MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 109 Accident

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Forced to get Ruan Ning something to eat, Jun Hua was so tired that he collapsed on the ground and didn't want to move.

Ruan Ning sat beside him, nibbling on the grilled fish, and asked, "Brother, are you really not hungry?"

Jun Hua shook his head and said weakly, "I'm really not hungry. Be careful of the fishbone, but don't get stuck." Seeing Ruan Ning nodding obediently, he suddenly said, "Xiao Ning'er, you can't call me brother, You should call me..."

Ruan Ning raised her head, puzzled, "What should I call you?"

Jun Hua raised his hand in distress and fiddled with the messy strands of hair in front of his forehead. From Jun's house, Ruan Ning called his brother right. One of them is the grandson of the queen mother and the other is the grand nephew of the queen mother. They are indeed the same generation.

However, he is already married to Wei Chongrong, and he has to follow the Wei family in order to calculate the seniority. Xiao Ninger and Wei Chongrong are called uncle, how can he call him brother? In that case, wouldn't he be better than Wei Chongrong? Rong is a generation lower.

Thinking of Wei Chongrong, Junhua's expression couldn't help but feel sad. He brought Ruan Meng, and he didn't know if anyone got rid of Tuduo.

Ruan Ning waited for a while, but did not wait for Junhua's answer, and asked: "Brother, I don't call you brother, what do I want to call you?"

Jun Hua raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Your fourth uncle and I have already married, Xiao Ning'er, what do you think you should call me?"

Ruan Ning didn't even think about it, she blurted out, "I see, Fourth Aunt—" His ending was very long.

Junhua laughed "Puchi", almost sulking, and said after a while, "It's better for you to call me little uncle."

Ruan Ning blinked, her expression a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions, but buried his head and continued to nibble on his fish.

Junhua remembered the agreement with Wei Chongrong, and thought about whether to bring Ruan Ning to meet him after dawn. It's just that his current physical condition is really bad. After a while, he and Ruan Ning fell asleep by the bonfire.

Besides Wei Chongrong, he was very confident in Junhua's Qinggong, but not in martial arts, so when he ran out to distract the pursuers that day, he deliberately made a lot of noise, and Ruan Meng, who woke up, helped him with crying. , very much took away a bunch of tails.

After all, it was on someone else's territory. No matter how powerful Wei Chongrong was in martial arts, he never thought of fighting one-on-one with others. Relying on his superb riding skills and excellent light skills, he gradually divided the pursuers along the way. In addition, like Junhua, he also had all kinds of poisonous needles in his hands.

Even knocking and beating and plotting, Wei Chongrong spent a day's work, and finally got rid of the tail behind him. And Xiao Ruan Meng, who was on his back, was so hungry that he almost lost the strength to cry, so he could only whimper like a poor kitten.

Wei Chongrong sneaked into a farmer's house and found Ruan Meng some rice porridge to drink, and then slowly put him to sleep.

However, at this time, his location was already hundreds of miles away from the place he had made an appointment with with Jun Hua. If Wei Chongrong ignored their agreement and took Ruan Meng directly to the south, they would soon be able to return to Dongshan Town, otherwise they would walk with a "Zig".

Wei Chongrong estimated the time and felt that he might not be able to arrive before dawn, but if Junhua couldn't wait for him, he would probably hang around for a while, and it was unlikely that he would leave immediately. The odds are still high.

Thinking of this, Wei Chongrong didn't hesitate any longer, he put Ruan Meng on his back again, and set off in the dark.

Along the way, Ruan Meng cried twice, once she peed her pants, and once she had a nightmare. Wei Chongrong wanted to change Ruan Meng's clothes, and he had to appease him. After a little delay, when he arrived at the foot of Muyun Mountain, no one was seen.

Because the agreed time has passed, Wei Chongrong never thought about the possibility that Junhua and the others hadn't arrived yet. He only thought that he and Ruan Ning must have left, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He should hurry up, maybe Can catch up with them.

Just at this moment, Ruan Meng woke up, and she started crying when she couldn't see Wei Kou and Ruan Ning when she opened her eyes.

At first, Wei Chongrong was shocked when he heard Ruan Meng crying, and mistakenly thought that he was not feeling well. Seeing him crying so hard now, as long as he's not starving and freezing, and he's not urinating, he just doesn't care, and he can't help it.

Ruan Meng was an elf ghost, and found that Wei Chongrong ignored him at all, and would not stop endlessly.

When Ruan Meng calmed down, Wei Chongrong rubbed his head with a smile and praised, "That's how it is!"

Ruan Meng raised her eyes to the sky and showed Wei Chongrong a large part of the whites of her eyes. He was a bad guy and hid his brother for him.

Wei Chongrong didn't care, and continued: "Meng'er, let's go and find your brother and the others." Ruan Meng understood what he said and grinned. For some reason, Wei Chongrong suddenly thought of Junhua when he was a child, and the corner of his lips couldn't help but smile.

Wei Chongrong thought that Jun Hua took Ruan Ning to the front, and quickly accelerated the pace of progress.

But in fact, Jun Hua didn't wake up until the sky was bright, and the first thing he woke up was to hold his chest and retched.

Ruan Ning had never seen such a scene before and asked timidly, "Little uncle, are you sick?"

Jun Hua shook his head lightly, rubbing his forehead, speechless. He could feel that his current situation was very bad. He must have injured the child after running around for days, but he only had the anti-abortion pill, and Ruan Ning was still ill. They were still hundreds of miles away from Dongshan Town.

"Xiao Ning'er, let's go." Jun Hua thought about it, he had to find Wei Chongrong, he needed his help.

Ruan Ning didn't know where they were going, but he looked at Jun Hua with all confidence.

Jun Hua secretly exercised his skills and found that his breath was still smooth, so he hugged Ruan Ning with one hand, and the two jumped up the cliff.

Rushing to the agreed place in a hurry, Junhua didn't see Wei Chongrong's figure as expected. He couldn't figure out whether he had not come yet, or he had come and left without seeing him. Instead, Ruan Ning called out excitedly: "Little uncle, this is Meng'er's!"

Jun Hua looked down and saw Ruan Ning picking up a colorful glass bead from the ground.

It turned out that Wei Chongrong had already come, and Junhua breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he and Ruan Meng were safe, he had nothing to worry about. Jun Hua smiled and was about to take Ruan Ning to chase Wei Chongrong when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Your Highness Neijun, stay safe, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon!"

It's him? Jun Hua was stunned when he heard the sound, why didn't he die from the poison?

Wei Chongrong hurriedly rushed back to Dongshan Town in a shorter time than when he came. He didn't care about anything, so he first asked Junhua if he was back.

Ruan Meng was lying on his back, her ears had already been pricked up, and she hadn't seen her brother for many days, he missed him so much.

I don't want Dongfang to hear Wei Chongrong's words, but with a surprised expression on his face: "Isn't it, Shiziye, did the Neijun come back with you?"

Wei Chongrong was stunned, Ruan Meng blinked, and burst into tears.

After a long time, Wei Chongrong forced himself to calm down, and he had to convince himself to accept such a bad fact. It was he who lost Junhua while rescuing Ruan Meng, which made their trip to South Vietnam almost meaningless. , "Master Shizi, what should we do now?" Dongfang has followed Wei Chongrong for many years and knows his thoughts like the back of his hand. In addition to His Royal Highness King Qin, the most important person in Wei Chongrong's heart is Junhua, which Wei Kou can't compare, let alone her children.

Wei Chongrong let out a long sigh and said quietly: "Xiao Dongzi, what is the possibility that Huai Xi will not be able to escape?" A few will never be above Junhua.

In terms of Junhua's Qinggong, let alone those of Tuduo's subordinates, even if he went out in person, he might not be able to stop him. Under the circumstance that he had already diverted all the main pursuers away, there was no reason why Junhua would not be able to escape. Wei Chongrong couldn't figure this out.

Dongfang frowned, and he hesitated for a while: "Unless it's a physical reason..." If it wasn't for being poisoned or injured, he couldn't imagine how anyone could stop Junhua's actions, at least he couldn't. .

Thousands of miles away in Yujing, Wei Zhao received the information compiled by Wei Chongrong, and laughed in anger.

"His Royal Highness, but the battle ahead is not going well?" Huo Qingyang had followed Wei Zhao for many years, but he couldn't tell that he was angry.

Wei Zhao shook his head gently and instructed: "Qingyang, send someone to send a message to King Yongan, and say I'll invite him to tea."

"King Yong'an?!" Huo Qingyang's expression suddenly became a little weird, "Didn't he get sick and recuperate at home?"

How could Wei Zhao not see Huo Qingyang's thoughts? He tapped on the book table with two fingers, and smiled lightly: "So I invited him to drink tea, not to discuss something important." It turned out that he still overestimated Wei Lan. The degree of ruthlessness is far beyond his imagination, and he can no longer sit still.

Huo Qingyang immediately understood Wei Zhao's intention, and without hesitation, he immediately posted a message.

Jiang Che reported being sick at home, and the invitation sent to the Yongan Palace was naturally for the princess to pass the purpose first. If it was an ordinary person, Xie Xiu would not let Jiang Che know at all. It was just Wei Zhao, he was different from the others, Xie Xiu hesitated, and returned to the bedroom with the letter.

"My lord, His Royal Highness Qin Wang ordered someone to send a message." Qin Wang's mansion has no mistress, and Xie Xiu and Wei Zhao have not dealt with each other for many years. She doesn't understand why Wei Zhao suddenly asked Jiang Che to drink tea, but she could vaguely I feel that this is not easy.

"King Qin?!" In fact, Jiang Che was also surprised. Apart from the previous court, he and Wei Zhao have long had no personal friendship.

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