MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 65 King's Landing

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In the third year of Yongjia's reign, Ji Wan, the second lady of the Changning Palace, entered the palace and was named Concubine Dun for the first time. On the eve of the wedding, Wei Su called Ji Yang into the palace to face the saint.

Ji Yang looked at the reluctance on the emperor's face, and his heart couldn't help but burst into flames, and choked: "Your Majesty, it is you who ordered my sister to enter the palace, no matter what your reasons are, your face Can you have a little bit of joy that a groom should have..."

Wei Su raised his head lazily, glanced at Ji Yang, and said with a sullen expression: "It's none of Awan's business, I just feel that everything we do now seems to be under the control of the Empress Dowager, which is quite boring. Yes, even my marriage is the same."

At first, when he returned to the palace with a letter from the King of Chu, the Empress Dowager looked expressionless, as if it was as if he had never left the palace privately.

Then, the days went back to the past. He went to court and reviewed memorials every day, like a puppet being manipulated, because no matter what, it was the Empress Dowager who had the final say. As if inaudible.

When he was bored, Wei Su asked Ji Yang what he should do. Ji Yang's answer was only two words, suffocating.

Xie Yi's power came from Emperor Xianzong. The first emperor had been in power for 22 years, and he had never really escaped his control. Wei Su, who ascended the throne at a young age, could not help him. The military power of the Ji family can only ensure that he sits in that position and will not help him regain power.

Fortunately, the Empress Dowager is already very old, and the only biological son, the King of Chu, has a bad relationship with him. Not being able to resist the Empress Dowager head-on, Wei Su could only keep a low profile, accumulate strength, and wait for the right moment.

In order to ease the relationship with Xie Yi, Wei Su agreed without hesitation when Xie Ning, the Duke of Song, proposed marriage to the eldest princess of Chongqing for his son Xie Zhou. Even though he knew very well in his heart that his sister had only loved one person since childhood, Jiqing, the king of Changning.

When the emperor got married, the Empress Dowager Tai and Empress Dowager Sun had a disagreement on the choice of the empress, and the two consulted him for his opinion.

Wei Su thought for a while and said Ji Wan's name. He doesn't want to marry a woman related to the Xie family. Does Xie Yi think he doesn't have enough control over the harem? As for the cousins ​​of the Sun family, that's not necessary. Can his mother's family support others if he doesn't support him?

Hearing Wei Su's answer, the Empress Dowager was calm and only said that the emperor liked it. The Empress Dowager Sun was slightly dissatisfied, but the emperor was willing, and the Empress Dowager agreed. No matter how she objected, it would be useless.

Seeing Ji Yang frowning, Wei Su said again: "Every time I see the eyes of the Empress Dowager looking at me, I feel like he is saying to me, I know what tricks you are playing, but I don't care, just do whatever you want. No matter how much you toss, you can't turn the palm of my hand, it's a terrible feeling." There are some things that the emperor can't say in front of others, including his mother, the Empress Dowager Sun, but it is Ji, who has been disliked since he was a child. Yang, turned out to be the best object to talk to.

Knowing that Wei Su's dissatisfaction was not directed at Ji Wan, Ji Yang secretly said something, and said calmly, "Your Majesty, don't be impatient, I just received some good news for you. The latest secret report from Zhuozhou. , the King of Chu is seriously ill and may not last long."

"Really?" Wei Su raised his eyebrows, his eyes dark and unclear. He had no ill will towards the uncle who had only met once, but the King of Chu was Xie Yi's only son.

Ji Yang nodded silently, her face was calm and unwavering, she knew more about the King of Chu than the emperor. As early as many years ago, when King Qi Min was killed by the Empress Dowager, his heart was already dead, so no matter when he was, he was not the real opponent of the emperor.

In the spring of the following year, a funeral report was sent from Zhuozhou, and the King of Chu passed away. As Ji Yang had expected, the death of the King of Chu had a deep blow to the Empress Dowager. He became seriously ill, and immediately began to delegate power to the emperor. It seemed that he no longer had any attachment to power.

In the autumn of the same year, Ji Wan gave birth to the eldest princess, Wei Suchu became a father and was overjoyed. Ji Yang, the head of Xianyou County, remarried Yu, the descendant of the Duke of Guo.

In the sixth year of Yongjia, the Empress Dowager died at the age of 70 and was given the posthumous title of "Duan". Before that, Wei Su had basically controlled all the forces in the court, and since then, he has become an unequivocal and undeniable iron-blooded emperor.

Whether it is the former dynasty or the harem, as long as the emperor speaks, few people dare to question it. Perhaps, there is one exception.

In the Xuanshi Hall, Wei Suhao smiled in a leisurely manner, as if he was not surprised by Ji Yang's arrival: "Xianyou County Lord, you are here!"

Ji Yangmei's eyes widened, her face full of anger, and she roared, "Don't get too close to me, tell me honestly, did you do it on purpose?"

Wei Su's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression looked a little innocent: "What did I mean? Xianyou County Master, you have made your words clear!"

Ji Yang didn't give the emperor any face at all. She stepped on the imperial case and said angrily: "Don't tell me, the matter between you and Lin'er was not planned by you in advance." I heard rumors about Wei Su and his son , Ji Yang is really speechless. She strictly guarded against her death for all these years to avoid further possibilities for the emperor and her brother, but before she was lucky for two days, she turned her head and saw that her son was abducted. Is this the front door? Refuse the tiger, attract the wolf through the back door.

Wei Su didn't feel embarrassed about Ji Yang's disobedience in front of the monarch, but smiled gently: "Xianyou County Lord, you are right, Lin'er really took the initiative, if it weren't for him... I didn't even think about it. ..." Wei Su felt that what he said was the truth. He loved Junlin since he was a child, asking the wind for the wind and the rain for the rain, he simply spoiled people, but he never thought about taking Junlin as the own.

On the contrary, it was King's Landing, who first had a strange feeling towards him. The emperor had always lacked self-control when facing beautiful women. It was natural for something like that to happen later.

Knowing that Wei Su wouldn't joke about something like this, Ji Yang was so angry that she couldn't speak. If the emperor made the first move, she would still yell at him. But if her baby son recommends a dragon bed, she really doesn't know what to do.

The marriage between her and Junya was not favored by everyone from the beginning, but they didn't care. In the face of external pressure, the two equally proud and stubborn young people showed rare self-control and tenacity. In the end, they persuaded their families.

After the wedding, all kinds of discussions about Junya and Ji Yang gradually dissipated. No matter how strange their match was or how different their family styles were, they had already become relatives, and Xianyou County Master had indeed entered. The door of Jun's house, there is nothing to say.

People guessed the beginning, but not the end. When the pressure from the outside world ceased to exist, the conflict between Junya and Ji Yang caused by their different personalities broke out in an all-round way, shocking the two families. In the end, Ji Yang sadly left Jun's house, and Junya never made a reservation.

When she came out of Jun's house, Ji Yang didn't even know she was pregnant, but after a little thought, she decided to keep the child.

The name of Jun Lin was taken by Jun Ya, and the genealogy of Jun's family was on it, but since the day he was born, he had never stepped into the gate of Jun's family.

King's Landing grew up in the Changning Palace. At that time, Ji Yang was helping Wei Su to rectify and train the shadow guards. Because Ji Wan had already entered the palace, Ji Qing had just returned to the capital and spent more time in the camp in Xicheng than in the palace. many. When Jun Lin stayed in the palace, it could not be said that no one took care of him, but the nurse and maid were as careful as the mother and aunt. Ji Yang simply took his son with him. Wherever she went, Jun Lin followed.

Since Jun Linda was able to walk, he practiced with Wei Su's shadow guards. Of course, he made rapid progress. Ji Yang proudly told the emperor that her son would definitely be better than blue in the future.

Sometimes, Ji Yang is really too busy, so he puts King's Landing with Ji Wan to play with Princess Yuankang.

Princess Yuankang was the emperor's eldest daughter, and because she came early, she was naturally favored, but her six younger sisters did not receive such treatment. The emperor wanted a son, and he wanted to go crazy, but unfortunately there was no prince born in the palace.

The emperor himself has no son, and Jun Lin always hangs out with Princess Yuankang, so he is inevitably a little empathetic and favors him.

Ji Yang's second husband was Sun Yu, the nephew of Empress Dowager Sun. Sun Yu did not shy away from the existence of King's Landing, and treated him as his own, just like his two sons Sun Shu and Sun Ye. It's just that Jun Lin's surname is Jun, not Sun. His biological father, Jun Ya, is still alive. He lives in his stepfather's house for many years. The face of Jun's family is not good, so more often, Jun Lin stays in the Changning Palace.

Wei Su knew that Ji Qing was not often at home, but he was there, and his gloomy temper was not suitable for raising children, so he often took Jun Lin to the palace. Ji Yang thought that he was an elder and didn't care too much. When she found out that the situation was not right, it was too late.

Ji Yang chewed on the emperor's words carefully, and when she recalled it, she couldn't help but sneer: "Your Majesty, you are modeling Lin'er in the image of the big brother you imagined, but he is not a clay sculpture after all, it is not that you want to shape him into a shape. What he will be like."

Wei Su was silent and did not deny Ji Yang's words. As early as the third year of Yongjia, not long after Ji Wan entered the palace, he transferred Ji Qing back to the Xicheng camp. As the chance of contact between the ruler and the minister increased, Wei Su gradually discovered that the real Ji Qing and what he imagined were simply two different people. He can't be called disillusioned, just a little disappointed, anyway, his loyalty to him is real, and that's enough.

Instead, it was Jun Lin, who had been raised by his side since childhood, and faintly let Wei Su see the person he was looking forward to. Wei Su didn't actually think about what he wanted to cultivate Jun Lin to look like, but under his subtle influence, Jun Lin still grew into what he expected.

Wei Su was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Lin'er is in the palace at this time, you must not beat him and scold him when you see him."

Ji Yang rolled his eyes: "My son, when am I willing to touch a finger. It's your Majesty, since you have provoked someone you shouldn't, you must be prepared to pay the corresponding price." He walked away without further talking to the emperor.

King's Landing is resting today and is playing with Wei Ming in Weiyang Palace. Watching him finish a set of swordsmanship, Wei Ming slapped his hands hard, his face flushed with excitement: "Brother Lin, you are amazing! Can you teach me?"

Jun Lin put down his sword, led Wei Ming to the table and sat down, pinched his cheek, and said warmly: "Little Minger, you are going to be a prince in the future, what you need to learn is to know and appoint people, govern the world, and march the army. Fighting wars and defending against foreign enemies, others will do it for you."

Wei Ming nodded ignorantly. He didn't quite understand what Jun Lin said, but his father said that Brother Lin was the most powerful, and it was right to listen to him, so he opened the mind of learning martial arts and pulled Jun Lin to say. start something else.

Ji Wan couldn't have been unaware of what happened in the Weiyang Palace. She heard the palace staff talk about the content of the conversation between Jun Lin and Wei Ming, and smiled lightly, with a very beautiful smile. She is the queen, her tomorrow will be the prince, and the rest, she doesn't care.

Beginning in the 12th year of Yongjia's reign, Wei Su used troops against Tie Le for ten years in a row without stopping. He beat Tie Le like a lost dog.

This summer, Wei Su intends to launch a final blow against Tiele, completely dismantling their threat to the Northern Border of Dayan.

"After this battle, I don't want to let you out anymore." Wei Su sighed while stroking the scar on Jun Lin's shoulder.

Jun Lin was lying on the ground looking at the map, feeling a little itchy on his right shoulder, turned his head and glanced at the emperor: "Your Majesty said the same last time."

Wei Su was ashamed, only to hear Jun Lin say again: "Youzhou and the northeastern counties of Yanzhou are in the hands of Fuyu people, how can His Majesty give up?"

Wei Su couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Fuyu will definitely fight, but it will take two years, not now..."

Jun Lin turned over, lay on the map, and put his hands under his head: "Your Majesty, come back from Tiele, I want to go home."

Wei Su was stunned and puzzled: "If you want to go home, you can go home at any time, and no one will stop you." Why report such trivial matters to him.

Seeing that the emperor misunderstood what he meant, Jun Lin added: "It's not the palace of Changning, I'm going back to Lord Langya's house."

"Jun's family? What are you going to do?" Wei Su was curious, he had never seen Jun Lin take the initiative to mention the matter of the Jun family.

Jun Lin shook his leg and guessed: "I don't know, my father wrote me a letter saying that he wanted to see me, but he didn't say anything."

Wei Su didn't ask any more questions. Although Ji Yang had reconciled with Junya, it was true that Jun Lin belonged to Jun's family. Junya didn't need any reason to see his son. After the decisive battle with Tie Le was over, he gave him to Jun Lin. Take three months off and let him go home and play.

After the decisive battle in the 22nd year of Yongjia, the Tiele people completely disappeared in Monan, Wei Su was overjoyed and rewarded those who had merit.

But what he didn't expect was that Jun Lin did not return to Beijing, but went directly to Langya's hometown. Wei Su was a little angry, but he didn't have an attack. Since King's Landing has gone back anyway, it's better to let him have a good time. If there is anything, wait for him to come back and talk about it. If you have any accounts, wait for him to come back.

Wei Su miscalculated again. He thought that King's Landing would come back after two or three months of playing, but he didn't expect this year to pass without any news from him. Just when Wei Su was thinking about whether to send someone to Langya to remind King's Landing, Ji Yang entered the palace with a sullen face.

Ji Yang threw a letter to Wei Su - written by Jun Lin himself - suppressed his anger and asked, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Wei Su hurriedly read the letter, his face was surprised and happy, and after a while he said excitedly: "Don't worry, I will arrange it properly and guarantee it will be done properly."

Ji Yang shook her head, the worry in her eyes far outweighed the joy, she really couldn't understand how things got to this point.

In the 23rd year of Yongjia, the fourth prince Wei Zhao was born, and the eldest prince Wei Ming Yuanfu was canonized as the crown prince. Soon after, Jun Lin returned from his hometown in Langya with two children, his half-brother Jun Feili and his son Jun Qing.

Although Wei Ming had already sealed the crown prince and moved into the East Palace, he stayed in Weiyang Palace most of the time except sleeping at night.

Jun Lin brought Jun Feili into the palace to greet the empress. Wei Ming saw that Jun Feili was a little curious and waved to him. Jun Feili noticed Wei Ming's actions, but when he entered the palace for the first time, he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only turn his head to look at Jun Lin.

Jun Lin patted his brother on the shoulder, indicating that he could go over, Jun Feili smiled and ran over immediately.

Wei Ming pulled Jun Feili to sit beside him and asked, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Jun Feili replied, "I'm the younger brother of Marquis Zhaoyang, and I just came to Yujing from Langya."

Wei Ming suddenly realized and nodded: "So you are brother Lin's younger brother, and so am I."

Jun Lin came out from Jiaofang Palace, Wei Ming ran over with Jun Feili, held his hand affectionately, and showed off: "Brother Lin, I'll take you to see my brother, Zhao'er is so beautiful."

Jun Lin's expression was stagnant, and he stopped and asked, "The prince likes his younger brother?" A color that Wei Ming could not understand flashed in his eyes.

Wei Ming nodded and said without hesitation: "I like it, I like it a lot more than Xu'er and Xiaoer."

Jun Lin smiled lightly, said nothing, and followed Wei Ming towards the side hall. On the exquisite and gorgeous carved cot, the little prince who had just woken up yawned, looked at the approaching person with curious eyes, and showed a toothless smile.

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