MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 215 100% tacit understanding

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The old man sighed: "What you mean is that I want to be like you when you were a child, and you will be loyal to you. If you are right or wrong, I will praise you. If you marry, no matter how good or bad, I will Support you, you are rampant outside, no matter who is offended by the tongue, I will help you kill each other, I should give you the shares in your hand, no matter how old you are, what you want to do What can you do, your big brother, second brother, big sister, and two sisters will love you like me. Your nephews and prostitutes will also unconditionally spoil you, let you, respect you, who you beat, people I can't fight back, I am sorry for you, and you want something, no matter who you are in, I will grab it for you until you are old, until the day I die, so that I can be worthy of you, is it?"

Yan Yan sneered: "Why should you say so poorly? I didn't ask you to do this. You can't do a good father, but you have to say that you are a kind father. Isn't it funny? Even children know that they can't do it. Don't say anything about it!"

The old man sighed: "I am not a kind father. When you were young, I always thought that the boy would have to beat some things to be sensible, but the girl would have to be pampered. I didn't expect that my son who fell and beat him was very filial, the only one. Jiaojia’s daughter has raised a debt. You said, who should I go to complain about?

Yancheng heard the old father's tone so desolate, could not help but said: "The grace of birth is greater than the sky, Yan Yan, you are so embarrassed to say in front of Dad, live like Dad owes you, I said that you are a familiar eye Child wolf, you are not happy to listen."

On the other hand, Bai Yihan hangs up the phone and immediately dials Chen Jing. When he calls, he really picks up: "I suspect that Yan Jia’s father has an accident. I hope that Chen police will lead the team to go to Yan’s old house. How is the situation? I still don't know. If I guess wrong, I will personally apologize to Officer Chen and the brothers."

Hanging up the phone, he turned his head and said to Mu Jingyuan: "Fast, let's go to Yanjia's old house first. I think it must be something."

When Mu Jingyuan heard that he had given Chen Jing a phone call, he had already speeded up. At this time, Shen said: "Why do you say this?

Bai Yihan’s face is dignified: “The sound of Yan Pei’s voice is vaguely crying, and the content of the speech is not right. I will explain it to you later, and I hope that I am suspicious.”

Mu Jingyuan nodded and stepped on the gas pedal, rushing to the Yan family.

The old man has been talking slowly and sternly. The clock pointer has quickly passed ten o'clock. A few people sitting in a row at the wall watched Mu Jingyuan wearing only a scorpion and quietly coming out of the kitchen. Seeing the sights in the room shrink, but he quickly reacted, and gradually and quietly approached from the back, the attention is still on the father's strictness.

However, Yan Zhen’s vigilance was very high at this time. He soon found that Liu Wei’s look was wrong. He looked back subconsciously. Mu Jingyuan was already close to her. She saw that she had made a big step forward and wanted Grabbing her hand holding the knife, Liu Yu’s foot slammed on the ground and slammed it over. When he was shocked, he instinctively took the knife to Kong Wen’s neck, but was forced by Mu Jingyuan. The big hand grabbed the wrist, and did not force the force to pinch it. Screaming screamingly, the knife stained with blood was slammed, and Mu Jingyuan slammed out of the distance, and the other hand held the lighter. Wanting to catch fire, Liu Yu, who was later rushed over, took the whole set with the lighter and stuck the ribs. The move was not allowed. In this case of confrontation, where is she Liu’s opponent, she has to be blinded. Liu Yu opened the palm of his hand and smashed the lighter in his hand. She was pressed to the ground by two people, screaming and screaming and screaming.

Bai Yihan was originally ordered by Mu Jingyuan to wait outside and refused to enter. At this time, he heard the voice, fearing that he would suffer, and he couldn’t care. The hand held the window sill and turned in from the kitchen window. When he saw it inside, he was scared. A big jump, busy running to help the people loose, Yancheng one was untied and said: "I will solve the rope, you are going to open all the doors and windows!" From the outside, I can really smell a thick gas Taste, he nodded, rushed to open the window to open the door to Yancheng to solve the ropes for everyone, and with the back of Bai Yihan to help the father, he was alive and tied for a long time, some numb body, want to put the father Picking up, but was rejected by the old man, the old man waved: "Go out! Yancheng, leave me alone, help your wife!"

Kong Wen busy said: "I have nothing to do with my father, it is a little skin trauma, let's go."

Bai Yihan said to Mu Jingyuan: "You are also coming out! Bring Yan Yan out too!"

Mu Jingyuan said: "Do not worry, you are going out, the taste in the house is not good for the human body."

Liu Yu saw that Yan Yan struggled so badly that she simply grabbed the rope on one side and tied her up to shoulder resistance. She ran out with Mu Jingyuan.

Yan Yan has been screaming in disbelief: "Impossible! How come you come over? How did you find out?!"

Bai Yihan saw everyone ran out, and his heart was loose. He also had a mood to talk to her: "There is a smell in the house, and it needs to be cleaned. It is okay to tell you."

Sternly waiting for him to say.

Bai Yihan said a little smugly: "I had an appointment with Pei Pei before. I came to see my father together today. I called Peipei. Her voice was very wrong. She was always full of energy. I have been with her for so long. I have never heard her speak to me with such a voice, and the content of our conversation. I have a good time with the old man to play chess. The last time it was indeed different, but not the father has been losing, but my luck. I have been losing all the time. When I left, my father was clearly happy. How could I feel uncomfortable when I left? If he was already uncomfortable at that time, he would never wait until today when I arrived. I told you not to use it. I must have told me in the morning. Also, I said that I will not play chess with my father. Peipei promised to be too happy. I know that she knows that the father likes it so much. He said the old man is good? I deliberately said the opposite, Pei Pei has been following me, coupled with her abnormal voice, I can of course think that she is talking to me under coercion."

Yan Pei took the risk, and the spirit got up again, loudly: "Yes! I said that when I played the last time Grandpa had been losing, I was a bit strange, but I saw that Grandpa is blinking at me, I am subconsciously He said it."

Yan Yan turned his head and looked at the old man incredulously. The old man did not look at her. Instead, he patted the shoulder of Bai Yihan: "My tacit understanding with Xiao Yihan is very good. I heard him deliberately wrong. When I was in the game, I knew that he must have noticed what was being tempted. Pei Pei’s head was also smart, and he immediately understood my eyes."

Bai Yihan turned back and smiled at the old man: "What do I mean by the last sentence, Yan Grandpa, do you understand?"

The old man laughed happily: "Of course, you are saying, let me rest assured, you have already discovered, will arrive at around ten o'clock, let me try to delay."

Bai Yihan smiled and said: "Grandpa our tacit understanding is 100%!"

Father said: "You have already said everything about Xiaoyihan. With Jingyuan’s emphasis on you and the wedding, how can you decide the dress alone? And when you come, unless he has something special, 80% I will personally pick up and drop off, how can I go to see a dress alone? If the dress is unreasonable, then that time of course is to say to me."

Mu Jingyuan couldn't help but smile: "The old man is wise, and he sees people thoroughly."

The old man sighed a bit: "The only thing I haven't seen is this daughter. In fact, I know her temper in my heart. I just don't want to believe it. I always think she can change. Yan Ping is right. Constantly, it is against the chaos, I just want her to be too soft, will give her such an opportunity."

Yan Yan haha ​​laughed: "You are too soft on my heart? Hahaha, did I become like this or your soft heart?!"

Yan Cheng stepped forward and raised his hand and slapped it down. He said: "Every step you take is your own choice! The words are your own, the wrong is your own! Who is it?" !"

Yan Yan was beaten by this slap. From childhood to time, Yan Cheng never touched her with a finger. She stared at Yancheng with a squint and muttered, "Do you dare to beat me?"

Yan Cheng angered and laughed: "You want to kill me, what do you think of you? How? Hate me? Anyway, you can't wait for me to die, it doesn't matter if you hate it."

A bright red palm print appeared on Yan Yan’s face, and she stared at Yancheng with her eyes open.

Yan Chengdao: "You dare to be so unscrupulous, nothing more than knowing that we hurt you, you feel that we should be tolerant of you no matter how troubled, but everything has a bottom line, and my love for you has a bottom line, you can not be grateful, no Return, it doesn't matter, I am your big brother, I feel more cool, but you shouldn't hurt Dad again and again! You shouldn't want to kill your family! Since you can't wait for us to die, then you and I are enemies! From today, I don't admit that you are a strict family. I don't admit that you are my sister. You are alive or dead. They have nothing to do with me. They have nothing to do with Dad. He gave you life, but he does not owe your life. Everyone has to go by themselves. If you don't listen to advice, you have to bear the consequences, and no one can pay for you."

Yan Yan’s tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked down and refused to look at her father again. She knew that her family was really true this time and she was not wanted.

Mu Jingyuan said to Liu Yudao: "Your skill is good, actually broke the rope, or Liu Yu smiled today: "Liu Wei wit, put a knife in my hand, but unfortunately no blade, I charge It took a lot of work to grind the rope and miss the best chance to save. ”