MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 453, Anxin jumped off the cliff, Chu Yao shot

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"You!" Long Yuxi is really going to be driven by Lu Anxin, this woman is a madman!

"Long Yuxi, where can I compare to Lu Anran?" Lu Anxin asked reluctantly.

"You can't even compare a hair with a hair!" Long Yuxi snorted, and he dared to compare with his safety.

"I!" Long Yuxi's words deeply hurt Lu Anxin, she immediately thought of her legs gnashing teeth: "If it is not Lu Enran, how can my legs be like this!" Lu Anran asked her to find someone to assassinate her, she It will take so long to stun, and the muscles will shrink so much that they need to be in a wheelchair. Otherwise, the knife of the person must be hiding! Or Lu Anhua wouldn’t be like that if she pushed her wheelchair away! Both Lu Anran and Lu Anhua are wrong! It's all their fault!

"Your legs?" Long Yuxi noticed Lu Anxin's leg: "You are even dirty with the soul, what is the relationship with your legs?" He did not care what Lu Anxin's legs looked like. He just wants to know where Lu Anran is!

"Dragon less!" At this moment, one of his men came over and looked nervous: "You can't find a lady in the entire villa area!"

"Damn!" Long Yuxi screamed violently: "Where are you hiding Enron!"

"Without me, you can't find her forever!" Lu Anxin smiled smugly: "Hey, I will tell you!" Even if Long Shao finds Lu Anran, I am afraid that it is also a dead body!

"I don't know who you are!" Long Yuxi thinks this woman is really crazy.

" don't remember me?" Lu Anxin's smile disappeared, replaced by an anxious appearance that seemed to cry immediately: "How can this be! How can you not remember me?"

"Who are you?" Long Yuxi frowned and looked angry.

"Long Shao..." Standing under the hands of Long Yuxi, Lu Anxin came up: " she not Lu Anxin?"

"Lu Anxin?" Long Yu smashed, the name is familiar.

"That is..." The man hesitated and said, "Is that the woman you ordered us to assassinate? Later you said that she was the lady's cousin and terminated the assassination plan. Do you remember?"

"It's you!" Long Yuxi remembered it, it turned out to be her!

"What?" Lu Anxin was stunned and couldn't believe his ears. Is Long Yuxi going to kill her? Not Lu Anran? how could this be? how come? Lu Anxin shook his head in a blank voice: "No! It is Lu Anran, she is going to kill me, how can it be you? No! No!"

"At the time, I ordered to find out who was framed by Enron on the design map, and then killed innocent!" Long Yu squinted: "If it wasn't for you to frame Enron first, how could it be provoked?" It’s what you are looking for, it’s not related to Enron! It’s better to say that I’m looking at the face of Enron and spared your life! You’d better be grateful to Dade’s honest hospitality! Where is Enron!”

"How could this be? How could this be?" Lu Anxin stunned and shook his head and looked desperate. She mourned and looked at Long Yuxi: "I obviously love you so much..."

"That's your business! I just need to be safe!" Long Yuxi said this.

Lu Anxin listened to this and sneered. She smiled so desperately. She stroked her gorgeous wedding dress with her hands and looked at Long Yuxi: "Long Shao... In this life, you never want to see Lu Anran! Forever Don't want to see her!" Lu Anxin said that he would break away from the dragon and jade, and then jumped off the cliff. Long Yuxi quickly reached out and grabbed but only caught the veil.

Holding her body tightly, Lu Anxin smiled smugly, such a beautiful wedding dress is her... It’s her, only she is worthy of such a beautiful wedding dress...

"Ah!" Holding this veil in a deadly manner, Long Yuxi screamed at the sky. Lu Anxin is dead. Where is he going to find Lu Anran? Where are you going?

"Dragon less!" At this time Ye Hao hurriedly said: "Find Enron!" Linda passed to him GPS positioning.

"Really!" Long Yuxi looked at Ye Hao: "Come with me!"

“Good!” Ye Hao nodded. The crowd immediately shifted their positions. Ye Hao’s heavy-duty locomotive headed for the destination.

And in that dilapidated warehouse.

Lu Anran was tied behind her arms, her mouth screaming and glaring at the same panting in front of her eyes. Although her hands were tied, she had been practicing with Lu Anhu for so long, even if she was a little rusty, but she avoided Yao’s wooden board with nails is still barely able to do it. This training Wu can not be interrupted! Otherwise, she will not be beaten by Chu Yao at the beginning! It was only afterwards that I gradually became familiar with the feeling of playing with Lu Anhu at that time, and I was able to hide.

In front of Lu Anran, Chu Yao was not a bit of a benefit, not only did not hit Lu Anran a few times, but also Lu Anran hit a few feet in the cellar, Lu Anran did not love to fight after running Chu Yaoqi's teeth itch but still can't hit.

The guardian of the brawny is not because the payer is Chu Yao, he wants to clap his hand, this Lu Anran is really amazing! However, he still has his own professional ethics, um... hold back... can't applaud! He just took a look, he didn't applaud...

"I am mad at me!" Chu Yaoqi's straight feet but there is nothing to help, suddenly she looked at the brave man who has been watching the bustle: "You! Give me your gun!" She wants a gun to collapse this monk!

"What?" The strong man yelled: "This... not good..."

"What to do! Take the gun!" Chuyao shouted.

"Amount..." The strong man hesitated to look at Lu Anran, really couldn't help it... Slowly handed his gun to Chu Yao, Chu Yao grabbed the gun and immediately pointed Lu Luran with a gun: "Otherwise, we play a game?" Chu Yao is really grateful to Lu Anxin for telling her how to use a gun, and the gun of this brawny is actually a revolver, just like this!

Lu Anran squinted and looked at Chu Yao.

“Hey!” Chu Yao opened the magazine and threw away five bullets, leaving only one bullet. He turned around and gave the gun a slap: “Is the Russian turntable heard? I have only seen it on TV yet. Have you ever played it once?” Chu Yao smiled proudly: “But it’s just that I play with you, and you can only pray for the time to live more than one bullet!”

Lu Anran clutched the revolver in Chu Yao’s hand and looked at her proficient operation. It seemed that she could not pin her hopes on the fact that Chu Yao would not use a gun.

"Go to hell!" Chu Yao's face became a little distorted. She smiled and fired Lu Anran.

Read The Duke's Passion