MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 92

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"Did something happen?"

After Xu He sent Wenzi away, Zhang Shiyue lifted the curtain and came out from inside to ask carefully.

"My little brother is too old to stay at home."

When Zhang Shiyue heard the words, she probably figured out what was going on without asking much.

Zhang Fangyuan is young and strong, and now his family is in a good situation, and there is only one husband by her side, not to mention the ones with bad intentions, even the ones with good intentions want to send them over. In the past two years, there have been many people who have been sidestepping her.

Zhang Shiyue saw that the young couple had a good relationship, so she didn't go to talk about it out of boredom. It was unexpected and reasonable that the people in the room were like this.

What surprised her was that Wen Zi, who seemed to be honest and timid on weekdays, dared to hook up with Zhang Fangyuan so boldly.

"It's about hair loss..." Zhang Shiyue hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Does Ah Yuan know?"

"That's what he meant."

Zhang Shiyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu He smiled: "Second Aunt is afraid that I will send him off privately and make A Yuan unhappy?"

Wenzi dared to hook up with Zhang Fangyuan, Zhang Shiyue was afraid that Zhang Fangyuan would agree, and it would be bad for the couple to have trouble because of a servant.

"I'm just asking."

Xu He wanted to say that Zhang Fangyuan would be unhappy if he didn't get caught, but he didn't say too much, he just confessed to Zhang Shiyue seriously: "Second aunt, I sent Wenzi to work at the other side of the tea shed this morning, thank you Please keep an eye on him."

"He is so courageous because he was bullied by his little father before. If he is not honest on the other side, then the family will not keep him."

Zhang Shiyue frowned: "His family would buy things in the tea shed when they were dolls, and now he is going to work again, so they can't meet again in the future."

Xu He shook his head: "No, let them meet."

"What is this for? If Wenzi's ears are soft, won't he be on the wrong track again?"

Xu He said slowly: "If you know that he has soft ears, then you have to test his determination. We can prevent him from seeing his family once, but his family already knows where he is on duty. Whether he can stop it again and again depends on his determination. If he is instigated by his little father again to do something that can't do good to his master, then he won't be given a chance to stay at home and do things again."

"You are very thoughtful." Zhang Shiyue nodded: "I will keep an eye on it secretly."

Xu He breathed a sigh of relief after explaining, patted the hem of his clothes and turned to go into the house to see the child, now that Wen Zi was sent away, and he had to work alone, Zhang Fangyuan said that he would find another honest helper at home .

He didn't refuse. The family had a lot of business and needed manpower. He couldn't be afraid of well ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years, and stop buying slaves to use at home.

When Zhang Fangyuan arrived in the city, he had overheard Wenzi's whereabouts, and he was going to go to Yahang again to find two slaves, and he went to see Song Yong before going.

"It's been more than half a year since we left. Boss Song's business is going well?"

The two had another meal in the restaurant, chatting and exchanging news about Suzhou and Siyang.

"Business is not lukewarm, but it's still passable. In addition to shipping goods to Siyang this time, there is also a business I want to discuss with Boss Zhang."

"It's also an old acquaintance, Boss Song said it's okay."

Now Song Yong comes to Siyang to pick up the goods for brushing teeth for three or two years, because he only comes twice a year, and the goods he takes are transported to the prefecture and county, and they are opened for sale, and they are often sold out before returning to Suzhou. , Every time I return to Suzhou, the goods are not enough.

Seeing that it is profitable, how can a businessman just ignore it? Toothbrushes and tooth powder are not rare treasures. It is easy to imitate, and business can be done in Suzhou. Song Yong has already started to prepare his own shop, but now he does not come to Siyang to find Zhang Fangyuan can operate after taking the goods.

He didn't hide it either, and directly talked to Zhang Fangyuan that he also had his own teeth-brushing shop in Suzhou.

Zhang Fangyuan knew that this would happen sooner or later. Suzhou has a large area and a dense population, and the business of brushing teeth is easy to do. Song Yong is not a fool. After taking the goods a few times, he went back and copied the teeth brushing. He was not annoyed: "Since that's the case, what business does Boss Song have with me?"

Song Yong laughed: "Boss Zhang is a straightforward person, and I don't mean to be around the corner when I speak. This toothbrush and tooth powder are easy to make, but the most expensive tooth incense chip is hard to imitate. Suzhou is full of wealthy families. If you lack the Yaxiang chip, you will lose a big deal."

Originally still thinking about this level, Zhang Fangyuan said bluntly: "Boss Song wants the secret recipe for Yaxiang chips?"

"That's right." Song Yong felt that he was a bit unkind, and he took the goods to do business with others and now he came to buy the secret recipe: "The price is negotiable, I can offer this amount."

Zhang Fangyuan looked at Song Yongshu's two fingers, and he understood that two hundred taels was a lot of money, and it seemed that Yaxiang chip was indeed a good seller in Suzhou. However, he didn't think about going to Suzhou for business by himself, not to mention that he was unfamiliar with the place, so he rushed there with good things, and he was easily beaten by local snakes.

In fact, it is best if someone buys the secret recipe and sells it to take the opportunity to make a fortune. Sooner or later, this thing will be imitated by someone, but now it is sold to Song Yong, which means that the shop has lost a big customer. It's not as good as it used to be.

Zhang Fangyuan held the wine glass with a smile on his face, but in fact he had already weighed several times in his heart.

"It's an honor for Boss Song to see this business, but Boss Song also knows that Yaxiang chip is the treasure of the shop, no matter how high the selling price is, it will be a hammer to death and no struggle."

Song Yong didn't know what Zhang Fangyuan meant. He couldn't readily agree or he still had some scruples: "If Boss Zhang is not satisfied with the price, he can still negotiate."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "The price is not a problem. I have been happy to cooperate with Boss Song in the past two years. I have the cheek to want to continue to frequent with Boss Song."

Song Yong took a sip of wine, and said vaguely: "In the future, I will definitely come to Siyang to ship goods. As long as Boss Zhang wants silk cloth, I will promise to give Boss Zhang the lowest price. I will treat it as the goods for Boss Zhang. ,Do not make money."

How could Zhang Fangyuan care about this, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Thank you, Boss Song, for your kindness. The biggest business you do is reselling silk, and other businesses are just embellishments."

Song Yong narrowed his eyes slightly: "Boss Zhang might as well speak up."

"I have silk on hand. Even if I don't use Linglong shop to brush my teeth in the future, I hope Boss Song can take silk in my hand."

Song Yong frowned: "Boss Zhang has silk?"

Zhang Fangyuan responded.

"If Boss Song still gets the goods from me when he comes to Siyang to ship goods in the future, the secret of Yaxiang chips can be handed over to Boss Song."

Song Yong pondered for a moment, then smiled suddenly: "I didn't know that Boss Zhang still had silk in his hand, so it would be easier to discuss."

"Suzhou is rich in gorgeous silk, and there is a great demand for silk. Although there are many silkworm farmers in Suzhou, most of them are monopolized by big merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, and few can flow to other merchants."

It's a good thing to have another way to get silk, and he will come to Siyang every year to ship cloth, and he will take the silk away at that time, which is as easy as before. He really didn't know that Zhang Fangyuan still had this level of business before, so he asked about this matter in detail with great interest.

Knowing that the village households raised silkworms, he immediately said: "This is excellent, excellent! Boss Zhang wrote a letter to inform him that morning."

Song Yong felt that Zhang Fangyuan was bold, and he was sincerely willing to make him such a friend, but after all, merchants rely on interests to maintain contact, and it is difficult to communicate with each other if interests are cut off, not to mention that the two are not merchants in the same place.

It would be great if he could continue to do business this morning, and he was really happy.

The hatchback discussed the time to get the goods, and also discussed the price. The market price was set in advance, but the specific price depends on how it is sold at the time.

If the silkworm cocoons are sold directly, the price will definitely be lower. If the processed silk is sold, the price will be much higher. However, selling silk directly is labor-intensive, and the extracted silk is divided into length and quality for different purchase prices.

Zhang Fangyuan has not considered whether to sell cocoons or silk for the time being. Before supplying Song Yong, he has to collect silk in the village first. When the time comes, he will sell whichever he receives in the hands of the villagers. It's also easy to handle.

The two talked quite happily, and signed the contract and pressed their fingers. After each of them collected the signatures, Zhang Fangyuan sold the secret recipe of Yaxiang chips to Song Yong.

In this way, even if he lost a big customer of Linglong Shop, but opened another business, and also solved the villagers' affairs, Zhang Fangyuan felt at ease physically and mentally.

After he sent Song Yong away, he was still relaxed, and hurried to do some errands again, and went directly to Yahang.

"Boss Zhang, please hurry up!"

When Zhang Fangyuan walked into the shop, he was warmly greeted and led in by the boy. The boy looked very good, and it had been a long time since he came back last time, but he still recognized him at a glance. Name taboo.

"Is the previous two still working? I want to see what kind of use it is now?"

Zhang Fangyuan said: "If you want two younger ones, twelve or three is enough. Put them in the courtyard to do things."

Yazi fully agreed, and immediately went to pull the two out. Zhang Fangyuan shook his head straight away when he saw the handsome ones.

"Isn't this kind of quality okay?"

"If you want two honest people, it's not easy to cause trouble."

Yazi went on the road and led two more, but he was afraid that Zhang Fangyuan would be dissatisfied and think that he would fool him with such a person, so he said: "Although it doesn't look very clever, but it is diligent in doing things."

Zhang Fangyuan is satisfied with this, and he can be regarded as a regular customer, so he settled on the price without much fuss. He was the one who had negotiated a deal with Song Yong to buy servants last time, and it was the same this time, Zhang Fangyuan thought that he should not be like before.

He went to the county government office to complete the formalities as usual, and when he was ready, he went to Yahang to take the two new servants home, but when he came out of the government office, he went to the pastry shop first to bring some food back for Ruijin Ruili.

Although He Ge'er likes to make food for the two cubs by himself, and he is less likely to buy some snacks for the children in the city, so as not to eat too much snacks and even not eat, but every time he comes to the city, he always does the same Remember to bring something home for the children, such as snacks, puppet playthings and so on.

"Doctor, hurry up! Human life is at stake, so please hurry up!"

As soon as Zhang Fangyuan went up the steps of the pastry shop, he saw a woman next to him rushed into the medical hall anxiously, and the old doctor was crying and jumping.

He heard that the voice was somewhat familiar, and he leaned forward to take a look, but he didn't expect it to be the wife of the Fei family.

Hearing this, he frowned, what happened? He hesitated for a moment whether to step forward and ask, but it was Fei's mother who found him first.

"Zhang Tuzi, you have a horse, maybe you will take the doctor to the village soon?"

When someone asked for help, Zhang Fangyuan didn't think much about his grievances. He took the doctor and rode back to the village and went straight to Fei's house.

There is no room for three people on one horse. On the way back with the doctor, Zhang Fangyuan didn't know what was going on. He didn't know it was Fei Lian's concubine until he arrived at Fei's house and saw the yard circling in a hurry, and there was a wail in the room. something happened.

Now there are two relatives and wives in Fei's family, and when they saw the doctor coming, they hurriedly brought them into the house, while Fei Lian stood outside with a pale face, panic-stricken.

Fei's family was in chaos for a while, when the doctor came, it was settled. After a while, Xu Shaochun came out from the house and saw Zhang Fangyuan in the children's yard, and poured a bowl of tea to thank him.

She complained about Fei Lian and didn't know how to greet anyone. She didn't know if Fei Lian had listened, but instead asked, "What's the matter, Brother Feng?"

Seeing that Fei Lian was so concerned about the concubine, Xu Shaochun didn't get angry or jealous, instead he looked calm: "The doctor is rectifying, but there is no result yet."

"What's the matter?"

Although Zhang Fangyuan could see that something was wrong with Fei Lian's concubine, he didn't know what happened. It's not that he likes to spy on people's private affairs. I couldn't bring them back together, so I hurried back to the village first. I had to figure it out, so I could explain it to Brother He when I went back.

When Xu Shaochun was asked, he sighed, but he couldn't answer. He seemed to think for a moment before he said: "Brother Feng was frightened and injured his fetal gas, and his stomach hurts a lot today."

He didn't say exactly why he was shocked, but Fei Lian's face turned paler. As soon as the words fell, the doctor in the room came out.

Seeing the three people outside, he shook his head.

Everyone immediately knew that the child was gone.

"If you feel unwell at the first sign of your body, you should go to the doctor in time, and give silver needles, maybe the child can survive, but this time is too long, and the child will not be able to survive. Fortunately, the doctor was invited, and if the old man also Come a few hours later, I'm afraid the adults and children will be gone too."

Hearing the words, Fei Lian was almost on the verge of collapse, and Xu Shaochun was also frightened. If he lost two lives in one day, it would be a crime.

Then the old doctor raised his thick eyebrows, and painstakingly taught him: "Although I have said that during the first few months of pregnancy, the fetal phase has stabilized and some **** is feasible, but it must not be too frequent and violent. It is really easy to cause miscarriage, and at least it will fail." If you have a child, you will lose your life. The old man’s words are a bit harsh, but he who treats people has a benevolent heart. Both the husband and the wife must remember it well, so as to avoid another tragedy in the future.”

The doctor thought that the whole room was filled with the closest family members, and regarded Zhang Fangyuan as his elder brother. Therefore, he did not shy away from admonishing the child directly on the reasons for the miscarriage, and did not shy away from it.

Xu Shaochun felt ashamed and shameless after talking, Fei Lian turned from pale to flushed, turned his face away and was passed by, but Zhang Fangyuan touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, his expression was calm.

Now he feels that it is not surprising that Fei Lian did something, and he can't say that the little brother is pitiful. If Fei Lian forced him to submit, he would not believe it. He probably came to the house and wanted to compete with Xu Shaochun. Looking at Fei Lian, the two sides couldn't control it and ended up losing their child.

It's a lot of fun day by day, no wonder Xu Shaochun has been calmed down, except that he goes home to take care of the children, and spends the rest of his time working hard in their live capture shed, who wants to stay in the house every day when there is a room full of bad things? Thinking about it, it would be better to work outside, after all, the heart is lighter.

"Since that's the case, then I'll take my leave first. Doctors, please hire someone to send it back. I still have things to do, so I won't stay here any longer."

Fei Lian longed for Zhang Fangyuan to leave as an outsider. Hearing what he said, don't say politely to stay a guest, even if he sent the doctor back, he didn't say a word of thanks. On the contrary, Xu Shaochun greeted people and took care of the family affairs.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and there is nothing in the village that can be completely hidden. Within two days, everyone in the village knew that the young Fei's child was gone, and it was just a joke.

It is very common to lose a child in the village, let alone a miscarriage, there are countless children who will not be born in peace.

It's just that the world has been peaceful in the past two years, and there are few people around Siyang City who can't afford to starve to death, so they raise more children than when they were not born well.

But the villagers didn't know the specific reason why the child didn't exist, otherwise Fei Lian would really be thrown into the loess by the villagers' gossip. Zhang Fangyuan only talked about this matter with Xu He once, after all, it was considered a family matter.

Xu He sighed, and couldn't help but feel scared, thinking that they had **** before when they had children, but luckily nothing happened.

Zhang Fangyuan said: "Then Fei Lian is not self-sufficient, and the little brother came out of the Goulan courtyard. He doesn't know the importance of hooking up together. He just wants to tie Fei Lian's heart. How can he be thoughtful?" child."

They were very careful before, and not twice, but they still have to be warned.

Although Xu Shaochun went to work at the poultry shed as usual, and Xu He could see her from time to time, but he didn't take the initiative to ask about the Fei family, but Liu Xianglan rushed to the door, taking advantage of the fact that both of them were around. Kung Fu cursed.

"That little **** deserves what he deserves. It's no wonder he came from that kind of place for being ignorant every day. It's retribution for such a small business! That kid Fei Lian also followed suit."

Xu Shaochun was a little calm and let her mother yell and scold her.

"What's going on there now?"

Xu Shaochun sighed: "Although Fei Lian lost his child, Fei Lian felt sorry for him and was ashamed to see him. He asked a doctor to prescribe good medicine to take care of him. These days, he rested in my room. That brother also made trouble, and now he is gone. The child made an amulet, and the mother-in-law's complexion was not very good, and she was reprimanded every now and then, seeing that the gentleman didn't mention him, but now she has calmed down, and she is honestly taking care of her body, and she dare not come to yell at me again."

Liu Xianglan patted her thigh happily: "This is a good thing!"

She acted like no one else said: "Seize this opportunity and get pregnant with another one quickly. Then I will see who in the Fei family dares to neglect you again!"

Xu He listened to the conversation between the mother and the daughter. He only drank tea and did not interrupt. Although he was already sitting in the main seat in the Zhang family, he still habitually just listened to these conversations. .

But when he heard this, he still said: "Second sister has only given birth to a child for a long time, and her body has not yet recovered. Isn't this like driving ducks to the shelves?"

"That's true." Liu Xianglan smacked and said, "Anyway, I already have a little grandson, so there is no need to be so anxious, just take good care of it."

Xu Shaochun heaved a long sigh, and didn't know how to say something in his heart.

She married Fei Lian, so she knew about him, and they thought about it once when they stayed in her room, but they failed halfway.

Telling this matter would be more embarrassing than losing the child, she persuaded Fei Lian to ask a doctor to take a look, but was reprimanded, thinking that the relationship between the two is just that, so Xu Shaochun will let him.

Presumably, it must have been affected by Brother Feng's affairs, and it should be fine after a long time, and she is too lazy to take care of it. In short, there are a lot of bad things, but at least it is much calmer than before.

Liu Xianglan looked at her daughter and sighed, tried to comfort her, and said in front of Xu He that the work on the other side of the chicken and duck shed should be handed over to another widow to do more, so as not to tire her body, Xu Shaochun never promised Liu Xianglan's words, Xu He didn't say much.

After a farce, Zhang Fangyuan took the county government's documents to the Yahang to bring the person back.

Zhang Fangyuan originally didn't plan to take the two newly bought servants to the tea shed, because they are very honest and not suitable for taking care of the business, so they can just arrange to take care of the housework carefully in the house.

But he brought some wine and sauces to the Tea Shed Guest House to restock, and he brought people along for a tour along the way. I gave directions for the second time, and I can come directly by myself.

Although he is already a big boss, and there are enough people at the tea shed in the guest house, Zhang Fangyuan often goes to the city to pick up the goods by himself. For being diligent.

Wen Zi was doing the job of cleaning, serving tea and delivering water at the other side of the guest house. It was the first time he saw Zhang Fangyuan after he was sent here. Thinking about his previous reckless behavior, he wanted to avoid his boss, but seeing Zhang Fangyuan Bringing two more servants back, he couldn't help observing the two newly bought servants.

Seeing him like this, Wu Zi, who was also busy, patted him on the back: "Why don't you go forward and salute the master?"

Wenzi was a little panicked.

Although Wuzi didn't know why Wenzi was called here to do things, he vaguely knew that he was sent out because of something wrong, which was different from when he was assigned here early in the morning. But he didn't know the specific reason, the two came in together, although they didn't see each other every day, but they were affectionate, Wenzi was not used to it in the first two days, and it was Wuzi who took care of him.

"Go, the master is not a person who cares about things. There are many things in business, and he won't keep your previous mistakes in mind."

When Wenzi heard this, he went forward and bowed his head respectfully to Zhang Fangyuan.

Zhang Fangyuan waved his hand and didn't say a word to him, but Wenzi was relieved, and called Wuzi again.

"A guest asked about lamb wine before. This time, I went to the restaurant where I used to buy wine and ordered some lamb wine. If it sells well, you can go directly to buy it in the future. Don't stock up too much every time. Lamb wine Expensive."


Zhang Fangyuan wiped his sweat: "Go and unload the goods."

Autumn is here, and during the autumn harvest, more village households come to the tea shed guest house to buy some meat, rice noodles, and many people come out to play in the fresh autumn air.

The business at the guest house is good, but Zhang Fangyuan passes by the village every day, and he feels a little indebted to the villagers for their hard work and harvest.

His family had a lot of land before, and after he managed the village, Zhang Shicheng returned all the land he managed for him to him.

But he didn't grow many crops. He took up a few mu of land to build a house, and the rest was used to grow vegetables for the tea shed and guest house. The rice field took up three or two mu of land.

This year was a bumper year, and he was envious of seeing the landlord's large tract of land and grain being loaded into the granary. His own house, which was bigger than the landlord's, had a lot of warehouses, but none of them were filled.

Zhang Fangyuan wondered if he needed more land to be at ease.

But in the past two years, his livelihood has been good, and there have been no great natural disasters and man-made disasters. The people around him can live a decent life. There are few people who sell their land, so it is not easy for him to buy land.

In fact, if you really want to buy land, you can buy it. After all, no one will be able to live with money, but buying land in a good year is a big loss. At least the price is two or three times that of a disaster year. He is just a household just over a thousand. People have to plan carefully and do things that can't be spent at will.

After thinking about it, Xu He said that he had opened up a few acres of wasteland to plant mulberry trees. Although it was not as fertile as the land that the villagers cultivated all year round after using chicken and duck manure, it could still produce crops, and it would be better if it was cultivated for a few years .

The main reason is that the imperial court encourages the people to open up wasteland and reclaim land. As long as they go to the county government to go through the formalities and register, these wastelands can be sold at half the price of the good land that the people take care of, which is much cheaper than the land in the famine years.

Zhang Fangyuan was a little moved, so the couple inspected the wasteland in the village, and inquired about the purchase of land.

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