MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 390, Ji Ling Shumo, came to Kyoto

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Liu Chengdie looked at Lu Anran and said: "What?"

"Legative meaning!" Lu Anran hooked his mouth: "You want to commit suicide after you resign, right?"

No answer, no action, Liu Chengdie is only a faint look at Lu Anran.

"I appreciate your talent. If you are willing to sign a lifetime treaty with me, I will solve this for you forever!" Lu Anran really appreciates Liu Chengdie, she always feels when she sings. The faint swaying of the heartstrings, the voice is very characteristic, her eyes are a little sad, very focused, and sincere. Her genre and gentle power, even her lyrics are also lyrics but no painless to see that she is really like singing, entertainment is a place to eat youth, rarely like her The 28-year-old female artist who began to emerge. Lu Anran thinks that Liu Chengdie is a rare jade, and she will be a hundred times better than the present one if she is a little more elaborate.

"Is this necessary?" Liu Chengdie smiled awkwardly: "He won't be so good, he is my nightmare. Besides death, I don't know how to wake up from this nightmare."

"Yes, as long as you want to wake up, as long as you are willing to let me help you." Lu Anran stood up and looked at Liu Chengdie: "It is not terrible to be stupid, it is terrible to be stupid until death." She reached out I took a picture of Liu Chengdie’s shoulder: "Give you two choices, one is stupid to death according to your own thoughts. The other is to follow the path I gave you, and let the people who killed you die."

"..." Liu Chengdie looked at the girl who was smaller than herself, and she was convinced by her in an instant.

"You think about it yourself." Lu Anran hooked his mouth and chose her to explain it. The next step is to see Liu Chengdie himself!

"I..." Liu Chengdie looked at Lu Anran slyly, the pale face had blood, and the empty eyes were bright again and filled with firmness: "I... I want to live, I... I want to continue singing, I……"

"As long as you think enough, the rest only needs you to do what I said!" Lu Anran looked at Liu Chengdie,

"Good." Liu Chengdie nodded.

This incident knows the beginning and the end, Lu Anran let Liu Chengdie temporarily go home to rest, Lu Yanran sighed after Liu Chengdie left, looking out the window, it is not easy to have such a warm sun in winter.

At this time her cell phone rang and Lu Anran called: "Hey?"

"Enron, I am in Kyoto." On the other side of the phone is a nice male voice.

"Really? How come to Kyoto? Come on yourself?" Lu Anran just asked, the other side of the phone came a cry: "Enron safely! I am coming! I, I, I, and me." La!"

"Hey..." Lu Anran said that the phone was removed for a while, knowing that the shouting had stopped, and she only put the phone in her ear: "Qin Shumo, you let Ji Ling a little sound, noisy!"

"Have you heard it! Enron said you are noisy!" Qin Shumo looked at the jiao with a big bag.

"Oh..." Ji Ling’s grievances: "Everyone is excited!"

"Haha." Lu Anran smiled and said: "Where are you now?"

"At the station, we just got off the plane and didn't go to the exit." Qin Shumo smiled and replied: "I still hesitate to go to you or go to the house." After all, his sister is still in the house!

"Let's do this..." Lu Anran thought about it: "There is a McDonald's at the airport's domestic door to the 14th door. You two go there and sit down. I am going to pick you up!"

"Okay!" Qin Shumo said with a smile, and said a few words hang up the phone.

After Lu Anran hangs up the phone, he has dialed a number in the address book: "Hey?"

"Enron? What's the matter?" On the other side of the phone is a somewhat tired female voice.

"You are sleeping?" Lu Anran looked at the time on the watch: "Feng Sihan, are you taking a nap?"

"No! I am wearing a face with Ruyu!" Feng Sihan at the other end of the phone answered this question.

"Is Lu Anran?" Yan Ruyu, who was lying next to Feng Sihan, asked.

"Yes!" Feng Sihan responded.

"You invited me to participate in my two-day exhibition." Yan Ruyu said.

"Well, good!" Feng Sihan said, pointing to the phone and said: "Enron, such as jade said to invite you to participate in her painting and calligraphy exhibition."

"Okay!" Lu Anran also responded: "If I am not busy that day, I will go." "Well." Feng Sihan asked: "So what do you call me?" Lu Anran now every day. Being so busy shouldn't call her for no reason.

"Ji Ling went to Kyoto. Now people in the Kyoto airport have reached McDonald's on the 14th door! You can pick her up! I can't walk here!" Lu Anran hooked his mouth.

"Ji Ling is coming! Good!" The person on the other side of the phone is also excited: "I will pass."

"Well." Lu Anran hangs up and smiles.

She is very much looking forward to the event after Feng Sihan rushed to the airport, but now these have to be turned back, she has other things to do!

After sinking into sinking, Lu Anran dialed the phone of Feng Lixing: "Feng Lixing, are you in Kyoto?"

“In.” Feng Lixing asked on his own sofa: “What happened? What happened?”

"I received an anonymous blackmail letter. I probably know who it is. You helped me tie this person." Lu Anran said.

"This kind of small thing, you can't go to your husband?" Feng Lixing raised an eyebrow.

"This kind of thing is not in line with the temperament of Long Yuxi, it is more suitable for you!" Lu Anran said with a sigh of relief.

"You... is this your attitude towards asking people to do things?" Feng Lixing also knew that Lu Anran was joking, not angry, just said with a smile: "I don't think you are not suitable for your husband's temperament." I am worried that if the dragon knows that someone will ransom you, he will let this disappear directly from the earth, so come to me!"

"Feng Lixing, you really know me more and more!" The traffic has been much more, and Lu Anran often has a few jokes with Feng Lixing: "How about I handed it to you?"

“What about the benefits?” Feng Lixing said with a smile: “What benefits do you give me to help you solve this problem?”

"I don't think you have money, women, you have jaundice..." Lu Anran thought of what he laughed and said: "I will find you a brother-in-law!"

"What do you say?" Feng Lixing stunned, and the original lazy voice suddenly became serious, but he did not wait for him to ask again. Lu Anran directly hung up the phone.

Brother-in-law? Feng Sihan?

No way! How is this going!