MTL - Rebirth of the Super Thief-Chapter 10 : Past Masters

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Turned out to be blood sense?

Bai Song could not help but glanced at this wild battle, blood perception is a very rare magic skill, the wild battle in front of him is indifferent, and he will send this skill to others.

In fact, it is not his stupidity, but because this skill does not reach a certain level of perception, from the perspective of the skills panel, it can only be regarded as a chicken skill. In Mythology, a small number of special skills have hidden effects, or have the effect of interlocking with other skills.

If the later perception piles up, blood sensation can ignore stealth skills and greatly improve its agility, and even heavy soldiers will become as light as swallows. If it just becomes faster, it is not worthy of being called a divine skill.

The most terrifying thing about blood gas perception is that it can mark weak points and double the damage of weak points.

Wu Baisong saw that the axeman's character was pretty good, and stopped him and said, "If you don't plan to form a third person, I can team with you."

"Okay, I can't make people anyway."

If the average person hears Bai Song's tone, they will definitely get angry, but the axe soldier is very happy.

Bian Baisong accepted the invitation of the Axe Warrior team. At a glance at his level, Baisong finally knew why he could not form a group, because this guy was only four.

Ordinary players have been level 5 for a long time, and the more powerful level is level 6. Of course, Bai Song is not qualified to say others, because he is one level lower than this level.

"Hey, when I accepted the blacksmith's task to dig a pit in the early stage, I found a precious ore according to the blacksmith. So I issued a series of tasks, and then I got the flesh perception skill." The axe soldier shook his head embarrassedly, and felt that he would be ridiculed for taking such precious things from the early period.

After hearing that blood sensation is a chicken rib skill, Bai Songqiang resisted trying to beat him, but didn't tell the story.

"Huh? How come you are third-level? Are you as unlucky as me?" The axe warrior even looked lower than himself, and laughed: "Forget it, these things are not important, my name is tofu milk Just call me tofu. My goal is to be an elegant swordsman. "

"My name is Bai Misong, just call me Bai Song ..." Speaking here, Bai Song suddenly stopped saying what he wanted to say.

Bian Baisong thought for a while, soy bean curd ... why it sounds familiar? Suddenly Bai Song remembered that one of them was called Tofu Milk.

"Mythology" can not use those garbled symbols, like the following ID: ⺌ 呗 ㄣ 呗 ㄣ crystal, ╰ ☆ 夣 夣 鎯 朕, 朕 slightly silly T_T, fallen 丨 灬 angel ... Yes It will never appear in Myth.

So the three words of tofu milk, that is tofu milk, the ID is not repeatable.

Looking at the characters of the past life, he smiled at himself at this moment, Bai Song sighed, the world is delicate.

"Just what?" Tofu milk looked at Bai Song and stopped talking, could not help but question.

"Nothing, just call me Baisong." Bai Song looked down at the tofu axe and asked curiously: "Since you dream of being a swordsman, why do you hold an axe?"

"Hey, let's not mention it. The mythical equipment thief is hard to explode. Use whatever you can." Tofu milk sighed helplessly, and then inadvertently saw Bai Song's weapon: "Hey, you still have the right to say me, You are not the same with novice weapons. "

"That's right." Bai Song laughed after listening, and didn't explain much. He moved his head toward the front and said, "Brother tofu, don't let it go, the army is on."

Glory convened nearly a thousand people, and scattered people also went up to a thousand. Other guilds saw that there were so many people in glory. Some guilds sent people to check the situation, and some gathered around a hundred people.

For a while, the huge team was heading towards the forest of cat monsters, so that some players who were leveling on the road were aggressive and did not know what was happening.

At the forefront of the team.

"Bai Shao, you summoned all the members of the guilds in the nearby town. I have one more word. Are you really sure?" The questioner was a man in his thirties who had a neat and dense beard under his nose. Asked the young man.

"President Yidao, do you know why the Honor Society hasn't been able to do it for so many years? Because you have to talk about everything." The young man looked stern and looked like Baicheng.

If Bai Song saw this bearded man, he would be surprised, wouldn't this be the president of the first-class guild black meat? How did he become a glorious president again?

"You are wasting huge manpower and material resources, and there are so many players following you, you will inevitably make mistakes, you know that you will be able to capture that BOSS? You are at the NPC, and you do n’t even know the specific information of the BOSS!" Yi Dao was a little angry. He said to Baicheng, "I will report to the chairman about this."

"Well, UU reading book President Yidao, I respect your elders, and asked you to sing one president." Baicheng snorted and said scornfully: "One president, you have had achievements in the past, but that It's all over. You haven't done anything in the past two years. My father has given me decision-making power this time in the myth. "

所以 "So, stop talking."

Baicheng walked forward without saying a word, stopped, and stopped, looking at the back of Baicheng. There was something called leaving in his heart, which was slowly growing.

"Well, how rich are you? You eat and eat jerky all the way along the way." Bai Song looked at the tofu milk like a food, and after a while he took out the jerky.

"嗷 ..." Tofu **** chewed jerky in the mouth, and said vaguely: "At that time, the blacksmith entertained me to eat jerky, and I felt it was delicious, so I exchanged these with the excavated ore."

呐 "Now, let's eat another piece." After that, he handed Bai Song a jerky.

Bai Song Fuer, originally thought that tofu milk is the three major battles, no matter how a little mastery style ... but did not expect, for the soul of their own food, in the early period to exchange for ore.

For the things given by others, Bai Song is not easy to pack into the backpack, the physical strength is green, and he can't make up for it. Bai Song has taken as a taste of food. There are various kinds of food in the myth. Many food parties also have a list of delicious and delicious monsters.

Some of the ingredients that do not use any fart, there is no attribute bonus, the physical strength recovery is not much, and there is no attribute. But just because it is delicious, it is often bought at a high price.

I have to say that eating is really a terrible creature.

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