MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2615 Kill the upper god

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Just as Lu Yang was thinking about who to give this second Primordial Spirit Avatar, suddenly, a loud laughing voice came from a distance.

"I sensed it from a long distance. I don't know which little brother of the Firethorn tribe became the next god. It's gratifying and gratifying!"

Lu Yang suddenly widened his eyes and looked into the distance. The red flames hadn't completely extinguished yet. If this was seen by other gods in another world, it would be a big deal.

The deity who came from a distance was also from the Flame Clan, with a height of almost fifty meters, a terrifying appearance, and a body similar to that of a human being, but the aura emanating from him turned out to be the first-level upper god.

Blazing Demon God said: "Be careful, this is the first-level upper **** of the Fire-throat clan, whose name is Arroyo, who has comprehended the law of eternal fire on Vulcan Star."

The Vulcan star has gone through hundreds of millions of years and is immortal. The law understood on the Vulcan star is the truth of this world. Lu Yang showed a vigilant look and flew over to meet Arroyo.

The two met in mid-air, but this distance allowed Arroyo to clearly see the situation on the ground. He stared at Lu Yang with a grin and said, "The real body of Yuanling? Killing the entire Fire Thorn clan, this is definitely not what you did, when I catch you, I will interrogate you about what happened."

"Eternal Fire"

Arroyo instantly opened the domain, and the 50-meter-high body emitted a terrifying crimson flame, shrouding the surrounding space within a kilometer.

Lu Yang didn't dare to be careless, and immediately launched the source battle body, the four heads and eight arms appeared, and the moon night seven form opened the second form, and at the same time raised the explosive flame technique to the sixth level, and the strength was improved to the peak state of the median god.

"Wild Fire"

Lu Yang also activated the domain to keep the wildfire within a 100-meter range of himself. The wildfire was annihilated and collided with the eternal fire, instantly annihilating the eternal fire without a trace, but the wildfire could not be extended to more. At a long distance, it is impossible to get close to Arroyo's body.

Around Arroyo, the crimson Eternal Fire was extremely blazing, as if it had become an entity, he frowned and stared at Lu Yang and said, "Little bastard, you have a lot of secrets, but you can break mine. Eternal fire? My flame is like Vulcan, immortal and immortal."

Several flames that seemed to condense into liquid shot out from Arroyo's hands and entered the range of the wildfire. dodge.

He was not in a hurry to attack, and continued to walk around Arroyo to find the opportunity to start. He avoided several attacks by Arroyo in succession. He gradually understood what was going on in the battle of the law.

To put it bluntly, there are two aspects. On the one hand, it is the fire of Arroyo's domain. If it is a powerhouse below the lower gods without a domain, when encountering such a domain, it will either protect itself with secret techniques, or be annihilated by flying ashes.

Another is the fireball shot by Arroyo. This fireball contains the energy of the law. Once it is hit, the flame burns not only with high temperature, but also contains the law. If there is no law against it, it will be inextinguishable.

"Is it true that all targets attacked by Arroyo will continue to burn for at least tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years." Lu Yang said to the Blazing Demon God.

"How did you guess?" Blazing Demon God was a little surprised.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I know his weakness. This Arroyo's understanding of the law is indeed very strong, and he is indeed a high-ranking god."

Blazing Demon God deliberately considered and said: "He was hit hard in the battle between the old and the new gods, otherwise he is at least the pinnacle of the upper gods now. Do you have a way to break his laws?"

"Of course." The corner of Lu Yang's mouth drew a slight arc, looked at Arroyo and said, "Your laws are very strong, but if you can't hit me, what can you do to me."

"Do you think you can escape?" Arroyo sneered at the corners of his mouth, his body suddenly became a kilometer high, and he roared: "Yanyang Tyrant Body!"

A flame ten times stronger than before suddenly burst out from Arroyo's body, but at this moment, Lu Yang's body turned into a streamer and rushed towards Arroyo's chest.

At this time, the eternal fire had squeezed the wild fire field around Lu Yang by less than 5 centimeters. Seeing that it was about to burn through Lu Yang, Lu Yang stretched out his palm and hit Arroyo on the body. .

"The wildfire will be destroyed!"

Arroyo looked at Lu Yang blankly, because at the moment when Lu Yang hit his body, a strange earth-brown flame actually got into his body and erupted before he transformed his divine power into eternal fire. , not only extinguished his eternal fire, but also caused heavy damage to his soul.

"How is that possible?" Arroyo spit out a mouthful of crimson origin, looked at Lu Yang in astonishment and said, "How could my eternal divine fire be broken by you."

"The meaning of eternal fire is to burn forever. You can't keep the state of eternal fire all the time. What kind of eternal fire are you?" Lu Yang stepped back a hundred meters away and looked at Arroyo with some pity. , said: "If you have been staying on Vulcan Star and can't get down, and you have cultivated to the rank of God King, maybe you are still called Eternal Fire. As for now, your flames are nondescript."

"You are talking nonsense." Arroyo never admitted that his eternal fire was wrong.

Lu Yang rushed in front of Arroyo's body again, and everything was destroyed with one palm. This time, Arroyo couldn't even maintain his kilometer-tall figure. size.

Lu Yang refused to let Arroyo go, and slapped him again, smashing Arroyo's head!

Who would have thought that Arroyo, the high-ranking **** who shined in the last battle between the old and new gods, would be beaten to death by Lu Yang, a nameless person who had just been promoted to the first-rank of the junior gods with the power of law!

"That's right." The Blazing Demon God and the First Prince nodded to Lu Yang in their consciousness at the same time. Even with their guidance, Lu Yangneng killed a man who didn't know he had lived for millions of years in the early stage of his promotion to the next god. Upper god, this is already a miracle.

Lu Yang let out two breaths, smiled helplessly, and said, "I never imagined that God would fight against God so dangerously. I think this world is too simplistic."

Blazing Demon God said: "You can still reflect on yourself in this situation, and you have done a very good job. If it is a race in our world, I am afraid that it would have been arrogant and not know what your surname is."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "What right do I have to be arrogant, I'm just struggling to survive."

The eldest prince said, "Don't be too self-effacing. When I was your age, I couldn't achieve such strength. Keep working hard and let me see where your limits are."

Lu Yang's eyes also lit up, and he said, "I was originally an ordinary human being, and my purpose was to make more money, respect my parents, and adopt children. In the middle, I raised my eyebrows with my wife, but the gods on the four gods wanted to kill them all. We humans, I must kill the Four Gods and ask them for an explanation."

The gods of the Blazing Flame God and their generation had discovered the earth long ago, but they had never thought about invading, so Lu Yang didn't hate the old god.

If it was said that the new gods sent the gods into the earth just to find their fragments, Lu Yang would not be so angry.

Humans are unlucky. They passively got involved in the war between the old and new gods in the different world. Although so many people died, they were not killed by the new gods. It was just the invasion of magical elements that led to the consequences of biological mutation. The gods sent the human beings who survived the genocide, which made Lu Yang incomprehensible.

Does the higher race massacre the lower races?

Lu Yang just wanted to protect his family and the families of his brothers. This requirement is not allowed, so he can only resist, and there is no way back to this day, or he will be killed by the gods sent by the Four Gods. Turn it over, or he will turn over the mind on the Four Gods, and that's all.

Read The Duke's Passion