MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1051 right and wrong

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  Chapter 1051 is forced to seek

   Li Cheng's old face was like bark, and he was no longer as vigorous as before.

  When Master Qian gave him the feng shui bureau earlier, he reminded him in advance of what would happen if the situation was broken.

  Li Cheng disagrees, the so-called wealth and wealth come from danger.

  If there is no risk, what business do you do?

  But I forgot that if you seek wealth and wealth, you will also lose it in the danger. When you ask for one out of ten, you lose nine out of ten.

  Now, he knows that there is no time for regret.

   But it was only for a moment that he quickly cheered up, he knew that this matter was not over yet.

  Du Fei didn't kill him today because there were too many people, not to let him go.

   It's not impossible to kill people, but it shouldn't be too blatant.

  Sun Tzu said: Go up to attack the strategy, next to attack the cross, next to attack the army, and then go down to attack the city.

  Even though he is thirty years older, Li Cheng's thinking is still quick.

  He guessed that Du Fei didn't kill him, so it might be useful to keep him as a pawn.

  The next two days are the key.

   If the response is not good, whether the Li family can survive in Xiangjiang will be a problem.

  Thinking of this, Li Cheng couldn't help but regret it. If he knew this, he would never provoke Du Fei anyway.

   But the matter has come to this point, and he has no regrets about taking the medicine. He must find a way to save himself.

  At this time, two car lights flashed again in the distance.

   After a while, a Mercedes-Benz car drove up.

   Li Cheng's wife hurriedly got out of the car: "Ah Cheng, what's wrong..."

   After the voice had faded, he could not help but be dumbfounded when he saw Li Cheng's current appearance.

  Li Cheng didn't care about talking, and immediately said: "Quick! Let's go to Zheng's house~"

   Li Cheng's wife realized that she was a woman from a big family after all, and she was quite generous at critical moments.

  I didn't ask Li Cheng why he became like this, but immediately helped him into the car and told the driver to leave quickly.

  The rest of the young and Dangerous boys looked at each other in blank dismay, turned around and saw the car passing by the road that had been hit by machine guns, and couldn't tell what it was like.

   At this time, Du Fei didn't drive back to the hotel, but went straight to the ship king's house.

   Now that his son is here, the ship king will not return to his mansion on the top of the mountain.

   Li Cheng guessed right, Du Fei didn't kill him doesn't mean it's over.

   Instead, he let him out on purpose.

  Like Shen Gongbao in "Fengshen Bang", why does Zuo play tricks again and again, please this one please that one, come and die one, and he is safe and sound?

   This is a hook.

  Without Shen Gongbao, how could the Jiejiao immortals be dragged into the Conferred God Calamity.

  Nowadays, Li Chengcheng is Shen Gongbao.

  The huge Xiangjiang River is full of fish and dragons. It is difficult to tell who is the enemy and who is the friend.

  Especially those who have reached a certain level will not easily reveal their true tendencies.

  Even if it was Li Cheng, if he hadn't seen the Slater family and the Tata Group teaming up this time, he would have felt absolutely sure, and would not have meddled indiscriminately.

   Now, he has been cornered.

   will desperately grab at every straw.

  Du Fei happened to see who is Qin Hui and who is Yue Fei.

  Du Fei parked the car on the side of the road.

  Xiao Huang was taken into the portable space by him. Just now, Xiao Huang was somewhat injured. In addition to these two dispatches, he did a good job, so he deserves a reward.

  Compassion follows along, there is no taboo.

   Come to the house and the child is already asleep.

  The butler, Richard, has not returned yet, and only reported the situation of the Kowloon factory by phone.

  As soon as Du Fei entered the room, he smiled at the ship king.

  Originally both are locals, coupled with the reputation and prestige of the ship king, they will not cooperate with Du Fei, an outsider, to deceive Li Cheng.

   After all, paper can’t contain fire, once it gets out, it’s hard to say.

  But the birth of Xiao Tianci changed everything. The son was young, but he was old. The ship lord had to think about the things behind him.

   Let his son recognize Du Fei as his godfather because of this consideration.

  He is fifty-one years old now, and it will be at least twenty years before his son becomes an adult.

  Even if the body is not bad, there is no guarantee how it will be in twenty years.

  Du Fei is an insurance he bought.

   And buying insurance must pay a price.

   Li Cheng just missed this. He didn't expect Du Fei and Ship King to join forces.

  However, with Li Cheng's shrewdness, he must have figured it out by now.

   Even guessed Du Fei's real intention to keep him.

  But he can only continue to follow Du Fei's vision.

  Because only in this way can he have a chance to win a chance, otherwise he can only sit and wait for death.

  Du Fei came in, and the ship king took a look and followed him with compassion.

  Ci Xin didn't even look at him, and sat straight in a rosewood armchair in the living room, with her eyes downcast, cross-legged in meditation.

  The boat king is knowledgeable, and he was surprised when he saw that compassion instantly fell into samadhi.

  He has seen many strange people, and it is not uncommon for him to practice meditation, but all of them are cautious, and some even have to fast and take a bath.

   This is the first time I have seen compassion like this, falling into meditation anytime, anywhere, just like drinking cold water.

   But compassion looks like a girl.

  The four words 'rejuvenation' instantly came to mind.

  Can't help but look at Du Fei, and take it for granted that Ci Xin is an expert sent to help Du Fei.

  Du Fei didn't explain it either, it's all because compassion doesn't exist.

  Sit down and laugh and say, "Who do you think will be the first to call?"

   Right now in Xiangjiang, the only person who can talk to Du Fei is the ship king.

   It was Du Fei who made an exception to use the steel from the Red Star Rolling Plant in the construction of the subsea tunnel.

   This is not a secret in Xiangjiang's wealthy circle.

  The ship king smiled and said, "The first one..."

  Before he finished speaking, the phone placed in the corner between the two sofas rang.

   After passing it on, he smiled and reached out to pick it up.

  Du Fei's hearing is excellent, and he can hear their conversations two meters away.

   "Brother Yun, I didn't expect you to be the first to call."

  The other side of the phone said: "My dear brother, don't get me wrong, I'm not a lobbyist."

  The ship king was surprised: "Oh? What's the meaning of Brother Yun?"

  The other side of the phone said: "Although Dong is living overseas, he has always cared about the motherland..."

  Du Fei and Ship King suddenly realized after listening to him.

   After making trouble for a long time, this call was not to intercede with Li Cheng, but to ask the ship king to introduce him to meet Du Fei.

  By speaking, Du Fei also guessed the other party's identity.

   Surnamed Dong, with a word cloud in the name.

  The strength and status of this man in Xiangjiang is not inferior to the ship king.

   And the position is more inclined to the motherland.

  In the world before Du Fei traveled, after Xiangjiang's return, it was the Dong family who came out on top.

  Du Fei couldn't help being interested.

  Nod to the ship king, indicating that we can meet and let him arrange.

  After putting down the phone, Chuanwang smiled and said: "Li Cheng is really in a hurry to go to the doctor. He probably went to Dong's house and got rejected, otherwise the Dong family wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of the relationship."

   Du Fei also smiled.

   Indeed, as the ship king said, Dong's family called at this time, meeting with Du Fei is still the next step, and the purpose is to separate the relationship.

  Du Fei doesn't care which is the main purpose and which is the secondary purpose.

  Since the other party proposed to meet, it happened to be a win-win.

  Chairman said: Zhengzhi is to make our people more and make the enemy's people less.

  However, the voice fell and the phone rang again.

   This time finally came the Lord.

   "Brother Gang, everyone is from Xiangjiang, Ah Cheng is miserable enough, can you leave a way for him to survive?"

   Cantonese was spoken very fast on the phone.

  The boat king said with a smile: "A Tong, you want to stand up for him? This time he is secretly uniting with foreigners, have you thought it through?"

The other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds and said: "I can't help~ Brother Gang, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold. Besides, you can't kill without nodding your head. You haven't seen Ah Cheng's current appearance... Besides, this is not what I personally mean. It's the thought..."

  Ship King frowned.

  Although he had already guessed that Li Cheng would not sit still.

   But I didn't expect him to be so efficient. Listening to the tone on the phone, many people have already gathered.

   Du Fei smiled, nodded at the ship king, and still followed the original plan.

  After putting down the phone, the ship king's expression was a little serious: "There are quite a lot of people over there this time, what are you going to do?"

  Du Fei said lightly: "It doesn't matter how much, it's just a duster made of chicken feathers, and there are a few who can afford it."

  After saying this, Du Fei said again: "By the way, the second batch of textile machines will arrive in a few days. Your brother will have to worry about it then."

  The textile factory that cooperates with Bush is progressing very fast.

  With the completion of the factory buildings, the first batch of machinery has arrived and is being installed and debugged.

  The second batch of machinery will also be shipped soon.

  According to this speed, trial production can start as early as March next year.

  The ship tycoon told Du Fei to rest assured that this matter was on him.

  But secretly sighed in my heart, the world is changing too fast.

  A year ago, someone told him that Huahua and Meidi partnered to do business and set up a factory. He would not believe it even if he was killed.

  But now, what the **** has become a reality.

   All of this was facilitated by the young man in front of him.

  Because of this incident, he made up his mind to let his newborn son recognize Du Fei as his godfather.

  The next day, the weather was not so good, it began to rain lightly in the morning.

  The cloudy sky cannot see the sun.

  Du Fei doesn't like this kind of weather, especially in the south, because of the high humidity, not only is it not cool, but it also feels sticky.

   At nine o'clock in the morning, in a spacious conference room in the hotel where he stayed.

  Round-shaped conference table, Du Fei sat alone on one side, and a dozen people sat opposite.

  These people looked at the tall and handsome young man with different emotions, and most of them had dealt with Du Fei.

  In 1967, Du Fei came to Xiangjiang for the first time.

   At that time, many wealthy businessmen in Xiangjiang offered to deposit one billion U.S. dollars interest-free in the Xiangjiang branch of Huahua Bank.

   Then there are these people.

  Du Fei glanced over, with a half-smile on his face, he raised his hand and clasped a fist at the opposite side: "According to age, you are all older than me. Today, I am called a junior. I don't know what advice you can give me?"

  The people on the opposite side passed their breath in advance, and the Zheng family spoke.

A middle-aged man in his early forties smiled and said: "Mr. Du is polite, you are a young talent, and you are young and promising. I will wait until I am a few years older, so I can't give you advice. Take the liberty today, I have nothing else to ask, I would like to invite you Your Excellency, hold your hand high and leave a way for the Li family to survive."

  Du Fei chuckled, glanced at the people across the way again, and teased: "Mr. Zheng's words are not true, you are many and powerful, but I am alone, I am afraid it is not 'begging' but 'forced'~"

  (end of this chapter)

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