MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 97

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"Zhang Fangyuan must be crazy. It's as hot as rolling in boiling water. He actually went up the mountain to collect firewood and bring it back. He couldn't find anything to do and he didn't use it to spend time like this."

"Who knows what these rich men think, are they going to build new houses?"

"What kind of houses are you building? The wood you get back is not good wood. Maybe it's the firewood you made and sent to the guest house."

Seeing Wu Zi, the sturdy servant of the Zhang family, came back from the guest house, driving three horses up the mountain all day long, transporting wood back and forth from the mountain, and irrigating the crops in the fields. Everyone is watching.

"Who cares what tricks they're doing, hey, your family didn't lose money by selling grain this time, right?"

"Where is it? The Wu family still sells the most. My family is nothing at all."

There was a lot of discussion among the villagers, but at this time a large straw shed was temporarily built outside the Zhang family's house, specially used for stacking firewood.

"Go up the mountain, go up the mountain!"

Brother Xiaoli watched Wuzi drive the horses down every day, and heard that his father and fourth uncle were chopping firewood on the mountain, holding Xu He's hand, jumping and jumping, arguing to go to the mountain to play.

Xu He thought that the mountain was lush with trees, and it was much cooler than the village. The two little guys hadn't been to the mountain before, and it was hard for a cub born in the village to go up the mountain and down the fish pond, so he agreed to take the two up.

It's just that it's not easy to climb up with two heavy cubs. It's not a problem to carry one, but two can't carry it if they want to.

Xu He had no choice but to take advantage of Wuzi's coming down the mountain and ask him to take a message to Zhang Fangyuan on the mountain.

His son is also going up the mountain, let him come down to pick him up.

Waiting for Zhang Fangyuan's time, Xu He asked the two cubs to roll up their sleeves, stretch out their white arms, and apply the extremely expensive mosquito repellent lotion sold in the city next to each other.

On normal days, Xu He would not be willing to use it. Although the mountain is cool, the damp mosquitoes are big and poisonous. If they bite a child, they will cause a few big pustules.

After Xu He wiped the lotion on Ruijin Ruili, he changed the child into long clothes and trousers. After tossing the two guys, Zhang Fangyuan came back on horseback.

"The naughty ghost is going to play in the mountains again, and he is not afraid that the **** bear will take you there."

As soon as Zhang Fangyuan entered the room, he picked up the child and kissed him: "Oh, it smells astringent."

"I just wiped the mosquito repellent water on Brother Li, but the child didn't wipe it off, but you did."

Zhang Fangyuan laughed: "Bring the potion, there are many mosquitoes in the mountains."

The couple each hugged a little guy and went up the mountain together.

This year's hot summer, not only the crops died of drought, but also many old trees died without rain on the hills, and the villagers were busy picking up the crops, so there was a lot of firewood, which was very good for firewood.

However, in the past ten days or so, a few people have already made thousands of catties of firewood, but if they want to burn thousands of catties of charcoal, they need six or seven times more firewood.

Ruijin and Ruili went up the mountain and followed the fish back to the pool, running around happily, the couple let the child make trouble, but Zhang Shicheng was worried, afraid that the child would bump into each other, how could he have any thoughts? chop wood.

Fortunately, it was Xu Helai who took his place, so there was still so much labor.

"These two little guys are very energetic."

Zhang Shicheng ran with the child for a while, his head was foggy with sweat, and he was not so tired from chopping firewood.

But he also loves two chubby, white and tender children very much. There are few children in the village who can raise as well as these two cubs, so they are especially affectionate.

In the past two years, the child has grown faster than the crops in the dry land. After picking up some slivers, he no longer looks like a wax gourd in the field like when he was more than one year old.

The farmer in the field is strong, Zhang Shicheng picked up a cub in one hand: "Don't run around and fall, uncle just picked up a nest of birds, take a look!"

The two little ones were very interested. It was the first time they saw a round bird's nest made of wood slag, and inside it were two pairs of young birds that could not fly and were chirping with their mouths wide open.

Little Li's round eyes opened wide: "Little bird, little bird!"

"There are four!"

Ruijin looked at the young bird, although his reaction was not as intense as that of Brother Li, but his eyes were still flickering, and he was talking to Brother Li.

Zhang Shicheng was shocked for a moment, then turned to look at Zhang Fangyuan and his wife: "This kid can count!"

The couple were also a little surprised. They had faintly noticed that Ruijin was taciturn before, but they liked to learn from adults. They didn't expect that they could count birds after being a blockbuster.

"This kid is smart, he should be sent to Kaimeng sooner!"

Zhang Shicheng's eyes lit up, he was very happy.

"The child is only two years old, and if he wants to be enlightened, he will have to be three years old before sending it. It is too early now."

Zhang Fangyuan was also happy about the cleverness of the kid. After all, many people in the village had privately commented that Ruijin was stupid, but he didn't want to try to prove that the Zhang family's children were not stupid but also smart.

"Now the family is fine. Anyway, I want to send my children to study, so it doesn't matter if it's later or later."

Zhang Shicheng still wanted to hug the little boy for a while, but the hearts of the two children had already flown to the little bird, and they were shaking their legs to get off.

"You can't touch baby birds, do you understand?"

The two cubs nodded their heads obediently before Zhang Shicheng put it down, and immediately surrounded the bird's nest with the ground. The two of them squatted side by side, chirping and googling, not knowing what they were talking about, and sometimes Xu He couldn't understand.

Zhang Shicheng looked at the two cubs squatting, especially fleshy, and turned around every step before going back to chop firewood.

Zhang Fangyuan shook his head: "Uncle Si likes the eldest grandson so much, just hug these two guys and kiss them for a while."

"It's very noisy. I can't take care of my old bones."

"Then find Xiaomao a husband and son-in-law earlier, and the eldest grandson will have to be hugged earlier."

Zhang Shicheng glared at Zhang Fangyuan, scolded that it was not big or small, but he had already thought about it happily in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to say it, so he said something else.

"Then again, why are you hoarding so much firewood? Now it's better to hoard food and sell it in Wojiang County, maybe you can still make some money."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "Store some firewood for the winter, and then burn charcoal."

Zhang Shicheng had been irrigating the fields for the past few days, so he came over to help cut firewood for two days when he was free.

Hearing Zhang Fangyuan's words, he was even more puzzled: "It's as hot as staying in a stove, so why store charcoal?"

"Uncle Si, didn't you see that it was always summer drought and winter snow? It's too late to hoard rice and sell it, and I can't make a fortune?"

Zhang Shicheng cut down the dry tree trunk and said: "It's good to be dry in summer and cold in winter, but it must be like this. It's just a coincidence. Just stock up appropriately. Be careful if you stock up too much. This winter will be as warm as last year. Carbon fire will sell." It’s so cheap that no one buys it yet.”

Zhang Fangyuan smiled: "Just listen to me, you are right."

The Zhang family cut firewood and burned charcoal for a whole summer.

This year's drought, although Siyang City has not been affected by the drought and the harvest has not been affected, but the harvest has been greatly reduced compared to last year.

The farmers quickly cleaned up the crops, and many people were holding baskets to pick up the leftover ears of grain in the harvested rice fields.

"I sold it at a loss, I sold it at a loss. The rice in the grain store in the city has increased by five cents again. If I sell it later, I will make a profit."

"Hey, the severe drought in Wojiang County has finally survived the summer, and the locust plague happened again in autumn. It is really miserable. The harvest is not good everywhere this year, so why don't grain prices go up!"

"The price of grain is so expensive now, why don't we get some more grain to sell!"

"I don't dare to sell this court, I should listen to Zhang Fangyuan."

The villagers who went to the city and came back talked a lot, and the villagers in the field also came together to inquire about the current situation in other counties.

"You guys are still having fun here. The Zhang family just said that they want to collect charcoal fire. Anyone can send it to sell. It's lower than the market price, ten yuan a catty."

At the head of the village suddenly, the villagers who were preparing to go up the mountain with their hatchets twitched saw the excitement and yelled.

The villager fell silent immediately, and asked instead: "Is it true or not, don't talk nonsense!"

"Whoever has nothing to do will make fun of it, if you don't believe it, go to Zhang's house and ask!"

After saying that, the villagers left on their own.

The villagers exploded at once: "What the **** is Zhang Fangyuan going to do? He has been buying firewood and charcoal for a month or two, and he still wants to collect it!"

"Whatever he does, I'll take a look! This year's busy farming is only for a while, and I'm just worried about having nothing to do. It would be great if I could find something to do in the Zhang family."

Xu He watched more and more people come to inquire about the situation. Even though he asked everyone to tell everyone, Xu He felt that the matter was a bit outrageous. Even if he was informed by the folks, he still came to the house to ask.

Thousands of catties of firewood have been stockpiled in the front and back of the house, and a lot of earthen stoves and kilns have been dug behind the house to prepare charcoal.

Zhang Fangyuan was very satisfied with everyone's positive response, and planned to invest more money in it.

"What's the matter, are you still worried?"

He looked at Xu He in a daze. Although he had absolute confidence, others didn't know the whole story, so he felt that he was a little unreasonable.

And he just mentioned it to Xu He once, he hesitated a little, and after being encouraged by his explanation, he followed it without hesitation, and he couldn't help being moved.

"There are worries, but if you do it, let's take a gamble."

Although Xu He was also afraid of stockpiling too much charcoal fire and throwing it into his hands, he carefully calculated that charcoal was always used in winter, and since he had so much goods on hand, he would open a charcoal fire shop in the future and sell them slowly. That's it.

It's just that the payback is slow and you can't make much money.

Looking at the busy villagers, he had an idea in his mind, which is actually not safe, but seeing Zhang Fangyuan's determined look, he also felt that this year would definitely be very cold. It's about to make a fortune.

"I thought that since I want to hoard so many charcoal fires, the folks can hoard a lot of them after burning them, but if I want to get more quickly, I might as well go to the charcoal fire shops in the city to discuss business and buy more at low prices. Isn’t it possible to stock up a lot very quickly?”

"Besides, most of the charcoal hoarded in the city has come to our hands, wouldn't that be a better deal? Isn't it just like you sold brushing teeth before."

Zhang Fangyuan paused when he heard the words, and then laughed out loud: "Brother, you are really good for business, I have never thought of buying charcoal directly from the charcoal store in the city!"

It is still autumn, the weather is still hot, and the business of charcoal fire shops in the city is in a downturn. The current price of charcoal fire is the cheapest, and the price will rise in winter, and it is not easy to stock up. Those merchants Very tricky.

Excited in his heart, he held Xu He's face and kissed him: "I'll go right away!"

Seeing the person who ran out excitedly, Xu He wanted to stop him, but he disappeared in a flash. He shook his head involuntarily, not knowing for a while whether it was a good idea or not.