MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1022 final arrangement

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   There is one thing to say, the machinery manufacturing of Duguo people is indeed second to none in the world.

  Even if the machine tool was more than 20 years ago, it still has merits today.

  However, Du Fei was not satisfied.

  His shop needs better, more advanced machine tools.

  At the next moment, the ten machine tools that had just been unloaded in the warehouse disappeared.

  The size of these machine tools is not small, and ten machines can be put in one at a time. Although there is still some surplus, the other ten machines cannot be put in.

  Du Fei simply divided into two groups, and by the way, took out the previously upgraded CNC machine tool.

   Just took this opportunity to take it to the 8270 factory.

  Du Fei was extra careful when upgrading these independent machine tools.

   It is enough to try to reach the current international advanced level.

   Firstly, to save resources, secondly, we must also pay attention to avoid unexplainable logical loopholes.

  As for the CNC machine tool that was upgraded before, the reason why he dared to take it out was because he checked the information and confirmed that there was already a similar level of equipment.

   Coming out of the warehouse, Du Fei was eagerly looking forward to it.

  According to observation, it should only take one day to upgrade Cannon Steel, and Tan Zhigao can be called tomorrow.

  At the beginning, the artillery expert vowed that as long as there is qualified gun steel, a 115mm smoothbore gun can be produced.

   Due to the complex structure of the machine tool, the upgrade time is relatively long.

  According to Du Fei's experience, at least five days.

  Including the remaining ten machine tools, it will take ten days before they can be sent to the 8270 factory.

   But in any case, after encountering a series of setbacks, the counterfeit t62 tank finally made some progress.

   While thinking, Du Fei closed the warehouse door and returned to the unit.

  Go to the office and look at the watch.

   It's past noon.

   I didn't bother to eat just now, and I felt a little hungry when I sat down.

  Du Fei took out a few steamed buns from his portable space, ready to pad his stomach.

  But at this time, I suddenly received a call.

  Picking up the receiver, I immediately heard Wang Yufen's anxious voice from over there, even crying: "Come quickly~ Grandpa...Grandpa is dying soon!"

  Du Fei was taken aback for a moment. If he hadn't been sure that it was Wang Yufen's voice, he would have almost thought that the other party had made a mistake.

   quickly asked: "Yufen, don't worry, what's going on? Don't you say that the old man is in good health?"

  Wang Yufen cried: "I don't know either. Just now my dad called me on the phone he borrowed from the hospital and asked me to take you there. Otherwise... maybe I might not have a chance."

  Du Fei frowned, subconsciously thinking that Wang Changgui might be playing tricks.

  But when I changed my mind, I felt that something was wrong, and doing this now would not do any good to the Wang family.

  In case of being exposed, the loss outweighs the gain.

  While thinking, Du Fei went out again and rode a motorcycle to the hospital that Wang Yufen mentioned just now.

  As soon as I arrived downstairs in the hospital, I saw Wang Yufen waiting anxiously.

   Seeing him coming, he immediately went up to meet him, with tears in his eyes, and wanted to throw himself into Du Fei's arms, but he was worried that this was a public place to suppress.

  Du Fei walked over, reached out and squeezed her hand as if shaking hands, and asked, "How is Qi Ye?"

  Wang Yufen took Du Fei to walk in, choked and said: "I woke up early this morning, and I fell in the yard after lunch and then..."

  Du Fei can count it as soon as he hears it.

  Wang Qiye probably had a cerebral thrombosis this time.

  After all, she is old, even if she looks in good health, but there are problems all over her body, if there is a slight disturbance, it is easy to cause big troubles.

   asked again: "How is the situation now? Have you been rescued?"

  Wang Yufen said: "Already woke up, my mother said that something is wrong, there is Niuhuang Angong Wan in the house, so I quickly ate one."

  Du Fei also breathed a sigh of relief. If it is a cerebral thrombosis, this medicine is right for the symptom.

   The two went to the ward on the second floor while talking.

  As soon as they entered the house, Wang Haichuan, his wife and Chen Laosan were there.

   Seeing Du Fei coming, Wang Haichuan and his wife felt a little unnatural. After all, the relationship between Du Fei and Wang Yufen is not clear.

   Chen Laosan is Wang Changgui's most proud disciple, and he is no different from his own son.

   "Du...Manager Du, you're here~" Wang Haichuan hesitated, and greeted Du Fei.

  Du Fei didn't hold back, and bent down to shake hands with him: "Uncle, Aunt, I came over as soon as I heard Yufen's call, how is Qi Ye?"

  Wang Haichuan and Ma Guizhi looked better.

  At least Du Fei showed the attitude that a junior should have.

  Wang Haichuan said: "The doctor gave me a drip just now, and I just fell asleep."

  In fact, Du Fei saw the needles on the back of Wang Changgui's skinny hands as soon as he came in.

  There is no disposable dropper at this time.

   The drips are given with reusable yellow rubber tubes, which are very conspicuous.

   Du Fei nodded and was about to speak.

  But at this moment, Wang Qiye, who had his eyes closed, suddenly said, "Xiao Du is here~"

  Different from the original full of energy, the voice is weak and hoarse.

  Du Fei let out an "hey" and took a step forward: "Master Qi, let me come and see you."

   Normally, Wang Changgui would never call Du Fei 'Little Du'.

   But now, feeling that time is running out, he doesn't have so many scruples.

  Wang Changgui only opened his eyes at this moment.

   Pupils were cloudy, eyes dull, and looked at several people in the room: "Everyone else go out, I will have a few words with Xiao Du alone."

  Wang Haichuan knew what his father was going to say, so he responded and dragged his wife out.

   Chen Laosan remained expressionless and followed behind.

  Wang Yufen hesitated.

  Du Fei nodded at her: "Go~ I'll talk to grandpa."

  Wang Yufen was taken aback.

  Since she met Du Fei, this is the first time Du Fei called Wang Changgui his grandfather.

  Her nose was sour, tears fell again, and she turned and went out.

  Wang Changgui on the hospital bed also heard it, and when the door was closed, he sighed softly: "Xiao Du~ Just call me today, and I will give you a great fortune."

  Du Fei smiled, pulled the chair beside him and sat down: "You mean the real treasure of Prince Qing's Mansion?"

  Wang Changgui said: "In this world, only me and Ci Xin should know this secret..."

  Although Cixin has lived with Wang Yufen for so long, Wang Yufen has never mentioned it to her family.

   Coupled with the rejuvenated appearance of compassion, and long hair.

  No one would have imagined that a beautiful girl full of youth at first glance would be an old nun.

  Du Fei nodded noncommittally, and listened to him continue.

Wang Changgui said: "Son, I don't have much time. I'm not a good person in this life. God turned a blind eye to being able to live until now. The only thing I can't let go of after I leave are Yufen and Xiaodong. Two children."

  Wang Changgui took a few breaths as he kept talking too quickly.

  Du Fei said: "Slow down, don't worry."

Wang Changgui grinned: "I can't wait, I'm afraid it's too late. Our old Wang family is sorry for Yufen's child. It's her own good fortune that she can follow you now. I hope you will give her a child. When she grows old, she will also have a child." count on."

  Du Fei understood that Wang Changgui was arranging a way out for Wang Yufen.

  The ancients all knew how long it would be good for Israel to serve others.

   Besides, Wang Yufen is several years older than Du Fei.

  No matter how good Du Fei treats her, it is better to have a son himself.

  As long as you have children, you can have endless imaginations about the future, instead of seeing the end of the head at a glance.

  Du Fei said: "Don't worry, I told Yufen that the timing is not right this year, and I will give her a child next year."

  Wang Changgui understood Du Fei's meaning of 'this year is not suitable'.

   nodded and said: "I understand, you are thinking of Yufen."

  He came from the old society and has seen a lot of infighting in the house.

  The main wife just got pregnant, and your concubine concubine got pregnant with her. It's not obvious that you have to fight for the top~

  If Zhu Ting's family background is average, it's fine, but it's that kind of background.

  Waiting to conceive again next year is equivalent to two years behind Xiao Zhengze.

  Although Zhu Ting knew it would be an eyesore, she didn't feel so piercing.

With Du Fei's attitude, Wang Qiye breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to mention his grandson Wang Xiaodong: "That kid, Xiaodong, has been spoiled by his parents since he was a child. Don't point out how promising he is, as long as he can be safe. This It would be good if he fell into it this time, to sharpen his bad temper, so as not to suffer big losses in the future."

  Du Fei nodded, understanding that Wang Qiye wanted to eliminate Wang Xiaodong's entry into prison.

  He knew very well that Du Fei did this.

  Du Fei said: "Don't worry, Xiaodong is Yufen's younger brother."

  Du Fei's words were a reassurance.

  The implication is that as long as Wang Xiaodong doesn't act like a monster, Du Fei will treat him as his brother-in-law.

   But if he commits suicide, there is nothing he can do.

  Wang Changgui sighed, this is his condition.

  Originally, he still had some plans to win more for the Wang family, but the sudden change in his physical condition made him unexpected.

   Now lying on the hospital bed dying, he is no longer qualified to ask for additional conditions.

  The most important thing right now is to ensure the core appeal, and nothing else.

  Even at the last stage of his life, Wang Changgui's thinking is still very clear.

  Du Fei gave clear answers one by one.

  Although there was no written agreement, Wang Changgui, who was already at a disadvantage, could only trust Du Fei's character.

  He took a few breaths with difficulty.

   Putting his mind to rest, the breath that was originally in his chest was let out, and he looked even weaker.

  It took a long time to catch my breath, and said again: "Xiao Du, go and call Hai Chuan in."

  Du Fei got up and went to the door: "Uncle, please come in."

   Several members of the Wang family stood outside the door.

   Seeing Du Fei open the door, Wang Haichuan immediately followed in and took a few steps to the side of the hospital bed.

  Wang Changgui said weakly: "Hai Chuan~ Give those things to Xiao Du~"

   After speaking, I closed my eyes. I spent too much energy just talking so much.

  Wang Haichuan said "Hey", turned to look at Du Fei again, and handed over the black artificial leather bag that he had been holding tightly in his hand with a complicated expression.

  Du Fei reached out to take it, but didn't open it to check the contents.

  Wang Haichuan was like a deflated ball at the moment he let go, and his energy and spirit weakened by three points.

  But it also completely cut off the original obsession.

Read The Duke's Passion