MTL - Rebirth of the Super Thief-Chapter 407 : Smelling the wind

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Although the situation is abnormal, Bai Song did not intend to stop his plan. Bai Song still walked along the wall. WW.

When Bai Song reached his destination, Bai Song began to tap the wall gently with his hands. Bai Song's striking force was very light, but it still made a noise in the enclosed space.

Bai Song knocked as he walked, and in addition to knocking Bai Song, he blew his ears against the wall and listened with his ears. If Erpi knew Bai Song, he would have thought that the person in front of him was a neuropathy.

Looking at the serious expression on Baisong's face, it is not necessary for Baisong to remind Erpi to put Baisong's magic shield on it, so if there is any trap, as long as it has magic, it will play a great role.

Bai Song turned back and smiled at Erpi. This place really needs Erpi's shield. In the face of Erpi, there is no need for a command to judge something by himself. Baisong definitely wants to encourage it.

At least, Erpi's talent is not so bad.

How was the game level of Erpi's previous life? In fact, Bai Song was not very clear, because when he contacted Erpi, Erpi had lost his confidence and his face was always full of disappointment.

That kind of Erpi Baisong is completely unable to estimate the level of Erpi, even if there is almost no memory fragment, there is no pk with the player, and the monster is also a low-level monster that takes off the equipment ...

But at least, no matter if Erpi is deceived or used, he has been the chairman for more than two years. If there is really no skill at all, it may be two years.

The president of a small guild, on the other hand, needs to prove his own strength. This strength does not refer to combat power, strategy, command, financial power, military force, etc. You must have at least one of them to be special Outstanding.

Otherwise, it is difficult to convince the public. If the game talent is so bad, even if no one is framed or betrayed, he will not be the president for more than two years.

This is also one of the reasons why Bai Song gave up the top meat shield Tang King in the future and chose Erpi, because trust is also because Erpi is not completely incurable.

Bai Song was still searching patiently. The place in the memory was originally blurred. In addition, the light was too dark, and there was no special difference.

咚 ~ 啦啦 ~ 咚 ~ 哗啦 ~ 咚 ~ 哗啦 ...

A shatter of footsteps passed into Bai Song's ears, and at this time Bai Song stopped his work and turned to look at the sound source: "Looks, is it here?"

In fact, this Baisong had been expected for a long time, but the moment he didn't come, he was pressed into Baisong's heart for a moment, causing pressure, so Baisong was relieved afterwards.

"People come, you don't need to give me the shield, you add it yourself." Bai Song took out his dagger and walked towards the source of the sound, turned back to Erpi and said, "You still have a skill, and it's time to practice."

After speaking, Bai Song completely disappeared into the darkness. Bai Song had to sneak over to sneak attack, and sucking the magic shield to Bai Song had a certain effect, but the problem also came.

Baisong and Erpi are too far apart. If the shield explodes, if Erpi doesn't talk about technology now, it is not that far in the skill level itself. At that time, it will fall into an awkward state.

If Erpi sets his own words, he can throw them directly with his hands. There is no need to control his mind with so much complexity and the hit rate will increase.

In addition, if the second skin is always contracted in the back and no second skin can be exercised, Bai Song will directly resolve the long-range physical damage first. At that time, the second skin will not be in great danger in the face of those magical professions or meat shields.

Besides, Erpi has another skill, because he has n’t started using shield combos, which is what Bai Song made him do.

The current second skin is not very strong, and one skill is refined before the next one is used. Bai Song feels that at least now the second skin can be used skillfully.

"Xiao Bai, you said that the thief really spread so evil? He was killed in seconds without seeing anyone, just like a ghost."

"This matter also needs to ask Xiaobai, the news in this layer is like the wind, it is spreading more and more, but one thing is certain, there must be a lot of light beads on them."

"Do n’t bother you, according to the progress of those pathfinders mentioned earlier, here is close to them, and quickly use advanced anti-Hidden props."

"Xiao Bai is right, be careful. The thief thinks we are also a kind of casual alliance. He must have never thought we all knew each other, hehe ..."

In addition to the three who are talking, two others are on guard next to it. It is also a coincidence that five people in this line.

They are friends in the game, but they all get the transmission volume of the Star City alone ~ ~ but they came early and just met together.

In fact, their team had collected enough tickets for the next layer of five people early, but they picked up the group, and their skills were very good.

Therefore, as soon as the five people negotiated, they planned to hunt players at this level. No one would like too much light beads, and according to news from secret channels, these light beads have a great role in the higher layers.

The player named Xiaobai, although it seems that his age is relatively young, can vaguely these people regard him as a leader, can group affairs here, having a leader that convinces everyone is the most important.

Xiaobai was a mage player, and he frowned suddenly as he walked: "A thief and a meat shield, wouldn't they be the two people who met at the entrance just now?"

"No, those two seem to be newbies, and isn't it normal for a thief to find a meat shield to become an alliance? Besides, even if they are, it is not our prey."

"Hopefully." Xiao Bai nodded, and didn't pay much attention, although telling him directly in his heart was a little unusual ...

"No, the anti-hidden device is displaying abnormally!"

The five people who had moved forward formed the formation as soon as the alarm was called out. This formation was very weird, even though it was a crispy mage who apparently looked protected.

But even a slightly conscious thief has three or four ways to kill it directly, not to mention the thief is white pine, but the tight defense looks full of loopholes.

"Cut, the tactics of the previous life are old." Bai Song saw this formation in the first time. In the five-person formation, this is a common position, of course, it is the previous life.

For now, this tactic is still somewhat new.

Read The Duke's Passion