MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1057 Julie's cross-examination

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  Chapter 1057 Julie's Interrogation

  Du Fei returned to the capital. Although he had been away for half a month, he still had a lot of trivial things to do.

   It took two days to deal with it step by step.

  Xiangjiang is also on the right track.

  The pharmaceutical factory has reopened and Zhou Peng is currently in charge.

   Without the embarrassment of the Medical and Health Bureau, coupled with the collective change of the media's tone, the reputation of Qianjin Mijing Pills has become even greater.

  The other is Eagle.

  On the day Du Fei was leaving, Igor finally recovered and was released from the portable space by Du Fei.

   At this moment, his eyes were confused, and then he saw Du Fei with a complex expression. He was silent for a moment, touched his right shoulder with his left hand, and knelt down on one knee: "My lord, Igor Louis Ferrer is more loyal to you..."

  Du Fei can feel his presence in his mind, but he can't speak directly in his mind like he can with Ci Xin.

   This is not surprising, after all, not so much white light has been invested in him.

   And Du Fei didn't intend to improve his strength any more, it was enough for now.

  In addition, Igor is different from Compassion, he retains the original memory and has a stronger self-awareness.

   This was also expected by Du Fei.

   Actually, compassion is a special case.

  Back then, Metta was in a vegetative state, her brain was damaged, and she was almost brain dead.

   After Du Fei treated him at all costs, he became what he is now.

  Iger's situation is more like Xiaowu back then.

  Although he was seriously injured and only breathed a sigh of relief, his mind was still clear when he was taken into the portable space.

   Du Fei said "Get up", and asked some more about the Slater family.

   It was only then that Du Fei understood why the Slater family came all the way to Xiangjiang.

  At first, he thought that the Slater family was interested in Xiangjiang's interests, but after a long time of arguing, they were interested in the equipment business in Vincent's hands.

  As for why they want to cooperate with the Tata Group, they first targeted Du Fei aggressively.

  According to Saul Slater's original words, a dog must be given a bone when it hurts, so that it will be obedient.

  Du Fei pouted.

  This Master Saul is right, but he is not very good at it.

  Du Fei asked again: "What are your plans when you go back this time?"

  Because it was an unplanned harvest, Du Fei didn't make any arrangements for Iger in advance, so he simply asked him what he meant.

  Igel thought for a while and said, "My lord, I want to go to the mercenary regiment in Africa."

  Du Fei was a little surprised, he didn't expect Eagle to think so.

  Igel explained: "My lord, the killing of Sol Slater this time has a great impact on me. The family hopes that I will leave Lundu temporarily..."

  Du Fei understood that this was because he was afraid that the Slater family would be angry, so that he would be out of sight and out of mind.

   is also a disguised distribution.

  Eagle's family was originally a knight, attached to the Slater family.

  Even now, I still rely on others.

   Eagle continued: "This time the Slater Mercenary Corps suffered a lot, and I will have many opportunities if I go."

  Although there were only more than 30 people who died in the abandoned factory, they were all the elite drawn by the Slater family.

  Especially those leaders are the core of the mercenary group.

  All died this time, almost affecting the operation of the Slater Mercenary Group, just in urgent need of people to replenish them.

  With Eagle's strength, it is undoubtedly a good choice to go to the mercenary group at this time.

  If Eagle can become the top executive of the mercenary group, it means that Du Fei has indirectly mastered a considerable force abroad.

   It's not impossible.

  Although the mercenary group is called the Slater mercenary group, the funds and business are in the hands of the Slater family, but the Slater family's direct control over the mercenary group is not strong.

   In other words, the Slater family completely regards the mercenary group as a business.

   The mercenary group are just a group of workers, and they don't need to make great efforts to control them.

  As long as the upstream and downstream are in control, this group of hard-working big-headed soldiers will naturally follow them.

  Thinking of this, Du Fei couldn't help but smile.

   It's really a naked businessman's thinking.


  Du Fei returned to the capital on the third day.

   There is still one month before the opening of the autumn fair.

  During the day today, I went around the 8270 factory, the tractor factory, and the rolling mill without touching the ground.

   When Du Fei came back from Xiangjiang, the most important thing was to keep an eye on the progress of the imitation t62 tank.

  Before in Xiangjiang, I made an appointment with Ailur Ali Khan to come to the capital to have a look, and Du Fei took his heart.

  This is a big patron, if he entertains well, he is not inferior to Ka Dazuo.

  The other is Pakistan.

  Although Pakistan is poor, it is not relentless in buying equipment.

  In order to win these two big customers, Du Fei tried every means to produce a knockoff t62 prototype before the opening of the trade fair.

  However, after a day of interviews, there are some optimistic and some not so optimistic.

   During the half month in Xiangjiang, Du Fei did make some progress, such as tank guns.

   There are ready-made gun steel, directly according to the design of t62.

  There is a problem with the engine.

  The new engine was ignited successfully. After three rounds of tests, the effect was not satisfactory, neither good nor bad.

   But the problem is that it is installed on the site of the Type 59 tank, but it does not match the gearbox.

  The Type 59 tank uses the power of the Sugo T54.

  The power of the engine is much lower than that of the new engine, and the torque is also tens of Nm worse.

  The extra power redundancy puts huge pressure on the gearbox and transmission system.

   I got on the car and tried it twice, but I couldn't run the designed limit speed at all.

   Before reaching the limit of the engine, the gearbox couldn't handle it.

  Factory 8270 got stuck on the automatic shell ejection machine.

   This is a new function on t62. Although it is built according to the gourd painting, it fails frequently when it runs.

  Sun Qiwen and Li Geng studied for a few days, but they couldn't find out where the problem was.

   On the contrary, Du Fei upgraded the blueprints back then, and the aiming and targeting fire control system that he built was basically finalized.

  The performance is at least 80% of the original version of Sugoose.

   Knowing the current situation, Du Fei decided to gather the responsible persons of the three parties for a meeting tomorrow.

   We can no longer fight on our own.

   To produce a prototype of the tank before the Autumn Fair, the various subsystems must be integrated as soon as possible.

   While thinking about this, Du Fei returned to the agency compound by car.

  Papa Zhu was not at home these two days.

  Go to Tianjin to inspect the progress of the new textile factory.

  These textile factories are of great significance, because it was Du Fei who first proposed it and finally put it into practice.

   Now it's time to pick the fruit, and Dad Zhu will definitely do his part.

  As long as the factory in Tianjin is up and running, the next step is the second phase in Shandong and the third phase in Jiangsu.

   is a relatively important economic event in China at present.

  Du Fei returned home and went to the bathhouse in the compound to take a bath.

  When I came back, Mama Zhu had already prepared the meal.

  Hand-rolled noodles, egg sauce.

  Before leaving early this morning, Zhu's mother asked Du Fei what he wanted to eat. He said he wanted noodles, so he made it tonight.

  Du Fei giggled, flirting with Zhu Ma in a cheap way, making the mother-in-law smile all over her face.

  Zhu Ting came to help with the bowls and chopsticks. The child was on the sofa, and Zhu Li was watching, holding a rattle, and while teasing the child, she taught him to call her second aunt over and over again.

  Other than giggling and yelling, Xiao Zhengze couldn't speak, but made Julie smile.

  Zhu Ting glanced back, nudged Du Fei with her elbow at the dinner table, pouted, and said in a low voice, "Second sister doesn't seem quite right these two days."

  Du Fei was stunned for a moment. He was busy back from Xiangjiang, so he really didn't pay much attention to Zhu Li.

   asked: "What's wrong?"

  Zhu Ting frowned and said: "It's hard to say, just frowning for a while, and giggling for a while, I don't know what's going on in my heart? Tell me... is there someone?"

  Du Fei blinked his eyes and said: "I can't~ I didn't hear someone from the unit say it!"

  Zhu Ting didn't know why, so she didn't get to the bottom of it. She turned around and said, "By the way, Wang Dongming called during the day. He said he would be back in two days. I'd like to see you when I'm free."

   During the last barbecue, Chu Ming mentioned it once, saying that Wang Dongming had something to do with Du Fei.

   Didn't say anything specific, it seems to involve a confidential project.

   Then Du Fei went to Xiangjiang.

  Du Fei responded, but didn't feel too relieved, and waited for Wang Dongming to come.

   After dinner, Du Fei asked Mama Zhu to rest and volunteered to wash the dishes.

   Zhu's mother took Zhu Li and Zhu Ting upstairs, watching the children while making clothes with the sewing machine.

  After summer, the weather turns cold and the baby grows very fast, so cotton clothes have to be prepared in advance.

  Zhu Ting's milk is full, and Xiao Zhengze grows up very quickly.

  Many of the small clothes that Zhu Ting made in advance were made small.

  Du Fei was busy in the kitchen for a while, and took the opportunity to put all the pots and pans into the space.

  Drive the Blu-ray around for a while, and then pull it out, it is as clean as new.

  Just as he put the dishes and bowls away, Du Fei decided to wait a little longer so as not to clean up too quickly.

  But at this time, footsteps came from outside.

   Immediately, Zhu Li looked in from the outside and said in surprise, "Hey? It's all over~"

   Probably wanted to help, but Du Fei didn't expect Du Fei to move so fast.

  Du Fei laughed and said: "Second Sister, I don't need you, just wipe the stove, it will be over soon."

  Julie nodded but did not leave. Instead, she walked over and said, "I want to ask you something~" As she spoke, she looked back to see if there was anyone outside.

  Du Fei was baffled by her: "What's the matter, tell me."

  Zhu Li swallowed a mouthful of saliva, hesitated for a few seconds, and whispered: "Tell me the truth, that Qin Huairou in your yard, you it... what happened?"

   At the end, Julie blushed, not knowing how to describe that relationship.

  Actually, she originally wanted to find an opportunity to ask questions at work, but Du Fei has been so busy these two days since he came back that he barely stayed in the office.

  Du Fei was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect her to ask this suddenly, he couldn't help but frowned, and didn't rush to deny it.

  Since Zhu Li asked, there must be her reasons, and she hastily denied it, and was exposed again, but she became more passive.

  Du Fei was anti-client and said lightly, "Why do you ask that?"

   "I'm the one asking you how you are~" Zhu Li rolled her eyes angrily, "Didn't you realize that Xiaoting and Qin Huairou are very similar?"

  Du Fei was taken aback for a moment, where did this come from?

   There is one thing to say, Zhu Ting and Qin Huairou are both beautiful and plump, with big buttocks.

  But the temperament of the two is very different, how does Julie see that they are similar?

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion