MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 11 The end of the world (1)

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Just look at the ex-sexual summary, Shiqing is a bit awkward, zombies, mutations, monsters... don't bully the timid people! Although he died a little, he still accepts incompetence for the blame. I haven’t seen any horror films like this. I have to watch the sci-fi types like Resident Evil. I have to have a nightmare, but I have to witness so many zombies in this situation. This is the rhythm of death!

Shi Qing was obviously shaking as a group of black fog. Although he was afraid, he also knew that he could not hide. He finally got up and continued to check.

As the Qing is afraid of, the world that passes through this time is a world of zombies, monsters everywhere, and the deep world of human life.

But fortunately, the cause is sci-fi, but at least not blame.

In order to study the genetic changes of human beings, a research organization of a pothole has carried out taboo research in order to obtain more powerful forces, which has led to a huge disaster. The first batch of experimental bodies only showed emotional arrogance, gaffe, and loss of reason, but the relatives became powerful, the nails were sharp, and they did not understand fear, and they did not know the pain. The fighting power was extremely strong.

These experimental bodies are still within the controllable range. Although they are semi-finished products, they are considered to be some degree of breakthrough. At least their strength has surged, and some crazy researchers have seen hope.

In a year-long experiment, after a major surgery, the experiment miraculously converges on the arrogant mood, becoming very docile, but the powerful force still exists, but it seems to have lost the ability to communicate, change I am empty, ignorant, and lifeless.

At this time, the experimental team's experimental leaks were strongly denounced and questioned by the outside world. After all, they are directly experimenting with the human body. Even if the experimental body is an innocent criminal, it is absolutely unforgivable in the eyes of the humanist.

Of course, since the research team dared to do such experiments, there is also a background. I could have easily settled this matter, but I didn’t expect that because of a big change in the political situation, the people behind me were self-sufficient and even let go of it for the sake of fame.

Lost support, although there are still guarded troops, but under a raid, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, the experimental base was broken, and the scientists involved in the experiment were arrested. Laboratory exposure, semi-finished experimental bodies are also leaking in front of people.

Although the experimental body is powerful, it has become stupid because of drug suppression. The ignorant is like a three-year-old child. They were sent to a medical center for treatment, trying to make a final effort to save their lives.

However, the tragedy has since been born.

From the laboratory to the hospital, because it was night, there was nothing unusual. At three in the morning, the experimental body was examined in detail and sent to different wards.

One night of sleep, the next day, the tranquility of the world, completely collapsed because a nurse opened the curtains.

The bright sunshine shines into the ward. It should have been warm, and it made people feel comfortable, but it caused the experimental bodies to succumb, and then the scene of horror was born.

Their bodies began to rot, rout, empty eyes became crazy and mad, teeth and nails suddenly increased, sharp like a blade. The horrible change caused the nurses to scream loudly, but the screaming of this voice did not save them, but dragged them into the abyss.

The experimental body rushed to them, and the sharp nails shredded their bodies. In a flash, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the white angel uniform was dyed with horrible blood.

The emergency rescue of the hospital was opened, but it was impossible to block the powerful experimental body. However, in just a few minutes, a whole building became a sea of ​​flesh and blood.

This is not the end, but the beginning of a disaster.

The hospital building was only immersed for just ten minutes, and it only broke out after the police arrived.

All the dead people are 'live', their bodies are ruined, but they are no longer bleeding. Even if the organs are out, the head is broken, but they are still obsessed. Knife and ammunition hit the body, in addition to making more minced meat, no other role, they are like undead, although the action is slow, but the power is arrogant, can cut off steel by hand.

The police officers who dispatched did not let the experimental body die, but they even strengthened their team.

In just one night, the situation has completely lost control, and the whole city has been in a state of panic. When the government reacted and launched the rescue, it was already three days later, and the city of millions of people completely became a dead city.

This originally beautiful and peaceful city of flowers and seas became the beginning of a nightmare, and was later called the original city of horror.

The zombies not only can erode humans, but also make the animals and plants that they come into contact with and mutate and become crazy murderers.

Humans and zombies fight monsters, paying a huge price, but also accumulated enough experience.

After a decade-long nightmare, humanity has finally made a huge breakthrough.

The mission of the Qin Desert also appeared at this moment. A scientist named Leng Lin went to the original city of horror under the protection of the army and mercenaries. He was looking for the first batch of experiments, by collecting their samples. Develop antibodies.

As long as the dead human beings are no longer demonized and the root causes of the virus are cut off, then the dawn of victory can be truly seen.

The Qin Mo will pass through the mercenaries around the cold forest. The main task is to **** the serum antibodies back to the base.

After reading the world background, Shi Qing’s heart was in the middle of the sky, but Qin Mo slightly frowned and asked: “There is no time limit?”

When Qing Qing stunned, he heard the dissatisfaction in his tone for a long time, and suddenly he burst into tears. Big brother! The focus of your attention can not be reliable! Such a dangerous task, such a horrible task of killing a person with a high probability of death, but also limited time ... I rub, Shi Qing said that he has no power to vomit.

Shi Qing’s rare silence made him look at him more, but he did not say much, but instead stared at the wall.

He blinked his eyes and suddenly asked: "This is the main task, so there is a side task?"

Shi Qing looked at him in the sight of his slow, half-beating reaction, he was amazed at the keen instinct of Qin Mo, and then realized that he did not know the problem.

However, he has a quick manual, and hastened to turn over the big dictionary, which really has this introduction.

He directly read to Qin Mo: "The squad task belongs to the extra reward. There is no task reminder in the early stage. Only when the task is triggered will the reminder be given. The spur line task is separated from the main line task, and the unfinished squad task has no punishment, complete the branch task. You will receive a base of 5,000 coins and a random reward."

While reading, Shiqing was excited, I rubbed it, five thousand coins, this is to send!

The Qin desert, but also the body to practice, did not hesitate to accept the task.

When Qing Qing woke up from the fantasy dot mountain, he was already involved in the whirlpool, and at this time he heard a message in his ear: "Give a free body."

When Shi Qing was amazed, his jade body was soaked in medicinal materials, and it was already gray and sloppy. It seems that the system is full of kindness.

However, Shi Qing does not have good hopes... Free of charge... Certainly no good things. 2k novel reading network

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