MTL - Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal-Chapter 138 lovely

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"Less master, what happened?" Hearing the shouts of Hong Dali, a large group of people hung up all over.

"Big thing!" Hong vigorously pumped his nose: "Someone wants to call my wife, what do you say?"

Oh, go, the brother of the strong brother dare to fight? That must be dead! A large group of people suddenly did not do it: "Who is tired of life? The wife of the Lord is willing to fight, and death!"

"Well, in simple terms, this time our opponents may be the gods of all major planes." Hong vigorously touched his chin. "It seems to be the level of the master."

Everyone: "..." The gap between the strengths is a bit big...

"Less master, let's talk, how do we do it?" Although the strength gap is a bit bigger, but there is nothing to say, dare to do the right thing with the lesser, even if God is too great to be shackled, lose people do not lose !

"This time it will be hard to say which **** is coming," Hong Qiang shook his head. "The enemy is completely unknown. We can only prepare for it. As for who it is, it doesn't matter."

The next step is to discuss specific tactical arrangements. When people like this, there is no right to speak. They can really make a decision in such a decision. When they are full, they will be full of four people, the goddess of wisdom, Tang Zhen, Hong Xingyu. As for other people, the qualifications are still worse.

"Hong Xiaoxiong, my comprehensions can make a contribution at the time." Tang Zhen said slowly: "There was a great grace from Hong Xiaoxiong, they always need some strength." One person's power to send all those who have been repaired out, tens of billions, is not a small number, so many people, can not say that the encounter is full of shrinking turtles?

"Old brother, your mind I understand," Hong Dali shook his head. "But this time the situation is not the same. I estimate that the real problem lies in the top-level confrontation. The ordinary enemy on that side is the simplest."

This time the other party is directed at the goddess of the goddess of wisdom, and has little to do with the level of the ordinary comprehension.

"This Tang is naturally saved, and asking them to come is also our meeting. Since it is ready to settle in this plane, it will naturally have a contribution." Tang Zhen smiled: "They can solve some of our worries, after all, except for the high-level There are still a lot of mixed soldiers below. This part still needs a lot of troops."

Tang really means that this is a war. Although they can't handle the high-end, but the key is that there is a plane war behind, the gamma black hole thing he has heard, once the plane of the plane opens. The battle begins, and some ordinary forces are needed.

"Well, Mr. Tang Zhen is right," Hong Xingyu said: "The Gamma Black Hole is in our St. Long's Stars. We must not be able to hide this. I can't help you with high-end confrontation. Still can be solved."

"Okay, then all the moves that can be dispatched this time." Hong Dali also understands that this time it is basically the last battle, and it can only succeed without fail. This time is not the time of affection. The power that can be used must be used.

"I can go and say to the Yaozu," Tang Zhen continued. "I won’t say more about the Zerg, and all the other forces that can be used by nature are all used. But, Hong Xiaoxiong," Tang Really said here, looking at Hong Hong, and looked at the goddess of wisdom: "How can I recover from the face of Miss Yalin?"

godhead! In fact, at this time, what is really important is definitely the most important thing to restore the goddess of the goddess of wisdom.

As long as her power is restored. Other nature is not a problem. After all, it is the highest **** among the major planes. If she can restore her power, it is absolutely a minute to kill those ordinary gods who are cheap.

"I don't know much at the moment." The goddess of wisdom smiled helplessly and said: "I have never encountered such a thing before."

"It turned out to be like this..." Tang Zhen also knows that the goddess of wisdom is absolutely false. After all, such a thing was definitely not there before. He frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he slowly said: "The godhead must be able to reply. Tang’s biggest hope is that you must have love between the two of you."

"Is there love?" The goddess of wisdom is slightly indulged, and she is smart enough. I quickly understood what Tang really meant: "What do you mean, if I really fall in love with Hong, my seal can be lifted?"

"About almost," Tang really nodded. He had already listened to Hong Dali and said that things had passed. He said with certainty: "After all, since the demon **** made Hong Xiaoxiong do such a thing, there will naturally be a backhand. That is, If you really fall in love with Hong Xiaoxiong, that will inevitably harm him. At this time, it is really safe to release your seal of the gods. But Tang is not sure how the seal will be settled."

Well, this way, the circle is coming back...

"Come on," Hong said with a grin. "This is not a day or two. It is useless." He said with a finger, "Let's count the power that can be used now." Let's go."

Then I started the same statistics: "The strength of the St. Long Stars is definitely going to be dispatched. The comprehension of the Tang brother, the demon family has zero and there is no problem. Right, those who choose What are we doing now?"

The winners are empty and the silver cream is also a weak force, which is naturally used.

"They are still okay at the moment," Hong Xingyu said with a smile: "There have been things out there, they have already been released, and they are all practicing. I have helped them by the way, and the strength has not improved. ""

"That's good," Hong said with a strong nod. "Then the Dragons, and the Zerg, and the slaves of the faces, they came over. The other ordinary forces of those planes should weaken some of the morale. As for then……"

Hong vigorously shrugged his shoulders: "I have no choice."

At present, these are indeed the full strength of Hong Li. It just looks like it is still not enough.

"Forget it," Hong Dali finally smiled. "It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a curse to hide. If you do your best, they will do it. If they dare to come, then die with them!"

For a time, there were really no way for a few people to be present. After all, this time the enemy is unprecedentedly powerful. Before the face of the goddess of wisdom, there is a Tang Zhen who can deal with the plane control. This time, there is no way for the high-end level. The plane controller can only be regarded as a pawn...


In the evening, the goddess of wisdom sat next to Hong Dali and muttered: "This should be the number of robbery that I am destined for. I just didn't expect it, because I was tired of you, hehe."

"Oh, don't need to talk about those," Hong vigorously reached out and gently grasped the hand of the goddess of wisdom. The two men clenched their hands and hung vigorously: "You are my wife, oh, when my husband wants to protect even the wife." No, it's still a fart!"

Call, write here is finally to finish this. Honestly, the last part of this is really to get people to die, often sitting for three or four hours without a word.

If there is no accident, then the two days will end, and I can finally relax. I will finish this testimonial and summarize it.

Thank you for your support, and finally ask for a monthly ticket. If you ask for a monthly ticket later, you will see a new book, huh, huh. (To be continued.)

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