MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 440, discharge procedure, Chuyao wedding

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Looking at the strange number, Lu Anran connected the phone: "Hey? Hello, who is this?"

"Is Lu Anran?" The other side of the phone is a strange female voice.

"Yes, what is the matter?" Lu Anran slightly frowns, so late, there must be something important.

"I am a doctor at S City Hospital." The opposite female voice revealed tension.

"Ah!" Lu Anran remembered: "Hello."

"Well... this is the case. Today, the order suddenly made me start using a medicine on the child's body tomorrow..." The doctor's voice was a little trembling, and it looked very nervous.

"..." Lu Anran stunned his eyebrows. It really is like this. She has long been skeptical: "It’s hard for you. We will go to the hospital for discharge tomorrow morning, and will never bother you. If anyone asks You, you are saying that Lu Shihua has paid a VIP stay at a private maternal and nursing home, so I have to leave with my child. Do you know?"

"Know it!" the doctor replied immediately.

"As for Xie Li, I will call you at this number tomorrow. It is very late now, don't bother your rest, good night." Lu Anran hang up the phone.

After Lu Anran hang up the phone, Long Yuxi asked: "What happened?"

"Feng's is in charge of domestic medical treatment..." Lu Anran's face is very bad.

"Yes." Long Yuxi nodded.

"Just taking care of my two sisters and Xiaotang sister doctor, she called and said that she would start using a medicine on Xiaotangmei tomorrow!" Lu Anran felt the pain of the temple jump, if she did not give the doctor After 20,000 yuan said such a statement, the consequences are unimaginable.

"..." Long Yuxi also raised his brow, this Feng Xiuzhu is really awkward! Even the newborn child is not let go! It’s a bit of humanity!

"Damn!" Lu Anran immediately dialed Lu Anming's phone. After a while, the phone was connected. It was a sleepy female voice: "Hey?"

"..." Lu Anran said, "Ella, give the phone to Lu Anming!"

"Oh..." With his eyes closed, Ella stuffed his phone to Lu Anming: "You call."

"Well?" Lu Anming took the call: "Hey?"

"It's me, Lu Anran." Lu Anran pinched his nose. “Enron?” Lu Anming’s sleepiness was clear: “What happened?”

"Who?" Ella snorted and sat up: "Missy?"

"Go to the hospital tomorrow morning to go to the hospital and go to the hospital to go to the hospital." Lu Anran said: "You and Anshuo split the action, let him immediately contact the private mother and child sanatorium in S city tomorrow morning, check-in ""

“Is it tomorrow morning?” Lu Anming’s sleepiness is gone: “What happened?”

"Someone wants to harm Xiaotangmei." Lu Anran explained: "In addition, you will prepare another 200,000. I will send you a mobile number for a while. You will contact this person tomorrow night to find money for her."

"Good!" This is a mistake.

"Then I hang up continue..." Lu Anran hangs up the phone a little embarrassed.

This matter was solved, and she also let go of her heart.

"That..." Long Yuxi took Lu Anran’s mobile phone out of his hand and put it on the table on one side: "It’s late at night, we should sleep..."

"Amount..." Lu Anran thought of Long Yuxi's face as a red face said: "You said that I am really a little sleepy." He said that Lu Anran immediately lay down and face Long Yuxi.

Looking at Lu Anran’s apparently resistive attitude, Long Yuxi sighed deeply, a great opportunity...


After grievances, Long Yuxi lay down on the side of Lu Anran and turned off the light: "Good night..."

"Good night..." Lu Anran turned his back to the face of Long Yuxi, and if it wasn't interrupted by the phone ringing, maybe it would have been from Long Yu, after all, they have been together for so long...

But fortunately, I was interrupted by the phone. She was not particularly prepared.

In the blink of an eye, on the day of the wedding of Chu Yao and Lin Biao, Long was also on the list of invitations.

At the wedding scene, Lu Anran found that the whole scene was simply extravagant. It seems that Feng’s really worked hard, and the guests are more common in the political circles of the countries. The other families who thought that Feng’s family could not do it now. Have to change this!

This millennial family is really different!

"Hey, I am really willing to save money!" Lu Anran screamed.

"You can rest assured that our wedding will be more luxurious." Long Yuxi promised: "I will make you the most beautiful and happy bride in the world!"

"Stupid." Lu Anran's face was red and white, and the guy was always so sweet.

With the ringing of the bell, the wedding began, the groom was handsome and handsome, the bride was beautiful, and the dresses on both of them were worth a lot. A small crown hair accessory on the bride's head was made of Swarovski crystals, neck. The diamond necklace on the mirror reflects the dazzling light under the light.

Everyone lamented that this pair of newcomers' literacy has already had Feng's strong financial resources, which makes Feng Xiuzhu very proud, so who would dare to smack them Feng's!

The millennial family, the military power family, but these shrimps and crabs will be able to smash?

After the two people finished the speech, there will be a project to play the VCR. This video was also recorded by Chu Yao and Lin Biao two days before the wedding. It was dispensable, but Chu Yao was going to attend the wedding. Knowing how happy she is, she just recorded such a paragraph.

"Now, please watch a VCR and see the happiness story of the bride and groom!"

Chu Yao held a sweet hand and glanced at Lin Biao around him. Everything today is like a dream. Her Chu Yao is the happiest woman in the world!

The VCR started to play, and the sound of the prelude came out when Chu Yao came out. No, this is not a prelude to her choice!

It’s too late to stop, the VCR has started to play, and the pictures of the slides are played one by one in a small tent by the sea. One man and one woman are doing something unscrupulous...

"This!" The guests are amazed, this is the story of the bride and groom? This is too hot!

"Call off! Turn off!" Chu Yao screamed, and the person who manages VCR playback has long been scared.

At this time, a piece of background music was changed, and the picture of the VCR was changed. Chu Yao was trying to change the hat. She held the wig in one hand and held the hat in one hand. The ugly forehead was full of scars.

"Oh..." When everyone saw the expression, they were disgusted. Is this still human? So ugly? Isn't this the thousand feet in the Condor Heroes?

Chu Qi has something to say: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~ I am sorry to inform you that there is no extra for the Mid-Autumn Festival... because I have to go to the hospital to hang it, so I can only keep up to date, I can't add more. Typhoon days are severely cooled, and everyone pays attention to keep warm.

Read The Duke's Passion