MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 154 Do you want to?

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Mu Jingyuan breathed heavily again, and the desire to continue to quit his tongue, and kissed his face on his lips a few times, angrily said: "Bad!"

When Dr. Chen came, it was a little surprised to see Bai Yihan still sleeping in bed. I have to know that it is noon now.

Mu Jingyuan saw that he frequently went to see Bai Yihan on the bed. He was unhappy in his heart and lowered his voice. "He took care of me this time, too tired, whispered, don't wake him up."

Dr. Chen nodded, agreeing with the whispered: "It is true that the young master is a child who has been petty and has never suffered. This time is really exhausting. In fact, tired is a small matter, mainly because he is worried. Mu always has your body. Mrs. White said that he has a bad appetite recently. He secretly asked me to give him some health care medicines. I don’t know if he ate him without Mu Jingyuan’s listening to Dr. Chen’s “small and charming” and “ I have never eaten bitterness. I think that his "disorders" under the quilt are even more unpleasant in my heart. I don’t even know when the needles are stuck in.

After Mu Jingyuan’s second bottle of syrup was just finished, Bai Yihan finally turned over and opened his eyes. The man was covered with a thin layer of pajamas and his sleepy confused. Raising his hand and touching it, rubbing his eyes, and looking up, he slammed into the scorpion of Mu Jingyuan’s full affection. He climbed up like a bewildered person and kissed him on his thinned lips. One bite, hoarse voice: "Early."

Mu Jingyuan was rushed into the top of his head and rushed to the lower body. He wanted to throw him down on the ground, and he said with a low voice: "It’s not early, afternoon."

Bai Yihan’s promised: “Oh.” Slowly lying on the man’s shoulder.

Five seconds later, Bai Yihan suddenly screamed: "What?! It’s already afternoon?!" He squatted, because the action was too fierce, and he used the excessive waist and wounds, and "ah" The one fell back to the bed and his face was white.

Mu Jingyuan was shocked, and he reached out to help him. No matter whether he still had a needle in his hand, Bai Yihan saw it at the tip of his eye. He used the maximum volume that he could send at this time and said: "Don't move!"

Mu Jingyuan had a move, and Bai Yihan had already climbed up and licked his mouth. He first pressed Mu Jingyuan’s hand with a needle back to the bed, and went up to observe it carefully, sure that there was no blood return. No other problems were relieved, and complained: "You are stupid, with a needle in your hand, and dare to move!"

Mu Jingyuan used his other hand to slap him. He whispered: "It hurts? It's bad for me. I did it too much last night."

Bai Yihan’s old face was red, and he said: “What is wrong with my own will?”

Mu Jingyuan touched his face and said: "You hurt your back and knees. Do you know? Why don't you say pain?" Bai Yihan said: "Oh? Oh, nothing, it will be good in two days." ""

Mu Jingyuan said: "I asked you why you hurt, why not?"

Bai Yihan grabbed his head and said: "Everyone is on the head of the Xingtou, saying that the pain is more disappointing, and then he did not feel that Mu Jingyuan held his arm and said: "I saw you bleeding when I was cleaning. And the knees, the whole is green, how can it not hurt? ”

Bai Yihan carefully sat on the bed sideways, trying to reduce the force on the buttocks, but helplessly said: "Jingyuan, can you not discuss this kind of thing in the middle of the day? Is it hard to be affectionate? Right. When did Dr. Chen come from? Why didn't you call me? He was seen by me in the daytime, still lying on the bed, where is my old face?"

Mu Jingyuan glanced at him deeply and touched his head. He coordinated the topic: "He came over at noon, I said that you didn't sleep well, it was too tired."

Bai Yihan nodded and moved his body to get out of bed.

Mu Jingyuan grabbed him and said: "You are still hurt, where are you going?"

Bai Yihan took his hand: "What hurts? I am going to get you some food."

Mu Jingyuan did not let go, but he took him to his side and said: "Let Liu Jie send it up, you don't have to go, come and lie down."

Bai Yihan was afraid that the hand he was injecting with his hand would only be able to follow his strength and move back: "This is all afternoon, I am not sick, still lying, how shameful, I am not lying."

Mu Jingyuan patted the position around him and said: "Hey, I will give you a waist, does the waist hurt?"

It’s really painful, Bai Yihan thought about it, or he went down.

Mu Jingyuan’s hand pressed on the middle of his back, and he said: “Han Han, you...”

Bai Yihan was lying on the bed, and the voice was muffled: "Jingyuan, are you angry with me?"

Mu Jingyuan is really saying: "Life, then do you believe me now?"

Bai Yihan is still a muffled road: "Letter."

Mu Jingyuan smiled and said: "Then I will forgive you for being difficult."

Bai Yihan still needs to explain: "I am, afraid that you will do things that you don't like. Who are you with? You should follow your inner will. There should be no other factors. I just hope that you can I want to know what to do, who I want to be with, who is not a bit of a reluctance, um, I just want you to be happy and do what you want to do."

Mu Jingyuan put away a smile and said: "The thing I want to do most is to be with you. There are no other factors. As long as we are good, I am happy."

Bai Yihan laughed and said: "Well, I know, in fact, I just think that you are with me. Unfortunately, Mu Jingyuan is not happy: "Where is it?" Do you think we don't match? ”

Bai Yihan said: "You see, you are the head of the Mu family, the president of Mu, I am a second generation of nothing, you are smart, you can't help you with anything, I am stupid, my eyes are still It’s not good, oh no, it’s not good at all. At least I like you. It’s good, but I might use all the good eyes to see you. The other people I make are blacker than one. Anyway, you are the dragon and the phoenix, I am the scum of society, the two extremes of the typical typical, where do you match?"

Mu Jingyuan couldn't help but pat on his lower back. The airway said: "What is nonsense? What is the scum of society, who told you?"

Bai Yihan snorted and said: "No one told me, I feel so myself."

Mu Jingyuan just regretted it when he started, heard his snoring, and he was so distressed that his tone was relieved: "Han Han, I don't care where you heard such a git, but I don't. Allowing you to be arrogant, you are the three young masters of the white family, the heart of the whole family, you are my lover of Mu Jingyuan, in my heart, no one is better than you, I am a few years old, I looked at you long Big, although you are a little confused, but pure and lovely, your purity has not disappeared with the growth of age, it has been following you until today. You are pure, kind, grateful, to your family, to me, The most real thing is that your soul contains the most precious and beautiful side of human nature. Otherwise, why do you think that the strict old man who has read countless people and countless people is just like you? Your small faults are indeed many, for example, a little small. Self-willed, but also love to dig the tip of the horn, but your advantage is like the sun, the shortcomings of shining can not be revealed, in fact, even if you really have nothing, but I like you, this is unreasonable."

Bai Yihan was said to have a hot face on his face. He said: "This makes you say that you have to go to heaven. You will boast. You are a lover in the eyes of Xi Shi, and the king is selling melons. ......"

Mu Jingyuan smiled low and said: "It's rare that you still know that I am a 'lover' and don't want to push me out?

Bai Yihan looked up and said: "You look at you, but also say that it is difficult for me to forgive me. I turned back and started to turn over the account. I told you the truth, don't look at what I said before. It seems like something like this. Actually, Everything is easier said than done. If you really don't like me, if you marry someone else in the future, I am afraid I will not live for a few years."

Mu Jingyuan whispered: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Bai Yihan said: "Really, the fire is also dead. Besides, I left you, I couldn’t sleep at all. When I was not together, I could live with it. It was already together and separated, just like It’s hard to kill a person and want to abstain from sex."

Mu Jingyuan was full of black lines and slammed his head and said: "Let you not talk nonsense, still say! What is your metaphor?"

Bai Yihan faced him sideways, and the evil smiled: "What metaphor? The normal metaphor, everyone is coming over, you know."

Mu Jingyuan slanted him and said: "Then you still don't touch it for a month? If not, I wasn't so crazy last night..." He patted his head and said, "I'm crazy, It hurts you."

Bai Yihan moved forward and hugged his waist: "How can I not touch it? Isn't it just that you are not happy?" He saw Mu Jingyuan's face is not good, busy: "Well, I know that I am wrong. I should be more confident. In fact, I am also very attractive. I don’t want to be fascinated. Oh, I can have this achievement in my life."

Mu Jingyuan was crying and laughing, and he grabbed him. He stroked his back and thought about it: "When are we going to get married?"

Bai Yihan was silent for a while, silently climbed down the bed, and Mu Jingyuan’s heart was cold.

Unexpectedly, he leaned on his waist and limped from the end of the bed. He kneel on his bed and put his hand on the fingertip of his hand with the needle. He raised his head and said seriously: Far, are you willing to marry me? Since then, you have become a legal partner. No matter how stupid I am, I don’t want to dislike me, I will always be with me until the last moment of my life."

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