MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2627 Dark Ice

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In the sky.

The Blazing Demon God and the eldest prince were chatting in Lu Yang's consciousness, and the Blazing Demon God said, "How much do you know about these two wood spirits?"

The eldest prince shook his head and said, "I only heard my father mention the Heroic Spirit Realm, and I don't know anything else, how about you?"

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said, "I know almost as much as you. I attacked an ancient wood spirit back then, and I wanted to search his consciousness and find out who the boss of these wood spirits who exchanged their lives for life, I can be absolutely sure. It's not a wood-type elf, but there are other god-king-level powerhouses, but when I was exploring, there was a strange world in the head of the ancient wood spirit. When I wanted to continue exploring, a terrifying phantom frightened me. Turn around and run, and let the ancient wood spirit go back."

"Just a phantom that scare you away, the Blazing Demon God?" the eldest prince asked in disbelief.

The Blazing Demon God said: "I was not a god-king rank back then, but a median god. How dare I explore too much. After I became a god-king, I never saw the ancient wood spirit again, but I can be sure that the ancient Every time the wood spirit appears, the strongest person in that strange world participates."

"Strength is still the most respected. In the future, when I recover my strength, I must go to see and see." The first prince said with fierce eyes.

"Do you have a way to restore your strength?" Blazing Demon God was a little curious.

The eldest prince said: "My father once left me a batch of treasures back then, and some of them are under the 10,000-meter ice layer in the icy area, which is the area I told you to hide."

The Blazing Demon was delighted and said, "This is the first time you have disclosed such a confidential matter to us, so you are not afraid that Lu Yang and I will **** your things away."

The eldest prince rolled his eyes at the Blazing Demon God and said, "You are also a **** king, how could you do such a thing? As for Lu Yang, I also understand that he is a trustworthy partner."

"That's right." Blazing Demon God said happily.

Lu Yang was also a little moved. He didn't expect to get the first prince's approval and said, "Thank you for your approval."

"We have lived and died together, so don't say these polite words. I only hope that when you will fight in the Quartet in the future, you can find my wandering soul scattered between heaven and earth, so that I can really restore my strength." The first prince sighed. said.

"I will definitely do it." Lu Yang said solemnly.

"That's good." The eldest prince gave Lu Yang a clear coordinate point and stopped talking, returning to the Divine Phoenix Warhammer to nourish his soul.

"I'm going to study that Dragon Insect God King." Blazing Demon God also left.

Lu Yang's consciousness returned to his body and continued to fly forward at full speed. After a week, he flew out of the swamp area.

In an instant.

The blizzard and the icy cold wind made Lu Yang feel as if he was in the polar region. Looking at the endless icy plain in front of him, he flew over following the coordinates given by the first prince.

At this time, the polar cold star was in the stage of violent eruption, and countless ice elements erupted from the polar cold star, as violent as a torrential rain.

Groups of white ice elves happily shuttled through the rain of ice elements, but when they saw Lu Yang flying over, their faces showed disgust.


The ice elf turned into a glacier in the air and smashed into Lu Yang's body. Fortunately, Lu Yang was always paying attention to the surrounding situation, dodging one by one to avoid the attack.

"It looks like it's going to change into a different form." Lu Yang launched the original battle body, using the second head transformed by the spirit of the dark moon as the body, put on a cloak to cover the rest of the body, and continued to fly forward. past.

The ice elves found that the aura emanating from Lu Yang's body was of the dark moon type, so they were no longer so hostile, and Lu Yang could continue to fly forward in a stable manner.

After three consecutive days of flying, he finally arrived at the coordinates given by the first prince. What made Lu Yang scratch his head was that what should have been a snow-covered mountain had been transformed into an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. huge palace.

"Is that right?" The eldest prince was also a little confused. Looking at the palace, he asked the Blazing Devil God, "Who did this? Do you know him?"

The Blazing Demon God looked at the flags flying above the palace and said, "The castle of the Dark Ice Clan should be the castle of Detrager, a dual-line superior **** of the Dark Moon and Ice systems. The members of the **** clan can burst out the fighting power of the primary gods, as for this castle? It should be built in recent decades, and it is estimated that the fief is here."

The eldest prince frowned and said, "My treasure is located under the main hall of his palace. I have a feeling that he should have discovered my treasure, but he can't open the magic circle set up by my father."

Lu Yang also felt a bit of difficulty. According to the first prince, although the mountains in this area are remote and desolate, and are also mixed with some dark moon energy, the amount of ice elements they receive is not much less than that in the hinterland area. It's an excellent place, I didn't expect it to be occupied by people.

"Who? Why do you keep looking in the sky? Since you want to solve the puzzle set by the city lord, you just fell down and walked into the castle." A voice came from the surrounding snow.

Lu Yang stared at it. In the distance, a humanoid figure with a body made of black and blue gem-like ice flew over, with a pair of wings behind him. , the edges of the wings have sharp ice.

"What does the puzzle mean?" Lu Yang didn't make an offensive move, but asked curiously.

The warrior of the Dark Ice tribe frowned and said, "Didn't you come here for that secret? It doesn't matter, all the strong people passing by will be invited by the patriarch to the castle to try to solve the puzzle. Our patriarch promises that anyone who can solve the mystery will If you do, you will get a high-level god-level ice soul."

Lu Yang was a little interested. He was worried that he didn't know how to get in. He said, "I'm not interested in puzzles, but this ice spirit is very attractive. How should I get in?"

"Follow me." The dark ice warriors sensed that Lu Yang was a low-level god, and after giving a respectful military salute, turned around and led Lu Yang into the castle.

When passing by the door, he found that there were hundreds of strong people of all ethnic groups waiting in line, Lu Yang asked curiously, "Don't I have to wait in line?"

"God rank and above will be received by the big butler in person." The dark ice warrior led Lu Yang and landed in front of a huge ice palace.

A dark ice powerhouse with a more crystal clear body and a luxurious armor was standing there, saw Lu Yang fall, smiled and said: "I don't know where the lower god, Varys of the dark ice family welcomes you. arrival."

"This is the big housekeeper," said the soldier of the Dark Ice Clan.

Lu Yang could feel that the other party's strength is also a high-level god, he smiled and bowed in return, and said, "Wandering Protoss."

Wandering Protoss refers to the gods whose races have been wiped out and are unwilling to be loyal to the Divine King. Generally, such strong people will be preferentially treated by super clans in order to expect them to serve.