MTL - Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal-Chapter 1272 Y-168 prison area

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To be honest, the three of the Belukas were very embarrassed and very embarrassing. Hey, if you can run for the most powerful star-level powerhouse in the universe, then the three Beluks can definitely rank first and second.

Originally, with their strength, I thought that this group of people would be as simple as pinching an ant. Although the ant may resist, the process may be a bit tortuous, but the results will generally not change.

But now it is obviously not the case.

Originally, when they entered the time and space door, they thought that this was just another transfer point. With their knowledge, it is impossible to know what the time and space door is. However, the problem is that Hong Kong’s time and space is not a general time and space door. It is not only the strength of people who can pass through time and space, but also the tragedy...

"You... you are mean!" Lying on the ground and watching a **** man like Beluka, watching Hong Hong vigorously, kept roaring: "You actually use such a despicable means... cough and cough... God makes Adults will never let you go!"

"Let us let go?" Hong vigorously laughed. He felt that the words that Beruka said were very funny: "I can let me go without killing you? Can you let us go?" Do you believe after you come out?"

"Hey!" Beruka was dumbly questioned by Hong’s vigorous questioning, and turned his head.

"Well, my time is also very expensive," Hong said with a strong smile. "Let's say, what kind of **** **** wants to catch me, the purpose is to want my big defeat system right? Of course, this is actually It doesn't matter. What I want to ask is, does God make this time come in person?"

"Of course," Beruka suddenly smiled sullenly: "God will come with the seven kings in person. You and your Hong family, one can't run, can't run. Hahahaha! ”

"Oh, I am not afraid to tell you, Lao Tzu did not want to run." Hong Dali slightly narrowed his eyes. He usually does not want to cause trouble, but does not mean that he is afraid of things. Now that things have taken the initiative to find him, he naturally will not just think about running away. A family like Hong’s family, where can I go? Hong Dali said: "That kind of **** **** can't come. It's all. If you come, Lao Tzu can even do it with him!"

Having said that, it is almost over.

Hong vigorously looked at Levi's and the blood demon: "The three people were smashed and washed into the toilet."

"Good!" Levi's squeezed his fist excitedly. In the previous battle, he was also very depressed. In fact, when he heard that Hong’s family was arrested, these people were very depressed. Nowadays, the three highest cadres have been arrested, and it makes no sense to talk about the conditions.

Just a word, dry!

Soon, Levi's and the blood demon dragged the three down. This kind of thing is naturally the best they both do.

"Okay, let's be the initial combat success. But it's not good to fight later." Hong vigorously said: "After all, this time we killed three top cadres, the gang must have prepared, the same tricks It will be very difficult to use the second time. The next one will be hard, we can only play guerrillas with them, and we must not touch them hard."

"Well, I really can't fight hard." Gu Feifei nodded. "The strength of this top cadre is really strong. I can only barely guarantee a three-point attack and a seven-point defense."

Gu Feifei can only attack three points and three points, and other people naturally need not say more.

"Let's stay back." Hong vigorously said: "Everyone tries to go inside the prison star and occupy a favorable terrain. They can't show their full strength. When Ke Mengmeng gets those prisoners out, it will be time. When we counterattack."


This time Hong vigorously came to this prison star, there are not many people, only three major killers, Li Yang and other three male dog legs, Lu Xifa Gu Feifei Ke Meng Meng and demon king zero so ten people. All other people are responsible for the response in the distant stars. Cover everyone to retreat.

Originally, Li Nianwei’s ability was very useful on this prison star, but Hong did not bring her over.

He is afraid that Li Nianwei's ability to become the main target of the highest cadres after exposure. After all, although Li Nianwei's ability is very strong, the overall combat ability is not very high. If it is dangerous, it will be troublesome.

"Okay. Ready, let's go!"


At the same time, the prison is inside the star.

He was imprisoned in the prison area of ​​y-168 of Hongjia.

Hong Xingyu closed his eyes in the cell. The senior cadres of their Hong family were all concentrated in this cell. Everyone wore a strange handcuff in their hands. If the handcuffs know the goods, they will know that the material of this handcuff is called a pressed alloy, and the most important function is to suppress the ability of the capable person. In this way, the ability can not be used, coupled with the attribute compression field covering the entire stellar system, no one can escape.

Although he is now in prison, Hong Xingyu does not have any worried feelings.

He is very calm. In fact, Hong Xingyu did not make any resistance when he was arrested here. It’s not that there is no power to fight back, but because Hong Xingyu knows that this matter depends mainly on how his family’s Xiaoyan decides.

With Hong’s strong character, he will surely come to save himself and others. When he came, the big family should be outside, and he would be overturned so that he could have a chance. If you resist at the beginning, then your own Hong family is afraid to be completely destroyed.

"Old man, you said, let's take a nap, when will it come?" Huayue Ling sat next to Hong Xingyu, and there was no worried expression on his face. Instead, he smiled and said: "This little guy is getting bigger and bigger. ”

"With my understanding of him, it is estimated that it will take a long time for him to have his news." Hong Xingyu remembered what Lei Zhe said when he vented his letter. "If your Hong family wants to continue, the only choice." It is to surrender, and then wait for the news of Hong Dali."

Hong Xingyu still agrees with this sentence.

"This stinky boy, huh, huh," Hua Yueling leaned his head on Hong Xingyu's shoulder and smiled. "It's a big skill, and the ability to blame is not small. Hey, it's a bit boring when we wait here." ""

"Do not worry, it won't be too long." Hong Xingyu smiled and glanced at the handcuffs worn on his wrists. He dismissed: "I really thought that we could trap us by this stuff? Wait for a small donkey." As soon as we arrived, let's go out and make a fuss about him. Hey, no matter who you want to destroy our Hong family, it is not so easy!" (To be continued...)

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