MTL - Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 66

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In the evening, when Chu Baning and Wen Liang came back together, they saw Ananda sitting in the side hall waiting for them with a smile.

Wen Liang felt that Ananda's sweet smile was very sweet today, but his heart trembled, but it gave him a kind of excitement, indicating that something interesting happened. Chu Baning only glanced at it, and had no other expression. He took the hot towel from Yahuan and wiped his face, everything was normal.

Ananda saw that they were tired for a day, so they told the people to have a meal, and they would wait until they had something to say. Moreover, seeing a handsome face of a certain military division light up, peach blossom eyes with emotions, that anxious appearance, let Ananda suddenly have a bad heart, do not want to say anything so quickly.

After meals, the cups and plates were removed, and Yahuan served the tea that was tired and moisturizing the stomach. Three people sat in the side hall and drank tea. The ground is burning in the room, warm and warm, making people feel very comfortable.

"Princess, what's going on today? Zi Xi seems to listen to the soldiers guarding the city gate saying that there is a person here in Beijing today, directly here." Wen Liang said to Ananda with a smile.

When Chu Baning heard the words, he couldn't help looking at Ananda, thinking he didn't know about it.

Also, in addition to Wen Liang, who is so busy and needs gossip, bad military divisions will pay attention to such small things, who will pay attention to these things at this time? However, it can be seen from this that Wen Liang's good connections in the barracks can't escape his eyes if there is any wind or grass in the city.

Ananda is too lazy to vain him, it's almost the end of the New Year, and this uncle is still here. Ananda almost thought that this was actually his home. But Chu Baning didn't mean to catch people, and of course she didn't say anything. In fact, although Wen Liang is a bit unscrupulous and loves to play, he is a living treasure. Whenever he sees that he has come to Chu Ba Ning to ask for aggrieved, Ananda is so secretive that he is with him, as if living Much more entertainment.

"Master Wen's news is really well informed, and it is true." Ananda answered Wen Liang with a painless whisper, and turned to Chu Baning, "Master, there are indeed some people here today. I heard you were injured. , The mother-in-law brought Tai Tai Sun, Tai Tai Sun, and two medical girls, saying that they are waiting for you. And the mother-in-law also made the letter come over. "Ananda said, taking a brocade box from Ru Lan. Open the brocade box and take out an unopened letter to Chu Baning.

Chu Baning's expression did not change, as if not unexpected. Ananda and Wen Liang thought that with the kind of tossing mother, Chu Baning should already be used to it, no matter what the Queen Mother would do, it should be calm.

Chu Baning opened the letter and looked at it in a row. Ananda and Wen Liang stared at each other, both of whom wanted to see a little emotion from his face. Unfortunately, Chu Baning's face was severely paralyzed. People spy on one or two. When Chu Baning finished reading the letter and folded it back into the box, he saw the eyes of her own princess and a bad military officer, raising her eyebrows.

Very good, even the Queen Mother ’s letter never touched the eyebrows, but let a second cargo and a bad military officer frown.

Wen Liang hehe laughed and continued to shake his fan without seeing any embarrassment.

Ananda's cheek wasn't gentle and stern, and she could only smile with a smirk, and shifted the topic: "Master, but you want to recruit them?" Since the two doctors came from the care of Chu Baning, they naturally wanted to see them. By the way, let the two doctors check his physical condition so that they can reply to the queen mother.

"Well, let them come over." Chu Baning did not refuse.

With permission, Ananda asked the two doctors and two doctor women to come over.

Ananda is now looking forward to Chu Baning's reaction to seeing the two medical girls, hiding them in a humble manner. Only when Ru Lan heard her order, she secretly hated iron and steel, but didn't know that Ananda hadn't been tangled so much, she was still a heartless and heartless person, and Ru Cui could be considered comforting her.

Soon, two senior doctors and two medical girls who had been waiting for a long time came over.

Seeing the two medical girls, Chu Baning's deep eyes were slightly cold, and his eyes paused for a while on Yao Keren, and then quickly moved away. Although the action was subtle, Ananda and Wen Liang, who had been quietly following him, took notice. Ananda felt strange for a while, wasn't that Yao Keren looked a little like her? And Wen Liang had an interesting look, especially when he saw Yao Keren, he could n’t help Anan, and looked at Yao Keren, he snapped the fan, and covered the mouth and chin with the fan. Giggle.

Several people came in to salute respectfully. When they saw Wen Liang present, the crowd was stunned, and it seemed that they would not see the long-lasting Beijing capital's first beautiful man here. After Wen Liang smiled at them with Gao Huaqingya's smile, the Yao family sisters shook their cheeks, and the two doctors couldn't help rubbing sweat in secret.

This gentleman is worthy of being the first beautiful man in Beijing. When he wants to make a good impression, few people can escape his charm. He can't complain that although others are not in Beijing in the past few years, the wealthy daughters in Beijing still obsess over him He changed, and the men with good manners paid much attention to him.

Chu Baning expressed his condolences to the arrival of the two elder doctors. After all, he let the two elder doctors rush here for thousands of miles during the New Year's Eve, but he was also a little bit sorry, but the arrival of the two elder doctors made him He had an idea in his heart, and he felt relaxed a lot. The two doctors hurriedly responded to the ceremony and said they would not dare, and then pleaded guilty, and asked them to take a pulse for Wang Ye and investigate his physical condition, in order to return to the emperor and queen mother who care about his body in Beijing.

After finishing this matter, Chu Baning looked at the two medic girls waiting, thinking what the queen mother should have said to him in the letter, making his face more serious.

"Your surname is Yao?" Chu Ba Ning's slightly baritone could not hear the mood.

"Yes, the courtier and daughter Yao Yiren has seen the grandfather." Yao Yiren hurried forward and answered respectfully.

"The court lady Yao Keren has seen the Lord Wang." Yao Keren also went forward with his sister to answer.

Compared to the day when they secretly held the Yao family daughter proudly towards Ananda, the two women were extremely respectful at this time. In terms of kinship, the sisters of the Yao family were supposed to call Chu Ba Ning a "cousin", but they are daughters of prostitution and they entered the Medical Women's Bureau when they were ten years old, so they were not eligible. Now, I can only respectfully call "Wang Ye".

Chu Baning nodded, his face was serious, "How long have you been in the Women's Bureau?"

"Back to Lord, it's been seven years."

The two didn't know what Chu Baning asked about these things, and they answered truthfully, with their eyes down, they didn't dare to look up at him.

They had heard the story of King Su, even though he was the mother-in-law's biological son and the prince with the blood of Yao family, but because his life was too terrifying, no Yao girl had the courage to be with the prince. In relation to being a princess, you have to live to enjoy it? In terms of his first marriage, the daughter of Yao's family was the daughter of Yao's family. However, shortly after the marriage, he suddenly caught the cold and died suddenly, which made Yao's family understand the life style of his "killing his wife".

They all thought that King Su could not marry the princess in this life, but did not expect that he would finally become a pro last year. And this princess Su is also lucky. Although she has been unexpectedly constantly since the wedding, she has been living alive in a high-profile bet by a group of people, making people have to sigh a miracle. What is it directly linked to? This kind of accidental accident from time to time keeps people interested in betting on the casino to call it another miracle. With this alternative miracle, some people's minds started to come alive. Soon after, King Su was sent to Tongcheng again by the emperor, and only a few days later, he heard that Princess Su had offended the mother-in-law and was sent to Tongcheng directly after being annoyed by the queen mother. This time, everyone thought that Tongcheng was waiting How can a delicate woman survive in the bitter cold place? Even if the princess Su is not "killed", she will be tortured to death by such cold weather. Not surprisingly, they just had to sit and watch Princess Su die.

But to everyone's surprise, until now, no news of Princess Su had been heard. Tongcheng is too far away. People in Beijing don't know the situation and can only guess at random. Until they came to Tongcheng, they saw the princess Su who was jumping around with their own eyes. They were also very surprised. Seeing this sweet princess with a sweet, waxy complexion, and a good mental state, princess Su may disappear at any time in the legend. What does it look like? Therefore, they began to think that perhaps the king Su's "Ke Wife and Son" life was not entirely correct, so the legendary Princess Su did not live well at the moment?

The two medical women knew what the queen mother had sent them to here. They were Yao women. How could the queen mother's order be disobeyed? In the beginning, I could only come with my heart full of reluctance, and my heart was ready for consciousness that could be overwhelmed at any time, full of despair. Now, after meeting King Su and Princess Su, they feel that maybe they think too pessimistic, and things are not so bad.

Chu Baning asked some of their information, and the level of attention was surprising to everyone present.

After Chu Baning asked, after thinking for a while, he said to them, "From tomorrow, Yao Yiren will go to the General's Mansion."

After hearing that, the sisters looked at each other in a stunned manner, and then when they understood the meaning of Chu Baning's words, Yao Yi looked pale, and Yao Keren secretly raised his eyes and looked at the man sitting in the upper position, seeing the pair without any emotion. His eyes were deep, his scalp was numb, and he quickly pressed his head.

"Ah, Lord, this is a good idea. Isn't there a missing girl ring in General Zhao's place right now?" Wen Liang shook a fan and saw Yao Yiren with shame in her pale face, knowing what she said to herself. The two words were angry, and quickly said: "Girl Yao is forgiven, it is Zi Xiu Meng Lang, only because she was too happy for a while, she would not say anything. It is really that General Zhao is seriously ill now, and really needs a meeting like yours. The healing woman is here to help you with your care. You are here in a timely manner. Zixiu would also like to thank you for your hard work in these cold weather days when you give up your family. "

Wen Liang's eloquent words and sincere attitude made people comfortable.

After hearing his explanation, Yao Yiren's expression was a little slower. Seeing Wen Liang smiling and Yan Yan, a pair of eyes stared tenderly, could not help but blushed again.

Ananda despised a certain military division. Although he was unintentional, he always seduced the woman's heart invisibly without knowing it, because he had a pair of very beautiful peach eyes. When looking at each other, he cooperated With an apologetic tone, the other person's figure is reflected in the depths of his eyes, as if the other person is the only person in his world, but it is the deep affection that makes people can't help but secretly, which is why he has become the favorite of many Beijing women. And for so long, Ananda believed that he really didn't know that he gave people this illusion. Because of his family background, he was also a person with good manners. When he talked to strangers, he raised his hands in a graceful manner. Education will give people this illusion.

Chu Baning sent Sun Taiyi to the General's Mansion, leaving Wang Taiyi and Yao Keren in the Mansion.

Wen Liang glanced at Ananda and smiled: "Master Wang, General Zhao is at this very time. Zi Xiu thinks it is better to send two medical girls together to take care of him."

Chu Baning thought for a while, then nodded and agreed, leaving Wang Taiyi in the end.

Wen Liang couldn't help but smiled at Ananda with a fan covering his chin and lips. Ananda really didn't know what to say about him, and even saved his stern expression.

Seeing Yao Keren's looks, why did Wen Liang and other smart people not understand the way? So he helped Ananda with a sense of resolve to solve the potential danger, but Ananda felt that he didn't need it, even if he stayed in Yao Keren's house, anyway, according to her grandfather's clean-hearted temperament, if it wasn't true, she would go If you don't come to this backyard, let's relax in which corner and which corner, just like the beauties from the three palaces in the former King's Palace.

After seeing people, Chu Baning waved them to rest, and returned to the main room with Ananda.

After entering the room, when Ananda was going to tell the girl to prepare hot water for bathing, Chu Baning suddenly held her hand and pulled her into her arms.

"Master, what's wrong?" Ananda stunned him strangely.

Chu Baning raised her face, and fixed her eyes on her face. The hot sight seemed to measure every inch on her face, making it difficult for Ananda to control her expression, and then she saw the quiet pair. There was a haze in his eyes.

Ananda jumped, his heart agitated somewhat uncontrollably, and his emotions were so clear and clear that he seemed angry. And his attitude made her inevitably think of Yao Keren, or what the queen mother said in the letter to stimulate him? Or was Yao Keren too similar to her and made him angry?

The room was very quiet, and the north wind outside the window was rushing and slowing, slap against the window sash, and made a crackling sound.

Chu Baning watched for a long time, Ananda held her breath, and when she couldn't help but want to turn her head, he finally saw enough, and she leaned down and pressed the lip flap. Her lips were numb.

Ananda was so anxious by his inexplicable emotions that the prince couldn't say anything about it. Is it necessary to use it? She is naturally stupid, and her brain waves are not on the road, so she cannot guess his own ideas wisely! !!

Her mouth was swept aggressively by his lips, and then she continued to kiss deeply, unsatisfactorily. Ananda couldn't bear it, and finally he couldn't help biting his lower lip when he stepped back to let her gasp.

Instantly, the two were still and their eyes were twisted together.

One of his hands was around her waist, and one hand clenched her head firmly. And she leaned softly in his arms, but the force on her teeth was fiercely fierce. It was also the first time she had bitten him so boldly when kissing ... it really hurt, because she got a slight **** smell.

His eyes were cryptic.

Seeing his eyes, Ananda bit a bad voice in his heart, and then tensed his mouth to loosen, not knowing the strength of the blow. He pushed him away with both hands, and he turned and ran, regardless of his legs being soft.

Unfortunately, before taking two steps, she grabbed her arm with one hand, and then she rose into the air. The weightlessness made her scream subconsciously, wrapping her arms around the man's neck. His arms also tightened, holding her tightly in front of his chest, and then walking to the long couch aside, placing her directly in the long couch, the whole person pressed down.

"His--" She broke her clothes.

Ananda was shocked. She had never seen him look so out of control for a long time, and had never torn her clothes, so that she always thought he was a gentleman. But who is stimulating him like this now?

Then the heavy kiss fell again, although it was not violent, but it also made her unable to break free.

Ah ugly looked at the unspeakable cold light in those tiny eyes, and his heart was cold.

Her bite really excited him! !!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

The author has something to say: Thanks to Jun Jun for the mines and the rockets thrown by Cang, it ’s exciting to receive rocket launchers for the first time ~~

Asked Cang threw a rocket launcher Time: 2012-12-3108: 44: 04

S Jun threw a mine tossing time: 2012-12-2906: 26: 05


Also, the old rules, the girl who wants to be more double-chattered tomorrow, please squeak ~~ 2k novel reading network

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