will get things done very quickly.

Later, Zhang Fangyuan returned to the house with two servants.

It happened that someone took a pile of cloth, and when they returned to the village, the villagers looked at the person Zhang Fangyuan pulled back with their necks, thinking that it was the shop assistants in the city who came to pick up the goods, but no one thought about the slaves, so they saved Zhang Fangyuan talked a lot.

"Is it really brought back so soon?"

Xu He was drying beans in the yard, and when he heard the sound of a carriage, he came out to watch, and then watched Zhang Fangyuan bring two people back.

"This is Fulang. From now on, I will follow Fulang's orders when doing things at home."

Zhang Fangyuan pointed to Xu He and introduced him, and the two servants called him respectfully.

Originally, I was surprised how the master of the host family took people to the countryside, and was a little puzzled how the villagers bought slaves, and only found out that they were landlords and wealthy households when they arrived in the village.

The servant has no ability to choose the master's house, so he can only accept his fate and rely on God's arrangement, but seeing that the environment of Zhang's family is not much worse than that in the city, he is inevitably relieved.

"You take them to know the family, so that they can get things done as soon as possible."

Read The Duke's Passion