MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1045 rapid fall

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  Chapter 1045 Rapid Fall

  Du Fei drove away and returned to the hotel where he was staying.

   It was originally in his plan, but it just started tonight.

  Since we want to scare chickens and monkeys, a few dozen mercenaries are not enough. We must have people with enough weight to deter young people.

   Du Fei's delineated target is Saul Slater.

  The young master of the Slater family, the heir of the Ingo nobles.

  Since you came to the East with malice, please stay here forever~

  However, man is not as good as God.

  Du Fei didn't get Sol's residence from Mo Sen.

  Saul Slater has been living in seclusion since he came to Xiangjiang, and he doesn’t know where he lives.

  Even if Mo Sen is a senior cadre of the mercenary group, he can only stay in the abandoned factory building and wait for the notice.

  Backing back to the room, Du Fei grabbed the phone with a sullen face and dialed out.

   Soon the phone was connected, and the butler's voice with a London accent came from the receiver.

  Du Fei said: "Call Vincent, I'm Du Fei."

  The butler is Vincent's confidant and knows Du Fei's existence.

  Did not dare to neglect, immediately went to find Vincent.

   After waiting for about three minutes, Vincent's voice came: "Hey Du, what's the matter?"

  Du Fei usually communicates with Vincent during the daytime, using the exclusive telephone line of the fire equipment company.

   There is almost no time for contact at night.

  Calling now must be something urgent.

  Du Fei said bluntly: "Vincent, give me Sol's address. I know, you can get it."

  Vincent was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted: "You have come to Xiangjiang!"

   Immediately afterwards, he exclaimed again: "You were responsible for the explosion in the East District just now..."

  Du Fei said coldly: "Some people, since starting a war, should have the awareness of sacrifice."

  Vincent was silent, he had just received news of the abandoned factory in the East District.

  Based on his contacts and energy in Xiangjiang, he already knew that he was a member of the Slater Mercenary Group.

   Also know that these people took money from the Tata Group.

  This time, we will partner up to deal with Du Fei.

  He did not inform Du Fei of these situations.

  Because Saul Slater had approached him in advance and offered to exchange benefits.

  The only appeal is to keep him neutral.

  Vincent is not worried that if Du Fei dies, it will affect the equipment trade.

  He thinks he has mastered the shipping channels. According to the current situation of Huahua, the trade will not be interrupted no matter whether there is Du Fei or not.

  Without Du Fei, Li Fei and Wang Fei will naturally take over.

   On the contrary, the benefits given by the Slater family are more tangible.

   And he doesn't have to do anything at all, just watch the fire from the other side.

   Besides, Vincent had other plans in his heart.

  For him, so far, working with Du Fei is quite pleasant.

  Du Fei is very good at doing business and knows how to share benefits.

  Like Dazuo's single tens of millions of dollars in business last time, Du Fei could have bypassed Vincent and traded with Dazuo alone.

  Du Fei still lured him and gave him a million share in the name of transportation fee.

  If you switch to other collaborators, I'm afraid there will be no such good things.

  So, after taking the benefits of the Slater family, Vincent didn't want Du Fei to die either.

  He secretly planned in his heart and secretly reminded Du Fei at the critical moment that he could earn favors without exposing himself

  As for Saul Slater, you are incompetent and you are given a chance, so you are useless! No wonder~

  However, his wishful thinking was disrupted by a phone call from Du Fei.

  Just now he wondered who was so explosive, and made such a big noise, even using bombs.

  But I don't know, it's not a bomb at all, but a shell.

  But no matter what, Du Fei's murderous aura overwhelmed him.

   Weighing the pros and cons quickly in my mind, I didn't speak for a while.

  Du Fei waited for a moment, then took the initiative to say: "Vincent, I don't know what you are hesitating about, no matter what benefit Saul Slater promised, it's just a blank check..."

  Vincent frowned and asked, "What do you know?"

  The corners of Du Fei's lips turned up, how could he know anything.

  But Vincent, as the top dignitary in Xiangjiang, Du Fei does not believe that he does not know about the cooperation between the Slater family and the Tata Group.

  The last time they talked on the phone, they only revealed some irrelevant news about the Slater family.

  Nine times out of ten, they took advantage of the other party.

  Business belongs to business, they just use each other to get what they need.

  Du Fei never believed in the character and reputation of these ghosts.

  Vincent is still young, and if he were replaced by an experienced official like Bush, he would not show timidity at all.

  Du Fei sneered: "My friend, do you think it's worth the young master of the Slater family to come to Xiangjiang for a mere 1.5 million dollars?"

  Vincent felt a chill in his heart.

  Actually, he also thought of this question.

  The last time we met, I asked insincerely, but was perfunctory by Saul Slater.

   Du Fei mentioned it again at this time, so he couldn't help but stop him from thinking too much.

  The so-called suspicion breeds dark ghosts, the more Vincent thought about it, the more wrong he became.

  Du Fei continued: "The last time I talked with Special Envoy Card Dazo, Mr. Hasim, I mentioned that the Slater Mercenary Group is interested in purchasing our country's new type of rocket launcher..."

  Du Fei's words were actually fabricated out of thin air.

  But Vincent couldn't prove it at all.

  Besides, the Slater mercenary group has been operating in Africa all year round, so it is not surprising that they have a connection with Card Dazuo.

  But there are some things I can't stand to think about carefully.

  What is Saul Slater doing all the way to Xiangjiang?

  The Slater Mercenary Group has no grievances with Du Fei, why cooperate with the Tata Group?

  The dignified Slater family, aristocrats known for their wealth, is that 1.5 million dollars short?


  A series of questions surged in Vincent's mind, making him full of doubts.

   Could it be that Saul Slater is a drunkard who wants to suppress Du Fei by cooperating with the Tata Group.

   Secretly focused on the equipment trade with planting flowers, intending to squeeze him out and replace him?

   Otherwise, why would Du Fei say that?

  Thinking of this, a hint of gloom flashed in Vincent's eyes.

  Before, the Slater family had no enmity with Du Fei, even if they cooperated with the Tata Group.

   It may be that there is no possibility of a counterattack and a direct jump.

   And at the right time, reveal to Du Fei the deal between the Slater family and Vincent, what will Du Fei think...

  There were so many things in his mind that Vincent couldn't help shivering.

  As for the mercenaries who died in the abandoned factory building in the East District just now, for the Slater family, they are just some consumables.

  As long as the price is right, Saul Slater will quickly forget about those dead mercenaries.

  Vincent took a deep breath and said, "Du, your joke is not funny at all."

   "Really?" Du Fei responded with a mixed voice.

   "Okay, okay~ We are friends." Vincent relaxed his tone and said submissively: "No. 2 Queen's Road, Central, Hilton Hotel, Presidential Suite."

  Du Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, said "thank you", and hung up the phone.

  Vincent also put down the receiver, his face a little cloudy.

  The housekeeper on the side was a little worried: "Sir, do you believe this flower grower?"

Vincent's expression calmed down, and he waited for a few seconds before he said calmly: "Of course not, how could those self-righteous Slaters take the initiative to cooperate with planting flowers? These elm heads are still stuck in a hundred years ago. At the party, they were still publicly showing off the treasures they looted from the Old Summer Palace in 1860."

  The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, he understood in his heart, but still had a puzzled expression, and said in surprise: "Then you still..."

  It sets off the master's wisdom and bravery, which is the basic quality of a qualified housekeeper.

  Vincent smiled, and said lightly: "Xiangjiang belongs to the Dai Zhilin family, and Slater's hand is too long... I just don't know if Du can kill Sol. I heard that the bodyguards around him are very powerful."

   On the other end, Du Fei put down the phone and smiled playfully.

  In this confrontation, he clearly felt Vincent's growth.

  Although he finally got the address of Saul Slater, Du Fei didn't think it was his words that frightened Vincent.

  The remarks just now just gave Vincent a step to say what he wanted to say.

  As a partner, Vincent's growth is not a bad thing for Du Fei.

  Mature partners often mean a long-term and stable relationship of mutual benefit.

  As for Vincent's hidden intention to kill with a knife, Du Fei didn't care.

  Anyway, this time when Du Fei came, the main tone was to make an example to others, Saul Slater must die!

  Getting the address, Du Fei immediately stood up and said "Let's go".

   Less than ten minutes after returning to the hotel, she came out again with compassion and Ding Sitian.

   Get in the car and go straight to Queen's Road in Central.

  There was such a big commotion in the abandoned factory in the East District just now, after tonight, the effect of sneak attack will definitely be lost.

   Therefore, Du Fei should seize the time window tonight and try to achieve the effect of a thunderous blow.

   It was already ten o'clock.

  There was little traffic on the street, and the hotel where Du Fei lived was not far from Queen Street, so he heard the side of the road within ten minutes.

  Diagonally across the road is the Hilton Hotel.

  At night, the white exterior wall seems to be shrouded in a layer of underworld filter under the light.

  Du Fei sat in the car and did not act in a hurry.

   When he was driving over just now, he had already asked the crow team to come here first.

   It is also killing people, and different methods need to be used to face different people.

  The reason why Du Fei dared to be so unscrupulous in the abandoned factory before was because those mercenaries did not enter the country normally, and they were black households in Xiangjiang.

   But Saul Slater is different, not only because of his noble status, but also because he entered the country through normal channels.

   You must pay special attention to killing him, and limit his death to the scope of criminal cases, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

  Du Fei leaned in the car, closed his eyes and synchronized his vision to Xiao Hei's side.

   At this time, Xiao Hei landed on the top of the hotel with a dozen crows.

  The presidential suite is easy to find, it's on the top floor of the hotel.

   Found it without much trouble.

  The hotel at this time did not have that kind of huge glass curtain wall, and even the presidential suite had ordinary glass windows.

  Blackie flew by outside the window and easily spotted Saul Slater.

  This noble gentleman is currently having an intense and in-depth exchange with a woman.

  It’s probably on the top of a building with a height of more than 20 floors. I don’t worry about people looking in from the outside, and the curtains are not hung.

  Du Fei confirmed the target through the synchronization of vision.

  Break your vision, put your hands in your pockets, and take out a net bag from your portable space with a thought.

   "Little Huang, come in~"

  Du Fei opened the net bag and let Xiao Huang get in.

  The net bag is not too big, but the handle is very long, and Xiao Huang is full after entering it.

   Immediately, four crows descended from the sky, quacked a few times, and landed beside the car.

  Today, the moon is dark and the wind is high. At this time, there are almost no people on the street.

  Du Fei handed out the net bag containing Xiao Huang out of the car window.

  The four crows outside immediately grabbed the net bag with their claws.

  Two of the crows each grabbed the handle of the net bag, and the other one grabbed the knot on the bottom thread of the net bag.

  The remaining crow had nowhere to attack, so it could only jump around a few times.

  But three modified crows are enough to pull Xiao Huang up in the net bag.

   Immediately flapped its wings and flew to the top floor of the hotel.

  Du Fei synchronized his vision to Xiao Huang again.

   It was the first time for Xiao Huang to go to such a high place. Unlike standing on the edge of a cliff or a tall building, this time he did not touch the ground at all.

  Du Fei felt its fear, and his body wrapped in his pocket trembled.

  Close your eyes hard, not daring to look down at all.

   Fortunately, it was not far away, and soon a few crows put it on the top floor of the hotel, on a balcony of the presidential suite.

  Xiao Huang lay on the ground for a long time before returning to normal, and crawled out of the net bag.

   Immediately, several crows flew away, and even the net bag was taken away.

  Xiao Huang twisted her body and pushed open the balcony door vigorously.

  In the room, Saul Slater was still struggling to output.

  The lights were dim, filling the room with a silvery atmosphere.

   Through Xiao Huang's vision, Du Fei can see more clearly.

  This Saul Slater said he was the young master, but he was actually nearly forty.

   It's just that his father is still in charge of his family, so he can only be the young master.

  His body is hairy, his muscles are flabby, his stomach is bulging, and he obviously lacks exercise, but at this time he is full of vigor.

  Du Fei soon discovered that there was a white wax pill package thrown on the ground beside the bed.

   This is all too familiar, it is the wax seal of Qianjin Mijing Pill.

  Du Fei sneered in his heart.

   Immediately, Xiao Huang turned around and pouted his buttocks.

  A faint puff of smoke emerges from the scent glands of its butt.

  The two people on the bed didn't notice it at all, they only smelled a faint musky scent, and since it wasn't unpleasant, they didn't care.

   After farting, Xiao Huang immediately retreated to the wall, sitting cross-legged against the wall, just like a human being, with his throat slightly agitated, making a "squeak" sound.

   At this time, Slater, who was sweating profusely, suddenly stopped.

   His eyes became dull, his expression struggled for a moment, then he straightened up stiffly.

  The woman below is dazed and has lost consciousness.

  Xiao Huang's round eyes were shining with strangeness.

  Saul Slater got out of bed, and walked towards the balcony step by step stiffly...

  At this moment, Du Fei had already cut off his vision, opened the door and got out of the car.

  He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it in his mouth. With his arms resting on the car door and roof, he looked over the Hilton Hotel.

  Suddenly, a figure fell from the balcony on the top floor.

  The impact of the high-speed fall awakened Sol from the illusion.

   What I saw in front of my eyes was the rapidly approaching ground.

  He instinctively screamed in horror.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a "bang", hitting the platform of the hotel atrium heavily.

  (end of this chapter)