MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 80 mutation

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When Wei Chongrong was reading the letter, Junhua read the newly compiled Lingzhou Mountains and Rivers next to him, and read it with relish.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't want to study mountain terrain, strategy and tactics. He just wanted to see what places were fun in Lingzhou, and when Wei Chongrong was free, he would drag him around.

Unexpectedly, Wei Chongrong just read the letter, the whole person's face changed completely, became panic and unbelievable.

From Junhua's understanding of Wei Chongrong, I know that his character has always been very calm.

So he put down the book in his hand and asked with concern, "Brother Rong, what happened? I see you seem to be in a hurry."

Jun Hua vaguely guessed if something happened to Wei Zhao, because other people don't seem to be so concerned by Wei Chongrong. Only Wei Zhao has a unique importance in his heart, and no one can replace it.

Wei Chongrong sighed and didn't speak for a long time. He slowly raised his head and stared at Jun Hua for a moment. Seeing his worried and inexplicable expression, he handed over the note in his hand.

Junhua took the note and read the contents at a glance. He couldn't believe the facts he saw. He opened his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say. The expression on his face was all blank and puzzled.

The prince was assassinated, such a thing is unbelievable to think about, not to mention that it happened at the Wanshou Festival banquet. The Wanshou Festival banquet was held in the Zhengyi Hall, where the small court was held on weekdays. The guards were so strict, how could assassins get in.

Jun Hua's heart turned back and forth, and in just a moment, he imagined several possibilities, and then he broke them one by one.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out, and finally he asked tentatively, "Brother Rong, how is this possible? Who thinks his life is too long to dare to assassinate him at the Wanshou Festival banquet? It's too arrogant and bold!"

Wei Chongrong received no more information than Junhua. The carrier pigeons had a limited load and were easy to be intercepted. Wei Zhao only told him what happened, but did not tell him in detail what happened. Therefore, his thoughts were actually similar to those of Junhua. Junhua is about the same.

Assassinating the Prince, such a thing cannot be said to be impossible, but the location of the assassination is Zhengyi Hall. In addition to making people sigh at the boldness of the assassin, it can not help but lead to speculation, whether the master behind the scenes has already found a good target to blame, otherwise How dare he do that.

The prince is the prince, and assassinating the prince is the crime of murdering the prince. Whether it is successful or not, it will involve the nine clans, and the consequences are extremely tragic.

After a long silence, Wei Chongrong sighed in a low voice: "Huaixi, I also think this is impossible, but it just happened."

Some people have bad intentions towards Wei Xuan. It is not incomprehensible. After all, there is only one place for the crown prince. If Wei Xuan sits on it, his younger brothers will have no chance. It is also possible.

It's just that Wei Xuan is the crown prince who was canonized as the eldest son. No matter how justifiable it is, if he doesn't make mistakes, neither Wei Lan nor Wei Mao will be able to bring him down from the throne of the prince.

In the past few years, people in Chaoshang have always brought up the matter of Donggong's childlessness, but it has not caused much disturbance.

Wei Xuan does not have a son, but he still has three daughters, which proves that the fertility of the prince and his wife is no problem. Wei Xuan and Xie Qiu are both still young, as long as they continue to have children, they will always have a son. This matter is not incomprehensible.

The emperor never took this incident as a pity for the crown prince, even if the East Palace refused to accept the side room, he did not say a word.

Wei Ming is a gracious and kind emperor, and he is also very caring for his children. Wei Xuan is his eldest son, and he is most valued by him. He has been trained as a successor since he was a child.

Wei Xuan's temperament is exactly the same as Wei Ming's, and she is also gentle and kind. In the context of the Dayan Dynasty's current policy of recuperation and recuperation, it is perfectly suitable. No matter whether the father and son are in state affairs or family affairs, they are very harmonious, and there is no irreconcilable contradiction. .

Therefore, the relationship between their father and son is closer than that of Wei Su and Wei Ming back then. In the eyes of everyone, it is a matter of course for the crown prince to ascend the throne after hundreds of years, and nothing will happen.

Not everyone expected a smooth transition of imperial power, at least not Wei Lan. If Wei Xuan encounters an accident, in the case that he has no son, Wei Lan is the first person to be the crown prince.

But it is precisely because of this that Wei Lan must be more careful than anyone else in order to attack the prince, because his motives are more abundant than others, even if he did not do it, he must be investigated first. The biggest suspect.

Wei Zhao gave too few clues, except for the time, place and the names of the parties, he did not reveal anything. So Wei Chongrong and Junhua broke their heads and couldn't guess the reason, but they were just guessing out of thin air.

Junhua really couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't want to, and instead asked: "Brother Rong, what do we need to do now? Should I tell Shangguan and Gu Tanhua about this?"

Wei Chongrong frowned and thought deeply. His dark brows were tightly knit together. Wei Zhao specifically said that Wei Xuan was "in danger", which showed that his situation was not optimistic, and they had to prepare for the worst.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Chongrong pondered: "Father and the king used a private message to tell me about this matter. I don't need to talk about it for the time being, Lord Shangguan, I think he will know it soon, and Xiao Gu can say it and let him I have a figure in my mind. The most important thing at the moment is to improve the level of combat readiness in Lingzhou. If there is turmoil in the DPRK, the border is the most likely to be unstable. Especially in a newly developed state and county like Lingzhou, we must be more careful."

Jun Hua nodded his head clearly, and he had already made up his mind. Even if he couldn't help Wei Chongrong, he definitely couldn't cause him any trouble. Seeing that Wei Chongrong still had a worried look on his face, he said: "It is inconvenient to say some things in the letter, and the King of Qin will definitely send someone here soon. Brother Rong, please be patient, rather than thinking wildly here, it is better to wait. News from the King of Qin."

Wei Chongrong's eyebrows were still frowning, and he said worriedly: "I'm worried about the injury of the prince's brother, and I don't know what's going on. If, if..." He couldn't go on.

When Wei Chongrong first returned to Yujing, there were many people in the palace who didn't like him, not to mention those who treated him coldly like the late emperor, Wei Lan, and Wei Mao, just looked at the polite queen mother and queen, The only thing they really accepted was Wei Zhao, and it was only a matter of face for him.

Only the emperor's uncle and the eldest princess Yuankang, as well as the brothers and sisters Wei Xuan and Wei Kou, truly accepted him.

Now, Wei Xuan, who has always treated him very well, is seriously injured, but he doesn't know the specific situation, how can Wei Chongrong not be anxious.

Junhua had heard Wei Chongrong talk about Wei Xuan's kindness to him, and hurriedly advised him: "Jiren have their own celestial signs, and His Royal Highness will be safe and sound."

Wei Chongrong smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Huaixi, by your auspicious words, I hope that the prince's brother is really safe."

Junhua nodded hurriedly, and said in a very determined tone: "It will definitely be like this, Brother Rong, let's not scare ourselves, do what we have to do quickly, and don't delay business."

Wei Chongrong gathered his mind and said sternly: "Huaixi, what you said is right, no matter what happens, what should be done is always done. I will go to the camp first, Xiao Gu will be troublesome. You go and tell him." Junhua agreed, and the two went out separately.

Although Wei Chongrong did not let anyone tell Shangguanxuan about the assassination of Prince Shangguanxuan, his niece Shangguanhuan is Princess Zhao, and all kinds of news about the palace will never come slower than Wei Chongrong. Maybe it will be clearer. Both are possible.

Wei Chongrong and Shangguanxuan had a very tacit understanding. They tacitly did not mention what happened in the palace, but everything they did was based on the worst outcome.

Whether Wei Lan can benefit from the assassination of Donggong is still unknown, but Shangguanxuan is the parental officer of Lingzhou, and Wei Chongrong is actually the highest military commander. If something goes wrong in Lingzhou during the critical period, the two of them will bear the brunt, and neither can escape. absolve responsibility.

After another two days, the people sent by Wei Zhao finally arrived at Qingjia. Judging from the speed of the people, they should have been trying their best to change people along the way, otherwise they would have to arrive from Yujing in just four days. Qing Jia, it is almost impossible.

The leader was Huo Yingying. When she got off the horse, her face was a little haggard and her bun looked messy. Fortunately, she looked in good spirits, as expected of growing up on horseback.

The few personal soldiers who followed her, although they were all men of five big and three rough, were not as good as her in terms of state.

"Yingying, why are you? Where is Xianhan?" Wei Chongrong was shocked when he saw Huo Yingying. He thought that Wei Zhao would send Tuoba Xianhan back, but he didn't come back. It was Huo Yingying who came.

Huo Yingying brushed her messy hair and said, "Sir, do you have anything to eat? I've eaten five dry buns in four days, and I'm already starving to death."

No matter how anxious Wei Chongrong was to ask about the situation, seeing Huo Yingying's appearance, he couldn't bear to treat her harshly any more, so he hurriedly asked people to prepare food. Junhua didn't need Huo Yingying to speak, but brought her a large cup of hot water directly.

Huo Yingying took the cup and gulped down half of it, Fang said, "The lord left Xianhan in the capital, saying that there are some things he needs to do, but I can't do it, so I was sent over to report. "

While they were chatting, Junhua sent out Huo Yingying's personal soldiers and servants serving in the house.

When Wei Chongrong saw the clearing, he immediately asked, "How is the situation of the prince? Is he seriously injured? Is there any danger to his life?"

Huo Yingying shook her head, her face looked very solemn: "Not good, very bad. At that time, the assassin was very close to His Highness, and the attack was unexpected, and the sharp hairpin directly hit the key point of His Highness. What's worse, the hairpin was still wiped. Poisonous, the imperial physicians are helpless and do not know what to do. Fortunately, King Lu and Neijun were present, if he hadn't acted in time, His Royal Highness would have died at that time. For this reason, His Highness's situation is also in jeopardy. , I heard the King Neijun of Lu said to the lord that if His Highness is a martial artist and has a deep inner strength to protect himself, he has a 30% certainty to save his life, but it's a pity..."

Junhua listened silently to Huo Yingying's story about what happened at the Wanshou Festival banquet, but he was thinking, no matter how unexpected it was, if the prince had the skills of Wei Chongrong, he would not have been assassinated at all.

But then he thought about it, when Wei Chongrong was still planted in Wei Mao's hands, it can be seen that he can't say too much, and he has to look at the identity of the assassin.

Wei Chongrong listened to Huo Yingying's words, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. What is meant by "the assassin is very close to His Highness"? Not what waste is.

He was about to open his mouth to raise his doubts when there was a sound of a notification from outside. It turned out that the kitchen had prepared the meal and delivered it. No one was waiting in the house, Junhua went over to open the door in person, and brought in four dishes and one soup.

"Eat first, and you can answer my questions while you eat." Seeing Huo Yingying standing still, Wei Chongrong quickly added a sentence, and then said, "Who is the assassin? How could he approach so easily? Prince?"

Huo Yingying had just scooped the soup into a bowl, and when she heard Wei Chongrong's question, she raised her head and said, "The assassin is an envoy from Nanyue, and was sent by Princess Yunmeng and his wife to present a birthday gift to His Majesty."

Before she could finish her sentence, Wei Chongrong hurriedly shouted, "It's impossible!" The others were nothing, Wei Kou and Wei Xuan were brothers and sisters since childhood, why did she have to do this to him.

What's more, Wei Kou is still a princess who married a foreign country. She is the princess of Nanyue and the queen of the future. Among the countries around Dayan, Nanyue is the most obedient. Dayan was founded nearly three hundred years ago, and has never caused any trouble.

If it weren't for this, when the Prince of Nanyue, Ruan Shao, proposed to Princess Yunmeng, how could Wei Ming, who has always loved his daughter, agree to it, just for the sake of good relations between the two countries, knowing that Wei Kou would not suffer from marrying in the past.

Wei Kou is Wei Ming's only daughter. She has been loved since childhood. As long as Wei Ming was in power, no one in Nanyue dared to despise her. If Wei Ming was gone in the future, Wei Xuan would be Wei Kou's biggest backer, and his status would still be detached.

In fact, Princess Yunmeng has no reason to deal with the prince. She is a daughter and has nothing to do with the throne. The three princes are all her siblings, and whoever takes the top has little influence on her.

If you insist on intimacy, Wei Xuan and Wei Kou are the best. They are similar in age, and the prince has been a good brother who loves his sister since he was a child. Crown Princess Xie Qiu is also Wei Kou's cousin. The two have played together since childhood, and they are much more familiar than the two younger siblings.

Huo Yingying hurriedly took a few mouthfuls of food, and then said: "At the beginning of the year, the queen sent someone to send a letter to Princess Yunmeng, hoping that she would return to Beijing to save her relatives in her longevity. The princess replied that she agreed, and said that she would come back with the child to congratulate Her Majesty. Longevity, Your Majesty and the Queen are very happy." Wei Kou married Nanyue for three years in Tai'an, and has not returned to Yujing for five years since then. Now that she is going to bring her child back, the joy of Wei Ming and Jun Feili is completely understandable. .

"Unexpectedly, there was an unfortunate accident. In May, Princess Yunmeng found out that she was pregnant and could not come back. She wrote to the queen to explain the situation. Both your majesty and the queen are people who love their daughters, so naturally they won't blame them. The reply gave her peace of mind to raise her baby, and she could talk about saving her family later. The princess felt sorry for the longevity gift that was specially made thicker than in previous years, and she also asked her two dowry officials to follow the South Vietnamese embassy to the capital, so that His Majesty could And the Queen is more aware of her current situation, who would have thought—"

Wei Chongrong was stunned: "You, you mean, the murderer who assassinated the prince's brother was, was the elder sister's dowry?"

"Yes." Huo Yingying nodded solemnly, with a particularly serious expression, "The Queen is a man, and the Longevity Banquet and the New Year's Eve Palace Banquet after Her Majesty's enthronement will no longer be separate for men and women, but will be held in one place. At that time, the Queen called When Princess Yunmeng's two dowry women were around to ask questions, the prince cared about his sister and nephew, and went over to ask them a few words. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, one of the women officials suddenly pulled out the hairpin on his head. , She moved so fast that no one could react, so she grabbed the hairpin and stabbed it in."

There are eight dowry women in Wei Kou, all of whom are carefully selected by the queen. How can they be detrimental to the prince?

Wei Chongrong paced back and forth, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "How to deal with this matter? Who is in charge?"

Huo Yingying replied: "The female officer who assassinated the prince committed suicide by taking poison. The poison was hidden between her teeth in advance. Seeing the blood seal her throat, the guards reacted too late and failed to stop it. All the embassies in South Vietnam were detained, and the families of the two female officials were detained. They were all imprisoned, and His Majesty handed over the matter to King Qin, and let him take full responsibility for this matter. He must find out the truth. It is related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and also involves Princess Yunmeng. It is a difficult job for Wang Ye to find out. The real murderer will hardly satisfy His Majesty."

"Ah?!" Wei Chongrong never imagined that Wei Ming trusted Wei Zhao to this point, and the matter of the prince's assassination was handed over to him to investigate.

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