MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 418, kill Bill, celebrate the banquet

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Lu Anran went to the company and went straight to his office. In the office, Liu Chengdie was already sitting there waiting for her. The white shirt was simple and elegant, the high-waisted wide-leg pants were generous, and a long hair burst into a low pony tail. The bangs from the forehead to the cheeks of the three-seven points are simple rather than temperamental, highlighting her well-behaved silhouette, revealing the ear on one side and the accessories on the ear, and the gas field revealed in the skillful.

"It seems that this harvest is not small!" Lu Anran smiled, at least Liu Chengdie's progress in dressing is not only one and a half points, but also the taste has improved a lot. It is really okay for Yang Xueying to learn.

"Vice President." Liu Chengdie stood up and was respectful.

"Well." Lu Anran walked to the back of the desk and took off his coat and handed it to the secretary Anna, and sat down. Lu Anran also raised his hand: "Sit."

"Well." Liu Chengdie sat down and smiled.

"Two weeks later, it was a concert. How about preparation?" Lu Anran asked.

"The best state, go all out!" Liu Chengdie's eyes burned and looked confident.

"Very good!" Lu Anran nodded slightly, and she pressed all the treasures to Liu Chengdie.

Liu Chengdie did not disappoint her. In the concert two weeks later, Liu Chengdie made a stunning appearance. Her voice was natural and revealing a touch of sadness. Both the body and the posture were completely new, giving a different Liu. Become a butterfly!

The atmosphere of the evening was fired to the highest level. During the concert, Liu Chengdie generously interacted with the fans. At the end of the enthusiasm of the fans, he sang two classic songs. The first song she wore in a white fishtail dress. On the side of the white piano, she sang Maria Ariadondo's "burning". Her voice is very suitable for this song. Later, when the fans under the stage trembled with her voice, they screamed. . The second one was that she walked down the piano and walked to the front of the stage. The entire concert scene was darkened. A bunch of top light hit her from top to bottom, looking around the fans. Liu Chengdie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She started her last song, the English song "BangBang (mybabyshotmedown)" in a desperate tunes in Quentin Tarantino's movie Kill Bill.

The opening is a gentle Spanish guitar, which makes it easy to think of the duel of the Western Cowboys, some tragic love stories.

After that, it was the voice of Liu Chengdie. The lyrics of this song are very simple and straightforward, but they are listening to people who have a desperation from the bottom of their hearts.

Betrayed by the most loved ones, so many years of feelings exchanged for the man's unrequited love, and the woman finally said only one sentence: mybabyshotmedown (my baby shot me). This is the kind of sadness and sadness, and few people who have not encountered it can understand.

Standing in the high-rise control room, Lu Anran listened to the song with a slight squint and tears out of her eyes. When she was killed by Lin Biao in her previous life, her desperate mood would not be much better than the current Liu Chengdie.

There is also a final section, but Liu Chengdie can't sing anymore, and the memories of the past are reappearing in front of me.

Deeply bowed to the fans, Liu Chengdie cried and left the stage, she really wanted to sing, but she really can't sing...

Although the fans under the stage feel that Liu Chengdie’s voice is really good, I feel that this song is very sad but I don’t know why she is.

In the background, Liu Chengdie’s panic ran back and became a group. The agent comforted her and persuaded her to go back to sing the song, but Liu Chengdie could only cry and helplessly shake her head. Her miserable appearance. All the people who were also arranged by Lu Anran were photographed and kept for future use.

Lu Anran came to the backstage and patted Liu Chengdie's shoulder gently: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to sing. Make up your makeup and go to the front to kiss the curtain!"

Liu Chengdie saw that Lu Anran was more like finding a catharsis exit. A 27-year-old woman was crying more like a child when she was a 17-year-old girl.

Lu Anran patiently persuaded her to wait until Liu Chengdie’s mood eased, and then rushed to make up the makeup. Before the agent’s arrangement went down the stage, she once again bowed to the fans and showed apologetic expression. He also sang a new song of her temporary lyrics with a crying sound, and told the song that he would meet with you on a new album released three months later.

Liu Chengdie’s sincerity fans look in the eyes. After all, they really like it. They don’t bother her. Instead, they applaud and express blessings. Going back to the background, Liu Chengdie apologized to Lu Anran. These two covers were Lu Anran’s request for cover. She originally wanted to sing well and practiced many times. She didn’t know why she was emotional. Out of control, it may be that the atmosphere at the time was too sensational. She paid so much to stand on the dazzling stage. The spotlight hit her. She wore a beautiful dress that she could not afford to buy for a lifetime. There are many and many beautiful dresses. The person is listening to her singing, listening to her singing very seriously... She has experienced so many steps and walked here, she... she was really sad at that moment, she wanted to cry, just want to cry.

"I'm sorry..." Liu Chengdie apologized sincerely.

"You don't have to apologize, you are doing very well." Lu Anran smiled a little deeper: "After that is a celebration feast, you have a good rest and preparations for these two days. After that, the celebration feast is a long-awaited show!"

The concert was a complete success, just like Lin Biao thought, Liu Chengdie reached the highest peak of her artistic life, such a talent, he is not willing to ruin...

In the end, he once again expressed to Liu Chengdie the willingness to solicit, and Liu Chengdie’s refusal completely angered Lin Biao. Why are all the talents being taken away by Lu Anran? Why do all the people stand on the side of Lu Anran? I can't say what it is or what it is. In short, Lin Biao is angry.

Since Lu Anran has pressed all the treasures to Liu Chengdie, he has to do his best to engage in the era of Long's new media!

After drinking the red wine in the glass, Lin Biao’s face became awkward because of hatred.

Three days later, it was a celebration feast. Lu Anran packed the entire conference hall in Kyoto's largest five-star hotel to entertain the media and musicians and prepare well.

In the eyes of the public, Liu Chengdie appeared in front of everyone behind Lu Anran. Linda was on the side of Lu Anran. The sound of the photo was filled in the entire conference hall. First, Lu Anran’s speech as the boss Then, Liu Chengdie’s speech, then the two men jointly held the champagne to fill the champagne tower, and finally the reporters’ questions.

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