MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 46 suffering

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Hearing that Junqing was about to give birth, Ji Xin was no less excited than Wei Chongrong who saw Wei Zhao. He didn't think about anything, so he went straight to Junqing's house and was stopped by Wei Zhao.

Wei Zhao stood in front of Ji Xin and calmly said, "Xin'er, do you want your son to be born with a father with all his muscles and his martial arts completely destroyed?"

Now that Ji Xin sees Junqing, it is impossible for him to control his emotions. If Ji Xin's poison breaks out early, he and Junqing will find a solution to silence, so what's the use.

Wei Chongrong was inexplicably shocked when he heard the words. He didn't know what poison Ji Xin was poisoned with, but the phrase "muscles are broken and martial arts completely destroyed" unconsciously reminded him of Wei Zhao in his previous life, and he couldn't help but tremble with fear. , looked up at Ji Xin uneasily.

Ji Xin's eyes widened, and he said in amazement, "You're about to give birth to a gentleman, so you still have to ask him the solution to annihilation?" Isn't it too inhuman, even though Wei Zhao wanted to save him himself.

"Of course I have to ask." Wei Zhao nodded, his expression calm, "Qinger is the first child, the child is not born immediately, I will find something for him to do to distract him, and he is not that difficult." Get off Ji Xin and go to Junqing's bedroom.

After a long while, Ji Xin said blankly: "I'm going to the study, it's not a very important matter, don't tell me for the time being." Wei Zhao is right, no matter how happy or worried he is... Now he has to hold back, he can't give birth to his son, There is a father who has become a waste.

Wei Zhao and Ji Xin left separately, leaving Wei Chongrong alone in the yard. He wanted to go back to the house, but found that he had finished his homework and had nothing to do when he went back, so he just played in the yard and waited for Junhua by the way. Birth news.

In fact, Wei Chongrong is a little unknown and careful.

In the past life, Junhua was the last person he saw. In this life, he strives to be the first person to see him. As for the doctor who delivered the birth, the servant boy, etc., they were all ignored by Wei Chongrong. He always felt that for him, Junhua was different from others.

After Junhua was born, he would love him well, not only to make up for his neglect of him, but also to be grateful for all the things he had done for him.

After Wei Zhao entered the room, he saw Junqing lying on the bed, his face turned to the inside of the bed, making it impossible to see his expression at this time. In front of the bed was Junqing's personal servant named Guanyan. He spoke in a low voice, but Junqing hardly responded.

Wei Zhao walked to the bed and commanded in a low voice, "Guanyan, you stay outside, I have something to tell your Marquis." Guanyan nodded in agreement, and then backed out.

When Junqing heard Wei Zhao's words, he was looking forward to it and feeling uneasy. He turned around slowly and said anxiously, "Is there any news about Xin'er?"

Wei Zhao didn't hide it from him and said truthfully, "He came back with me..."

Hearing this, the worry on Junqing's face did not diminish at all: "Is he... seriously injured? Why didn't he come to see me?" He put his hands on the bed, as if he wanted to sit up.

The belly in labor was heavy and swollen, and the gentleness moved suddenly, which involved the waist and spine, and could not help but froze in place, motionless, allowing the pain and swelling to gradually intensify, and the lips instantly turned dark blue: "Well... "

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Wei Zhao hurriedly stretched out his hand to support Junqing and comforted: "Qing'er, don't worry, Xin'er is fine for the time being..."

"Temporarily?!" The fetus in the womb turned around suddenly, the pain almost suffocated the gentleman, and he was speechless just after spit out two words. He propped up the bed with one hand and comforted the restless fetus with the other, and finally managed to endure this moment.

Seeing that Junqing's expression had eased, Wei Zhao did not dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly briefed him on Ji Xin's situation.

Junqing frowned, and there was a hint of unease in his eyes. After thinking for a long time, he called out, "Guanyan, come in."

Guanyan was waiting in the outer room, and when he heard the news, he immediately entered the inner room. Junqing gave him a position and asked him to go to the study to find a few books. Guan Yan wrote down one by one, and led the way.

The fetus is very active, moving around in Junqing's belly, Junqing is leaning on the pillow, and his hands are gently making circles on the abdomen. Wei Zhao looked at his movements, and was actually a little lost, and Fang sighed low after a long while.

Junqing looked up at Wei Zhao, but didn't ask him why he was sighing, and quickly lowered his head again.

Junqing explained very clearly, Guanyan also handled affairs very neatly, and after a while, he brought over the books and notes that Junqing asked him to find.

First, the parts that Wei Zhao had already checked were eliminated. Junqing divided the remaining books into two halves, and the two read them separately.

Guanyan said that he saw King Changning in the study, he was reading a book, and he didn't ask any questions when he saw him, but his face looked pretty good.

Junqing turned the book attentively, and didn't have time to pay attention to Guanyan. He even ignored the abdominal pain that came from time to time, and only wanted to find a solution to silence.

At this moment, Doctor Liu, whom Fu Bo sent to invite, arrived. Junqing just turned the book and didn't speak, Wei Zhao hurriedly asked the doctor to come in. Ji Xin's poison is to be solved, and Junqing's child is to be born, neither can be delayed.

Dr. Liu carried the medicine box into the room, and was startled when he saw the table and the pregnant woman lying in front of the bed.

Wei Zhao forced Junqing to put down the book in his hand and asked Doctor Liu to give him a pulse first. Doctor Liu took Junqing's pulse and said that she was about to give birth, and then checked the fetal position for Junqing.

To check the fetal position is to palpate. After seeing it, Dr. Liu said that although the fetus is a little big and may not be easy to give birth, the fetal position is positive, which is also good news.

Junqing is a male child, and it is the first child. It is impossible to give birth within a dozen hours. Doctor Liu does not mind that Junqing finds something to do in the early stages of labor, but only reminds him not to work too hard, otherwise he will focus on the critical moment. Not enough, but a hassle.

The pain came again, Jun Qing looked stagnant, put down the book half of the book in his hand, and followed the method taught by Dr. Liu, gasping for breath, survived this wave, and then continued from the place where he was interrupted just now. Look.

After four or five times of pain, Junqing finally found the record of silence. Sun Ye probably didn't specifically tell them about this kind of poison, but he mentioned it incidentally when he was talking about other content, so Junqing's notes were not very complete.

Now, the two people's notes are placed side by side on the desk. Wei Zhao has compared the contents, and there are similarities and differences.

"Qing'er, do you think there will be something we both missed?" Wei Zhao is not worried about the possibility of misremembering, he and Junqing will not make such a mistake. What he was afraid of was that this was what Sun Ye said casually. They didn't pay attention and didn't remember it completely.

Junqing took a deep breath, survived a period of severe pain that was more severe than ever before, turned his eyes to the half-open window, and said solemnly: "It's almost sunset..."

At sunset, the stillness in Jishin would strike, and they would run out of time.

"Doctor Liu, can you help us find this antidote?" Wei Zhao went to the doctor in a hurry, and even Dr. Liu didn't let it go.

Dr. Liu took the note that Wei Zhao handed over, looked at it carefully, and said seriously: "This old man is not good at using poison to expel poison, so he doesn't dare to jump to conclusions. Only from the point of view of the medicinal properties, this prescription is symptomatic."

Wei Zhao turned around and stared at Jun Qing, waiting for him to make a decision.

Junqing stroked his stomach and remained silent. Suddenly, his belly twitched, Junqing raised his eyebrows slightly, and pondered: "Guanyan, follow this recipe to decoct the medicine."

Guanyan had already copied the prescription, and he immediately went out to do it after being instructed by Junqing.

Junqing rubbed her waist, turned her face and asked Dr. Liu, "Can I get out of bed for a walk?"

Doctor Liu nodded and said, "Of course you can." Before the water broke, as long as the midwife was willing, it was a good thing to move around more. He had no reason not to.

Wei Zhao said, "Qing'er, I think Dr. Liu meant to let you walk around the house." It didn't include letting you go out.

Junqing was about to lift the quilt on her body, she couldn't help but stop, she laughed and said, "Do you think I'm going to see Xin'er?"

"Isn't it?" Wei Zhao raised his eyebrows, doubting Junqing's words.

Junqing nodded, with a very positive tone: "I know very well, I don't see Xin'er now, but it's better for him."

As soon as the words were finished, Guanyan came back, saying that the medicine had already been fried, and that it would be delivered to King Changning later.

Seeing that there were Guanyan and Doctor Liu beside Junqing, and the situation was not in a hurry for the time being, Wei Zhao said, "I'll go to the study and have a look, and send someone to tell me something."

Walking out of Junqing's house, Wei Zhao saw his son squatting under the eaves with his hands on his cheeks at a glance, and said in surprise, "Rong'er, have you been here all the time?"

Wei Chongrong nodded, rubbed his numb calf and stood up: "Daddy, is the Marquis of Zhaoyang okay?" It was quiet inside, he couldn't hear any sound, and it was so boring to wait.

Wei Zhao squatted down in front of Wei Chongrong and rubbed his leg while answering, "Marquis Zhaoyang is very good, but if Rong'er wants to see his little brother, he won't be able to see it today. You don't have to wait. After some dinner, go back to your room early to sleep."

Wei Chongrong thought for a while, then replied obediently, "I see." After speaking, he turned around and left.

When Wei Zhao arrived at the study, the medicine was not ready yet. Ji Xin was flipping through this travel journal, and when he saw him, he immediately asked, "How is Junqing?"

Wei Zhao smiled and said that everything went well, and told Ji Xin that the solution to silence had been found, but they were not sure whether it was complete, so they could not guarantee the efficacy of the antidote.

Ji Xin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't believe you can find a solution. This is already a surprise."

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door. Wei Zhao said and came in. A maid in red pushed the door into the house, followed by a little maid in blue. The little girl was carrying a tray with medicine bowls on it.

The red-clothed maid took the medicine bowl and presented it to Ji Xin, saying that she cooked it herself, guarded it from beginning to end, and never faked someone else's hands.

Ji Xin took the medicine bowl and did not drink the medicine immediately. Wei Zhao looked at him and said indifferently: "Drinking or not drinking is your choice." If it was him, he would be hesitant to face such a bowl of antidote.

Ji Xin narrowed his eyes, thinking of the gentleman who was suffering for him, and their unborn child, the bond connecting their blood...

Suddenly, Ji Xin opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes was breathtaking. He picked up the medicine bowl and drank it.

Wei Zhao looked at Ji Xin nervously, for fear that he might have a bad reaction. He waited for a long time, until sunset and Xishan... Nothing happened.

When Wei Zhao saw Ji Xin's heart trembling, he said blankly: "I don't think it's different, but the time has come, and the silence has not occurred, is it a solution?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Wei Zhao shook his head, uncertain: "Silence is too complicated, neither I nor Qing'er understand it, but cousin Sun Ye said the solution before, we wrote it down, but we don't know it. I don't remember everything."

The two sat for another quarter of an hour, Ji Xin still felt good, and asked, "Can I go see Junqing?"

Wei Zhao hesitated, then waved his hand and said, "It's best not to go, in case we just suppress your poison, rather than solve it completely. You wait, Mr. Duanmu is going home soon, wait until he sees it. , don't be impatient."

Ji Xin was helpless, but he had to admit that Wei Zhao's words made sense, so he said, "I'm fine, little cousin. Go and accompany Junqing, he's alone, it's the first time, he'll definitely be a little scared. "

Wei Zhao thought about it too, so he stood up and warned again, "Xin'er, you can wait in peace. If there is any news, I will send someone to tell you."

As night fell, the lights of Zhaoyang Hou's mansion lit up one after another. When Wei Zhao returned to Junqing's house, Guanyan had already prepared dinner. Junqing had no appetite, but was forced by Doctor Liu to eat.

Seeing that Junqing was dawdling and reluctant to eat, Dr. Liu advised: "Master Hou, eat more, you will have strength when you are born. I see, the child is a little slow to come down, before the water breaks, you After eating, take a few more laps…”

Dr. Liu rambled, Jun Qing's hand holding the bowl and chopsticks suddenly trembled, not because he was frightened, but because of the pain in his abdomen.

The feeling of the fetus's slow falling is shattering. Junqing held her breath and used all her strength to resist the pain. She couldn't hear what Dr. Liu said at all, and big drops of sweat kept falling from his face...

Seeing him like this, Doctor Liu hurriedly said: "Master Hou, you can't hold your breath, you have to breathe, not deep breaths, small mouths... That's right, that's it..."

Wei Zhao tossed for a day and a night, but not a grain of rice was touched. Before he was busy with something, he didn't feel it. Now that he came back to his senses, he was already so hungry that his chest was on his back. Seeing that the dishes on the table were quite rich, he sat down directly at the table and asked Guanyan to add another pair of tableware.

Guanyan said in a trembling voice: "Wait a moment, my lord, I will send some new meals from the kitchen immediately." No matter how good the relationship between his lord and the king of Qin is, he can't let his lord eat leftovers.

"You don't need new ones, these are fine, just bring the bowls and chopsticks." Wei Zhao waved his hands indifferently, Guanyan didn't dare to say more, and went immediately.

Jun Qing regained his strength and asked softly, "Has the antidote... worked?" His tone revealed obvious unease.

Wei Zhao squinted at him and raised his lips slightly: "If Xin'er is poisoned, will I still have the heart to eat?"

Junqing's expression relaxed, and the worry in his eyes went away a little. Wei Zhao said again: "I'm not sure whether Xin'er's poison has been cured or temporarily suppressed. It must be seen by Mr. Duanmu, so I dare not let him come over."

"It's okay, he's okay." After Jun Qing said that, he buried his head in the rice and saw that Wei Zhao was even more hungry. Fortunately, Guanyan had already brought Wei Zhao's tableware and chopsticks, and added two new dishes to the table at the same time.

After dinner, Dr. Liu felt the pulse of Junqing and let him continue to circle around the house, saying that it was too early to die.

Earlier, Junqing supported his waist and he could walk by himself, but now he can't, and someone must support him. Wei Zhao saw that Guan Yan was holding onto it fairly well, so he quietly retracted his half-stretched hand.

"Uh..." I don't know how long it took, suddenly a sharp pain hit, Junqing was unsteady, and he knelt down with his stomach.

Guanyan held Junqing's half arm, but he couldn't hold his body that kept sliding down. Fortunately, Wei Zhao was quick-witted and held Junqing's other hand in time to prevent him from falling.

Wei Zhao let out a long sigh and said with concern: "Qing'er, you can rest first and leave later."

Junqing opened her mouth to speak, but her abdomen contracted suddenly at this moment, with an irresistible sinking force, as if her entire belly was about to fall.

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