MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 99 please be safe

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After a long time, Wei Chongrong slowly shook his head and said solemnly, "Huaixi, you are not dreaming, we did meet again."

Jun Hua looked straight at Wei Chongrong, and a little vigilant look flashed in his eyes. Although it was a familiar face to him, the Yi Yin in front of him was full of an aura that made him feel unfamiliar. He couldn't tell what was going on. , can only continue to remain silent.

Seeing this, Wei Chongrong continued: "This year is the second year of Baofeng, and today is the 'Lan'."

Wei Lan? ! The second son of Prince Si...

Jun Hua was stunned when he heard the words. Isn't he already dead? He died of the witchcraft in the fifty years of Yongjia.

No, if Wei Lan can ascend to the throne, then the calamity of witchcraft at the beginning is very likely not what he knew.

Wei Chongrong paused for a moment, then continued: "In the fifty-second year of Yongjia, the emperor's grandfather died, the emperor's uncle succeeded to the throne, and changed to Yuan Tai'an. In the eighth year of Tai'an, the prince Wei Xuan was assassinated. In the second year, the emperor's uncle died. Taking over now…”

Listening to Wei Chongrong's words, Junhua quickly made the conversion in his mind, and came to a conclusion that he was seventeen years old this year, and he returned to ten years ago. It's just that this world, and what he has experienced himself, seems to be very different.

In the past, his relationship with Wei Chongrong was always close and distant. He tried his best to get closer, and he desperately stepped back, always maintaining an embarrassing distance. But now, Junhua can't figure out what happened before, and he won't be able to see what happened to him.

Besides, the big red happy words were posted everywhere in the house, and the dragon and phoenix flower candles on the candlesticks didn't burn to the end...

Seeing that Junhua remained silent, Wei Chongrong hesitated for a moment and reminded: "Huaixi, it's getting late, you hurry up and wash up, although the father will not mind if we are late, but we have to enter the palace in the afternoon, we must hurry up."

"His Royal Highness King Qin?!" Jun Hua was stunned again. It turned out that not only did the witchcraft disaster not happen, but King Qin also returned to the country smoothly.

Wei Chongrong nodded silently, this world is too different from before, he couldn't explain it to Jun Hua one by one in a short time, and he was very worried that Jun Hua from the previous life came back, how is his little monkey? Well, he won't disappear forever.

He was only three years old when he was reborn. The original little Yi Yin could not be said to have no independent consciousness, but he only felt a little of his emotions at the beginning. Later, this body was completely controlled by him.

Junhua is different. He is seventeen years old and has a completely different temperament from his previous life. Will he...

Wei Chongrong was thinking, when Jun Hua who got off the bed suddenly made a low "Yeah", he looked up subconsciously, but heard Jun Hua say softly, "My feet..." He just took two steps and realized that Now, his feet are intact.

Wei Chongrong walked to the bed, picked up a piece of clothes and put it on Junhua, and whispered, "Huaixi, you go to wash first, I'll tell you something later." If his little monkey, he would directly I can hold people in, but for now, it’s better to keep a little distance.

Junhua replied softly, his mood was very complicated, he found that since Wei Chongrong knew his identity, his attitude became very unfamiliar. Before, when he just came out of the clean room, his tone of voice was flying upward, revealing endless joy.

Taking advantage of Junhua's efforts to organize himself, Wei Chongrong helped him organize the clothes that he was going to wear later, and then realized that he had made a mistake in the past, he didn't take his clothes when he went to the clean room, The expression suddenly became complicated.

Wei Chongrong sighed, picked up Junhua's underwear and walked to the door of the clean room, knocking lightly on the door: "Huaixi, can I come in?" Junhua said "um", Wei Chongrong pushed the door open Go in and help him put his undershirt on the shelf next to the tub.

Junhua washed his face with water, raised his head and said, "A Yin, thank you."

Wei Chongrong lowered his eyes and said for a moment, "I have changed my name. My surname is Wei and my name is Chongrong. The little monkey has always called me Brother Rong since he was a child." Not to mention that Wei Zhao didn't like the name Yi Yin, it was Jun Hua suddenly changed his name, and others would be surprised.

Jun Hua was stunned for a while, and then said: "I see." It turned out that he heard it right, Wei Chongrong called it that way before.

Wei Chongrong turned around and walked out, Junhua suddenly said again: "Why is it called...Little Monkey?"

"Because you are the young prince of Zhaoyang Houfu, and your zodiac is monkey." Speaking of Junhua's nickname, Wei Chongrong was very proud.

"I'm the little Marquis?!" Jun Hua was stunned again, since he can remember, he has been the Marquis of Zhaoyang.

Wei Chongrong had already walked to the door, and when he heard Jun Hua's surprised voice, he stopped and said warmly, "Go back to the door the day after tomorrow, and you will see whoever you are supposed to see." But before that, they must breathe well. You can't show yourself in front of anyone.

Junhua didn't speak, the whole person was overwhelmed with excitement. He was born with an unknown mother. He lost his father when he was two years old. He grew up in the palace. Although Wei Su loved him very much, he was an emperor after all, and his time with him was limited, and he soon left him. .

Wei Chongrong was the only person who treated him well, so after he was given to death by Wei Yang, he did not hesitate to collude with Wei Ruo, poison Wei Yang, and usurp the throne.

The great revenge has been repaid, he has nothing to ask for, and to be able to see Wei Chongrong again, he thought it was the greatest gift from God to him, but he did not expect that in this unfamiliar world, Junqing is still alive. , he is no longer alone.

Compared with Junhua's excitement, Wei Chongrong is full of melancholy. He not only has to worry about whether the little monkey can come back, but also whether Junhua will be exposed in front of Wei Zhao, Junqing and others. , after all, the characters of his two worlds are really very different.

After a while, Junhua came out of the clean room, and his expression had returned to calm. In just a quarter of an hour, he discovered that this body was different from the original one. Not only did his legs and feet remain intact, but his stature was also higher, his body was stronger, and his internal strength was deeper.

He can imagine that this is a child who has been loved since childhood, and has been cared for and taught well in every aspect.

Wei Chongrong was not in the room, his clothes were neatly laid out on the bed, Junhua walked to the bed and slowly put them on.

As soon as he was dressed, Wei Chongrong's voice came from outside: "Huaixi, have you packed up, come over for breakfast."

During the wedding, the husband and wife's breakfast was very rich, and a table was set up. Junhua walked to the table and sat down. After looking for a long time, he couldn't find a place to put chopsticks. It was either too sweet or too tasty. too heavy.

When Wei Chongrong saw that he was slow to move his chopsticks, he was a little inexplicable at first, and then he reacted: "Huaixi, is it not to your taste? Would you like to..." He had a vague impression that Junhua in his previous life seemed to like eating lightly. the taste of.

Jun Hua waved his hand and said hurriedly, "No need to change it, this will be fine." Looking at Wei Chongrong's expression, he could guess that these sweets on the table were all his favorites, but suddenly the taste changed greatly. It would be weird for others to see it.

Wei Chongrong squinted his eyes suspiciously. Only Wei Zhao and the little monkey liked those things that were too sweet. If he made do with it, he couldn't do it. If it was Junhua, he was a little worried. Can he accept it.

Junhua scooped up a bowl of corn lily porridge, and took a sip with the courage to die, but unexpectedly found that the taste was not bad. Although it was very sweet, it would not make people feel tired. Okay, so eat it up.

Wei Chongrong was stunned, but then he thought about it, this is the body of a little monkey, and his taste is normal.

The two had breakfast, and Wei Chongrong saw that he still had time to spare, so he took Junhua back to the inner room, and focused on introducing him to the recent situation of the Qin Wangfu, as well as the little monkey's previous relationship with Wei Zhao and Huo Feifei. His eyes straightened.

Junhua suddenly realized that the little monkey in Wei Chongrong's mouth was clearly another person, a person he was not familiar with, not his own past. No wonder Wei Chongrong was polite and courteous to him. Restraint and distancing.

He didn't have time to envy his past self, and he already realized what kind of predicament he was facing. That sincere, enthusiastic, frank and happy little monkey is probably not something he can pretend, he has never been in such a state of mind.

Seeing Junhua's embarrassed expression, Wei Chongrong hurriedly said, "Huaixi, don't worry, if you really can't deal with it, you can say that you are not feeling well."

Jun Hua nodded lightly, he could feel the anxiety that Wei Chongrong was trying to hide.

In the main hall of Prince Qin's mansion, Wei Zhao waited with his daughter after breakfast, Huo Qingyang sat next to him, seeing Wei Zhao's expectant expression, he couldn't help but smile: "Your Highness, it's not yet time, if Rong'er thinks he If you are late, you will be frightened."

Wei Zhao glanced at him, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "You think too much, Marquis of Wu'an." How could he possibly be frightened by his son and son-in-law? It's very possible, after all, it's a wedding night...

Sitting in Huo Qingyang's arms, Huo Feifei first turned to look at her father, and then at Wei Zhao, puzzled: "Father, father, there are no outsiders here, why are you so polite? It's strange, you are quarreling. Yet?"

Wei Zhao smiled and said, "You have to ask your father this question. He called me His Highness first." He was just **** for tat.

Huo Qingyang smiled without saying a word, making Huo Feifei inexplicable. After a while, she slipped off Huo Qingyang's legs and ran outside the hall, shouting as she ran, "I'll go see if brother and brother Hua are here, and come back soon."

There was no one else in the hall, Huo Qingyang smiled ingratiatingly at Wei Zhao: "Azhao, I..."

Wei Zhao pursed his lips and smiled, "I thought you didn't remember my name, Qingyang."

Just as Huo Qingyang was about to speak, he saw his daughter Ding Ding Deng running back: "Father, brother, they are here."

So, Huo Qingyang kept his mouth shut and resumed his posture of sitting upright. Huo Feifei ran back to Huo Qingyang and sat down next to him.

When they were young, Wei Chongrong and Jun Hua entered the main hall, both of them walked steadily and their expressions were serious.