MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 999 old enemy

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  Chapter 999 The old enemy came to the door

  Du Fei was very anxious when he heard the knock on the door, and asked "who"?

  Julie's voice came from outside the door immediately: "I, open the door, I can't hold on anymore."

  Du Fei took two steps and opened the door to have a look.

  Seeing Zhu Li at the door carrying big and small bags, she quickly reached out to take them.

  Julie let out a long breath, and shook her red hands.

   Once Du Fei got it, it was really heavy, and it was difficult for Zhu Li to carry it.

   "What is it? Take so many things?" Du Fei let Zhu Li into the room.

Zhu Li rubbed her hands, changed her slippers and said, "I saved some there. At the beginning... that was all for health. There are also foreign chocolates and coffee. I don't know if you can eat them after giving birth. You can find a doctor when you have time." Ask."

  Du Fei guessed that it should be some nutritional supplements for her pregnancy.

  Zhu Li was in a hurry, so she washed her hands first, then ran into the house, and said with a smile: "My little baby, let the second aunt hug me."

   At this time, Xiao Zhengze was in high spirits, and he giggled when he saw Zhu Li, making Zhu Li's nose soaked in laughter.

   Du Fei followed, a little strange.

  A while ago when Zhu Min gave birth to the third child, although Zhu Li also went, it was not like now.

   Ordinarily speaking, the original relationship between the sisters of the Zhu family, except for those who are not in the capital, Zhu Li and Zhu Min are better, because when Zhu Li was young, the host stayed at the uncle's house for several years.

  Aunt Zhu's family is a very kind and simple woman, she treats her niece even better than her own daughter.

  Du Fei didn't know that Zhu Li actually had other plans.

  This time I watched Zhu Ting get pregnant and give birth, how to support the child...

  Julie is so diligent because she wants to study secretly.

  Recently, seeing Xiao Zhengze so cute, she became more determined to have a baby by herself.

   As for whether to borrow money from Du Fei, let's put it aside.

  She must first learn how to give birth and how to raise her.

  Because once a child is born out of wedlock, she can't have a family around like Zhu Ting.

   Not even Julie wanted to tell her mother.

  Her father is not in good health, and her mother is not young, it will be bad if she is stimulated.

  In Zhu Li's mind, it's best to give birth quietly, and then take the child with her in the name of adoption after her body is healed.

  Thinking of this, she stole another look at Du Fei.

   She was very entangled in her heart, borrowing from her cousin-in-law, how could she speak.

  Du Fei didn't know about Julie's entanglement, and was still packing up the things she brought.

  Suddenly, "Huh", picked up a small iron pot, turned around and said, "Second Sister, is this a coffee pot?"

  Julie was startled and gave an "uh", nodded and said: "Yes, I bought it in Budapest when I went abroad to perform, and there are coffee beans underneath. I'm not used to drinking it, so I brought it here, don't spoil it."

  Du Fei turned out the coffee beans from the bottom: "Hey, it's still Ethiopian coffee beans, not bad!"

   Julie asked: "Are the coffee beans in Ethiopia good?"

  Du Fei smiled and said, "It's really good, thank you, Second Sister~"

   Although Zhu Li has a bit of petty bourgeois sentiment, the information in this era is poor, and many things that will be common sense in the future have now become marginal knowledge.

  But Du Fei doesn't have a particular preference for coffee, he just drinks it occasionally.

   While Julie went into the house to see the child, she packed up her things.

  By the way, I took out the coffee beans and wanted to try it.

  Put the coffee beans in the grinder on top of the pot, just grind the coffee beans, but at this moment there is another knock on the door.

   Du Fei was stunned for a moment, got up and asked "Who"?

   A woman's voice came from outside the door: "Hello, is this Zhu Ting's house?"

  Du Fei opened the door and saw two people standing outside, a man and a woman.

  Apparently she is about the same age as Zhu Ting.

  The girl is pretty good-looking, but she is not tall, barely 1.6 meters.

  The man is very energetic, tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

   "The two are..." Du Fei had never met them.

   "You are Du Fei, right?" The woman looked at her with a smile, "My name is Zhang Lan, and I am Zhu Ting's old classmate. You should have heard her say it~"

   "Hello, hello, please come in." Du Fei suddenly realized that from his marriage to now, Du Fei had heard this name more than once, and it was Zhu Ting's deadly enemy since childhood.

  Zhang Lan walked in and continued to introduce: "This is my lover Liu Aiguo."

  Liu Aiguo put down the gift he brought, shook hands with Du Fei, and said "nice to meet you".

  Du Fei was polite and let him sit in the room.

  Zhu Ting also came out of the house when she heard the movement, and saw that Zhang Lan showed no hostility, let alone any tension, and said with a smile, "Xiao Lan, you are finally willing to come! I didn't even see anyone when I got married."

  Zhang Lan also smiled and said, "Hey~don't mention it, I was drilling a ravine in the southwest when you got married~"

  The two women reminisce about the old days, and it doesn't look like they are deadly rivals at all.

   After a while, Zhang Lan took the initiative: "By the way, where is the baby?"

  Zhu Ting said: "It's in the room, the second sister is watching~"

   "Sister Zhu Li?" Zhang Lan also knew Zhu Li, got up and said, "Where's the bathroom? I'll wash my hands."

   "Where are you~" He got up and said to Du Fei: "Xiao Fei, stay with Lao Liu."

  Du Fei nodded. Although it was the first time seeing each other, neither Du Fei nor Liu Aiguo was bored.

  Du Fei made a pot of tea, and after a while the two chatted.

  Du Fei learned that Liu Aiguo works in the DC area, and is a section chief who is neither high nor low.

  In the house.

   As the old saying goes, three women play one drama, which is true at all.

  Although Zhu Ting and Zhang Lan smiled like flowers, they couldn't talk without fighting for each other.

   It turned out that Zhang Lan got married first and had children.

   Comparing men to children, Zhu Ting was defeated without a fight.

   Now that they have finally made it back, Zhu Ting asked schemingly as soon as she entered the room: "Second Sister, did Zheng Ze urinate?"

   Then without waiting for Julie to say anything, she pretended to change the pee ring, showing off as a chick.

   Almost covered his mouth and laughed and said: "Ho Ho Ho Ho, see, my mother gave birth to a child with a handle!"

  Zhang Lan has been with her all these years, how could he not understand.

   Rolling an annoyed look, her first-born daughter has always been a bit brooding.

  Zhu Ting has finished clicking, anyway, she has already won this round.

  Then the three of them teased the child while chatting about other things.

   After a while, Zhang Lan suddenly asked: "By the way, Xiaoting, where does your guy work?"

  Zhu Ting immediately understood that Zhang Lan wanted to win back.

   It is certain that Du Fei is not very old. If he is a college student, he has just graduated.

  Although Liu Aiguo is neither high nor low, he is a section chief.

  Unexpectedly, Zhu Ting had been waiting for her a long time ago, and smiled meaningfully: "Our little Fei~ is the manager of a trading company under the Foreign Economic and Economic Commission."

  Zhang Lan asked in surprise: "The leader?"

  Zhu Ting nodded.

  Zhang Lan broke his defense in an instant, but he didn't expect it to be right in his arms.

  Zhu Ting still didn’t forget to make up the knife, and said speciously: “They are a deputy director-level unit~”

   But he didn't say that the unit is at the deputy director level, and Du Fei, the manager, is still at the department level.

  Zhang Lan couldn't help but widen her eyes, her face full of disbelief.

  But he still tensed up, and said with a smile: "That's really good, from the Foreign Economic and Economic Committee. I want to make some foreign products in the future. I can find you~"

   Turned around and asked again: "By the way, I heard that Zhang Hongying and Lao Hu went abroad?"

  Bringing this up, Zhu Ting sighed: "If you came back a few days earlier, you could still meet Hongying..."

  The three of them have known each other since they were young. When talking about Zhang Hongying's situation, both of them were a little bit embarrassed.

   They stayed for two hours, and when it was almost lunch time, Zhang Lan and his wife left.

  Du Fei wanted to keep them for dinner, but he politely refused.

  Actually, from the time they came, it could be seen that they didn't want to stay for dinner.

  Du Fei kept sending the two of them downstairs, and watched them ride away before returning.

  As soon as she entered the room, she saw Zhu Ting giggling in the living room with the child in her arms.

  Julie also smiled a little.

  As soon as Du Fei came in, Zhu Ting asked, "Hey, did Zhang Lan's face turn dark when I went downstairs just now?"

  Du Fei couldn't laugh or cry: "Why don't you succeed like this? Didn't you two get along just now~"

  Zhu Ting curled her lips: "You know what~ that girl is so annoying, she has to fart louder than me."

  Du Fei was speechless for a while, this is probably also a kind of friendship.

   On the other side, Zhang Lan returned home full of anger.

  Liu Aiguo's persuasive words didn't work, and he didn't say anything in depth.

   When the two returned home, Zhang Lan shouted as soon as she entered the room: "Mom, where is my dad?"

   Zhang Lan's mother was cooking, she frowned and said, "What's the matter, girl, it looks like she's taken gunpowder? Didn't she go to see Xiaoting?"

  Zhang Lan bit her lip, stomped her foot and said, "Mom~ I'm so mad!"

  Mother Zhang is not surprised, she smiled and said: "Who told you to go to Xiaoting, you two don't pinch each other when you meet."

  Zhang Lan pouted: "Mom~ I'll go find my dad!"

  Mother Zhang said: "Your father is in the study~"

   After finishing speaking, he turned to Liu Aiguo: "Aiguo, what's going on, to make Xiaolan so angry."

   Liu Aiguo smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, Zhu Ting gave birth to a son."

Zhang's mother suddenly realized, and laughed and scolded: "This **** girl, you can compare everything with others. A boy is a boy. You two are still young, so it's okay to have another one." After finishing speaking, she went to the kitchen: "Patriotic, sit down for a while, Mom is going to cook."

   Liu Aiguo hurriedly said, "Mom, I'll help you~"

  At the same time, Zhang Lan came to the study and knocked on the door of her father's room.

  The people in the room are a little bit bald, but they are full of energy and are splashing ink.

   Zhang Lan came in, but didn't make a sound immediately, and walked over to watch silently.

   It wasn't until I finished writing a set of characters that I called out 'Dad'.

  Papa Zhang glanced at her, put down the brush, and asked lightly, "What's wrong? Who messed with you again, so angry."

   "Dad~" Zhang Lan drew a long voice, and then praised the words just written: "Dad, your words are really getting more and more charming, and I think they are much better than those calligraphers from the Calligraphy Association."

   Zhang's father didn't like her, he stared at her and said: "Girl, if you have something to say, just say it, and stop pouring ecstasy soup on your father."

  Zhang Lan had a pitiful expression on her face: "Dad, I went to see Xiaoting just now."

  Papa Zhang let out a "huh".

Zhang Lan helped Zhang's father to sit down on the sofa next to the window, and said in a leisurely manner: "Dad, can you say a word about Aiguo's deputy office. Aiguo is in their unit, in terms of ability, seniority, and Academic qualifications, which are not outstanding, but until now I am still a junior section chief, I failed to be promoted to the deputy department last time, and I failed this time..."

  Papa Zhang frowned, looked at his daughter and said in a deep voice, "Patriotism made you come?"

Zhang Lan saw that her father was depressed, and quickly explained: "No, I was just too angry. I went to see Zhu Ting today, and her lover was younger than me, and she actually proposed to be a deputy. Where can I go to reason! You also No lower than her father..."

   In the end, under her father's increasingly strict gaze, her voice became smaller and smaller until she died.

  Father Zhang hummed: "Stupid!"

  Zhang Lan still disagrees.

  Papa Zhang thought for a while, then sighed, "Xiao Lan, go and lock the door."

   Zhang Lan didn't know, so she turned around and locked the door of the study, and came back and said, "Dad, what are you going to say?"

  Papa Zhang said: "Do you want to know why Aiguo was not mentioned twice?"

  Zhang Lan's chick pecked at the rice and nodded quickly.

  Papa Zhang said indifferently: "I pushed it all down, or do you think their district chief is a fool? Knowing that Aiguo is my son-in-law, you still deliberately suppress him?"

  Zhang Lan couldn't help being stunned, her face full of disbelief, she didn't understand why her father did this.

Zhang's father paused, gave her time to think, and then said again: "Besides, you said that I am no lower than Xiaoting's father..." He said with a sneer: "You are old and young, and you are so familiar with our family that you are not even as good as this." Do you understand? Zhu Jietai is being favored now, and he will definitely make a move next year. How can we compare our family to others? Do you understand, do you think your father and I really like to write such bad characters!"

  Zhang Lan has almost never seen her father speak like this, she can't help shrinking her neck, and quickly lowered her head and said, "Dad, don't be angry, it's okay if I made a mistake~"

Father Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, and lovingly touched the top of his daughter's head: "Silly girl, you have always wanted to compete with the girl from the Zhu family in everything since you were a child. Dad never told you before that you were just a little girl messing around. But everything has to be done." Have a sense of proportion, what can be compared and what can't be compared, you have to know it in your heart."

  Zhang Lan nodded silently.

  Papa Zhang said again: "Do you want to understand now, why have I been patriotic these past few years?"

  Zhang Lan was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't understand why she suddenly changed to talking about Liu Aiguo.

   Zhang Lan is not stupid, but she is not very sensitive to Zhengzhi.

  Papa Zhang waited for a while and sighed secretly.

   I'm glad I didn't let my daughter enter the agency at the beginning, otherwise I would have to stumble sooner or later.

  Simply point it out: "Girl, you should be clear that patriotism and you..."

  Zhang Lan's face was a little ugly.

  She and Liu Aiguo were college classmates. At the beginning, Liu Aiguo had a date, and the main reason why he got along with Zhang Lan later was to show her family background.

  The result was that Liu Aiguo graduated and was directly assigned to the local government agency in the capital.

  But after work, the unexpected skyrocketed.

  Just step by step, a little faster than his peers.

  Especially the year before last and this year, two very good opportunities to be promoted to the deputy office were missed.

Father Zhang continued: "Girl, a patriotic character is good and treats you very well, but you have to know that people's hearts can't stand the test. If you want to live a lifetime with patriotism and beauty, you can't pull him out." The sky is too high for birds to fly, the sea is wide for fishes to leap, can you still hold him?"

   Zhang Lan's eyes flickered, and she pursed her lips and let out a "hmm".

  Although starting from sensibility, she disagrees.

  But reason told her that her dad was right.

  But still insisted: "But... what about Zhu Ting? Why is she a lover?"

  (end of this chapter)

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