MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 174 You even have fake names.

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In fact, when he met Mu Jingyuan for the first time, Xu Youran felt that his momentum was not like the average person, but he was later cooked. He also revealed his home side from time to time. For example, Bai Yihan loves to eat fruit and skin. The suede, without the cleaning and cutting of the suede, is all his own hands, sometimes it will be turned by Bai Yihan, just like all the loving couples in this world, he will not think about it again, but Mu Jing Since it is the fiance of the white family, it must be the owner of the Mu family.

At the time when the news of their engagement was just released, the entire Huacheng City was shocked. The news on the Internet was overwhelming. However, he was not interested in these things. He only glanced at it and knew that it was a marriage between Bai and Mu. I thought it was an ordinary business marriage, but I didn't expect that this pair was right beside me, and the feelings were so strong.

The relationship between Bai Yihan and Mu Jingyuan is warm and natural, and the feelings are really warm. The two become a small world. It is like holding an invisible line in the middle. They are all unable to earn and do not want to earn.

Bai Yihan had oranges in his mouth and couldn't speak. He just nodded.

Xu Youran turned his head to Yan Yandao: "Your surname is strict, and he is a friend you have known for a long time, and is also a family of five major families?"

Yan Yan has some nervous words: "Oh, yes, I am the second son of Yan."

Xu Youran nodded and said: "How can you live in this semi-old neighborhood?"

After Yan Yan’s head slid a cold sweat, he calmly said: “I like the environment here. It’s very quiet and undisturbed. It’s very convenient to live.”

Xu Youran did not doubt, chuckled a voice: "Do you like this, is it similar to seclusion? Is it hidden in the city?"

Yan Yan was slightly stiff and nodded.

Xu Youran thought for a moment, and the dialogue was one of the words: "No wonder you are such a big young master who will come to Yayuan to help him see the house?"

Bai Yihan, a stalk, thought of meeting with Xu Youran for the first time, busy swallowing things in his mouth, nodded and said: "Yes, yeah, Yan Yan wants to find a quiet house to live on, that day. Zhang Ge Bookstore opened. After I went there, I saw that the time was still early. I went out and turned around. I helped him look at the house. Then I saw it here. I felt that the environment was good. I went back to tell him, and he focused on the listing. Information, cough."

Mu Jingyuan patted the back of Bai Yihan gently, and said: "Slow down, don't lie."

Xu leisurely nodded and said: "This world is really small."

Bai Yihan smiled and said: "This is also a fate."

Mu Jingyuan said faintly: "Yan Yan came out to live, there will be neighbors everywhere, but he happened to live here and become the neighbor of his favorite author, but it is a gratifying thing."

His voice was low, with a convincing power, and Xu nodded unconsciously.

Bai Yihan and Yan Yan turned their heads at the same time and gently sighed.

The wooden wood wedding reception was held in the Baijia Mansion. The night was coming, the white house was brightly lit, and the banquet hall on the first floor was decorated with scented shadows. The basics of Huacheng’s rankings came, of course. There are a lot of cheeky uninvited.

For a time, the big men of Huacheng gathered together, each with a beautiful or handsome male companion, there are many star names that are well-known households, it is almost winter, the weather is very cold, but the handsome men still Dressed thin, look at it, a piece of scented shoulders, people swaying, so the banquet hall is very warm, not to freeze the beauty.

Xu Youran came with Yan Yan. Bai Yihan knew that he didn't like such a lively environment. He specially arranged a quiet corner for him to sit down and arranged for Pan Wenwei to stay nearby to prevent someone from harassing him. .

In the banquet hall, the big ones were standing or sitting in a couple of places, and they were toasting and talking. From time to time, they made a burst of laughter. When Bai Yihan and Mu Jingyuan both appeared, the following sounded aloud and praised what the heavens are. When the two of them went downstairs, they were surrounded by water. The parents of Bai’s family could not get away from it.

Bai Boren and Bai Jinghan and Mu Jingyuan delivered a speech before the station, announced the marriage of the two, and said something thankful.

Although Xu Youran’s position was not eye-catching, his eyes were very good. He looked at the two men standing on the stage and smiled. “They are really good.”

Yan Pei, who sat next to him, took a mouthful of juice and smiled and said: "Really, they are very in love, haha, you don't know, I want to laugh when I see Mu's face changing skills. He is facing a culvert. When you face someone else, you don't use a face. Haha, they are really good. They are all dead. If they are separated one day, I think I can no longer believe in love."

Yan Yandao: "They are engaged in engagement, it is a good day, don't talk."

Yan Pei spit out his tongue and looked at the scene of a happy and happy scene in the hall. He grinned and said: "Now people are such a reality, what rules, concepts, nothing in the face of interests, although the same-sex marriage law has After several years, but this is not the mainstream after all, many people still can't accept it, especially the older generation. In this hall, conservatively, more than half of them feel that same-sex love is different, but you can see They all laughed like a flower, and the constant praise of the big brother and the han is the sum of heaven and earth. As if it is true, there is no pressure at all. After all, it is a matter of strength. Mu Big Brother is the family member of Mu's family. One is the younger son of Bai's family. In Huacheng, they are the few people standing at the top of the pyramid. This layer of identity is pressed there. Who dares to make irresponsible remarks, even if I will be greeted in my heart, and my face will have to laugh into flowers."

Yan Yandao: "This is natural. Who is going to offend Bai and Mu because of this in my heart? Unless it is a fool, in fact, Jingyuan and Yihan have always been close to each other, many people are right. Their affairs are well known, but the parties are not clear, and no one is arrogant. No one dares to say that when they announce the engagement, everyone will rush to send a blessing, whether it is true or false, at least It’s a reality,”

Xu leisurely said: "Man is a dead man, a bird is a food-eating, and the interests of the real society are the first. It is also understandable that his eyes are faintly swept away from the crowd in the hall. Suddenly the pupils shrink and the whole person is frozen.

Yan Yan has been paying attention to him. He saw that he was not right. He looked at him with his gaze. His eyes were condensed and his face was gloomy.

Yan Pei felt that the atmosphere was wrong, and he followed the past. It turned out to be He Yuan and Yan Yan. He Yuan wore a set of iron-gray hand-made suits with arms of his wife in his arms and a smile on his face. I am chilling to the people around me. I am still very well-maintained after 30 years of age. It looks like a little girl in her twenties. She wears a blue-brown smock dress, and her white shoulders are half-baked. As a result, slightly carrying the chin, the glamorous face with a touch of pride.

In fact, the color of the sapphire is more difficult to control. If you are not careful, it will look gaudy. Yan Yan has mastered this dress very well. It seems that she is white and wins, and she is rich and graceful.

Yan Pei looked at them, and looked at Xu Youran, whose face became white, and quietly smashed Yan Yanyan. What happened to the second brother? The face is so ugly, I am afraid that Nanshan can't see it. Do they already know this? Fortunately, Nanshan’s current attention is all on Heyuan’s **** man, not paying attention to them.

Yan Yan was stunned by her, and she came back to God and took a few punches back and forth, revealing a smile: "Do you know them a lot?"

Xu leisurely shocked, regained his gaze, and smiled hard: "How can I know someone with such a high status, just take a look."

Yan Yan kept a smile: "The man is a family member of the He family. His status is indeed very high. He is still in a relationship with our strict family."

Xu leisurely closed his eyes and said: "Hejia's owner? What is his name?"

Yan Yandao: "He is He Yuan."

Xu Youran’s voice dried up and he said, “Hehe... Source? His wife is very beautiful.”

Yan Yan clenched his fists and glanced over there. He said in his usual language: "Hey, his wife is my sister. He is a wife and slave. I have been listening to my sister. Because of the relationship between Xiaogu and these years, Yan The home has helped him a lot. Now, apart from the five of us, the Hejia is one of the best in Huacheng."

Xu Youran's face is pale and snowy, Heyuan? You lied to me so hard. Originally, even your name is fake. In this world, there is no such thing as He Yao. Fortunately, the person he once loved is He Yao, and this glamorous congratulation to the eyes. There is absolutely no relationship between the family owners, and He Yao, from now on, is already dead.

Yan Pei looked at his eyes, but he couldn’t bear it. He couldn’t help but hate He Yuan’s eyes, but Mu Jingyuan said it right. Although this matter cannot be known to the public, it is sooner or later It will be revealed, instead of letting Xu Youran face this **** fact without any precautions, it is better to let him discover it from the side earlier, he can have more time to adjust himself and think about the whole thing. There will be no more illusions about He Yuan.

It is really painful when the rotten meat on the wound is cut, but keeping it will only make the wound worse and deeper.

Xu Youran laughed at himself with a low laugh and lowered his eyes.

Yan Yan looked at him, and his heart was sore and sore.

Their brothers and sisters exchanged a look and tried to find some easy topics to talk about, but obviously had little effect. Xu Youran’s spirits seemed to have been taken away. Every smile was reluctant, and the brothers and sisters made Did not make his emotions a little better, but let him drink a few glasses of wine.

Xu Youran usually does not drink alcohol. After a few glasses of wine, his face begins to redden and his eyes are blurred.

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