MTL - Rebirth of Spoiled Crown Princess-Chapter 494 Ghosts claim [monthly ticket]

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The laughter is also suddenly left and right, like a lonely soul, Ann also sneered aloud: "Whoever you are, come out! I am suffering!"

Her hands are involuntarily guarded in the lower abdomen, no matter who she is, if she wants her child's life, she will definitely desperately.

"You... know who I am?" The laughter stopped, and the voice of a woman rang again.

This time is not safe, she is very sure.

But who still didn't hear it.

It’s nothing more than a person who hates himself.

What happened recently?

She was steady, and the voice was closer: "Hey, I hurt you from a small pain, but you end up hurting me!"

"姨娘?" Ann said with a puzzled voice.

"Hey! You remember me, I only want you to be a queen now. I have forgotten everything in the past, I think you are doing it yourself, you know it!"

"All that I have done is nothing but a vicious conspiracy to stop you, but it is to prevent you from harming me and my mother. If you say rumors, only you are rumored, you are a human being, you are eager to win, and you are pregnant. The people of the family, gave birth to children, but also to take the position of the mother, even their own sisters are not let go, what you do, makes people horrible, still dare to ask me?" Road.

"I grab everything about your mother-in-law? It’s clear that you only have one of me. In the company, just because I am a mother-in-law, all my food is not as good as your mother. Miss, people only know the prostitute even Yu Yu, even if I am more beautiful than her, my talent is better than her, my character is gentler than her, I am just a prostitute, is a prostitute, no one will ask The prostitute, why? I am better than your mother, why can't I be a general's wife? Your favorite person is me!" Even the girl's voice is like a girl of eighteen, talking about An Zhong. Tao came, she was like when she returned to her first marriage.

"You have your reason, but your reason is to be ruling. Your conspiracy to take the role of the murderer is not tolerated. If you are so arguing, it will not make me afraid of you. I am the leader of the line. I am afraid that you will not be evil?" Ann remembered the safety of the month before, do not understand, what happened in the end, these two mothers and daughters have come to dreams, not right, this seems to be not a dream, it is a reality.

"It's you, if you don't have you, my plan will definitely succeed. You, this woman, hurt me, don't say it, but also harm me one son and one daughter, I will never spare you..." Then, the voice suddenly came near, just in In front of her, even the face of Cistanche was clearly visible. Just as she was when she was alive, she was still pale, and her eyebrows were still picking up.

Ann sneered: "Do you think you can kill me?"

"Why not?" Lian Rongrong did not come to her neck like An Zhenran, but directly slaps it up, and she hides in the back. The thick fog is fanned, and it is like a wave of water, moving.

This makes Ann's heart can't help but mention it more, it's too real, everything is true.

Is she going to die in her hands today, this ghost that has been dead for many years?

No, she must not die.

The law is very flexible. She flashed the attack of Lian Rongrong and sneered: "Your mother and daughter are not doing well, but what are they doing? Tell you, you are alive, I am not afraid of you, I am not afraid of death. !"

Lian Rong Rong giggled, and she smiled very scornfully: "You are really daring, big heart, don't know what happened?"

"That's not as good as telling me, what happened!" Ann asked.

She really wants to know what happened, the mother and daughter are out, and they are really the mother and daughter, definitely not pretending to be others, but how do they think like humans!

"Oh, we have to eat your flesh and drink your blood!"

If it is really a mother and daughter, the words are the same.

Ann said openly: "Do you dare to say?"

Even Rong Rong’s words were awkward, as if he was thinking about something, and he didn’t talk at the end. Suddenly his body was violent and he rushed straight into the throat of Ang, and he even smelled the salty wind. Blowing in the face, she escaped, and even the body of Cicada was not as flexible as it was, so it was easy to escape. The two men fought for a while, and the pain in her stomach was slow, and she slowed down. Seeing the other side to rush over, the Buddha number sounded again, even the Cicada was like a doll, was dragged into the fog, and the peace, the death of the same, sitting on the ground.

No, she touched the softness under her body, but the brocade was soft, and the fog gradually spread out in front of her eyes. The table was still a table, a chair or a chair. They all returned to the original place, as if they were foggy. The change.

Ann tilted his head and even saw the money in his hand, still holding it tightly. The sound of the parrot outside passed again, as if calling the name of Dongfang, the sun was shining through the window, some hot, with With Qiu Jin, she was in the house and did not move in one step.

Ann was puzzled and moved again, as if step by step, one step to hell, but she did not change after a few steps, is she a daydream?

Lonicera reprimanded a small palace girl next door, because she sprinkled the water, and she leaned on the bed. She did not cry for the winter, nor did she call the doctor again. She was only stunned and thinking about the cause and effect.

There must be a reason for the appearance of their mother and daughter ghosts.

And what is the reason?

Finally, Lonicera came in and put a plate of water in front of her: "Queen, you should lie down and sleep for a while..."

Ann is still thinking about his own affairs, and he said halfway: "Do you still remember the birthday of An Zhenran?"

Hearing the words of Lonicera, he thought about it: "Queen, you haven’t thought about the slaves yet, and the birth of An Zhenran is not these days."

Ann nodded slightly, perhaps the birth of An Zhenran, I think more.

"How do you ask this girl?" Lonicera is very doubtful, and he is not willing to mention the name of Ping An.

Ann shook his head: "She has been dead for so many years, suddenly remembered, there is no other reason, thinking that when people are old, they think of the previous things..."

Honeysuckle sneered: "Yiang Niang, you are still only twenty years old, where is old."

"But, I feel that I have lived for a long time..." Ann closed her eyes slowly, and she really felt like an old woman.

Lived two times.

This world, full of happiness around her, she is content, but the mother and daughter come to claim, but she will not easily bow.

Maybe you should do something.



Zhong Linger’s laughter came out of the yard. She was swinging, the pink figure was floating like a fog, and she was very high. She was courageous and let the ring people push high. Zhong Miner looked at her. Straight shot your own chest: "Come down, this is really rumor, tomorrow I will let the swings be removed."

"Not allowed, I like it." Her voice seemed to drift from the clouds.

Zhong Miner sighed. This sister came, but she was not lonely. Zhong Linger was very lively. Before her future, Zhong Miner also imagined all kinds of possibilities. She was afraid that Dongfang Run would look at her and fear him. I can't see it. Now, fortunately, I have another idea, which makes her feel relieved, and her sister can have a better life.

Zhong Linger’s laughter came again: “Sister, do you think I’m going to be good? This swing is better than the family’s.”

"Yeah, you think that everything here is better than your family." Zhong Miner smiled bitterly.

Here, the voice of Dongfang’s voice came, and he shouted to play the swing. Zhong Linger deliberately teased him: “No, I am playing.”

Looking at the beautiful sister, Dongfang looked at her, but she was not too worried. She stood there and smiled at her. Zhong Linger looked at the cute little look of the East. She couldn’t help but jump and pick him up: "We are together. Is it good?"

"Okay, okay." Dongfang was very happy.

Zhong Linger let the Oriental sitting on his lap and let him hold himself. She swayed. At this moment, Zhong Miner was in a very complicated mood. Looking at the two figures on the swing, some of them were mixed. Hiding to the side, what do you think of your sister?

She looked at the rope of the swing, and her heart was thinking. The rope was broken, and it was broken...

She thought so, the expression on her face was a little embarrassed, and the small bridge next to it whispered: "Miss, are you not feeling well?"

She slowed down, and pulled out a smile for free, and said to Zhong Er: "Linger, don't hurt the young master, you are careful, but people are crazy, and they don't know the danger of safety."

Followed by the gongs of the East, they are also worried.

Didn't think that Zhong Linger was playing up, she shook her head: "I will be careful, nothing."

The oriental cockroach is also laughing and giggling, a very happy look, he is still not addictive, let Zhong Linger rise higher, and then higher, 丫 ring people shouting little ancestors, and next to the protection, this time Lively, the whole house has never been so lively.

The building was also passing by. She saw the scene in front of her. She was worried about what the East wanted to say, but in the end, she only looked at it quietly not far away. Dongfang Run did not know when she stood by her side: "The deaf children get along well with Linger."

Lou Louyue thought a little and nodded: "Yes, in the end, the child is a child, the Linger is not big, they look like this, it seems to be more sisters."

When Dongfang Run’s eyes looked at Zhong Linger, he was a little more gentle. Suddenly, the rings screamed and saw Zhong Linger and the Oriental Dragonfly fly together. They fell straight on the grass and the Oriental A flash, but it was too late. When I got to the front, I only heard the cry of the oriental gong. Zhong Linger picked up the oriental cockroach and looked scared. The people around me couldn’t help but say: “I’m not good, I didn’t hug. he……"


I read it at the beginning: the monthly ticket, the monthly ticket, broke into the pocket of Prince Edward!

Read The Duke's Passion