MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 369, seniors, you have too many words.

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Yang Xueying turned to look at the sly Du Xiuwu who can wear the sick clothes and looked at Shi Jingye on the other side. I don't know why she always thinks that the eyes of the two people are weird.

"Xue Ying, who is he?" Shi Jingye looked at Du Xiuwu, his tone was not good, and he also saw the hostility in Du Xiuwu's eyes.

“Classmates!” Yang Xueying replied: “It turned out to be the same table of Lu Anran.”

"Oh, it’s just classmates..." Shi Jingye’s mouth smashed.

"Xue Ying, who is he?" Du Xiuwu was very upset about Shi Jingye's tone.

"He is the school's senior." Yang Xueying replied.

"It’s just a senior..." Du Xiuwu also looked disdainful.

Shi Jingye and Du Xiuwu are no longer talking. They only use their eyes to confront each other in the air. No one wants to let one step.

The snow outside seems to have a tendency to gradually increase. Yang Xueying always feels inexplicable in the middle of the two people, and there is some hair in her heart.

"Snow Ying, I am tired." The first thing I said was Du Xiuwu: "Help me go back."

"Good!" Yang Xueying nodded and walked over but was stopped by Shi Jingye. Shi Jingye looked at Du Xiuwu: "You are injured with arms and legs and legs. Can you not go?"

"I haven't been good since I was a child. It is a big injury. Now I am running out to find her. Now she is blowing the wind and cold..." Du Xiuwu slammed and coughed twice: "I feel worse, top-heavy and need her." Help, how?"

"..." Shi Jingye bit his teeth, this kid is clearly not good!

"So uncomfortable! Then you can go to rest soon!" Yang Xueying pulled out the wrist in Shi Jingye's palm and walked to Du Xiuwu: "Hurry up and go back! I will help you!" Du Xiuwu was so hurt because of her, she should Be responsible for.

"Well." Du Xiuwu extended his unarmed arm around Yang Xueying's neck and looked at Shi Jingye provocatively. He said, "Let's go back to the house, learn! Long!" The last two words Du Xiuwu bite is particularly heavy, saying After that, he relied on Yang Xueying's body to support him back.

Looking at the backs of the two people, Shi Jingye suddenly burned in the fire, pinching the fist stone Jingye said to Yang Xueying's back: "Snow Ying, I will pick you up for dinner at 6 o'clock in the afternoon."

"Oh! Good!" Yang Xueying should have a sentence.

Hearing Yang Xueying promised that Shi Jingye had loosened his fist and turned away from the place. He had to go to Grandpa. And heard that Yang Xueying agreed to Du Xiuwu's heart, vinegar, and Hang Seng, some unpleasant ones aggravated the weight of Yang Xueying.

Du Xiuwen’s mouth was passing by without a trace. He briefly crossed the eyes of Du Xiuwu. This younger brother was really unsuccessful. Is it obvious that the academic skills are not strong enough to suffer? There is a time to bicker with a woman to grab a woman, it is better to go to practice and practice shooting. It is not hurt at this time!

Idiot brother!

When the front foot just came out of the hospital, he was loaded with a full-fledged Du Xiuwen who was also looking up and hitting her. This look is also stunned: "Is it you?"

“Hey? Du Xiuwu’s sister?” Xue Ding’an saw Du Xiuwen smile and smiled. The suffocation between the eyebrows also dissipated: “It’s so good!” Bend down and picked up the rustic black-framed eyes that he had knocked off.

"Well." Du Xiuwen nodded and looked at Xue Ding'an's eyes with a curious question: "How come you are here?"

"There is a case to check." Xue Dingan smiled and asked: "What about you?"

"My brother is in hospital." Du Xiuwen smiled: "It is also protecting Yang Xueying from being hurt."

"How? Is the injury serious?" Xue Ding'an's eyes were full of sincerity.

"Fortunately, I hurt my arm like last time." Du Xiuwen smiled.

"Oh..." Xue Dingan sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "I am really sorry, my cousin has troubled you."

"Nothing." Du Xiuwen shook his head indifferently.

Xue Ding'an looked at Du Xiuwen's eyes and stunned God for a moment.

Du Xiuwen also looked at Xue Ding'an's eyes. I have to say that she hasn't seen such bright eyes for a long time. The men she touched were one more than one. Such eyes have indeed not been seen for a long time. I remember that when Xiuwu was a child, it was such a pair of eyes, bright and thorough, like a clear spring that had not been stirred up by the world.

After a long time, Xue Ding'an's cell phone rang and he only slowed down. He answered the phone and replied: "I have already arrived at the hospital door. I will go in!" After the phone was hung up, Xue Dingan smiled. Give the black-rimmed glasses in your hand to Du Xiuwen's hand: "Give, your glasses."

"Well." Du Xiuwen took the glasses and put it on, then raised her head, and the charming eyes were framed behind the situation. She smiled and said, "If you have something, go ahead!"

"Okay." Schrödingan nodded. "That... I was busy first..."

"Well." Du Xiuwen waved his hand, and Xue Ding'an waved his hand. The two went in the opposite direction.

Going a few steps forward, Du Xiuwen stopped and looked back at the direction of Xue Ding'an's direction. If she could see you again, she must have his phone number.

At this time, a man in a white suit stopped at her side, looking in her direction, and there was a killing in the eyes. This Xue Ding'an... can't stay. Looking back, the man looked at Du Xiuwen's smile and felt some pain in his heart. He buried all the emotions in his heart. The man said: "The boss, there is already done, we can go."

"Well." Du Xiuwen heard the man's voice go back, and the true smile that just emerged from the corner of his mouth disappeared again: "What is the next trip?"

"We have received news that today Sherlock seems to have met an Asian girl, and we doubt whether she is the one who took Sherlock's daughter."

"Oh," Du Xiuwen took a look at the eyebrow: "Agu, did the photo be taken?"

"Photographed." Agu nodded and picked up a photo from his mobile phone: "It's still an acquaintance."

"Oh?" Du Xiuwen looked at the photo: "Lu Anran? It won't be her. She doesn't have the ability to rob people from our hands."

"Boss, what do you do next?" Agu looked at Du Xiuwen.

"Continue to track." Du Xiuwen stunned.

"Yes." Agu nodded.

"Let's go!" Du Xiuwen stretched a lazy waist: "It's really a little tired."

"Boss." Agu Emei reminded: "He is a soldier, we are jealous."

"Agu." Du Xiuwen's eyes dimmed: "You have too many words."

Read The Duke's Passion