MTL - Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 90

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In the darkness, his sharp and gaze caused her chills all over her body, and her heart jumped wildly.

If she had just married him, maybe she had already stiffly spread out there, but she had married him for so long, and knew that this man had a cherished mood for her. Too scared. However, this man's momentum now made her hesitate to go for a tiger's beard, but when she thought of her daughter's bun face stretched like a little old man, Ananda's heart flinched.

Mother is stronger! Every woman who becomes a mother becomes stronger for her children, and she now feels this feeling.

"Master Wang, look how cute the children are, let's regenerate one ..." Ananda decided to use words to seduce first.

Chu Baning stared at her face with sharp eyes, and only said for a long time: "Chu Chu is enough."

Ananda stared at his face. The light was too dim, and it didn't look very real, but his eyes were bright and very sharp, which made her face hurt. Even with this momentum, one can imagine how angry he is. Usually in bed, he is excited and excited, but never so sharp and aggressive, will only drag her to sink in the excitement he created.

"How lonely Chu Chu is, she has a brother and sister, and her childhood will not be too lonely ..." Ananda decided to ignore his sight and lobby.

However, without giving her a chance to finish speaking, he blocked her mouth directly.

What's more, he not only blocked her, but also blocked the bottom together. There was no foreplay, and she just poked into it with her slightly moist 甬 -channel, holding her breath in the chest. .

He hooked her tongue into his mouth, holding her mouth out of her voice, holding her hip with one hand, and pounding hard. When she slowly fell in love, when he let go of her mouth, he was speechless.

"Bastard, **** ..." She cursed and would toss her.

"What?" His eyes were cold.

"No, nothing." Ananda quickly wrapped his neck and kissed him like a jade face. She was really afraid that he would toss up regardless of whether he could get out of bed tomorrow. Usually okay, but now her second brother is here, isn't this kind of thing showing people a joke.

When he finally vented, she was too tired, but she was still uncomfortable.

In the same way, he did not vent to her, because these days are not her safety period. As long as Ananda remembers that when the man asked the Taiyi woman to conceive for such a thing, he felt ashamed. At that time, the Taiyi thought that King Su wanted to have another child, and Sui Zai told him all he knew carefully, but he didn't know that a certain king was used to prevent his wife from getting pregnant.

He lay on his back and let her lie on her body. After venting, he buried himself in her again and enjoyed the rhythm and rhythm after the passion.

When she was relieved, she was restless again: "Master, I really want to have a child." She deliberately lowered her voice, revealing a bone of sadness and sadness.

Sure enough, this show of weakness finally did not make him angry, just stroking her smooth back and soothing silently.

"It's enough for us to be pretty!" He still said this, and when she felt restless, Shen added, "And the king doesn't want you to be born again."

"Why?" Ananda was angry, so anxious that he reached out and scratched his chest. "Don't let me give birth to other women?" It was completely out of anger.

When this word came out, Ananda knew it was going to be bad.

Sure enough, all his muscles were tightened, and he turned dizzy for a while. She was pressed **** the quilt, her jaw was pinched firmly, and she raised her face to face his eyes. His eyes were dark and heavy, dark and cold, and there was a terrifying breath all over his body.

"My King will not let other women give birth to my King's children in this life! They are not worthy!" This sentence was scornful and ruthless, but his eyes were fixed on her face.

She was so pinched by his jaw that she couldn't speak.

He lowered his head and pressed her forehead to her forehead. The cold eyes were close together, and she felt cold to her.

"I said, don't try to push your king to anyone!"

Ananda shook her head difficultly, grabbing his hand under his chin with both hands, hesitated, and finally let her grab it.

Too late to rub the sore chin, Ananda pressed his back of the head directly, biting a bitterly on his mouth, and then let go of it until he felt the **** smell in his mouth. He wiped his lower lip and hated: "Can't you tell what is angry and what is true?"

He stared at her without saying a word.

Looking at him like this, Ananda was helpless again. She was also arrogant at that time, he took it seriously and let her know his mind for the first time. Now, she was angry, he was still serious. It seemed that he would take everything she said into her heart, but never thought she was a woman, would she be insincere?

This man is really distressing and helpless.

Ananda restrained her head, licked and kissed the corner of his bite, and tasted the **** taste, which made her feel distressed for a while.

She wrapped around his neck and licked, "I won't push you to other women, you're mine, I'm alone!"

He softened all over, and no longer desperately pressed her, took her gently into his arms, the whole body was very hot, and it felt like he was shy to the touch.

After cuddling quietly and tenderly for a while, Ananda couldn't help but continue to ask, "Master, why don't you let me be born again?"

"You hurt."

Such a simple sentence instantly softened her heart and thought the man was extremely cute.

"Isn't it painful to have a child?" Ananda ran softly on his chest. "You see my mother gave birth to three brothers and three sisters to my father, and I didn't see her say it wouldn't hurt without giving birth?" Ah It is difficult to take the wife of the prime minister as an example.

Ananda has always felt that the wife of the prime minister is a terrible one. In order to prevent her husband from accepting it, she simply took over the responsibility of giving birth to her offspring. It is enough to have three sons and three daughters, and Mrs. Lu could not pick up the fault. Moreover, the three sons and three daughters of the wife of the prime minister are all promising, and the old lady is even more respected.

He paused, patting his hand on her back, and when she looked at him expectantly, Long Jiufang said, "She's so good!"


Ananda almost vomited blood. What does this man mean? Is it ironic that the wife of the prime minister can give birth, or is it true that the wife of the prime minister is good at raising children, she is not good at raising children? No matter how long it passed, the man's mouth was still unbearable.

Ananda stood up angrily and took a bite of the muscles on his chest. This time she didn't say much, and showed her determination directly by actions.

When he was excited again by her provocation, Ananda kept him awake while accepting that he was in and out of the body. When he felt that he was about to reach the pole, he quickly adhered to it like an octopus, clasped his shoulders with his hands, and his legs were wrapped around his waist, so he couldn't lift them anyway.

"Ananda ..."

He uttered a painful and joyful groan, especially when she tightened the martyrdom and strangled him tightly to keep him away, and the momentary pleasure came to ruin, making him defeat the army. , Finally released in her body.

Ananda was also stunned by the liquid sprayed on Huaxin, and the whole person was numb and softened in his arms.

However, before they both calmed down the fierce heartbeat, he immediately got up, pulled out the semi-soft utensils directly, and then reached into her body to lead out what remained in them.


Ananda rejected his behavior and kicked him directly on his chest. She didn't dare to be too heavy, just to hinder his behavior. Who knew that he grabbed her feet with bare hands directly, then ignored her struggles, put a pillow behind her, and inserted her long forefinger into her body.

This made them gasp again, and their breathing was a little heavy.

"It's necessary to do this ..." Ananda muttered, really rude to this man.

Chu Ba-ning didn't speak, and Zai carefully worked out. The serious and serious look almost made A difficult to do a very serious thing for him. After all the liquid remaining in her body was taken out, he pulled her hand over and covered his little grown-up beast. Ananda squeezed the grown-up beast, and heard him make a pleasant moan-groan, her brain moved, her safety period has expired, these days are just right, do you want to do it again just now Back?

Ananda thought, immediately leaning his slippery body into his arms again, biting his eardrops gently, feeling his hot eyes and heavy breathing, as if the man's body and mind were dominated by her, especially A sense of accomplishment. And what she had to do was just like a genius. When he was in a turmoil, he seduced him into venting in her body.

"Master, I'm not tired yet, let's do it again ~~"

Ananda did not hesitate to sacrifice his sleep time, and even lost all his shame, sat directly on him, guided the thick utensil to the flower arrangement under her, and then sat directly on his waist.

"Well ... so uncomfortable ..."

She frowned, although he got water out of him once in his body, but his size was still a chore for her petite, and he was always upset by him.

Someone has a good determination and a good idea, but he has no energy. When she was ups and downs a few times, she fell into his arms and became very dissatisfied with the man he was so excited about.

Chu Baning was also mad by her boldness. Since she was so energetic, he would eat it politely. So she rolled over and pressed her underneath, and drew it vigorously.


The next day, although Ananda got up as usual, anyone who saw her could find her mentally bad.

"Ananda, did you sleep well?" Lu Shaohua asked with concern.

The muscles on Ananda's face twitched, and he glanced angrily at a man who was refreshing and quietly eating breakfast, and was angry. Obviously it was him who contributed at night, but it was her who was uncomfortable with Mao? Although it is said that male creatures in nature will be refreshed when they are satisfied, but he also sleeps very little. Is Mao's spirit so good?

Seeing her resentful glance at Chu Baning, Lu Shaohua broke into her heart and saw that Chu Baning was not unhappy, Fang felt relieved.

Although King Su did not return to Beijing for three years, he has not weakened his influence in Beijing in the slightest. As long as he saw him, no one dared to show him a face. And his dainty little sister dared to directly show Su Wang's face, really didn't know she was too stupid, or did Su Wang really spoil her like this? Looking at this situation, it is estimated that the latter is more.

Thinking about it, Lu Shaohua was a little happy. Although she was not born to the same mother, she was also a brother and sister. She was still happy that she could marry a good person.

After breakfast, Wen Liang still took Lu Shaohua away.

After Ananda sent them out, when they saw nothing was wrong, they returned to the room to make up for sleep.

When she woke up again, Ananda found herself lying on the bed with a small bun and squinting her with dark eyes. Seeing her awake, Xiao Baozi showed a sweet smile, and called sirly "Mother ~~"

"Why are you here?" Ananda hugged her to bed, took off her shoes and hugged them into the bed together.

Xiao Baozi crouched her head and did not answer.

Ananda also knew that Xiao Baozi couldn't answer such a complicated question at the moment. It was estimated that she had to come, and the girls didn't dare to make her rest. They could only take her to the room and let her lie on her bed. Go ahead.

Ananda hugged her, still annoyed her little bun in her heart.


Seeing that her face was not good, Xiao Baozi reached out a chubby hand and touched her face. Ananda let go of those annoying things, holding the cute little guy, and seeing her tender white bun face, she was so adorable that she couldn't help but hold her little face again.


In the evening, Ananda and Wen Liang hosted a feast for Lu Shaohua.

Lu Shaohua will return to Beijing tomorrow, Ananda feels a little bit reluctant. This resentment is not to say how much she is reluctant to be Lu Shaohua, but to be the one who Lu Shaohua represents. Lu Shaohua looks like Father Xiao. For the past two days, Ananda's favorite is to see Lu Yanxiang through him. Imagine that the uncle ’s father in Beijing has been looking forward to her return, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

Because Lu Shaohua was on his way tomorrow, Chu Baning naturally did not allow Wen Liang to drink, and Wen Liang naturally did not do it. Under his entanglement, he finally got a small pot of wine. Wen Liang shook the jug of wine, muttering that his teeth were not enough. When Chu Baning came across his eyes, he immediately greeted Lu Shaohua for a drink.

Lu Shaohua couldn't help laughing at Wen Liang when he saw that Wei Liang was weird. He now believes that “Wang Ye is just like my father” as Wen Liang said. Seeing Chu Ba Ning's young age, but with his face open to control people, is even more majestic than his father Lu Yan, making him all in his heart. Some buns.

After meals, Wen Liang felt uncomfortable. In addition to Lu Shaohua's departure, he did not know when he returned to Beijing. He may not see it. Rarely met a friend who would like to see him. Thinking about it that way, they dragged the two into the gazebo in the yard to drink and talk.

Ananda asked the girls to prepare some drinks and snacks and brought them to them, so she wouldn't go for the fun and go back to play with the buns.

When Ananda coaxed a little bun and went back to the room to prepare for a bath, a girl ring hurriedly rushed over and said in a panic, "Prince, it's not good, Lord Wang was assassinated ..."


Ananda's leg almost fell, and the first person to think of it was Chu Baning, holding on to the girl and asking, "Where is the Lord? Have you been hurt?"

"No, no, Lord Wang and Lord Wen and Lord Lu were not injured, that is, that is ..."

Ananda's original heart was lifted again immediately, "What is it?"

The girl ringed her breath, and quickly responded swiftly: "Sister Rucui was injured in order to save Master Wen."


Ananda was so horrified that Wen Liang hadn't responded so much to her injury, but it was different from Cui, but she had accompanied her to the big girl ring from a young age, and the meaning in her heart was not comparable to anyone.

At this time, the director of the house also came over and told Ananda that it was all right now. The assassin had already been caught and was being questioned. However, I don't know if there is any fish that has leaked the net. For the sake of safety, it is better for her to stay in the house, and the palaces have strengthened their vigilance.

Ananda looked ugly. How could she stay in the house at this time?

"Prince, let the slaves go and see!" Ru Lan said ugly.

Rulan grew up with Rucui, always treating Rucui as her sister. Now when I hear the news of Ru Cui being injured, how can I not be anxious in my heart, and even very angry at the girl ring, isn't my usual luck so good? How could he be hurt in the head?

Ananda looked somber, looking at the blue-red eyes, and finally nodded. If she ran like this now, the second cargo ring might not only be grateful to her but instead think she shouldn't come out, and would say something irritating to her and maybe not.

After Ananda asked Ru Lan to go out, she thought of her daughter, so she was not at ease. After waiting for a while, seeing that Chu Baning had not returned, she got up and went directly to her daughter's room to see the situation.

The author has something to say: Thanks annjn, s-jun, Lianjie Xiyan, and a landmine thrown by an unknown jun, thank you for letting you spend your money! In the same way, * has drawn the name again, I don't know who the unknown Jun is, and once again I feel a sense of it!

Yusuke Xiyan threw a mine tossing time: 2013-01-2119: 12: 46

S Jun threw a mine tossing time: 2013-01-2102: 05: 43

annjn threw a mine tossing time: 2013-01-2023: 27: 21

Thrown a mine throwing time: 2013-01-2022: 18: 30


Also, I'm late today, I'm sorry everyone, the reason is that the computer suddenly short-circuited and crashed, it took only a long time to get rid of some of the coded characters, and I felt really bad. 2k novel reading network

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