MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 75 confession

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Although he heard Wei Chongrong say that he was going to spend the night in the tent in the East, Junhua still waited relentlessly.

He remembered that when he was a child, every time he made troubles too much, or made trouble unreasonably, Wei Chongrong would use the trick of playing hard to catch to clean up himself. But every time he just talked about it, as long as he insisted, he would definitely get his wish.

Junhua waited and waited, not only did he not wait for Wei Chongrong to lift the curtain and come in, but instead heard his footsteps walking away.

It turned out that Brother Rong was still angry, Junhua sighed unwillingly, pulled the quilt and wrapped himself up.

In the middle of the night, Wei Chongrong quietly returned to his tent, and what he saw was Junhua wrapping himself up like a silkworm cocoon.

He smiled silently and shook his head, reaching out and pulling the quilt down. Besides, the night in the Wusu Prairie was a little cool, and Junhua's sleeping position was exaggerated, so he wasn't afraid to suffocate himself.

Wei Chongrong's movements were very light. It stands to reason that he would not wake up Jun Hua, who had always slept soundly. Who would have guessed that just as he made a move tonight, Jun Hua opened his eyes in a daze and asked blankly. : "Brother Rong, are you back?"

"Well." Wei Chongrong replied in a low voice.

Jun Hua didn't say anything, he moved his body to the side of the bed actively, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Wei Chongrong could see that Junhua hadn't really woken up, but after thinking about it, he took off his robe and lay down beside him.

The next morning, Jun Hua woke up and rolled on the bed with his eyes closed habitually, but he couldn't roll after half a circle.

Jun Hua was a little puzzled, and slowly opened his sleepy eyes. When he saw Wei Chongrong lying next to him, he hurriedly raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, surprised: "Rong, Rong brother, why are you here?" Didn't he say he wanted to sleep with Dongfang, when did he come back?

Wei Chongrong folded his hands and put his head behind his head, and said casually, "Xiao Dongzi snores in sleep, I thought he was too noisy, so I came back." Dongfang, who was practicing outside, shuddered for no reason and thought to himself. Who is choreographing my bad words.

Junhua didn't understand what Wei Chongrong meant, he giggled, stared at Wei Chongrong and didn't speak.

Wei Chongrong jumped up, sat cross-legged on the bed, and at the same time pulled Jun Hua up, sat face to face with him, and said solemnly: "Little monkey, don't laugh first, I have something to ask you, you first Tell me clearly."

"Oh." Jun Hua restrained his smile and answered seriously. In fact, he was not afraid of Wei Chongrong's questioning him. What he was afraid of was that, in a fit of rage, he would simply ignore him or drive him back to Yizhou. In that case, he would be really helpless.

Wei Chongrong clenched his fist to his lips, coughed lightly, and said sternly: "Little monkey, when did you start taking Su Yundan, why didn't you discuss it with me before? Don't you think you're too nonsense?"

Jun Hua didn't seem to get used to Wei Chongrong's serious expression, so he secretly glanced at him several times before saying in a timid tone: "It started before the Chinese New Year last year, I... I dare not discuss with you, if you do, you definitely won't. will agree."

He had a timid expression on his face, but what he said was righteous. Wei Chongrong was confused by Junhua, so he was silent for a moment and asked, "Since you know I won't agree, why do you secretly take vegetarian food? Yun Dan?"

Junhua lowered his head and said innocently: "Because I like Brother Rong, how can I give birth to a baby for Brother Rong in the future if I don't agree with Su Yundan? Or—" His eyes suddenly lit up.

Wei Chongrong was helpless by Junhua's straightforwardness, he was sure that he did it on purpose. Because Jun Hua knew very well that in front of him, he couldn't say what he didn't like about him, even though the two of them understood that they liked him, they should not mean the same thing.

However, Junhua's unfinished sentence aroused Wei Chongrong's strong interest, and immediately asked, "What else?"

Jun Hua blinked, a little embarrassed and a little happy: "Or, brother Rong is willing to give birth to me a baby. But if you take the medicine now, it may be a little late, not everyone is as lucky as my father. ."

Wei Chongrong was very fortunate that he was not drinking tea or water at the moment, otherwise he would definitely spray out a mouthful of water, spraying Junhua all over his body. Indeed, he was already over nineteen years old, and it would be too late to take Su Yundan at this time, and it might not be effective.

But the problem is, he never thought about taking Su Yundan, and he didn't want Junhua to take him. Where did Junhua's confidence come from, without knowing him at all, he decided that they would definitely be together in this life and this life.

Seeing the changing expressions on Wei Chongrong's face, first shocked, then puzzled, but never saying a word, Junhua was a little panicked and said uneasy: "Brother Rong, are you angry?"

Wei Chongrong reached out and rubbed his forehead, and said helplessly, "Little monkey, I do like you very much, but what I say about like is not necessarily the kind of like you want, do you understand?"

Jun Hua opened his eyes wide, thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "I don't understand." If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Why is Brother Rong's words so complicated, it's almost confusing him.

Wei Chongrong sighed weakly, feeling that he had created a problem for himself, and he still didn't know how to solve it.

Fortunately, Junhua didn't make him embarrassed for too long, so he continued: "I like Brother Rong, so I just want to be with Brother Rong all the time, what's wrong? The King of Xiang has already married the Princess of Xiang, and His Majesty and His Royal Highness the King of Qin will definitely urge you. Married, when you marry the eldest son and concubine, you will be good to her, and you will still have a baby, brother Rong will definitely love the baby, you will not have time to like and treat me well."

"Who did you hear that I'm going to marry the prince's concubine?" Wei Chongrong was inexplicable, no one had urged him to get married.

Jun Hua glanced at him and said as a matter of course: "Do you still need to listen to others? You are the prince of Qin, how can you not marry a wife all your life? It's just a matter of time. Did Brother Rong never think about it?

Wei Chongrong nodded subconsciously: "Of course not." It's not that Wei Chongrong lacks common sense, but in his previous life, his identity was so embarrassing that no one would consider marrying his daughter to him, and he was only for Wei Chongrong Yang thought about it, but never thought about marrying a wife and having children.

Now, everything is different. Wei Zhao is still alive, but he is still a powerful prince with a heavy army and won the emperor's trust. Wei Chongrong was his only son, and he was officially asked to seal the prince. Even if he knew that he had half of the alien blood, most people would not care. That is to say, Wei Chongrong has not been in the capital for the past two years, otherwise he will be surprised to find that in the entire Yujing city, there are not one or two families who regard him as the best candidate for a son-in-law.

Hearing Wei Chongrong say that he never thought about getting married, Junhua smiled: "Anyway, brother Rong doesn't like others, so why can't you accept me, at least you like me, don't you?"

Wei Chongrong was completely speechless, why did they talk about it, and the topic went back to the original one. He didn't answer Jun Hua's question immediately, but after a long silence, Fang said, "Little monkey, don't you think your approach is too hasty?"

Jun Hua thought for a moment and shook his head.

Wei Chongrong said again: "You quietly accepted Su Yundan without telling me anything. You never thought about whether it is possible for me to reject you?" Frankly speaking, he asked Junhua to say "rejection" two times. Words are not easy.

Junhua nodded without hesitation.

Wei Chongrong was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "You still want to do this when you think of it, why?"

"Because I like you, even if Brother Rong can't accept it for the time being, I won't give up. If one day, you like me too, and I'm past the age to take Suyundan, wouldn't we be very happy? Poor, so I have to plan ahead."

Wei Chongrong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he stretched out his hand, put it on Jun Hua's shoulder lightly, and sighed, "Silly boy!"

Jun Hua blinked in confusion, a little confused about Wei Chongrong's attitude, whether he accepted him or not.

"Do the Marquis of Zhaoyang and the King of Changning know about you taking Su Yundan?" Wei Chongrong heard people say that the first three months of taking Suyundan were particularly painful, and some people even gave up because they couldn't stand it halfway. Months are slightly better, but there are also various discomforts.

Jun Hua nodded in frustration: "I just took the second pill when my father found out. Fortunately, he didn't tell the father."

Su Yundan said that it was taken continuously for one year. In fact, it was only 13 months. In the first three months, one pill every three days, a total of thirty pills, and one pill every ten days in the next ten months, and a total of thirty pills. That's sixty.

According to Junhua's original plan, he was going to take the medicine without Junqing and Ji Xin, and then go to Lingzhou to find Wei Chongrong. But he underestimated the medicinal properties of Su Yundan. The first pill was fine, but the abdominal pain continued, and the others were not abnormal. He gritted his teeth and endured it.

After taking Suyundan, a person's body will undergo great changes, especially in the first three months, the physique will become weaker than usual, the most avoidable fatigue, not to mention bed rest, strenuous exercise must be avoided.

However, Junhua has to practice the exercises every day. The combination of strong drug reaction and severe excessive exercise quickly made him show his legs in front of Junqing. Junqing is a past person, and he has certain attainments in medical skills, so how can he not see the condition of his son.

Junhua was terrified at the time, and was very afraid that Junqing would not allow him to take Suyundan again, because this medicine has to be taken continuously. .

Fortunately, Junqing didn't do this. He just asked Junhua seriously if he thought it through. No matter what happens in the future, he won't regret it. If so, he won't stop him.

Hearing Jun Qing's expressionless words, Jun Hua was stunned, and then he nodded firmly, saying yes, he won't regret it, he only likes Wei Chongrong, he can't accept it There will be others around him who are closer than him.

Wei Chongrong's hand touched Jun Hua's cheek, and his tone became softer: "In the beginning, wasn't it hard?" Jun Hua was not sure about anything, so he was able to do this for him. The heart is so heavy that he can't bear it.

Jun Hua nodded silently, and said for a long time: "Dad said, I want to take medicine, but I shouldn't hide it from you, he originally wanted me to come to you after the first three months, but... But I'm a little scared, I kept saying it was uncomfortable, so I put it off until now.”

Hearing this, Wei Chongrong sighed inaudibly, he was wrong, Junhua is really no longer a child, he came to him after all the psychological preparations including being rejected by him Confessed, not childish whimsy.

"Huaixi, I'm sorry!" Wei Chongrong heard himself say, "I haven't figured out some things, so I can't give you an answer for the time being."

That is the child he has grown up with since he was a child. Before he was born, he vowed to take care of him, love him, and not let him suffer the slightest grievance. Before today, he had never rejected any request made by Junhua, even if it was unreasonable.

Only this time, Junhua wants something different, what he wants is his feelings, as warm and sincere as he is to him.

Wei Chongrong is not sure if he can afford it. He loves Jun Hua very much, tolerates everything, spoils everything, and never has the heart to defy him. To talk about feelings, there must be some, but whether it is family or love, he can't tell clearly.

Hearing Wei Chongrong say "I'm sorry", Junhua's face turned pale instantly, what would he do if he didn't even give him a chance to work hard. Fortunately, Wei Chongrong went on to say that he needed time to think about it, and Jun Hua's expression immediately turned cloudy and clear.

If brother Rong really didn't mean anything to him, he wouldn't have to think about it, he would just say that he couldn't accept him, but he said that he had to "think clearly", which is simply too good for Junhua. Can't answer better.

He lowered his head, couldn't help but chuckled, suddenly propped up his body, and rushed towards Wei Chongrong.

Wei Chongrong was unprepared, and was thrown backward by Junhua, and the two fell on the bed together.

"Brother Rong, I knew you couldn't bear to want me, that's great!" Jun Hua smiled with frowning eyes.

Wei Chongrong was pressed straight by him, unable to move at all, but seeing Junhua's relaxed smile made him feel very happy.

"Master Shizi, little Shizi, are you up yet? It's time for breakfast!" Dongfang said as he opened the curtain and walked in.

Jun Hua was in a good mood, not realizing what was wrong with Wei Chongrong's posture, he smiled and said, "Get up now, wait a moment."

But seeing Dongfang open his mouth, he stuttered for a long time and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't come in at the right time. I've disturbed you. I'll leave now, you guys continue." As fast as a gust of wind.

Junhua got up from Wei Chongrong, with an inexplicable expression on his face: "Brother Rong, what happened to Xiao Dongzi?"

Wei Chongrong got up after him, he naturally understood what Dongfang meant, but he didn't plan to explain it to Junhua, he just said indifferently: "Xiao Dongzi has always been a god, don't worry about him. that is."

Jun Hua really didn't care, jumped out of bed, picked up his clothes, and put on his clothes. He looked in good spirits, and he didn't look as sick as yesterday.

Wei Chongrong got out of bed and got dressed, and asked at the same time, "Little monkey, is there any discomfort?"

Junhua was lowering his head and tying his belt. Hearing this, he raised his head and replied, "I'm fine, I'm completely healed." Fortunately, people are young and their health is good. After drinking the medicine, they will recover.

Wei Chongrong came over and helped Junhua tidy up his collar: "If it's all right, we'll go to Dingyuanhou today."

"Okay, okay." Junhua was very satisfied with Wei Chongrong's arrangement, and said repeatedly: "I haven't seen Uncle Lu for a long time. I don't know if I haven't seen each other for so many years. Does he recognize me when he sees me?"

"How can you not recognize it?" Wei Chongrong laughed dumbly, "You have always looked the same since you were young, okay?"

The two of them dressed neatly and walked out of the tent after washing up. Dongfang set up a table on the grass with the freshly-made horse milk tea on it.

Jun Hua ate very little for dinner yesterday, and his stomach had long been singing an empty city plan. When he saw the hot horse milk tea, he couldn't wait to walk over to pick up a bowl, but after he took a big sip, he frowned slightly. : "Brother Rong, this tastes so strange!"

Wei Chongrong picked up a bowl of horse milk tea and said, "That's because you're not used to it, just drink more."

"Really? If you drink more, it will feel good to drink?" Jun Hua took another sip, showing a suspicious look.

Wei Chongrong laughed and said, "It's hard to say, some people will like it, and some people will never get used to it." For example, Wei Zhao, the most hated food in his life is horse milk tea, let alone drink it, some people are not happy to mention it in front of him .

Jun Hua smacked his tongue, silently drank the horse milk tea in the bowl, and didn't speak again.

After breakfast, Wei Chongrong and his party left the herdsmen's house and headed to the residence of Hou Luming in Dingyuan.

For Wei Chongrong and Junhua, Lu Ming is a very close and special elder. Luming is the adopted son of Junlin. Junqing has never been connected with the main family of Jun's family. He has always regarded Luming as his own younger brother. Junhua is influenced by Junqing and is naturally very close to Luming.

Not to mention Wei Chongrong, he didn't have many opportunities to deal with Luming in his life, but in his previous life, Luming was the only one who sneaked into Fuyu to try to rescue Wei Zhao - but Wei Zhao killed himself with his sword and entrusted him to him Lu Ming - it was he who brought him back to Yujing.

In the 50th year of Yongjia, Wei Su sent Wei Zhao, Ji Xin and Luming out of Yanzhou, attacked Tiele and Fuyu, recovered Youzhou, and opened up Lingzhou.

After the war, due to the complicated situation in Youzhou and Lingzhou, Wei Zhao did not dare to take it lightly. He ordered Luming to be stationed in Youzhou and Huo Qingyang to be stationed in Lingzhou, just to keep an eye on Tiele and Fuyu people, and not give them to them. Any chance of a comeback.

Unlike Huo Qingyang, who is concerned, Luming, who is of three-quarters Hu bloodline, obviously prefers life on the grasslands. When Wei Zhao was short of people, Lu Ming was willing to stay in Youzhou, but it was too late to be happy, how could he be willing to replace him.

"I heard that Uncle Lu got married and gave birth to a son a few years ago. Brother Rong, have you seen them?" Lu Ming was in Youzhou, Junhua followed Junqing in Yizhou, one was in the northeast and the other was in the southwest. There are not many connections across thousands of miles.

Wei Chongrong has been in Lingzhou for nearly two years. He went hunting in the Wusu Prairie last summer. He immediately smiled and said, "Of course I have seen it." Wei Zhao trusted Luming very much and did not let him take his wife. sent back to Yujing.

There was a curious look in Jun Hua's eyes, and he asked, "What does the aunt of the Lu family look like? Isn't she beautiful?" The last time Jun Hua saw Lu Ming was when he was seven years old, and his impression of him was very vague. I just remember that he had beautiful blue eyes.

Wei Chongrong frowned for a while, but for a while it was difficult to describe Mrs. Dingyuan Hou's appearance, so he had to say to Jun Hua: "We are still half a day away, you might as well see it yourself instead of listening to me, right? wrong?"

Due to Wei Chongrong's evasive remarks, Junhua became more curious about the aunt of the Lu family who had never met, and swung the whip to speed up the horse.

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