MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 72 younger sister

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Hearing what Wei Chongrong said, Junhua puffed up his cheeks unhappily, and pouted: "Brother Rong, you're going too far, how can I be so disobedient, I went to Zhuxia to find the third prince, so I'll go. What Tiele and the Western Regions are doing, they are not in a hurry."

In fact, if he hadn't known that Wei Chongrong would definitely go after Yisa City, he wouldn't have bothered to go. His Majesty gave his father an decree, but he didn't. If he followed Wei Chongrong back to Yujing, he would get tired of it all day and he would not have time to go to other places to play.

Wei Chongrong couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to squeeze Junhua's bulging cheeks, and said with a smile, "You said you're not angry? You can hang up an oil bottle soon. Little monkey, be good, study hard, practice martial arts seriously, maybe The Marquis of Zhaoyang will let you go back to Yujing in two years."

Junhua turned his head slightly to one side and looked at Wei Chongrong with a smile: "Brother Rong, don't worry, I will definitely come to Yujing to find you in two years." He simply thought that Junqing banned his feet because of him. The matter of sneaking away to Zhu Xia this time, it will be all right after a while.

Wei Chongrong knew very well in his heart that Junqing probably didn't want Junhua to see him again until something was clarified.

Two days ago, while taking Jun Hua to accompany his younger brother to practice swordsmanship, Jun Qing asked him to talk for a while, and the content surprised Wei Chongrong.

"Rong'er, you have always been a very smart child. I think you should have seen Hua'er's thoughts on you." Junqing cut to the chase and explained his intentions directly. Wei Chongrong was stunned and couldn't return to his senses for a long time. Come.

After being silent for a long time, he stumbled to find his voice: "Zhao, Zhaoyang Hou, what do you mean by saying this?" Did he hear it wrong? What the gentleman wants to express may not be the one he understands. mean.

Junqing's face sank, and his eyes looked a little bit cold: "Rong'er, do you really not understand or pretend not to understand?"

Wei Chongrong sorted out his thoughts and said hesitantly: "Huaixi is still young, so he shouldn't have such thoughts." It is true that Junhua has been more affectionate to him than others since he was a child, but isn't that because he is the most favored of him? Because of drowning?

Wei Chongrong has always been full of apology and guilt towards Junhua. In his memory, he never took the initiative to show his favor to Junhua, but Junhua has always been very kind to him, and he was given death by Wei Yang. Later, he even avenged him at all costs.

It's just that Wei Chongrong didn't think that death is not the end of his life, and he actually got a chance to start over because of this.

Starting all over again, Wei Chongrong directly or indirectly changed the fate of many people, including Junhua.

However, no matter how good Wei Chongrong was to Junhua, the guilt in his heart did not diminish in the slightest. Today's Junhua and Junhua, who he owes a lot, are actually two people in essence. Except for their appearance, they have nothing in common.

Facing Junhua, who he grew up with since childhood, Wei Chongrong has never had any other feelings other than family. He took it for granted that Junhua should treat himself the same. But today, Junqing told him that Junhua didn't think that way.

Junqing looked straight at Wei Chongrong and was speechless for a long time, until he raised his eyes uneasily and looked at himself, and said softly: "Rong'er, don't save others with yourself, Hua'er is young, but she is very sensitive to feelings. Very sensitive, and I'm sure he doesn't get his mind wrong."

"But, but Huai Xi..." If Jun Hua really likes himself as Jun Qing said, then why didn't he tell himself, with Wei Chongrong's understanding of Jun Hua's character, he is not a man Someone who can keep secrets, especially emotionally.

Junqing frowned slightly and said calmly: "If Hua'er has clearly seen his own mind, it would be meaningless for me to come to you and say anything. His temper is the same as his father, as long as he looks for it. If you hit the south wall with your head, you won't look back."

Hearing this, Wei Chongrong was a little overwhelmed, and he didn't know how to respond to Jun Hua's words.

Junqing looked at Wei Chongrong's slightly flustered look, and continued: "Rong'er, I can see that you don't have that kind of thought for Hua'er. You are good to him because you regard him as your own. He is a nephew or a younger brother, so he loves him even more. But Hua'er doesn't think that way. Your attitude can easily cause him to misunderstand. If he tells you again that he wants to go to Yujing, I hope you can help me persuade me. he."

Wei Chongrong thought for a while, and said hesitantly, "You mean, do you want me to tell Huai Xi everything clearly?" If that was the case, would Junhua be very unhappy, he found that he was reluctant to see him not? happy look.

Jun Qing waved her hand and said hurriedly: "No, don't say anything. Hua'er is ignorant now, just wants to get close to you according to her instinct. If you wake him up, you won't be able to give him what he wants. In response, he will be sad."

Wei Chongrong was even more apologetic when he heard that. He was kind to Junhua, and he just hoped that he would always live happily, but in the end, he was most likely to make him sad.

Junqing seemed to see through Wei Chongrong's thoughts, and said solemnly: "Rong'er, you don't have to feel guilty. Emotional matters cannot be forced. No one stipulates that who must like whom. No, you don't have to take it to heart."

Junqing put it lightly, how could Wei Chongrong really not care, he thought for a while, and then left and went back to his room.

Not long after Wei Chongrong left, Ji Xin walked over and frowned, "Aqing, are you helping your son to make a deal or are you helping him break the stage?" He raised his son so hard, how could he Look at a guy who doesn't have long eyes.

Junqing glanced at him and said indifferently: "Everything is optional, no one has to force it."

Ji Xin raised her eyebrows and smiled, with a faint hint of smugness on the corner of her mouth: "If it wasn't for me chasing after me, but just as you said, our little monkey and little tiger probably wouldn't have the chance to come here. The world is gone."

Jun Qing frowned at Ji Xin and whispered, "But I can't bear Hua'er to work as hard as you."

In the world of love, it is always harder to fall in love with the person first, especially when the person you fall in love with has no such thoughts about you at all. So Junqing clearly found Junhua's mind, but did not wake him up, but told Wei Chongrong everything and let him choose.

Maybe he will be moved by Junhua and gradually develop a little affection, just like he did to Ji Xin; it is also possible that he has only family affection for Junhua and avoids it from now on, just like Huo Yingying did to Wei Mao.

Either way, for Junhua, it is much better than Wei Chongrong continuing to be nice to him without responding.

Ji Xin couldn't help but sighed softly: "I find that I look at Wei Chongrong, that kid, it's really not pleasing to the eye. If he changes his mind, he will kidnap my precious little monkey. If he is indifferent, my little monkey will It must be sad to die."

Junqing was speechless, glared at Ji Xin, turned and left. Ji Xin regained his senses and hurriedly chased after him.

Wei Chongrong didn't know how Ji Xin and Junqing were talking about themselves behind their backs. While appeasing Junhua, he gave him a task: "Little monkey, if there is any information sent back by Qingcheng, you must pay attention, There may be some omissions."

Although Jun Hua's temperament is evasive, he is still very serious when it comes to business affairs, and quickly responded: "Brother Rong, are you suspicious of Brother Qingcheng? But he is not the only one lurking in Zhu Xia, and there is no connection between them. The information that came back, the father and the king have to verify each other and compare, and will not accept the slightest error. Brother Qingcheng has been in Zhuxia for more than ten years, and there has never been a mistake, so there should be no problem. "

Wei Chongrong pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't suspect that the news of Qingcheng is false, I just worry that he will hide something. Little monkey, do you still remember that key? Tuduo will keep it close to him, it must be Very important things, just look at them carefully."

Junhua came over and bit his lip and asked, "If Qingcheng... really has something to hide, what should I do? Tell my father? Brother Rong, why do you think there is something wrong with him? Can you tell me the reason?"

Wei Chongrong pondered for a moment, then pondered: "Little monkey, I have something that I can't confirm for the time being, and I don't want to mislead you. Well, I'll investigate after I return to Beijing, how about sending someone to send you a letter? It won't take a long time. ."

Jun Hua thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and asked Wei Chongrong to accompany him to climb Zixi Mountain.

Wei Chongrong thought that they would not be able to meet for a long time, and could not bear to brush Junhua's wish, so he agreed.

When he was about to go out, Wei Mao heard about this and insisted on following along to join in the fun. Ji Hui didn't have such a leisurely heart, but Ji Xin disliked her young son being too boring, so he was locked in the house all day, and Junhua had to take him with him. It would be stupid to say that he was bored at home.

Junhua had no objection that the two-person line became a four-person line, but Wei Chongrong guessed that Ji Xin should have done it on purpose.

Zixi Mountain has beautiful scenery and charming scenery. Standing on the top of the mountain, I can see the clouds and mists in the distance, and the mountains are emerald green.

Jun Hua took Ji Hui to pick wild vegetables and mushrooms, Wei Chongrong sat on the rock with Wei Mao and talked: "Third brother, you said you can't go anywhere, you have to come to Yizhou, the food here is really good. It's horrible, it's not a place for people to stay."

Wei Mao glanced at him for unknown reasons, and retorted: "What's wrong with Yizhou? The mountains and water are more beautiful, not to mention the food, it's really delicious. If it wasn't for my second brother reminding me, I really couldn't think of it. Going southwest."

Wei Chongrong confirmed his previous conjecture, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, but his face was calm, and he chuckled lightly: "Third brother loves Yizhou's delicious food so much, do you want to take two cooks with you when you leave? "

Wei Mao giggled and said: "I think so, but the maid of Changning Palace told me that the main seasonings of Yizhou cuisine are only produced locally, and outside the boundaries of Yizhou, the taste is not right, no wonder I used to eat in the capital. Yizhou food is not so delicious."

While the two were talking, Jun Hua and Ji Hui came back with a basket. Junhua's basket was empty, and Ji Hui's was full. Wei Chongrong looked a little curious and asked, "Huaixi, why did you come back empty-handed?"

Junhua shook his head and refused to speak. Ji Hui glanced at him with disgust, and explained, "My brother picked half a basket of poisonous mushrooms. The poison was more than enough to kill two elephants, so I threw them all away."

As soon as Ji Hui's words fell, Wei Mao laughed out of Junhua's face.

Wei Chongrong actually wanted to laugh, but he knew that it didn't matter if Wei Mao smiled. If he laughed along, Junhua might cry, but he was stunned, and the whole facial expression seemed a little bit. ferocious.

Junhua took his younger brother into his arms, stretched out his hands and ravaged his head, until he messed up Ji Hui's meticulous hairstyle, and turned to Wei Chongrong and said, "Brother Rong, you want to laugh. Just laugh, it looks a little intimidating like this."

"Hahaha!" Wei Chongrong couldn't hold back any longer and laughed loudly, "Huaixi, you are so funny!"

Ji Hui took the opportunity to break free from her brother's claws, and hid aside to save her hairstyle, but unfortunately it became more and more messy. Wei Chongrong couldn't stand it any longer, so he reluctantly restrained his smile and motioned for Ji Hui to come over. Although Ji Hui was puzzled, she passed by obediently.

Jun Hua and Wei Mao were very curious about Wei Chongrong's actions, and turned to look at him at the same time, only to see that he fiddled with him at random, and then re-tied Ji Hui's Baotou, which looked like a model. Decent, no different from before.

Wei Mao was stunned in surprise, unable to speak for a long time. Junhua chuckled and said, "Brother Rong, so you can even do this?"

Wei Chongrong smiled and did not explain. Seeing that it was almost time, he asked the guards who accompanied them up the mountain to lay out the lunch prepared in advance. Wei Mao vaguely felt that the title of Junhua was a bit wrong, but at present, the food was not carefully studied.

During the meal, Wei Mao suddenly sighed, that after becoming a relative, there will be no such freedom.

Wei Chongrong looked at him inexplicably, and he became a relative. Wei Mao wanted to go out and play in the mountains and waters, but Princess Xiang could still stop him.

Unexpectedly, Wei Mao said solemnly: "Although I still don't know which princess the queen mother picked for me is, but since she is married, she still has to listen to her daughter-in-law's words. This is our family's tradition."

Wei Chongrong was drinking water, and when he heard the words, he spit it out, spraying Junhua all over his body. He hurriedly picked up the cloth towel and hurriedly wiped the water marks on Junhua's body, but he was thinking in his heart that the Wei family really did not have the tradition of listening to his daughter-in-law since the founding of Dayan nearly 300 years ago.

Wei Mao glanced at Wei Chongrong, who was in a hurry, raised his eyebrows and said, "Am I wrong? Look at my father and my mother, look at my elder brother and my elder sister-in-law, and then look at my second brother and my second sister-in-law. , which one is not affectionate, obedient?"

Wei Chongrong let out a long sigh and stopped talking. Wei Ming does not accept concubines, it doesn't matter, anyway, the queen gave birth to three direct sons. Wei Xuan has never had a son and still does not accept a concubine. The courtiers are actually quite dissenting. The absence of an heir in the East Palace is not a family matter, but a state matter. As for Wei Lan, he and Shangguan Tong had been married for less than two years. Who knows what will happen in the future. On the contrary, Wei Mao wanted to follow his father and brother. Even if his princess was not Huo Yingying, Wei Chongrong was a little surprised.

Junhua wiped off the water on his body and suddenly asked, "Brother Rong, is it your turn when the third prince married the princess?"

Wei Chongrong didn't speak, Wei Mao answered first: "That's for sure, the fourth brother is only one year younger than me, and the fourth emperor may already have someone he likes, so I just didn't tell you. "His mother was like this, Huo Yingying just rejected him for a few days, so he decided on the choice of Princess Xiang. With his mother-in-law's character of pursuing perfection in everything, it could never be a decision made on the spur of the moment. Instead, he had already prepared the information. As long as the girl he personally selected could not enter the palace, he could make it up for him immediately.

After hearing Wei Mao's words, Jun Hua was stunned, but he didn't know what to say. Looking at his blank expression, Wei Chongrong couldn't help feeling distressed, and said hurriedly, "Impossible, my father will not pay attention to these trivial matters, and I haven't had enough fun."

Wei Mao immediately showed an envious expression: "Uncle Fourth Emperor is so good, everything can be up to you."

Junhua was overjoyed when he heard that Wei Chongrong had no plans to get married for the time being. Although he hadn't figured out what he was really happy about, the slightly frowning eyebrows gradually relaxed.

Two days later, Wei Chongrong and Wei Mao set off for Beijing. Wei Xuan received Wei Chongrong's flying pigeon biography ahead of time, and went out of the city to meet them. Wei Chongrong handed Wei Mao to Wei Xuan in perfect condition, and went back to Qin Wangfu without even entering the palace.

In the early winter, Yujing is already a little chilly, but the warm pavilion in the main courtyard is covered with dragons, which is warm and warm, and the whole space is as warm as spring. The first thing Wei Chongrong did when he entered the door was to quickly take off his cloak and throw it to the maid. It was too hot in the room.

There was a chubby little girl lying on the floor covered with a thick cashmere carpet. She was wearing a big red jacket and was trying her best to crawl towards Huo Yingying, who was teasing her with a colorful candy man across from her.

The little girl's movements are very hard, her little hands are on the ground, and her little feet are on the ground. It can be said that she uses both hands and feet. Even though the effect is not obvious, after struggling for a long time, he has only advanced less than half of the distance, and he is so anxious that he is screaming.

Wei Chongrong couldn't stand it any longer, so he walked over quickly and picked up the little fat girl from behind. The little girl suddenly flew into the air. Not only was she not afraid, but she screamed "Yah" with a very excited tone.

"Fat girl, do you still recognize me?" Wei Chongrong held the little girl in one hand and turned her around to face him.

The little fat girl blinked her slender eyes, her face blank. Obviously, she doesn't remember who Wei Chongrong is.

Wei Chongrong was not reconciled. Holding the chubby girl's bulging body, he threw it into the air twice, and continued to ask her, "Really don't remember?" This was her favorite game in the past, so he didn't believe her Can't remember.

"Get, get..." The little girl recalled her memory by the familiar movement, and called out repeatedly.

Wei Chongrong was happy, and contentedly hugged the chubby girl into his arms and kissed her on the left and right cheeks.

The little girl was stunned for a while, then suddenly raised her hands and patted it forward, smearing Wei Chongrong's face.

Huo Yingying laughed so hard she couldn't stand upright: "Haha, it's finally your turn to be recruited, haha..."

Wei Chongrong has lived for two lifetimes. He was slapped in the face for the first time. Not only was he not angry, but he happily said: "You people from the Huo family are really talented, the fat girl is only a little older, and her strength is so great, it's unbelievable. …”

Huo Yingying restrained her smile and said sternly: "Don't talk about this, the lord is about to die of worry. The last time he brought her into the palace, one beat two, and the little princess of the East Palace and the little prince of Zhao Wang were beaten to tears. , the nurse of the little princess said, but no one believes it."

Wei Chongrong finished the picture in his mind, laughed out loud, and then asked, "Where's my father?"

Huo Yingying replied, "In the study, I told you to go see him when you come back."

"Okay." Wei Chongrong left, holding the chubby girl in his arms.

Huo Yingying hurriedly stopped him: "You put Feifei down on me, and I have to coax her to learn to walk."

Wei Chongrong said in surprise: "Fat girl can't go yet? I remember that before I went out, she staggered and walked a few steps."

Huo Yingying reluctantly said, "I think she can, but she just refuses to leave, so she has to crawl." In the past few months, she wore less clothes, and it was easier for the little girl to get up. If it's cold today, her clothes are thick. Now, the movement is obviously not as flexible as before.

Wei Chongrong hugged the chubby girl in one hand and waved the other hand: "She will leave sooner or later, so she's not in a hurry, you've been playing for two months, and it's my turn, let's meet first Father, come back and teach her again."

Huo Yingying failed to grab the man, so she could only put the sugar man in her mouth.

Walking to the door of Wei Zhao's study, before Wei Chongrong could reach out and knock on the door, the chubby girl stretched out her hands and pushed it forward.

"Squeak", the door opened. The little girl shouted loudly: "Go, go..."

Wei Chongrong was ashamed, why when his sister called brother and father, the pronunciation turned out to be the same.

It's just that, compared to the surprise that Huo Er girl gave Wei Chongrong when she first arrived, it's nothing.

When Wei Zhao just came back from Fuyu, the then empress and now the empress dowager Ji Wan was very interested in his marriage, and even together with the eldest princess Yuankang, they made a list of the candidates for Princess Qin, and wanted to make Wei Zhao herself. Pick one you like.

Helpless Wei Zhao refused to marry. Before the death of the late emperor, he might have said something to the queen mother. Anyway, after Wei Ming ascended the throne, she never mentioned it again. She probably thought that Wei Zhao had a son anyway. Not married, nothing.

Wei Chongrong is not obsessed with Wei Zhao's marriage. If he wants to get married, he will definitely not object, and he will also be respectful to Princess Qin or the King of Qin. If he doesn't get married, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Wei Zhao has him, and he will take care of and protect his father.

It's just that Jiang Che, the only person Wei Zhao liked, is already married, and Wei Chongrong is very worried. After experiencing those unbearable past events in Fuyu, Wei Zhao can still fall in love with another person.

Over the past few years, Wei Chongrong looked at him coldly, and Wei Zhao had never been particularly close to anyone.

Perhaps, he is really heartbroken and doesn't think about emotional matters anymore.

Unexpectedly, two years ago, Wei Zhao suddenly gave him a big "surprise".

Perhaps because of the severe trauma in Fuyu, Wei Zhao's body would be more or less uncomfortable every autumn and winter. Fortunately, there was Sun Ye to take care of him, so there was no major hindrance, he just took care of him.

So that day, when Wei Zhao passed out in Dongcheng Camp, Wei Chongrong was covered.

The military doctor came quickly, and he froze as soon as he took Wei Zhao's pulse, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Wei Chongrong mistakenly thought that there was a big problem with Wei Zhao's body, and was so anxious that he almost killed him. He didn't dare to delay, and immediately ordered someone to go into the city to invite King Lu's Neijun. Sun Ye was most familiar with Wei Zhao's physical condition.

Before Sun Ye arrived, Wei Zhao woke up first. Wei Chongrong, who has never believed in Buddhism, even said "Amitabha" twice.

Wei Zhao glanced at the military doctor who shrank in the corner and dared not speak, and calmly commanded, "Forget everything you saw today."

The military doctor came back to his senses, tremblingly thanked him, and was driven outside by Wei Zhao.

Wei Chongrong didn't know why, so he hurriedly asked, "Dad, what did you mean by that sentence just now?" Hearing Wei Zhao's tone, he seemed to understand the changes that had happened to him.

Wei Zhao's face was a little pale, and he waved his hand and said, "Don't ask so much, you'll know when the time comes."

Wei Chongrong was even more anxious. From childhood to adulthood, Wei Zhao never perfunctory him. No matter what he asked, he would give him the accurate answer as much as possible. Unwilling to be sent over by Wei Zhao like this, Wei Chongrong simply knelt in front of his bed and did not leave.

Seeing this, Wei Zhao sighed, raised his hand tiredly and rubbed his forehead.

Wei Chongrong frowned and said worriedly, "Dad, are you not feeling well? What's wrong with you?"

Wei Zhao didn't speak, raised his hand to cover his chest, and said after a while, "Rong'er, get out of the way."

Wherever Wei Chongrong was willing to give in, he knelt on the spot and remained motionless.

Wei Zhao's face changed and changed, and suddenly he covered his mouth with his hand, leaned over to the bed, and vomited Wei Chongrong "wow".

Wei Chongrong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, seeing that Wei Zhao vomited really badly, and wanted to pat him on the back, but saw Wei Zhao shaking his head.

After a long time, Wei Zhao finally slowed down and straightened his body slowly. Wei Chongrong leaned over, and before he had time to speak, he heard him say, "You, you go out quickly, and change your clothes." He leaned down and began to vomit again.

Wei Chongrong was helpless, and hurried to the next door to change his clothes, and at the same time ordered someone to clean the house.

When Wei Chongrong cleaned himself up and returned to Wei Zhao's house, Sun Ye had already arrived.

Sun Ye had just checked Wei Zhao's pulse, and was talking non-stop: "Azhao, you don't know what's going on with your body? Who do you like and who do you want to be nice to? Me and you three Brother Huang is happy to see it happen, but you can't make fun of it like this..."

After waiting for the interval between Sun Ye's words, Wei Zhao weakly said, "It's only once, and I didn't expect..."

"Azhao, I didn't say you, your body is your own, why can't you have more snacks. You think your current body is the same as before, you simply can't afford the hardship of getting pregnant in October, do you know that ?"

Wei Zhao shook his head, speaking very slowly and in a very low volume: "I really didn't expect it to be like this, didn't it mean that people who take Suyundan will gradually fade away after the age of 30? I thought it would be okay. …”

"Look, you all know that the effect of the drug fades, not completely ineffective. This is different from person to person. Anyway, you should find the medicine I need to guard against." Sun Ye said it was also sighing, he and Wei Xiao has been married for more than ten years, and both of them are healthy. He is even more skilled in medicine. He has only given birth to a son, Wei Ruo. If he wants to add another sibling to him, he will not be able to conceive. But Wei Zhao was better. It was only a spring night, but he was recruited. It was really different from the same people.

Wei Zhao was speechless, and for a long time he said, "Can I not want this child?" He promised Rong'er that he was the only child and only loved him. He didn't want to go against what he had said.

Sun Ye shook his head gently: "Azhao, I don't recommend you to do this. Although keeping this child will be a great burden on your body, but your physical condition is not suitable for abortion, once the winter is over. , the month of the fetus has grown again, and it is even more inappropriate..."

Hearing this, Wei Chongrong couldn't hold back any longer. He pushed the door into the house and asked, "His Royal Highness, tell me, what should I do to make my father's health better?"

"Rong'er?!" Wei Zhao looked at him blankly, at a loss.

Wei Chongrong walked to the bed and sat down, and said softly, "Daddy, I'm fifteen years old this year, not five years old. Do you think I'll be jealous with my unborn siblings?"

Sun Ye smiled and said, "The best way is to give birth to the child."

Wei Chongrong snapped his fingers: "It's decided, I want to be a brother."

Wei Zhao's reaction during pregnancy was very serious, and he vomited everything he ate. Sun Ye prescribed a prescription for anti-abortion and anti-emesis, but the problem was that he would vomit even after drinking the anti-abortion pill.

Later, Sun Ye explored a set of ancient recipes. It is said that the medicinal effects are very effective. There are several herbs in the Central Plains. They are exclusively produced in Arslan Ridge. State trip.

At the risk of being eaten by a black bear, Wei Chongrong found all the medicinal materials Sun Ye wanted, but did not dare to let Wei Zhao know about his injury.

Fortunately, the formula really worked, and the fetus in Wei Zhao's womb became much more stable. It was not until this time that Wei Chongrong asked Wei Zhao who the other father of his future siblings was. He had been curious for a long time.

Wei Zhao refused to say it at first, Wei Chongrong went to check it himself, and finally found a person who was most likely to be missed by him.

"It's Marquis of Wu'an? Isn't it right?" Wei Chongrong used to call Huo Qingyang his brother, but now he's down a generation, and he changed his name to uncle, but he couldn't say it, so he could only call him a title.

Wei Zhao hesitated for a while, but finally nodded.

Compared with others, Wei Chongrong was still very accepting of Huo Qingyang, and immediately asked, "Daddy, do you like him?"

Unexpectedly, Wei Zhao shook his head: "I don't know..."

Wei Chongrong was ashamed and asked again, "Does he know about the child?"

Wei Zhao still shook his head: "I don't know..."

"Aren't you going to tell him?" Wei Chongrong said and glanced at Wei Zhao, who could already see the bulging waist.

Wei Zhao's expression was tangled: "I haven't decided whether to tell him or not."

Wei Chongrong was speechless, but he didn't ask much about the elders.

Wei Chongrong didn't know when Wei Zhao told Huo Qingyang the truth, and he didn't plan to ask. As long as his father was happy, he didn't care.

Anyway, three days before Huo Feifei's child was born, Huo Qingyang rushed back from Lingzhou. Seeing his expression, Wei Chongrong felt as if he was stepping on the clouds, full of incredible and unbelievable.

When Huo Qingyang came back, Wei Chongrong immediately relaxed, and he could no longer get involved in matters related to Wei Zhao.

Due to Sun Ye's effective care, the little fat girl's birth process went smoothly, but Wei Zhao came out obediently after a day and night. Compared with Wei Chongrong, I don't know how many times she was obedient.

For this reason, Huo Qingyang was so distressed that he said several times about spanking her little **** before her daughter was born. But as far as Wei Chongrong knows, Huo Qingyang's words have not been fulfilled so far.

Wei Chongrong thought that his sister would be named Wei, and she could be named a county master or something. He didn't want Wei Zhao, but let his daughter take the surname Huo, and the name was also taken after Huo Yingying, called Huo Feifei, which means April Fangfei.

When Huo Feifei was full moon, Wei Zhao told Wei Chongrong that this was what he had long thought about, regardless of his son or daughter, the surname was Huo.

She pushed open the door, but her brother didn't go in, but stood at the door in a daze, Er Huo got angry, raised her chubby little hand and greeted Wei Chongrong's face, showing no mercy.

Wei Chongrong woke up his sister and immediately lifted his legs into the house.

Wei Zhao couldn't help but be surprised when he saw his son hugging his little daughter, "What did you bring her here for?"

Wei Chongrong smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I saw the fat girl, so I just wanted to hug her for a while."

Compared with Wei Chongrong, who had reunited after a long absence, Huo Feifei was obviously more familiar with Wei Zhao, and immediately reached out to him, wanting him to hug.

Wei Zhao reached out to take his daughter, and before she could sit down, she was slapped on the face.

"Huo Feifei!" Wei Zhao suddenly raised the volume, startling Wei Chongrong.

The little girl shrank back even more, showing an expression of wanting to cry or not. Wei Chongrong was afraid that Wei Zhao would scare her, so he hurriedly advised: "Dad, my sister is still young, the rules can be taught slowly."

Wei Zhao glared at him and said sternly: "You don't know, I brought her into the palace last time, and she gave it to the emperor."

Wei Chongrong was stunned. He really admired his little sister's ability. Besides, Wei Ming's temperament was good. He doubted that the little princesses in the palace had the guts to do this.