MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 40 new year

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Wei Chongrong walked halfway and saw that there was no one around, he suddenly stopped and asked, "Dad, have you found something?" Wei Zhao is not an idiot. If he had nothing to support, he would never Treat Su Wen like this.

Wei Zhao raised his eyebrows and smiled, glanced at Wei Chongrong, pursed his lips, and praised: "Son, you are not stupid, you finally see it."

Wei Chongrong thought for a while, but still puzzled, he asked again, "Dad, what did you find out? Don't sell it, okay?"

Wei Zhao picked up Wei Chongrong, flew over the rockery, sat down condescendingly, and said in a low voice, "Rong'er, what you said the other day, daddy sent someone to investigate, and it's all true."

Wei Chongrong immediately smiled: "I knew that I could help daddy." His age and identity limited his behavior. Even if he knew, he couldn't do it, so Wei Zhao could only go out.

Wei Zhao sighed helplessly: "Rong'er, do you know? Brother Huang also knew that Su Wen was slandering him behind his back, but he actually..."

"What?" Wei Chongrong asked curiously. He always thought that Wei Ming was framed by them because he didn't know what Su Wen and others did, but since he knew, why didn't he take measures.

Wei Zhao pondered: "Brother Huang said, as long as he doesn't do anything wrong, why should he be afraid of Su Wen and others, Father Huang Shengming will not believe evil slander, so there is no need to worry."

Wei Chongrong was speechless for a moment. His uncle, the crown prince, was fine with everything else, except that he thought of Wei Su too well, that no matter what happened, Wei Su's trust in him would always be the same. He is the same to him.

Wei Zhao paused for a moment, then continued: "It is an unforgivable sin to serve the monarch if he is dishonest. The emperor's actions cannot be said to be wrong, but the monarch's heart is unpredictable. No. The matter of the palace maid is innocuous, but that's fine, but Chang Rong—the Eunuch Chang you mentioned—slandered the emperor's brother and his filial piety in front of the father and emperor. There were tears on his face, but he pretended to be talking and laughing, feeling very strange, and then he secretly inquired, only to find out the truth of the matter, so he dealt with Chang Rong. But who can guarantee that when you walk by the water, you won't get your shoes wet at all, and villains like Su Wen can't get rid of them, the emperor is a gentleman, and he doesn't bother to take action, so I'll be the villain."

Wei Chongrong's original idea was to want Wei Zhao to come forward and do things that he realized but couldn't do. However, Wei Zhao really made a move, and he was very worried. Can Wei Zhao really deal with an opponent that Wei Ming can't handle?

"Dad, will it be very dangerous?" Wei Chongrong asked weakly, pulling Wei Zhao's sleeve. He was hesitating whether to tell Wei Zhao everything he knew.

Wei Zhao hugged his son tightly and said indifferently, "It's just a eunuch, nothing to talk about. All Su Wen wants is to avenge his nephew. I tell him who the enemy is and avenge him. He is grateful for my return. It's too late, what's the danger..."

Wei Chongrong's eyes widened, instantly feeling that his brain was not enough. Su Wen, who he found difficult to deal with, was an unworthy **** in Wei Zhao's place, and in just a few days, he found out that the Shangguan family had framed Su Wen's nephew, and convinced Su Wen to believe it. his statement.

Wei Chongrong sighed, buried his head on Wei Zhao's leg, and kept rubbing it back and forth. He really lived two lives in vain, how could he use his own ideas to replace Wei Zhao? Wei Zhao is at a height that he has never reached.

"Okay, don't be spoiled, it's getting late, let's go back for lunch." It's rare for Wei Su to have someone to accompany him today, he just happened to be with his son, Wei Zhao hugged Wei Chongrong and jumped off the rockery .

He found that Wei Zhao was more reliable than he expected. Wei Chongrong was in a good mood. He dragged him to and fro on the path in the garden. Just after turning around a pavilion, he ran into a man, looking at his attire, he looked like a The emperor's servant.

When the visitor saw Wei Zhao, he respectfully saluted: "I have seen His Royal Highness King Qin, His Highness Changle Weiyang." His voice was low and melodious, which was indescribably pleasant.

Wei Zhaoxu raised his right hand and said with a slight smile: "The servant of Yan is exempted from the ceremony." Wei Chongrong knew that this was one of the emperor's new favorites, Yan Li, the servant of Yan.

Yan Li stood with his hands down, and stood two steps beside Wei Zhao. Wei Zhao passed by him and said casually, "Aren't you an **** to the park? Why are you here?"

Yan Li replied in an unwavering tone: "Zhao Ji Zhuyu is in the front, how dare you show your ugliness below?"

Wei Zhao chuckled: "If that's the case, you should go back first. We were seen when we met, and the impact was not good."

Yan Li Nuonuo should be, turned around and left on her own. Wei Chongrong's admiration for Wei Zhao couldn't help but deepen. How long did it take for them to return to Beijing, Wei Zhao had someone by the emperor's side. Compared to the glorious uncle of the prince, his father was born Gongdou little master.

Back at the palace, lunch was already prepared, and when they came back, Qing Xiu immediately brought someone to serve them, all of which were Wei Chongrong's favorite dishes.

Wei Chongrong was eating with great interest, but seeing Wei Zhao frowning and thinking, he was busy helping him with dishes, and asked him what else he wanted.

Wei Zhao subconsciously said, "What's so special about Zhao Ji..." He suddenly realized that this topic was not suitable for children, so he stopped and dined with Wei Chongrong seriously.

Wei Chongrong buried his head in the rice, but sighed in his heart, Wei Zhao's observation skills are really keen enough, Zhao Ji has not shown much, but he has already set his sights on her.

But what exactly did Wei Su fall in love with Zhao Ji, and he was so fond of her, which Wei Chongrong never understood. Wei Su is a good emperor, but not a good man. His pursuit of beauty is rare among the emperors of Dayan.

It's just that Wei Su has read countless beauties. Most of the beauties are forgotten in a flash, and they are not remembered in their hearts. They can be called special favorites. There are four in his life, namely Empress Ji, Concubine Xin, Concubine Yun, and Concubine Yun. Zhao Ji.

The first three are well understood. They were all rare and stunning beauties when they were young, and they had extraordinary family backgrounds and capable fathers and brothers. Wei Su is a pragmatic person, and it is difficult for him to have a long-term foothold in his harem, even if he has children.

There is only Zhao Ji, no family background, she is not even beautiful enough, which is very confusing. Of course, this is not to say that Zhao Ji is not good-looking, and compared to other beauties, her appearance is incomparable, and her background is extremely humble.

Wei Chongrong had seen Zhao Ji's portrait before, and thought that the artist's level was limited, and he could not draw her peerless style. It wasn't until I saw the real person two days ago that I realized that she was a little beauty with delicate features and exquisite figure, which was far from Yan Li's appearance.

However, Zhao Ji was favored. After Wei Ming committed suicide, Wei Xiao and Wei Shi had two brothers in front of Wei Yang, but she let Wei Su skip them and made Wei Yang, who was only seven years old, the crown prince.

"What are you thinking? Hurry up and eat!" Wei Zhao was too diligent with his dishes, and Wei Chongrong couldn't keep up with the speed of his cooking, and the bowl was about to burst out.

Wei Chongrong regained his senses, and hurriedly speeded up. Thinking of Wei Yang, he was really disgusting. He originally wanted to eat three bowls, but he didn't want to eat two bowls.

Su Wen was taught a lesson by Wei Zhao, and he didn't dare to mention a word in front of Wei Su. Wei Su accidentally asked about it, and he said that he had slipped and fell, and Wei Su did not ask any more.

In a blink of an eye, Wei Chongrong came to Shanglin Garden for more than a month. Because of Wei Zhao's company, his shadow on the Palace of Dangdang had long since disappeared. Just when he was thinking of continuing to live, Wei Zhao told him that they were going back to the city.

At this time, it was the middle of the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year was approaching. There was still a crown prince to handle government affairs in the DPRK, and the emperor should return. The affairs of the New Year were all for the old man to come forward in person.

Wei Chongrong had no problem with returning to the city, but the thought of entering the palace made him feel uneasy, especially when Wei Zhao told him that there was a palace banquet on New Year's Eve and ancestor worship on the first day of the new year. Live some days.

Wei Chongrong bit his lip and held it back for a long time before he came up with a reason that was not a reason: "Dad, are you not afraid that my third brother and I will fight again?" Wei Chongrong said that he would not take the initiative to trouble Wei Mao. , but if Wei Mao seeks death by himself, he will not fail to fight back.

Wei Zhao disapproved and said with a frown, "Do you think that the emperor can't teach children like me, Mao'er made trouble once last time, can you do it again?"

"Why not?" Wei Chongrong pouted, not believing Wei Zhao's words. Wei Mao's prejudice against them is so deep, how could it be that Wei Ming's words would work, and it would be impossible to replace him.

"You don't believe it, do you?" Wei Zhao saw through his son's careful thoughts at a glance, and said firmly: "Mao'er is much better than you, no matter what the emperor says, he can hear it."

Wei Chongrong raised his hand to cover his face, and suddenly felt that he had no face to meet anyone. Wei Zhaoming was talking about himself, but in fact, he turned a corner and hated him. , even the kitten is not as good as that, it is really worth reflecting on.

After returning to the palace to rest for a while, Wei Zhao took Wei Chongrong into the palace. Yongfu Palace should be well-equipped, and it can be seen that someone cleans up every day, waiting for Wei Zhao to come back and live at any time.

When they learned that the Fourth Emperor and the younger cousin had entered the palace, Wei Xuan and Wei Kou came to greet him that day and played with Wei Chongrong. Wei Chongrong has never liked to envy people, but at this time, he is a little envious of Wei Lan and Wei Mao. He is really happy to have such good brothers and sisters.

Wei Lan and Wei Mao have never been to Yongfu Palace, but Wei Chongrong met them twice in Weiyang Palace. Although the two sides looked at each other, they could not be called friendly, but neither of them spoke or behaved inappropriately. It's kind of like a brother-in-law.

Princess Yuankang often went to the palace to greet the empress. Since Wei Zhao returned to the palace, she would call him over every time she entered the palace, saying that the sister and brother had not seen each other for many years, and they should talk together.

The same is true today, when Wei Chongrong saw Princess Yuankang's face full of spring breeze, he asked with a smile: "Auntie, what happened to you, you look so happy when you smile." Princess Yuankang was gentle and amiable, Wei Chongrong always I like her very much.

"You little clever ghost, your eyes are really sharp!" Princess Yuankang nodded at Wei Chongrong's nose, and her smile was even more obvious, "Axiu's marriage has ended, can I be unhappy?" Xie Xiu's marriage seems to have already It became Princess Yuankang's heart disease.

The queen was overjoyed when she heard the words, and hurriedly asked: "Yuankang, which family is it, and why would you propose marriage at this time?"

Wei Chongrong looked at Princess Yuankang curiously and wanted to know the answer quickly. No matter which family it is, Xie Xiu's fate will not be as miserable as in the previous life. He didn't notice that Wei Zhao, who was not far from him, turned pale.

Princess Yuankang chuckled and said: "I didn't formally propose a marriage, but the Concubine Yongan asked someone to come over and inquired, saying that we were interested, and she will send someone later in the year. I asked Axiu, she nodded, I guess ah, this matter It can be done."

The queen smiled with satisfaction and said happily: "It turned out to be the Jiang family, it really is a good marriage. A Che is the grandson of Princess Gu, and he is also A Xiu's cousin. It's really good to be with you."

Not to mention Xie Xiu, even the princesses of the Wei family, who married into two different surnames of the palace, could not be said to be married, because except for the princess, the rest of the princesses were all the princes who were married to the prince. The real power of the county king, properly placed on an equal footing.

Princess Yuankang laughed so hard that her joy was beyond words. Wei Chongrong understood her excitement, but he couldn't figure out why Jiang Che was suddenly getting married. Wasn't he unmarried in his last life?

Could it be...

When he was in the study that day, Wei Zhao said something to him.

Thinking of this, Wei Chongrong turned to look at Wei Zhao, only to find that he was no longer in the hall, but walked to the window at some point, staring alone at the dead branches outside the window.

Wei Chongrong walked over gently, tugged at the hem of his clothes, and called softly, "Daddy..." He was very worried about Wei Zhao.

Wei Zhao put his hand on his shoulder and said nothing. The father and son stood silently for a long time until the queen asked someone to come and call them.

Dayan's New Year's Eve palace banquet is much higher than that of Fuyu, and there are separate seats for men and women. The emperor entertains the ministers in the Zhengyi Hall, and the queen entertains the female relatives in the Zhongren Hall.

Wei Chongrong had attended the New Year's Eve banquet before, but he had never sat in a seat with such a good view. On the top of the steps are the seats of the emperor and the royal clan, one seat for each person, and the seats for the ministers below, two seats for each.

The emperor is in the middle. Needless to say, the seats of the prince and the king of Qin are separated on the left and right, and next to them are the positions of the kings of Yongan and Changning. These two are also the only two on the stage who are not named Wei. It can be seen that their status is prominent. Next are Wei Shi, Wei Xuan and others.

Wei Lan, Wei Mao, and Wei Chongrong were under ten years old, had not yet served, and had no separate seats. Wei Lan sat next to her elder brother, while Wei Mao and Wei Chongrong were leaning on their fathers. Their positions were diagonally opposite. Seeing each other's expressions is very uncomfortable.

Wei Chongrong didn't want to talk to Wei Mao, so he turned around and talked to Ji Xin. Anyway, Junqing didn't come to leave, and Ji Xin was just bored. The two of them were ten years apart in age, yet they were able to chat happily. Wei Zhao watched and couldn't help but wonder.

Wei Zhao and Jiang Che were also positioned diagonally opposite each other. As long as the two raised their eyes, they would meet each other's line of sight, which was quite embarrassing. Wei Zhao would avoid it at first, but then gave up. He felt it was unnecessary, but Jiang Che was very calm, always smiling, but slightly bitter.

Although it was very boring, the victory was that there was no turbulence. The annual New Year's Eve banquet passed very smoothly. Wei Chongrong harvested several golden naked children created by the Shaofu.

On the first day of the new year, all members of the royal family will go to the Taimiao Temple to worship their ancestors, which Wei Chongrong has never participated in before. Now, his name is on the jade, and he is considered a member of the Wei family, so he has the qualifications to worship the ancestors.

In addition to the tablets enshrined in the Taimiao for the emperors of the Dayan dynasties, there are also several prominent ministers who deserved to enjoy the Taimiao. Wei Chongrong looked at the string of familiar or unfamiliar names, faintly throbbing, but could not say why. .

A few years later, Wei Chongrong looked back and felt that this ancestor worship should be the first time he realized his identity as a Wei family.

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