MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 164 It turned out to be him!

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Bai Yihan thought about it and twisted his brow: "Is it Heyuan?"

Mu Jingyuan boasted: "Yes, you are very smart."

Bai Yihan said: "You have all said things home, can I guess? His wife is a strict elder, can only suppress the rigorous only the immediate elders, plus this age, then only Can her sister be strict!"

He was so angry that he stepped on his feet: "Is it even him?! If there is a photo, I can't believe it! I can always be a model husband! I don't want to be strict with her little sister. I want the stars not to give the moon. That kind! I have two children! The boss is ten years old! It turns out that he is a bend! He also sneaked Nanshan and gave him a lover!

No wonder he is so strict! If Yan Yan knows that he can knock his head off! Why is he so shameless? Why is he not going to heaven? !

No wonder they can protect themselves so well! The whole storm was unscathed! Still a model couple! Yan Yan has brought people into the Nanshan home to go without any identity information to vent! Was it all gone by Yan Jia?! Yan Yan is the old lady of Yan Laozi, the eyes of the whole family! No wonder Pei Pei did not move, that is her little aunt, how does she move? ! When the news of Nanshan jumping off the building came out, she estimated that she was going to be mad! ”

Mu Jingyuan patted his apostasy: "I know that you will be angry and calm down. This matter involves Yan family. We must think about how to deal with it, and Heyuan should be a pair, or else There won't be a pair of children, but he should prefer men. He married Yan Yan and turned her back. The purpose is obvious. He wants to borrow the strength of the Yan family, and he is obviously very successful. The Lord, and in Huacheng, if there are no five of us, the Hejia is already the boss."

Bai Yihan angered: "Why is he going to lie to Nanshan? Isn't he afraid of turning over the ship in the gutter?"

Mu Jing looked at his head hair and said softly: "Han Han, you have to understand that when a person has rights and status, he will want to pursue spiritual comfort. Heyuan and Yan Yan are not in the right position. Wait, he has been very weak in front of Yan Hao, he has been holding her all the time. If it is not because of love, then it will be very depressed after a long time, plus he is a pair, and obviously prefers men, when he looks To the temperament of Nanshan, the results can be imagined."

Bai Yihan hated: "And Nanshan greatly does not like to go out, emotional intelligence is low and good to lie, there is no better goal than him."

Mu Jingyuan nodded: "I can see that he was very cautious when he went to Nanshan, and deliberately put on such ordinary clothes. Nanshan should not know who he is. He told Nanshan that the name must be fake."

Bai Yihan said: "But he is also a celebrity. He often has his photos in the financial magazine. Can Nanshan not recognize it?"

Mu Jingyuan said: "Han Han, do not say that Nanshan this character will not see financial magazines, even if you see it, He Yuan is not dead, his man has always been a tongue, a strict one The charming young lady was stunned by him, not to mention a disreputable Nanshan. Besides, people are similar. He changed his clothes and style. Even people who have seen him with him more than once have not recognized it. Nanshan Shan How can you recognize the photos in several magazines? Even if you see them, you must only think that your boyfriend is like a celebrity."

Bai Yihan looked at the photo again and said: "Really, he changed his head and his temperament was very different from usual. It was really unrecognizable when he looked at it."

Mu Jingyuan said: "People who roll in the mall almost wear a mask in front of people. Maybe only in front of Nanshan, he can release his true self."

Bai Yihan said: "Maybe because of this, Nanshan has not found his false feelings. Otherwise, Nanshan has written so many detective novels. How can he not see his hypocrisy? It must be that He Yuan is acting in his true character when facing Nanshan."

Mu Jingyuan said: "And, the power of feelings that you should not ignore, when people fall in love with a person, they will subconsciously escape the fact that they are not willing to face. Even if there are some small flaws, Nanshan will also be his own. Excused, but the long-lasting disguise must have many flaws. Nanshan can write excellent detective novels. I must be as careful as my hair, but his eyes are covered by the fog of emotions, and he is eager to be loved. Uneasy, but his heart must be aware of it. He may not think that his lover has a family, but he will find that their status is not suitable. There are many confessions in the lover, otherwise one is immersed in sweet love. People should not be very melancholy, and when you say the speculation about Heyuan, the first reaction is not anger, but silence. His later excuse is more like comforting himself. After all, a drift How can people at sea be willing to let go of the only driftwood?"

Bai Yihan airway: "P driftwood, is a sea snake, sooner or later will drag Nanshan into the sea! You are right to say so, no wonder Nanshan Congress asked how my lover is getting along, he must have felt wrong It is.

Mu Jingyuan gave him a smooth breath and smiled. "However, looking at your conversation, Nanshan should not be an unreasonable person, and he is very disgusted with the lover, so I always said that I would give him some time. When he wants to understand, he can definitely make the right choice when he can no longer deceive himself."

Bai Yihan said: "He will take the initiative to leave Heyuan? Will Heyuan retaliate against him?"

Mu Jingyuan said: "What will he do? There will be results soon."

Bai Yihan looked at him seriously and waited for the following.

Mu Jingyuan couldn't help but kiss him. "You asked Nanshan the day before yesterday. Nanshan has been silent until now. This shows that he is thinking. Heyuan will go to this time and Nanshan may confirm something to him. Under the yin of the source, it may be in conflict with Nanshan. If Heyuan is not happy when he leaves Nanshan, it means that Nanshan has already suspected him."

Bai Yihan was worried: "The Nanshan Conference will not suffer? Will Heyuan deal with him?"

Mu Jingyuan said: "For the time being, the frequency of Yiheyuan going to Nanshan should be very obsessed with him. He will not give up easily. If he wants to save Nanshan, he will not easily move him. What's more, there is not us. My man's hand will not be withdrawn. Once there is any situation, it will respond in time, and Heyuan's actions will be closely monitored, and will not let Nanshan suffer."

Bai Yihan leaned back into the sofa and closed his eyes, trying to reflect on the past life about Nanshan. At that time, the information he got was almost all obtained from news and newspapers. The most impressive ones were two photos. It was a photo of a corpse full of blood red mosaics, and a small memorial service for the ruined Nanshan's **** book powder.

Was thrown on the ground full of footprints and sundries, broken glass, showing some awkward Nanshan photos; white chrysanthemums that were smashed and thrown on the ground; they also looked different, or gloomy, or weeping, Or a frightened or sad book fan.

and many more!

Bai Yihan opened his eyes fiercely and sat up straight.

Mu Jingyuan was shocked and touched his hair. He said softly: "What happened to you? Just fell asleep?"

Bai Yihan looked back at him and said, "I just remembered one thing."

Mu Jingyuan said: "What?"

Bai Yihan was dignified and Shen Sheng said: "In the dream, after Nanshan committed suicide, his **** book fan once held a small memorial service for him, but somehow he was strictly known. She arranged for people to go in for a meal. Snoring, the chasing will be destroyed, this incident is still on the news, I saw the photos attached to the news, there are people familiar, I did not pay attention, but I have been thinking about this photo, I suddenly thought Who is he?"

Mu Jingyuan said: "Who?"

Bai Yihan Road: "Yan Yan."

Mu Jingyuan was also a little surprised, saying: "He? How did he relate to this matter?"

Bai Yihan said: "He stood in the middle of the big book fan of Nanshan. He looked at the photo that was thrown on the ground. His face was very gloomy. Looking at his position, he should also be a big fan of Nanshan."

Mu Jingyuan said: "Is it possible to understand that he is also a book fan of Nanshan, but like Yan Pei, because of the strict relationship, he failed to help Nanshan. When Nanshan died, he felt embarrassed and took part in Nanshan. The memorial service, I did not expect to be sent by Xiaogu, so that he feels guilty and depressed, his face will be so ugly."

Bai Yihan took a shot: "I think so too. I am thinking, I should ask Peipei on the side of the attack. Yan Yan is not a big fan of Nanshan."

Mu Jingyuan said: "Do you want to unite with him?"

Bai Yihan said: "To go to the memorial service, they are all big iron book fans in Nanshan. The rest are not so firm, or they are misled by the wind of public opinion, or they are afraid to admit that powder has passed Nanshan. The public appearance in the memorial service shows that he is also a hardcore. He is the second son of Yan Jia. Without his acquiescence, who would dare to release his face? This photo may represent the silence of Yan Yan. protest."

Mu Jingyuan thought for a moment: "Well, you are right. This matter is related to strictness. It has indeed become complicated. Nanshan is also a public figure. If we want to protect him, it is better to be secret." Silently solve the Heyuan, let him no longer entangle Nanshan, and hold on to this matter, try not to affect the reputation of Nanshan, after all, we know that Nanshan is involuntarily, but others do not know, may not understand We can't explain Nanshan's difficulty to everyone. So, letting this matter be exposed is the best way. If you can have Yan family to protect Nanshan, then it would be better."

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