MTL - Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal-Chapter 1263 revenge

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The guns in the villa area are rushing, and the news in the entire city has already been transmitted. ¥f,

"I heard that I have not heard that the villa area on the west side of the Gexi River is said to have found a big terrorist gang, and is now fighting the criminal police!"

"I heard that the Internet has been spread, the video can be seen, it is simply a terrorist, fully armed, all kinds of guns!"

"Be careful, stay away from it, don't get hurt!"

All the people in the urban area are full of enthusiasm. After all, this situation is extremely easy to be accidentally injured. The most tragic thing is that even if you are accidentally injured, you will not be able to claim the terrorists.

"The criminal police are cheering, kill the terrorists! Come on, don't ask them to run!"

People have secretly cheered on the criminal police of the Interpol Brigade. At this time, Zhao Mingguang is also under pressure.

No way, the equipment of the guys is really good, even Zhao Mingguang saw that someone inside has resisted a rocket launcher!

"Everyone is careful!" Zhao Mingguang shouted desperately: "The other side has a heavy firearm!"

"Boom" He just finished, a rocket bomb has been shot, directly detonated a police car, the policeman around the police car suddenly flew out and suffered serious injuries.

"Damn!" Zhao Mingguang hated his face with blood red, roaring: "Try to kill them, don't consider whether it is alive, everyone must pay attention to safety!" Although grasping the vitality is important, it is obvious that the life safety of the soldiers is the most important.

"No, the other side's firepower is too fierce," the local police police brigade ran over with the police car cover, saying: "I don't know where they got the multiple firearms. It seems that these guys are ready from the beginning." Ok, once you are found to be dead, Zhao team. Our people can't get through!"

"His grandmother," Zhao Mingguang stared at the villa area, saying: "These guys want to get our stock market, the preparation is inevitably sufficient. The money they make every day in the stock market is calculated in billions. The amount of money. It’s not unusual to get anything. It’s estimated that they didn’t even think about negotiating with us. It’s really impossible to adjust the helicopters and flatten their buildings!”

Armed helicopters, this is a violent weapon against the country's anti-terrorism. It is easy to use, but today's scene is very obvious. It is obviously impossible to break into this villa without armed helicopters.

Zhao Mingguang was originally prepared to transfer helicopters. After all, this time I can't manage that much. As a result, I suddenly heard a violent whisper from the side: "I still have to take it, and it will take a long time for the helicopter to be over."

"Dr. Young, are you shooting?" Zhao Mingguang was shocked: "Those are all..."

As I said this, Zhao Mingguang and the captain of the Interpol Brigade looked directly at it.

"吱吱" a burst of mechanical humming sound, Hong Dali quickly covered the steel armor with the iron man in the movie, and then opened the Rolls-Royce door with a big model...

Iron Man is flying from the sky, he is a car...

The people in the "叮叮叮叮" villa also clearly saw Hong Dali, for a time. A dozen or so submachine guns shot directly toward Hong and shot him. Make a squeaky voice, then...

No bullets were left.

Just kidding, this is Lin Chuyin deliberately giving him the hardest metal in the universe he chose. The power of these bullets is too weak for this armor...

"I didn't read it wrong? Iron Man?!" Zhao Mingguang's mouth almost swallowed an ostrich egg: "If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I almost thought it was filming..."

"Old Zhao." The captain of the criminal police brigade secretly smashed Zhao Mingguang: "This young man, what is it? Is it so terrible?!"

“There is a big head,” Zhao Mingguang shook his head. “Don’t ask, knowing too much is not good for you.”

At this time, the people in the residential area not far from the villa have high-powered cameras. The people who rushed to the camera here also slammed their eyes: "Isn't it? Iron Man?! This is definitely the news of the world. I rely on it!"

Hong vigorously walked toward the villa step by step, and the criminal police had stopped the fire. After all, there is Iron Man, they have no need to fight for it again...


"It is true that the technology of the first sound of the family is not covered..." Hong Dali was very satisfied with the technology of Lin Chuanyin. He smiled and raised his hand: "The particle cannon, launch!"

A white light beam directed straight into the direction of the villa, followed by an explosion of earth-shattering sound. A dozen or so gangsters were directly bombed from the villa by Hong Dali’s gun and fell to the ground.

Immediately, the criminal police rushed forward with their shields and dragged the gangsters down and handcuffed them.

"Huh Huh" Hong vigorously started the flight device and quickly flew into the villa. This is completely the tiger into the flock. The terrorists did not have a half way to his armor, and it was completely unrelenting. One by one to throw out the villa.

The whole process took less than two minutes.

In the end, Hong Dali stood in front of the last remaining Liu Mingyi.

"Ah," Liu Mingyi was completely insane, and all the bullets were directly smashed at the Hong dynasty "砰砰砰", which had no effect.

"Liu Mingyi, I met again." Hong Dali’s voice rang in Liu Mingyi’s ear: "In fact, in any case, I did not expect that our second meeting would be such an occasion."

"You are... Hong Qiang?!" Hearing the voice of Hong Dali, Liu Mingyi screamed loudly, loudly: "Who are you, who are you?!" Liu Mingyi growled: "Who are you?" Why do you want to do it right with me?!"

"There is God's instinct in the dark," Hong vigorously looked at Liu Mingyi, who was almost collapsed. He slowly said: "I am Hong Dali, the son of Hong Haoming, coming to you for revenge!"

"No...Impossible!" After listening to Hong’s words, Liu Mingyi retired desperately: “Hong Dao is already dead! He was killed by a car! My Haoming brother is also dead, my brother and sister are also dead, you are not Maybe his son, who are you?! Who the **** are you?!"

"Oh, I said, I am Hong Dali." Hong vigorously walked toward Liu Mingyi: "I came out of **** and found you to take revenge!" (To be continued...)

Read The Duke's Passion