MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1026 true hope is not to see with the eyes

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  Chapter 1026 The real hope is not to see with the eyes

  Wednesday, July 2, 1969.

   In July, the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Du Fei wore a summer half-sleeved shirt and came to the unit by motorcycle.

  Yesterday, we made an appointment for this Sunday gathering, and we called both brothers from the Chu family.

  The location is in the yard of the fire equipment company.

  Sunday is off, there is no one here, so Du Fei uses it conveniently.

  The only question now is whether Chu Ming and his wife can come back on time.

  But these family matters don't need Du Fei to worry about, Zhu Ting will take care of them.

  Du Fei came to the unit and tidied up the office a little.

  Looking at the time, I silently calculated in my heart that the Toyo delegation arrived in the capital yesterday.

   I guess if you don’t come today, you should come to him tomorrow.

  However, Ling Du Fei didn't expect that the Dongyang man did not come, but another one did.

  Just after 9:30 in the morning, Bush came wearing a half-sleeved T-shirt and riding his 28th pole.

   "Hey Du, my friend~"

  Smiling all over his face, Bush immediately went up to see Du Fei and shook hands warmly.

  Du Fei knew it well.

   Last time I told Bush about the clothing and textile group, Bush returned home suddenly.

   It took more than a month to leave.

  Come back now, and look at his appearance, you know that this matter may have something to do.

   Greeted warmly and let Bush into the reception room.

  Du Fei smiled and said: "George, you came just in time. A few days ago, I just got a few taels of this year's new tea before the rain. Please try it later."

  Bush has been planting flowers for a long time, and he is a flower planter with the sudden addition of common sense.

  I know the concept of Yuqian tea. Although I can't drink any difference, I know it is good tea.

   After brewing, he tasted a couple of mouthfuls and immediately boasted and complimented him.

  Du Fei smiled, but he became more vigilant in his heart.

  Whether it is Bush or the United States, no matter how kind they are, they are essentially vicious wolves baring their fangs.

  As long as you don't pay attention, it will pounce on you and bite you hard.

  Similarly, Bush also knew that although the young man in front of him was ten years younger than him, he was quite difficult to deal with.

   After drinking tea and exchanging simple greetings, Bush took the lead in bringing up the business.

   "Du, you know, I will go back specially for the textile and garment group you proposed last time."

   "Of course~" Du Fei smiled and said, "Believe me, this will be a great cooperation that will bring us great mutual benefits."

  Bush smiled and echoed: "Of course, I think so too."

But then, he performed a perfect face change, from happy to depressed: "But, my friend, you should understand our system. Although I am very optimistic about this cooperation, some people... you should understand, because some Because they don't trust you."

  Du Fei is not surprised, this is just a common trick used by beauties.

   They are very skillful in using their so-called national conditions to disguise themselves as a minority.

  It means that I have difficulties, I can’t help it, I have tried my best... But my country has its own national conditions.

   You can’t blame me if things don’t get done, or you have to pay more.

  As for now, according to Du Fei's judgment, it should not be impossible, but the latter, which needs to be paid more.

   If there is no hope at all, Bush will not rush back and forth.

   And adding money is not really adding money, it should be to obtain other benefits and put forward additional conditions.

   This is also their usual trick.

  Du Fei remained calm, but secretly smiled inwardly.

  This situation has long been expected.

   Instead, when Bush came back, he agreed without saying a word, so Du Fei had to worry about whether there was some conspiracy.

  Picking up the teacup in front of him, Du Fei took a sip and calmed down and said, "That's really a pity, but George, I know you've tried your best. There's no righteousness in business, and it won't affect our friendship."

  Bush said: "Thank you for understanding. But...this matter is not all hopeless."

   "Is there a turning point?" Du Fei asked back, not hiding his half-smile expression.

  His eyes made Bush a little embarrassed.

   It seems to be saying, they are all foxes of a thousand years, what are you playing here.

  Bush smiled. As an American official, thick-skinned and drawing big cakes are two basic skills.

  Even if Du Fei saw through, he didn't feel embarrassed.

  Anyway, as long as I am not embarrassed, you are the one who is embarrassed.

  Du Fei is, whether you are embarrassed or not, I am not embarrassed anyway.

   After a few seconds of silence, the two suddenly laughed at the same time.

  Bush stopped holding it: "Forget it, let me explain clearly. Du, your proposal last time was very good, but I have a better proposal."

  Du Fei said "hmm", "Say it."

Bush said: "Du, doing business doesn't need to be so complicated. We can directly invest and build factories here, hire your workers, and pay taxes to your government. You don't have to do anything, you can get tax revenue and employment, and ...friendship from America."

   After listening to him, Du Fei smiled.

   How good that sounds!

   Get everything without doing anything.

   Unfortunately, it is a beautiful poison pill.

   If I really believed him, I didn’t know how to die in the end.

  Besides, at this point in time, whoever dares to invite them to the country is purely courting death.

Du Fei rubbed his hand on the armrest of the sofa and said, "George, I understand your difficulties, and please understand my situation of planting flowers. Of course we have benefits with this textile group, but it is not impossible to live without this textile group." .Do you think I'm crazy or stupid, digging my own roots for the sake of employment and taxation."

  Bush shrugged his shoulders, with a sure-fire expression: "Look, I told those old guys the same way."

  Du Fei understood who the "old guy" he was referring to was.

   It should be a capitalist family closely related to the Bush family.

   smiled and said, "What did those old guys say?"

  Bush picked up his teacup, smiled, and asked instead, "What are you going to do next?"

  Du Fei said indifferently: "We have a proverb in planting flowers, saying that if there is no butcher Zhang, we will eat pigs with hair? Since you can't do it here, you can find someone else."

  Bush City is very deep and did not show any negative emotions.

  Du Fei went on to say: "Besides, why should our family be in a hurry when the two families benefit? Don't you think~"

  Bush rubbed his protruding nose with his hand, and said seriously: "Du, I understand, and I will convey your meaning back to China. As for the final result... please forgive me for not being able to influence their decision."

  Du Fei nodded, stood up and shook hands with Bush: "George, you are too humble, I think you should play a more active role. Believe me, you will be the first person in the Bush family to take the oath at the White House."

  Bush couldn't help being taken aback, even if he was a scheming man, he was also taken aback when he suddenly heard such tiger-wolf words.

  He is only 45 years old now, and since he left his business, he has not gone smoothly, and his goal is only to become a senator, so that the Bush family can completely enter the highest circle.

   Swearing in the White House, not only the commander in chief but also the deputy commander in chief, is still very far away from him.

   Without too long a conversation, Du Fei sent him Bush out.

   Watch him get on his bike and go away.

  Although there were great differences, Du Fei was not too disappointed.

  Because this situation was expected.

  Negotiation itself is to test the other party's bottom line again and again, and to wear down the other party's will a little bit.

   After all, such a big thing is not to go to the market to buy vegetables, just take a handful of leeks for three yuan and leave.

   This is just the first trial, and the next time it will involve substantive issues.

  So, from the beginning, Du Fei didn't expect to be able to negotiate once or twice.

   Meanwhile, Bush returns to the Swiss Museum of History.

  I saw a white old man who was nearly sixty years old, slightly bald on the top of his head, with gray hair, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses hanging on his nose, covering a pair of shrewd and deep eyes.

   "How's it going, George?"

  As soon as Bush entered the door, the old man asked directly.

   "Uncle Will, please let me drink some water." Bush poured out a glass of water and drank it all in one go.

  The old man's name is Grant Will, a banker with a very close relationship with the Bush family.

  His wife and Bush's mother come from the same family, but the blood relationship is not close.

   Counting, he is still Bush's uncle.

  After drinking the water, Bush let out a long breath, spread his hands and said, "What else can I do? Do you really expect them to agree to that request?"

  Will showed a playful look.

Bush said sternly: "Uncle Will, I know what you're thinking. But don't forget, this is planting flowers, not Brazil, let alone Argentina and Mexico. They have an army of five million, and weapons, and they just repelled the People from Sulian... believe me, your tricks are useless here."

   Grant Will frowned, disapproving of Bush's statement.

  He was born in the Youtai family, and he never thought that there was nothing that could not be done with money.

   If there is, it's just a matter of money not being enough...

  The other end is in the guest house where the Toyo delegation stayed.

  A middle-aged man who is not tall but strong is sitting shirtless by the bed.

  Although he is 44 years old, he has practiced kendo and fitness all the year round, making him look younger and stronger than his peers.

  "Mr. Mishima, although our right views are different, it is undeniable that we have the same goal, which is to let Dongyang completely get rid of Meiji and become a normal country."

  Mishima Matajio looked sullenly, staring at the sky outside the window, and suddenly said without thinking: "The sky for planting really blue~"

   Nagano Toban, who was also in the room, frowned.

  Although in front of me is the literary giant I once admired, I don’t understand why Yamada Kenjiro brought him.

  They are completely different.

  Nagano Toban completely disagrees with the unrealistic fantasy of restoring the glory of the empire.

  In his opinion, that so-called glory is just a short-lived dream.

Matageo Mishima withdrew his gaze and looked at Kenjiro Yamada: "Yamada-kun, although I don't agree with your beliefs, but you are right, we have the same goal. But... excuse me, I didn't see you here The so-called hope."

  Kenjiro Yamada said lightly: "Yamashima-san, the real hope is not to see with the eyes, but with the heart."

  (end of this chapter)

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