MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1039 Sky net

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  Chapter 1039 The Net of Heaven and Earth

   If Slater did it, was it an accident?

  A domineering young master from Lun Dun, who occasionally came to the territory of the East, found something magical, and wanted to take it for himself.

   But how is this possible! There are so many coincidences in the world.

  Du Fei couldn't deceive himself into believing this possibility.

   But if not, what is going on?

  And what does it mean to engage in those newspaper reports later?

  Since he wanted to steal by chance, killing the lard boy should cut the mess quickly, and finish the matter as soon as possible to suppress the matter.

  Thinking of these, Du Fei has more doubts.

  This time I talked to Vincent, although I learned about the Slater family, it didn't clear up the original doubts, but added more doubts.

   Du Fei collected himself and took a deep breath.

   Now that things have happened, they can only trust Qin Feng's ability and wait for the results of his next investigation.

   At the same time, far away in the police station in Xiangjiang.

   Lei Luo's face was as dark as a black pot, looking at the few people standing in front of his desk.

   These are his confidantes, especially after being promoted to superintendent.

   Lei Luo became the hero who broke the shackles of Chinese police officers' promotion, and his popularity reached an unprecedented level.

  In any case, he never thought that someone would dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head and directly kill Lard Boy.

  In Xiangjiang, who doesn't know that lard boy is his.

  Even if Lard Boy later started to help Du Fei manage the pharmaceutical factory, he also agreed with him.

   "Go and check!"

   Lei Luo didn't roar angrily, but just said two words coldly.

  At the current position, he must hold it up, and Mount Tai will collapse in front of him without changing his color.

   Waiting for everyone to leave, Lei Luo couldn't help pressing his temple hard.

   Open your eyes and let out a long breath.

   Lard Boy died at this time, causing him a lot of trouble.

   Reach for the phone and play a number.

   After a while, the other side picked up, and Zhou Peng's voice came.

   Lei Luo forced a smile on his face: "Zhou Sheng, do you have time? Come out for tea."

   Zhou Peng's life was even more difficult than him.

  As soon as he took over the pharmaceutical factory, he was verbally criticized. How could he not know that someone was secretly fueling the flames.

   But the enemy is in the dark and we are clear, so far I haven't figured out who the real enemy is.

  The passive situation made him very upset.

   But Lei Luo's face should still be given.

   Not only because of Lei Luo's position and influence, but also because they are partners with the same interests.

   Just a while ago, when Li Yuanchao's jadeite trading market opened its first auction, Zhou Peng secretly cooperated with Lei Luo to set up a jewelry company.

   From the beginning, I just wanted to support Du Fei.

  When Du Fei gave advice to Hu Lin earlier, he called Zhou Peng, hoping that he would support him.

   He also helped him think of a name in a rather wicked way, and it was called Zhou Dasheng.

   Lei Luo also greeted Du Fei.

   He didn't expect Lei Luo to be like Zhou Peng, but wanted to use his fame and relationship to guarantee a local jeweler in Xiangjiang.

   If there is no sufficient guarantor, who would dare to travel thousands of miles and take the risk to go to Danguo.

   Even in order to endorse Li Yuanchao's jadeite market, Du Fei asked Director Liao for help and contacted the Flower Bank in Xiangjiang.

  Jewelers who participate in the jadeite transaction can deposit money in the bank without bringing cash, and checks are directly used for jadeite auctions.

  As for Li Yuanchao, he didn't need to take out the money, he just gave the check to Du Fei to buy weapons and equipment.

   forms a perfect closed loop.

   But Lei Luodo can be a man.

   After learning about this matter, I immediately stated my position and must support it.

   Also learned that Zhou Peng had registered a jewelry company, so he simply used the name of Bai Yuechang to take money into shares and partner with Zhou Peng.

   Lei Luo knew that Zhou Peng had a deep background and was the son-in-law of the Huo family.

  Doing business with him, it doesn't matter whether you make money or not, what he really wants to make is this network.

  However, he didn't expect it.

   At the auction, Zhou Dasheng spent a total of 800,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the rough jadeite stones he bought were transported back to the Xiangjiang market without even moving them, and they were directly resold at the market price, making a net profit of more than 2 million yuan.

   At this time, Zhou Peng and Lei Luo saw the huge benefits contained in the jadeite market.

  The jewelry company, which was not taken seriously at first, was also taken seriously by the two.

   On the second floor of Daxin Tea House, in a small single room by the window.

   Zhou Peng walked in with a grim look on his face.

   Lei Luo squeezed out a little smile to say hello.

  Zhou Peng was also polite, sat down and said: "Lei Sheng, don't laugh if you can't laugh, there are no outsiders here."

   Lei Luo simply changed his face: "Zhou Sheng, it's convenient on your side, what did Du Sheng say?"

  Zhou Pengdao: "He was beyond his reach, what can he say? But you, Lard Boy, died as soon as he said he was dead, without any clues?"

  Lei Luo said helplessly: "It looks like a professional, the murderer probably left the country long ago. As for the's really hard to say now."

   Zhou Peng frowned, a little dissatisfied: "Then you call me..."

Lei Luo hurriedly said: "Looking at it now, the other party seems to be from the pharmaceutical factory, but I always feel that it is unusual. To be honest... Although the pharmaceutical factory is quite profitable, it is not up to standard. The sales are all there. In the end of the year, it will be only 20 million profits."

  Zhou Peng didn't say anything, just listen to him continue.

  With Lei Luo's net worth, it is indeed possible to ignore the pharmaceutical factory.

   What's more, those people with stronger family background and status than him, would they really look at a pharmaceutical factory that sells aphrodisiac drugs?

  Although it is said to be high-sounding, the secret recipe of the palace, used by the emperor, but in the final analysis, Qianjin Mijing Wan is an aphrodisiac.

   Those dignitaries really need it, just spend money to buy it.

  Whoever loves pancakes, bought them from the pancake stand.

  Zhou Peng listened patiently, and when Lei Luo finished speaking, he said in a deep voice, "You mean, this matter was wrong to people from the beginning? But lard boy..."

   Lei Luo waved his hand: "I know Ah Zi, he can't offend such a big man."

  Zhou Peng frowned and said sternly, "You mean, the other party came here for Du Fei?"

   Lei Luo nodded: "This is the only reason I can think of."

   Speaking of this, Lei Luo felt uncomfortable.

  If the facts are as he guessed, it would be too unfair for Lard Boy to die this time.

   It was purely a disaster for the fish in the pond.

  Zhou Peng said in a deep voice, "Who do you think it will be?"

  He knew that there must be more to Lei Luo's character.

   If there is no clear object of suspicion, Lei Luo will not invite him to drink tea.

  Lei Luo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Although there is no evidence, I think the most likely motive is those gangsters..."

   Zhou Peng nodded with gloomy eyes.

  He knew about the conflict between Du Fei and the Tata Group.

  Du Fei resorted to ruthless tactics and directly asked the nephew of Tata Group Chairman Wengerdik to perform a trapeze.

   Wengerdick was also unambiguous, and immediately joined forces with Zheng Maoqing to send a yoga master to assassinate Du Fei, but failed in the end.

  How could Wengerdick let go of such a face-slapping blood feud.

   But Du Fei stayed in the capital all year round and never came out.

   In the capital, Wengerdick has no influence.

  The last time Darcym and Chang Zhikui joined forces, they were all included.

  It has been proved that if you want to kill Du Fei, you will definitely not be able to do it in the country, you must transfer the tiger away from the mountain.

  Zhou Peng frowned and pondered, and said slowly: "If that's the case... as long as Du Fei doesn't come, will there be various situations one after another?"

   Lei Luo pursed his lips and nodded seriously.

  Zhou Peng narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Lei Luo: "Then you mean... let Du Fei come over and handle it personally?"

  Lei Luo didn't even think about it, and shook his head quickly: "No, now the enemy is dark and we are clear. If the other party really comes for Du Sheng, it is even more impossible to let them do what they want. is too dangerous to come at this time."

  Zhou Peng's words clearly contained pitfalls, Lei Luo wouldn't step on them.

  Zhou Peng gave a noncommittal "hm", this matter is no small matter, he would not believe anyone easily.

   Lei Luo also clicked to the end, and took the initiative to leave after finishing speaking.

  When I came to the door of the teahouse, there were three cars waiting.

  Having learned from lard boy, Lei Luo became more and more cautious when traveling, for fear of being plotted against.

   Sit in the car, the driver starts the car.

   Lei Luo sat in the back row, pinched the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes and said, "Go home~"

  The driver was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded, rushing forward and honking the horn twice.

   Immediately the three cars drove away quickly.

   After more than 20 minutes, Lei Luo returned to the house where Du Fei was entertained last time.

  He's been living here lately.

  As soon as she entered the room, Bai Yuechang was a little surprised: "Ah Luo, it's so early today?"

   Lei Luo changed his slippers and sat down on the sofa: "Something is going to happen~"

  Bai Yuechang sat next to her, and said softly, "Is it Azi's business?"

   Lei Luo sighed: "I have a feeling that this time... there will be a lot of trouble."

  The voice faded away, and the phone next to the sofa rang.

  Bai Yuechang got up to pick her up.

   Lei Luo moved over and picked up the phone: "I'm Lei Luo."

   "Mr. Lei, Deputy Commissioner William called you to come over." The voice of the police secretary came from the phone.

   Lei Luo frowned. This ghost has no friendship with him. Calling him over at this time, what good can he do.

   After thinking for a while, he said, "Just say that I'm not here. If there is anything to ask him to leave a message, or we can talk about it in a few days."

  The secretary was stunned for a moment.

  Although Lei Luo is usually arrogant, he still tries to save face in front of these high-ranking ghosts.

  This time, I didn't save any face at all.

  Put down the phone, Bai Yuechang next to her was a little worried: "Ah Luo, I heard that William is in charge of the next director, let's do case..."

   Lei Luo sneered: "In case, what can he do to me! If you want to touch me, Lei Luo, in Xiangjiang, first ask our thousands of guns if you agree."

As he said, he touched the back of Bai Yuechang's hand, and softened his tone: "Besides, what good will it do to see him at this time? These ghosts don't have good intentions. If there is a misunderstanding, they can't explain it clearly. ... Yuechang, when can we not forget, what is our root? I can be this superintendent, not because of the charity of the ghost, but because of the gun in my hand, don't forget who gave the gun..."

   On the other side, Zhou Peng just returned to the pharmaceutical factory.

   Then I received a telegram from Yizhou.

  After reading it, he snorted and threw it directly on the table.

  The telegram came from Zheng Maoqing, and the wording was quite severe, asking what was going on.

   It should be that the news from Xiangjiang has already passed.

   "Zhou Sheng, shall we return?" A thin middle-aged man with glasses asked.

  He is the director of the pharmaceutical factory Wang. Originally, Lard Boy was a half-hands-off shopkeeper, and he was responsible for most of the operation and production of the factory.

   Zhou Peng simply said: "What will happen, just stop the supply."

   Lard boy is very afraid of Zheng Maoqing's identity, but Zhou Peng is not afraid at all.

   What does Zhou Peng do? His job is to deal with Zheng Maoqing and his gang.

   "This..." Director Wang hesitated a little, and stopped talking.

  Zhou Peng glanced at him and explained: "Over there, the goods are sold first and then the payment is made. In this situation, do you think you can get the money back?" He gave an explanation, and then waved his hand to let him go down first.

  Director Wang did not leave, and asked again: "Zhou Sheng, the newspaper, do you think of a way?"

  Zhou Peng pursed his lips, knowing that those who took ignorant money should not be allowed to write nonsense.

   nodded: "OK, I see."

  Factory Manager Wang turned around and went out, but he didn't think Zhou Peng could change public opinion.

  All mouths make gold, and accumulation destroys bones.

  Although it has not reached this level now, it is almost the same.

  Most of the public opinion is unanimous, let alone a small factory like them, no one can stand it.

  Even if he is not happy, Director Wang has to start thinking about his next job.

   Zhou Peng reached out and picked up a dozen newspapers, large and small, from his desk.

   Leaned and sat on the edge of the desk, made a call: "Hello, Chang Li..."

   "Brother, what's the matter?" Zhou Changli didn't say a word of nonsense.

  Zhou Peng directly began to read the titles of the newspapers at hand.

   After finishing the matter, he said coldly: "Before tomorrow, tell them to shut up."

   Zhou Changli said "brother, don't worry" and hung up the phone.

   Whether to talk or not, Zhou Changli is really capable of doing things.

   There are more than a dozen goals, and there is no simple and rude one-size-fits-all.

   Instead, they used methods such as 'intimidation', 'beating', 'kidnapping' and 'threat' in a targeted manner.

  Overnight, the negative news about Qianjin Mijing Pills in the market decreased by 90%.

   This is already the limit, after all, there are always a few who are desperate to make money.

   Zhou Changli is very measured, it is not worthwhile to kill people for this kind of thing.

  Besides, now that the matter has spread out, even with thunderous means, it is impossible to suppress it.

   On the contrary, it is easy to be used by the opponent and become a new black material.

  However, the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall.

  Although Zhou Changli has been very careful, he uses all brainy confidants to ensure that there are no accidents.

  But on the second day, someone died...

  Zhou Peng looked gloomy at the blurry photos in the newspaper.

  It was a man in his thirties, wearing glasses, who died last night, at the door of his house, and was stabbed six times.

   Zhou Changli frowned.

  He received the news just now and rushed over in person immediately.

   "Brother, it's not mine..."

   Before he finished speaking, Zhou Peng interrupted: "I know, it's just a bitter trick of self-directing and acting, and I was negligent."

  What happened last night was published in the newspaper the next morning. Obviously, the other party had already prepared it.

  Zhou Peng continued: "You go back immediately and prepare to go to Xinjie to avoid it. The other party is not kind, and you are from the capital. It is not difficult to find out."

  Zhou Changli frowned: "Brother, you mean, they will attack me."

   Zhou Peng pointed to the newspaper: "Isn't this the best excuse?"

  (end of this chapter)

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