MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 223 Fan Wai II leisurely see Yanshan

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On Christmas Eve, Yan Yan and Xu Youran successfully got the marriage certificate as planned, and ate outside to celebrate, until they returned home, Xu Youran still feels like the unreal feeling in the fog of dreams. ... married to a family?

In his impression, the only relative is the mother, she gave her all the love. Before the age of fifteen, although he knew that his family was different from other people, he did not feel unhappy, but only loved him. The mother is unhappy, very unhappy, she can't see her true smile on her face, and her body is very weak. He wants to make his mother happy, but he can't always do it. Once he was half-awake, I heard the mother muttering to him: "If you don't have you, I might have another life, but I only have you, leisurely."

At that time, he did not understand the meaning of the mother. Until later, the mother told him about his father before he died. He realized that his existence was just an accident that should not exist. He did not know if his mother would not I will meet the right person, but as the mother said, their mother and child only have each other.

When the mother died, she said to him: "I will give you a name for leisure. I hope that you can live freely and freely. People are free and comfortable. The mountains are quiet and high. Leisurely, my mother hopes that you can be happy, leisurely, not feelings. Bound, not captured by foreign objects."

After his mother died, his world was left with himself. He finally understood why his mother must have given birth to him. This sense of loneliness, this desire for loved ones is about to drive him crazy until he turns his name into Heyuan. When he appeared, he finally had a loved one, but he did not understand why he had a loved one, but this loneliness still followed, and he refused to leave.

He Yuan’s deception, he was angry at first, but then calm down and think about it. In fact, there is nothing to be angry. He Yuan lied to him and regarded him as a spiritual comfort. Why isn’t he? The four-year ridiculous relationship of lovers is actually just a mutual companion. It is like a transaction. You give me the warmth of my loved ones. I give you a moment of peace. He almost drowned himself, but They were also beaten by Yan Yan. Everyone will be a stranger, no one has to hate anyone, no one owes anyone.

However, Yan Yan, he looked at the man who was smirking at the marriage certificate. The heart was filled with soreness, satisfaction, and his own life. It was quietly changed from the moment he opened the door to see Yan Yan, and became a color. Mingli, becoming colorful, he taught himself what is true love, he left himself away from loneliness, he let himself realize for the first time what is stunned, he gave himself a home belonging to them.

Yan Yan is fascinating with the marriage certificate and found that the lover has not been moving for a long time. He looks back at him and looks at himself with his own eyes. The face is so good, it is the kind of people. Feeling particularly good-looking smile, Yan Yan couldn't help but feel a soft water, as if he was afraid of breaking this beautiful scene, his voice gently said: "What's wrong? Look at me like this?

Xu Youran is like a sly mutter: "If, I want to kiss you.

In the heart of Yan Yan’s heart, I was afraid of breaking the state of Xu Youran’s awkward state and losing the immediate welfare. He gently leaned forward and said, “Welcome to kiss.

Xu leisurely looked at his lips and slowly approached. Yan Yan held his breath and waited for him. If he was not afraid of scaring Xu Youran, he would like to grab him. This slowness is really grinding, but not Do not say, such a captivating, anxious wait does not have a taste.

At the moment when the lips were attached, both of them felt that the feeling of numbness fell into the bottom of their hearts, and they could not help but hold each other at the same time. Xu Youran pressed the shoulder of Yan Yan and pressed him down on the sofa with a little bit of tongue. Intertwined with each other.

Yan Yan did not forget to put the marriage certificate in the front on the coffee table in front of him. This time, he returned to his hand and squinted his shoulders and squinted his eyes to enjoy this lingering and heart-wrenching kiss.

At the end of the kiss, Xu Youran raised his head slightly, his eyes were full of waves, and his lips were also caused by water. He used a dull voice with temptation: "Today, it is our wedding night."

Yan Yan’s heart was about to jump out of balance, and he looked up and kissed his lips, and the low “hmm”.

Xu Youran once again opened his lips, Yan Yan excitedly waiting for his follow-up.

Just listen to Xu leisurely and softly said: "You go to take a shower.

Yan Yan: ..., what is the rhythm?

No matter what the rhythm, he got up and went to the bathroom. When he took a shower and came out in a bathrobe, he saw that he had already changed a new set of bedding. Although it was a consistent style of pure color, there was no pattern. But the color is red, the big red bed is awkward in this plain room, but there is also a kind of passion that makes people beat faster. He is a little surprised. He thought that with Xu Youran, he was destined to pass. In the life of the heart, I didn’t expect the lover to have it. The wild side saw Yan Yan staring out of the bathroom and staring at the bed. Xu leisurely was not very embarrassed: "I saw many people on the Internet say Newly-married bedding should be red, is a hi bed, isn’t it good?” Yan Yan said: “No, no, not very good, very beautiful, very beautiful.

Xu Youran smiled and said, "Well, let's dry your hair, come over."

This is a naked invitation! Yan Yan walked away with excitement, and unexpectedly walked with him and said: "I am going to take a shower.

Yan Yan: ..., I hate taking a shower!

They have been together for so long, and they have never had any substantive in-depth exchanges. He heard that Heyuan had a malicious statement that Xu is a cool personality, very repulsive, and with him, if you don’t go out to steal, wait Be a monk. At that time, he dragged He Yuan to the corner of the wall and smashed it again, but that time he did not hit his face.

He looked at Xu Youran into the back of the bathroom, smiled helplessly, forget it, then sleep, he went to bed, just want to lick the quilt, think of the marriage certificate still in the living room, busy getting out and getting the marriage certificate well In the small box with the password lock prepared in advance, I put the small box into the bedside table and gently patted the surface of the drawer. Then I went to bed with a smile, let alone this big. The red hi bed is not the same, the mood is extraordinarily excited, and I can't sleep at all.

After a while, Xu Youran came out of the bathroom. I don’t know if it’s hot water today. His face is very red. His skin is white and his face is very obvious. In Yan Yan’s view, special Attractive.

Yan Yan secretly swallowed his mouth and did not dare to be too obvious. He was afraid that Xu Youran would feel that he was an eager color ghost, thus giving him pressure.

He looked at Xu Youran and walked over and moved to the other side. He smiled and said, "Come on, I am hot here. You are coming up right now."

Xu Youran smiled and smiled. He opened the quilt and lay in. The warmth of Yan Yan was like a hook. He hooked his internal organs. In this life, he was afraid that he could not tear it.

He leaned over and touched the face of Yan Yan gently, and stressed: "If today, it is our wedding night.

IIE Rock also faced him sideways and whispered: "Yeah, leisurely, I think I am very happy now."

Xu leisurely nodded, raised his body, pushed Yan Yan's shoulder and pushed him flat, hanging himself above him, with the distance from the tip of his nose, whispered: "Newlywed night, there is one thing to do of."

Yan Yan was excited again, but in order to be on the safe side, he carefully asked: "What?" Xu Youran's lips fell down, mixed with the road: "Dongfang Yanyan: ..., surprises follow the routine routine, why? I still think it came so suddenly?~(V≤)/~ The two exchanged a lingering kiss, Xu leisurely began to kiss his throat, reached into the quilt and untied Yan Yan's bathrobe, gently stroked The skin around his waist.

If the breath is short, for a while, I can't help but turn over and drop the position of the two people. I bow down and hold the lips of Xu Youran's lips, and I don't have time to take my hands. Take off, throwing out the quilt and leisurely, I am very happy with the enthusiasm of the lover, but he feels that the wedding night is better with the traditional posture, and the body has turned hard and turned back, reaching out to take Yan Yan’s inside. Lost.

Yan Yan felt the hand touched on himself, and felt that this position was not right. He also felt that it was not necessary to ride on the wedding night. His arm was forced to stay on the bed, and Xu Youran was pressed under him. And got rid of his inner inside.

Xu Youran: ..., he silently turned back and continued to kiss.

Rock: ..., so I like to ride? No, Xu Youran always thought that Bai Yihan had given him the night of their engagement. Then he now... thinks he is attacking?

No, this position is too dangerous! Thinking of this, he turned over without hesitation!

Xu Youran just wants to laugh. It seems that the lover has a soft spot for the posture of the recipient. If you forget it, just follow him. If you think about it, he will not move any more, but the next progress will make him more When he came to Mongolia, he held his hand on his lap and gasped. "If, what are you going to do?"

Yan Yan’s innocent road: “What about the cave house?

Xu Youran only said a long time: "But how are you, what do you do with me? Shouldn't I come?"

Yan Yan rubbed his eyes and grievances to withdraw his hand. He whispered: "I am pure No. 1, but if you want to, you can do it anyway. He bites his lip and corners, and he lie down slowly, holding both hands. The sheets were very nervous and closed my eyes and said, "Come on. ”

Xu Youran was distressed for a moment. It turned out that he was No. 1, but he thought of the way he slammed on the ground in the morning when he was slamming on the ground. He was almost distressed and bursting. In fact, he was drunk at the time, if Yan Yan was unwilling You can completely open yourself, but he doesn't. He must have loved him at that time. Forget it, he can do it for himself. Today is their wedding night. Let him give him one time. What if he is happy?

He looked at the lover who seemed to be waiting for his eyes, and kissed his lips gently, watching him nervous. "The eyelashes trembled, and the appease licked his face, reaching out to his neck with one hand. Under his waist, he took him to himself, and when he opened his eyes in a strange way, he said softly: "Rock, I love you." "Looking at the starlight of the lover's black scorpion, at this moment, he feels that his boyfriend is bursting!

But for the rest of the night, he was very masculine, because Yan Yan was like crazy, he had to ask him to let go of him again and again, but every time he asked for mercy, Yan Yan would be more excited. Xu Youran is almost crying.

The next day is approaching noon, Xu is still asleep, his lips are red and swollen, his eyes are still a little bit of tears, his look is very wrong, looks very pitiful.

Yan Yan got up early, he wouldn't do anything else, he cooked a pot of porridge, and pulled out some of the Qinglai from the refrigerator. He washed it and threw it into the porridge. He cooked well and his spirit was still exciting. After walking around the house for a few laps, I began to clean up the living room, mopping the floor, cleaning up the coffee table, the cabinet, and even wiping the window, and the window was clean and shiny.

Until there was no work to do at home, Xu Youran still didn't wake up. Yan Yan walked around in the living room, sat on the sofa and played for a while, and did not dare to make a sound, afraid to miss the movement in the bedroom. Waiting for a while, he couldn’t help but push the door into the bedroom, moved a chair and sat in front of the bed and looked at Xu’s sleepy look. He looked at his grievances and smiled secretly. I will be willing to let you know everything, right? He said last night, I love you.

God! I thought I had a way to go. I didn't expect to have reached heaven. He wanted to touch Xu Youran, and he was afraid to disturb him to sleep. He had to hold back and sit there silently.

Xu Youran had been asleep until three o'clock in the afternoon before he woke up. He saw Yan Ruo and dumbly said: "I asked you last night, I want to come next time.

Yan Yan smiled and gave him a sigh of relief, softly said: "The next thing, I will say it next time. ”

Little fool, this kind of thing can't be allowed. If you want to press me, you have to look at your skills.

Watching him sleepy, his lips red and red, Yan Yan couldn't help but gently embrace him, sighing softly in his ear: "My Nanshan is big, I can see Nanshan leisurely, but I am Yanshan, leisurely. When you saw me, you ran into a mountain and couldn’t look back.

Xu Youran whispered: "This life, I never thought about going back.