MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1005 super flatbread

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  Chapter 1005 Super Pancake

   Bush's political sensitivity is high.

  I immediately thought of the huge benefits contained in this.

  His family has a close relationship with the current Grand Commander.

   If Zhong Hua can be won over during his term of office, it will definitely be a major diplomatic victory.

  As far as he is concerned, being a matchmaker will add the most dazzling touch to his resume.

  He has great ambitions. Five years ago, he abandoned his business and started a positive career. He successfully ran for the House of Representatives, but failed to run for the Senate a year ago. This was a big blow to him.

  Fortunately, his family has connections, allowing him to come to grow flowers to accumulate experience.

  He himself was just going through the motions, and he had no extravagant hopes at all.

   But he didn't expect that the pie from the sky would fall on his head.

   And in fact, he has already received the bonus of planting flowers.

  The last time he sold equipment to Canada, it was Du Fei who negotiated with him at the very beginning.

  Finally promoted by Senator Gale, tens of millions of dollars were secretly provided to grow flowers.

   At that time, including him, everyone was under a lot of pressure.

  But not long after, the sudden eruption of the Zhenbao Island conflict caused the wind direction to be reversed.

   It was publicized that, with only tens of millions of dollars, they successfully instigated the conflict between planting flowers and **** geese.

   It was even called a great victory.

   That afternoon, after being separated from Du Fei, although he drank white wine and his head was dizzy, Bush still cheered up and got in touch with the country...

  However, to his surprise, Du Fei actually asked him out the next day.

   This makes Bush very strange.

   It is said that we just met yesterday, so we can completely express the attitude of planting flowers. What does it mean to come a second time?

  With doubts, Bush came to the agreed place.

  Yesterday was his place, today is Du Fei's place.

   This is a tea house, just beside Beihai Park, and the lake not far away can be seen from the window on the second floor.

  Seeing Bush coming, Du Fei smiled and stood up to meet him.

   Waiting for the two to sit down, they ordered a few plates of dim sum and served another pot of tea.

  Du Fei cut to the chase: "Drinking wine yesterday, drinking tea today, my mind is clear. By the way, let me tell you something that both you and I like."

  Bush was surprised, not knowing what Du Fei was referring to.

  Du Fei picked up the teapot and gave him a cup of tea, and said with a smile, "Try it, the Junshan Yinzhen I brought."

  Bush took a sip and asked, "Du, I'm curious, what is the thing you said we all like?"

  Du Fei smiled and said, "No one in the world doesn't like dollars, right?"

  Bush was stunned for a moment, but Du Fei's explanation made him even more confused.

  Du Fei continued: "George, I know that your family is very influential in the United States, and of course, very rich."

  Bush smiled meaningfully: "Du, I just said you are special."

  Du Fei saw that his understanding was wrong, he waved his hand and said, "George, I think you may be wrong. You said that we are friends, and we flower growers have never had the tradition of letting friends suffer."

  Bush was stunned for a moment, somewhat confused.

  Du Fei continued: "Compared to unilateral giving, I prefer a win-win situation. We each get what we need, and friendship can last forever, don't you think?"

  Bush frowned, took a sip of tea, pulled himself together, and listened carefully.

  Du Fei said calmly: "I want to build a garment factory, from weaving to garments..."

  Bush was disappointed when he heard it, and frowned, "Garment factory? No, no, no~ dear Du, clothing factory? Are you joking?" He laughed twice without sincerity.

  Du Fei was serious and stared at him.

  Bush frowned even tighter: "Are you serious?"

  Du Fei said: "Of course, do you think I'm joking?"

  The corners of Bush's mouth twisted: "With all due respect, the textile industry... how should I put it~ I don't know much about this industry."

  Du Fei heard that he was refusing, and he still said calmly: "George, you also forgive me. Although you are ten years older than me, as a serious customer, you are still very immature."

  Bush was taken aback.

Du Fei continued: "I know that your family started out in the oil business, and even moved to Texas to pursue oil. I also know that your family is also involved in military industry, chemical industry, and finance. If you are just pure Businessmen, of course, are qualified to look down on the profit of textile and clothing..."

   As a pioneer in opening up the family's political territory, Bush's brain reacts extremely fast.

  Have grasped the key point in Du Fei's words.

   But he was not in a hurry to express, but continued to listen.

  Du Fei continued to tell his plan.

   "George, I think so, you find someone to register a company in Xiangjiang."

  With the precedent of steel rolling mills selling steel to Xiangjiang, it will be more convenient to do so.

   "Then you are in charge of buying the best machine..."

  Bush sharply said: "Buy machines?"

  Du Fei smiled: "George, it's just a machine for weaving cloth and making clothes, and it won't pose any threat to you."

  Bush shrugged, noncommittal let Du Fei continue.

  Du Fei continued: "When the factory is completed, contact those fashion brands in your country. They can produce styles and quality standards. Our factory will be responsible for the production, and then transport them from Xiangjiang to your country for sale. You see, it's that simple."

  Bush frowned and thought.

  Du Fei wasn't in a hurry either, this time he was looking for Bush as a leisurely move.

   It is best if the negotiation can be reached, even if the negotiation fails, there is no loss.

   After a while, Bush said: "Sounds good, but... according to you, I am responsible for the machine orders. What can you do? Du, I don't mean anything else, but business is business."

  Du Fei laughed and said: "Max once said that only labor can create surplus value. You provide the means of production, and I provide the surplus value. Isn't that enough?"

Speaking of this, Du Fei paused, and looked into Bush's eyes calmly: "George, my friend, as soon as the factory is completed, I can immediately provide 100,000 workers who are about 20 years old, have received basic education, and can endure hardships and stand hard work." .and their salary is only... ten dollars a month."

  Hearing what Du Fei said to the end, Bush's eyes froze.

  According to the current exchange rate, ten dollars is equivalent to thirty-six or seven yuan.

  In general state-owned factories, only front-line heavy physical labor can reach this level.

  The number of women workers in ordinary textile factories simply cannot reach this number.

  Bush finally understood why Du Fei believed that textiles and clothing could make money.

  If it is this salary level, it is really very interesting.

   But what Du Fei wants is not to make this little money, he values ​​employment more.

  Why did the call for uphill and downhill incense last year.

   To put it bluntly, it is underemployment.

  Although it is impossible for a textile and garment company to solve the problem, it is always good to make some improvements.

  Du Fei continued: "George, if your demand is big enough, I can provide more, 200,000, 300,000, or even 500,000 people!"

Speaking of this, Du Fei's words were bewitching, and he said in a low voice: "George, think about it, if you hold hundreds of thousands of jobs in your hands, how much influence you will have in planting flowers. And in the future , whether to contain Suge, or your actions in the more difficult, you need to coordinate with us. At that time..."

  Du Fei didn't say any more.

  Bush's breathing was slightly rapid. Although he was trying his best to control himself, he still couldn't help feeling agitated.

   Facing the super pie that Du Fei drew for him, what kind of concept would it be if he really wanted to achieve that effect.

  Compared to the huge political benefits contained in it, the money for selling clothes seems insignificant.

  As for Du Fei, he is certain that in the next twenty years, as long as Su Goose exists for a day, the relationship between Huahua and Meidi will not be bad.

   Once the Bush family is allowed to pinch the employment of hundreds of thousands of people, it is tantamount to holding a trump card in their hands.

  Since it is the trump card, it will not be used lightly.

  In a sense, it will become a kind of sunk cost.

  It is more convenient to plant flowers through them and get more benefits.

   Of course, this is only good for the Bush family and not bad.

   Just like that Senator Gale, sometimes their personal interests are not aligned with the national interests.

  Then the two of them didn't speak, and fell into long-term thinking.

  After more than ten minutes, Bush said, "Du, I need to think carefully about what you said."

   "Of course~" Du Fei smiled and said, "This is not a trivial matter, I look forward to your good news."

  The bait has been cast, as for whether you can take the bait, you can only do your best to obey the destiny.

  Du Fei believes that there is great hope of success.

  If it was before Zhenbao Island, such a thing would definitely be impossible.

   But now, the wind has changed and anything is possible.

   Planting flowers has shown determination and strength to the world.

  After seeing off the preoccupied Bush, Du Fei went straight to Dad Zhu's office.

  As soon as he arrived, Secretary Deng took him in without Tong Bing.

  Papa Zhu is reviewing documents on his desk wearing glasses.

   Secretary Deng withdrew, and Du Fei sat on the sofa next to him, silently waiting.

   A few minutes later, Dad Zhu finished the work at hand before he raised his head and took off his glasses: "Are you done talking?"

   Du Fei responded.

   What he said to Bush today, he didn’t make decisions on his own, and he reported to Dad Zhu in advance.

  Papa Zhu came out from behind the desk and asked, "What's his reaction?"

  Du Fei said: "I think it is very promising."

  Papa Zhu nodded with a smile, and listened to Du Fei briefly describe the situation just now.

   Finally reminded: "Xiao Fei, you must remember that all the funds and logistics of this matter must go through the company registered in Xiangjiang, and there must be no direct contact with the United States, understand!"

  Du Fei solemnly said: "Dad, don't worry, I know the seriousness."

  Papa Zhu said again: "By the way, those two tanks have already been shipped back. Don't you want them? I have already said hello."

  Du Fei's eyes lit up, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

   After thanking Dad Zhu, he left in a hurry.

   Didn’t go back to work, so I rode a motorcycle to see the tanks…

   Meanwhile, in Julie's office.

  Chu Lin handed the ballet ticket to Zhu Li, looked around: "Sister, this is your new unit!"

  Julie smiled and said, "It's okay~ How are you doing in the group?"

   Chu Lin was a little depressed: "I'm fine, but I miss you a little bit. I went to the courtyard a few days ago to see you. I heard that you didn't go back for several days. I thought you moved away~"

   Zhu Li said: "Your basic skills are very solid. Follow Lao Wang to learn hard. She has real skills. If you can learn 30 to 40%, you will be outstanding in the industry."

  Chu Lin nodded: "I heard from Teacher Wang that you specially entrusted her with her before you left, sister..."

   Said that the eye circles were red, and tears were about to fall.

  Julie took out a handkerchief: "Silly girl, why are you crying~ It's not far away, if you think about it, I'll go home and have a look."

   Chu Lin took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes.

  At this moment, Zhou Xiaobai and Luo Yun came in from the outside.

  When Chu Lin came just now, Zhu Li called her on the internal line and asked her to come and collect the tickets.

   Zhou Xiaobai took the ticket with a smile, and thanked Luo Yun together.

  Seeing Zhu Li talking to Chu Lin, they didn't stay long.

   Coming out of the room, Luo Yun couldn't help asking: "Xiaobai, who was that in the room just now? He's very pretty, and he's about to catch up with you."

  When Zhou Xiaobai heard this, he felt elated.

  She has self-knowledge. Although she is also very beautiful, she is definitely inferior to Chu Lin.

  But there is no way, some lies are more pleasant than the truth.

   "It seems to be sister Zhu Li's colleague in the art troupe." Zhou Xiaobai said casually: "Don't waste time, let's go back and tidy up, take a leave with Lao Zhang and leave early, and we will definitely not be able to catch up with the opening after get off work."

  Luo Yun responded, anyway, she is just a follower, Zhou Xiaobai can do whatever she says, and she doesn't need to ask Zhang Wenzhong for leave.

   Zhou Xiaobai likes ballet and has been waiting for "The Red Detachment of Women" for a long time.

   Finally got the ticket, quite excited.

  Go back and say hello to Zhang Wenzhong, the director of the office, and ride out with Luo Yun an hour earlier, and rush to the exhibition hall.

  When the two of them arrived, a lot of people had already gathered in the square of the exhibition hall.

  Different from Zhou Xiaobai and Luo Yun having classes.

   These people have no class, they are in groups of three or four, there are both big courtyard children and local ruthless people, they are clearly separated from each other, they have big mouths, and they are awesome.

  But most people neither have money to buy tickets nor like to watch ballet, they are simply bored, so they heard that there is an occasion to join in the fun.

   Soon the time is up, and the ticket check-in begins.

  People in the square hardly moved.

   It was Zhou Xiaobai and Luo Yun who squeezed to the front, took out two tickets, and walked in directly.

  Julie asked for the best seat, in the middle of the fourth row in front, which happened to be not far or near.

   As soon as the two of them sat down, they saw a man and a woman walk into the front row, which happened to be in front of them.

   Zhou Xiaobai raised his head and couldn't help shouting, "Mr. Wang, is that you?"

  The woman was looking for a place just now, so she didn't notice.

   He looked over after hearing Zhou Xiaobai's voice, overjoyed and said: "Xiaobai!"

  Ms. Wang’s name is Wang Xia. She looks about twenty-three or fourteen. She was Zhou Xiaobai’s dance teacher when she was a child. She is in good shape and beautiful.

  It is that the family background is not very good. After graduating from the dance school, I failed to enter the art troupe.

   Zhou Xiaobai didn't expect to meet Wang Xia here, and said with great interest: "Mr. Wang, I really didn't expect that we haven't seen each other for so many years, but you are still so beautiful, I can tell at a glance."

  Wang Xia smiled and said: "No way~ It's been four years! Xiaobai has become a big girl in a flash."

  (end of this chapter)

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