MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 90

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"Brother He, when will you go and move the sweet-scented osmanthus from the old house over here?"

Two helpers were hired at the old house, one was Xu Shaochun and the other was a widow from the village.

After negotiating with Xu He on a new deal and a new shop to set up Zhang's Poultry Shop, Zhang Fangyuan made a special trip to the old house to have a look.

It took him a day to break through most of the walls of the old house, leaving one room for people to live in and rest, and the other two large rooms connected to the nave, one for the big chickens and ducks, and the other for the hatchlings. Chicken duckling.

The old house was opened up in such a mess that it didn't look like a human being at all. Zhang Fangyuan sighed slightly. After all, he still lived in the place for many years, and he still felt a little bit reluctant.

But he is not a person who will indulge in the past, and converting the old house into a poultry shed has played its role, otherwise it will collapse sooner or later if no one lives in it for a long time.

Nothing else, but he was a little reluctant to look at the osmanthus tree in the yard that was already as thick as three fingers.

This golden osmanthus plant is willing to bloom, and it bloomed a lot last year. At that time, Xu He even picked up half a pot to dry and save it.

Later, I moved to a big house, and the chickens and ducks jumped up and down in the yard, and the chicken and duck droppings were pulled under the tree without fermenting, and the leaves of the golden osmanthus were fat and yellow. This year's autumn is the best time for the sweet-scented osmanthus to bloom. No flowers grew.

"After the autumn tiger has passed the heat, it will be transplanted to the head of the house."

Xu He was a little confused about what her husband was thinking. It was not necessarily that he was so worried about pushing the house that he had lived in for many years. On the contrary, he had a special liking for the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the yard.

"The child is asleep?"

Zhang Fangyuan didn't see the two little guys running around, so he couldn't help asking.

Xu He nodded.

A few days ago, Zhang Fangyuan dragged the two ponies brought back by the horse shop into the yard.

Earlier, it was said that Xiao Hei was going to be bred, but he hadn't been bred before, but this time it can be regarded as a success.

The price of bringing horses to a horse dealer for breeding is much lower than buying horses alone, but most of them are limited to mares, and only a little less for stallions.

However, Zhang Fangyuan felt that Xiao Hei was a good horse, and the cubs bred with him should not be bad. After the acquaintances of the horse dealer had bred the horses, they asked Zhang Fangyuan to get them. Spirit, eyes are exactly the same as Xiao Hei.

The two children are very happy to see a live pony. During the day, they always ask Wenzi to take the pony into the yard to play. A live pony is more interesting than a wooden horse. Ruijin always wants his father to hold it and watch it up close. , but also want to touch.

Xu He was a little worried that the pony was not docile enough just after arriving home, so he didn't dare to let the child get too close, so he just let him throw some grass over to feed him.

As a result, Xiao Hei, who was burying his head next to him and grazing, suddenly raised his head and called out to the pony, and the pony behaved.

These two children have been able to touch the pony's head under the watchful eyes of the adults these days. Ruijin is very courageous and wants to ride a pony.

I didn't sleep in the afternoon nap, and after exhausting my energy, I yawned all day after washing for nothing at night, and fell asleep obediently when I carried him into the house.

Zhang Fangyuan smiled and said: "Xiao Hei has never seen his own species twice, and he is still very good at training."

"It's my son after all." Xu He put down his calculations and said, "How is the arrangement of the new store going?"

"There's not much to fix, and adding a few shelves will be quick. I hired another guy to look after it today, and it will be convenient for the poultry in the village to come from in the future."

The new shop is located on a side street. The shop is half as wide as the Linglong shop, but the price is nearly half cheaper than the Tianjie.

Now more than 40 eggs can be obtained in the poultry shed every day, and hundreds of eggs can be stored in a short time.

Some of them are made into pine eggs and salted eggs for the other side of the guest house, and the rest are kept, and fresh chicken and duck eggs are sent there every five days.

"Eight hundred taels."

Xu He said suddenly, and closed his abacus.


"What else can it be? Naturally, it's our family's savings." Xu He carried the money box and put it under the bed, and said with a smile, "I hope that by the end of this year we can break through one hundred, two thousand households."

Zhang Fangyuan also laughed: "It's been a few months, so I have to work harder. Song Yong has come to Siyang and said that he will discuss business with me tomorrow. Would you like to go together and go to the restaurant."

Xu He knew that this was telling him that he would go to a restaurant for a drink tomorrow, so where would it be appropriate to take him. But he was still happy that Zhang Fangyuan asked him like this.

"That's all for me." Xu He looked at Zhang Fangyuan's sweaty forehead and said, "Go take a shower early, it's getting cooler now."

As he said that, he got up and found a set of loose obscene clothes in the wardrobe, and chattered: "A few days ago, the second aunt said that she saw Wenzi's family members, and only then did she know that Wenzi is from our local area. I plan to spend some days Let him go back to visit his relatives for two days."

Zhang Fangyuan doesn't like to take care of these family affairs, he knows that Xu He will take care of them properly: "He is from a nearby village?"

"It's from Gaocun. That village is small and poor. Gaocun sells the most children and daughters every year. I heard from folks in our village that in the past, anyone in the village who couldn't find a wife in the village liked to go to Gaocun to ask for it. The bride price here is low."

Zhang Fangyuan put the bathing handkerchief on his shoulders: "It's a good thing that Aunt Gan didn't tell me about Gaocun's marriage when she asked for a marriage before. Just give me some money, and then I will definitely not be able to get you."

"You didn't intend to beg me at first."

"I didn't understand anything at the time, how dare I ask a matchmaker to come to your house to say kiss me."

Xu He never talked about the past, and pushed Zhang Fangyuan: "Hurry up and take a bath, I'll go and see the child."

Zhang Fangyuan turned his head and exhaled warmly in front of Xu He's ear: "After seeing the child, go back to the house and wait for me."

"Who will wait for you."

Zhang Fangyuan laughed and entered the clean room shirtless.

He was soaking in the bucket, thinking about whether to have two children. Although the two short winter melons were enough for him, he likes to have children these days. The so-called more children and more blessings, the family's incense can be better continue.

His father and his grandma had six children, and his father's generation was not good enough. Only his uncle's family had two sons, a daughter and a younger brother, and the rest were just one or two. His fourth uncle To make matters worse, there are no sons.

If it weren't for the kindness of the people in Jijiu Village, and the fact that Zhang's family is the largest family name in the village, they wouldn't be bullied. portion.

Previously, there was a family in the next-door village who had no sons. A family in the village secretly moved the land boundary between the two families by a few minutes at night, and the villagers found out and went to the theory.

The young and middle-aged sons were already standing at the door and gearing up before they even opened their mouths. How could he dare to say anything, so he had to go home in despair.

But when I went back, I couldn’t think about it over and over again. I turned around and wanted to go to the county government to sue, but the water in the government office was a thousand feet deep, and I didn’t give some gifts to make a relationship. I asked a lawyer to write a complaint. Wiping tears and sighing, foolish suffers from being dumb.

For this reason, Zhang Shicheng treated Zhang Fangyuan well in every possible way, and he also wanted Zhang Fangyuan to take care of them, so that Xiaomao would have a cousin who was as close as a brother to take care of him when he married.

The Xu family also had the same reasoning. Now that they are respectful to their two sons-in-law, they also want someone to support them.

The times are like this, and the prosperity of the population is what everyone looks forward to.

Zhang Fangyuan also wanted to have two more children, but before He Geer had a child, he was so scared that he couldn't figure it out. He thought it would be better if there were two less hells, and it would be good to raise the two children on hand.

As for the children in the future, let nature take its course. Of course I am happy if I have it, but I can live without it.

Zhang Fangyuan quickly wiped himself clean, ready to go back to the house and let nature take its course, climbed out of the bucket and slapped his forehead: "What memory!"

He was so busy chatting with Xu He that he forgot about his clothes again.

"Brother! I didn't take my clothes!"

Wrapped in a veil, he shouted, although no one answered, but soon the door creaked, the door opened a gap, and the folded clothes were put in.

Zhang Fangyuan closed the door again and went out without seeing the person. He went to put on his clothes and said with a smile, "Are you still shy?"

There was no answer from outside, and Zhang Fangyuan didn't take it seriously. He **** his clothes in a hurry and opened the door. He didn't see Xu He, but Wenzi brought a bowl of soup.

The man kept his head down, Zhang Fangyuan didn't notice his blushing face: "Master, it's not suitable to drink tea at night, let's have a bowl of Qishen soup."

Wenzi lowered his eyes, not daring to look at Zhang Fangyuan, and his voice was as small as a real mosquito: "The servant made it on purpose."

Zhang Fangyuan didn't hear the slave girl clearly, thinking that Xu He made it up on purpose, but the corners of his mouth curled up when he heard this.

"Still tinkering with these things."

He is almost as strong as a cow, so he still needs to mend it, but his daughter-in-law has her heart, so he will not let him down, and he drank it clean after taking a sip.

Wen Zi's heart was pounding. He was actually very afraid of Zhang Fangyuan, a tall, mighty, fierce-looking young master. Although Xu He was also a younger brother, he was different from him. Standing next to the master makes people feel that they can eat and live with the master.

But he can't, he is short and thin, he is a very ordinary little brother, and he avoids Zhang Fangyuan when doing things on weekdays.

But seeing Zhang Fangyuan's words and actions this morning, he felt that perhaps what Xiao Daddy said was right, men are all lustful, and this morning must have been a pleasure to hint to him, so he became more courageous.

Taking advantage of the time to catch the bowl, he held the bowl with both hands and took advantage of the opportunity to hold Zhang Fangyuan's hand.

Zhang Fangyuan was taken aback, he acted rudely, it was normal for the old man to hook his shoulders, but he didn't like others to touch the back of his hand, in other words, the back of his hand was very sensitive.

He always felt that only Xu He could touch the back of his hand. Even though his face turned cold and fierce, Wen Zi didn't know what he did wrong, and he was so frightened that his thoughts were lost, and the bowl in his hand fell to the ground.

There was a snap.

"My lord, this servant deserves to die, it was the servant who accidentally broke the bowl because of his clumsy hands and feet."

Zhang Fangyuan saw people evasively talk about bowls, but wanted to scold him angrily but felt that the servants would misunderstand him by speaking out.

Without saying a word, he hopped back to the main house.

Xu He was already lying down. Seeing Zhang Fangyuan rushing in like being chased by a ghost, he moved his body: "What's wrong with you? But it's cold after taking a bath?"

Zhang Fangyuan jumped in front of Xu He, with a weak and helpless face: "Wen Zi touched my hand!"

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